- class measures[source]
measures tool
Methods Summary
addxvalue will give some additional information about some measures as a vector of quantities.
asbaseline converts a position measure into a baseline measure.
baseline defines a baseline measure from the CLI.
cometdist returns the angular diameter (as seen from Earth) in AU of the current comet in the current frame, as a quantity.
cometdist returns the distance in AU of the current comet in the current frame, as a quantity.
cometname gets the name of the current comet (if any).
comettopo gets the comet table’s topographic coordinates used.
comettype gets the comet table type (apparent or topocentric)
direction defines a direction measure from the CLI.
dirshow will convert a direction measure to a string
doframe will set the measure specified as part of a frame.
In general you will not want to call this method.
doppler defines a doppler measure from the CLI.
earthmagnetic defines an earthmagnetic measure from the CLI.
epoch defines an epoch measure from the CLI.
expand calculates the differences between a series of given measure values: it calculates baseline values from position values.
framecomet will put the specified comet table in the frame.
framenow will fill the active frame time with the current date and time.
frequency defines a frequency measure from the CLI.
getoff gets the actual offset of the measure (as a measure) or F if no offset given.
gettype gets the actual reference code of the measure.
gettype gets the actual type of the measure.
getvalue gets the actual implementation value of the measure.
Checks if the operand is a correct measure
linelist will give you a string with a space separated list of spectral lines known in the Lines table.
listcodes will produce the known reference codes for a specified measure type.
measure converts measures (epoch, direction etc.) from one reference to another.
Create a measures tool on the specified host (or by default the host you are running on).
observatory will give you the position of an observatory as given in the system. At the time of writing the following observatories are recognised (but check e.g. the position GUI for currently known ones, or the me.obslist() tool function)::.
obslist will give you an array of strings of the observatories known in the Observatories table.
posangle will give the position angle from a direction to another.
position defines a position measure from the CLI.
radialvelocity defines a radialvelocity measure from the CLI.
rise will give the rise/set hour-angles of a source.
rise will give the rise/set times of a source.
separation will give the separation of a direction from another as an angle.
This method calculates the direction measure located at the specified offset angular amount along the specified position angle from the specified direction measure.
show will convert a measure to a string.
showframe will display the currently active reference frame values on the terminal.
source will give you the direction of a source.
sourcelist will give you a string with the space separated list of sources known in the Sources table.
spectralline will give you the frequency of a spectral line.
todoppler will convert a radialvelocity measure or a frequency measure to a doppler measure.
tofrequency will convert a Doppler type value (e.g.
toradialvelocity will convert a Doppler type value (e.g.
torestfrequency will convert a frequency measure and a doppler measure (e.g.
touvw calculates a uvw measure from a baseline.
type will return the tool name.
uvw defines a uvw measure from the CLI.
- addxvalue(a='')[source]
addxvalue will give some additional information about some measures as a vector of quantities. It is used internally to get the rectangular coordinates of measures that are normally given in angles. The casual user will probably in general not interested in this function.
a (record='')
- measures for which extra information is to be gotten
print "\t----\t addxvalue Ex 1 \t----" a=me.observatory('atca') print a #{'m0': {'value': 2.6101423190348916, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -0.5261379196128062, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 6372960.2577234386, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'ITRF', # 'type': 'position'} print me.addxvalue(a) #{'value': [-4750915.8370000012, 2792906.1819999996, -3200483.747], 'unit': 'm'} print me.addxvalue(me.epoch('utc','today')) #{}
- asbaseline(pos='')[source]
asbaseline converts a position measure into a baseline measure. No actual baseline is calculated, since operations can be done on positions, with subtractions to obtain baselines at a later stage.
pos (record='')
- position measure
print "\t----\t asbaseline Ex 1 \t----" ####An example of getting baselines with 3 antenna positions #### Define the frame ; where, which-direction and when me.doframe(me.observatory('VLA')) me.doframe(me.direction('J2000', '19h20m00', '20d10m00')) me.doframe(me.epoch('utc', '2007/07/08/20:30:00')) ##antenna position ants=me.position('itrf',qa.quantity([3828763.11,3828746.55, 3828727.43],'m'), qa.quantity([442449.106,442592.14, 442580.12],'m'), qa.quantity([5064923.01, 5064923.01, 5064923.51],'m')) print ants #{'type': 'position', 'refer': 'ITRF', 'm1': {'value': array([ 0.92031276, 0.92031276, 0.92031535]), 'unit': 'rad'}, #'m0': {'value': array([ 0.11504897, 0.11508633, 0.1150838 ]), 'unit': 'rad'}, #'m2': {'value': array([ 6364639.28758924, 6364639.27051283, 6364627.33064587]), 'unit': 'm'}} bl=me.asbaseline(ants) print bl #{'type': 'baseline', 'refer': 'J2000', 'm1': {'value': array([ 0.92068328, 0.92068326, 0.92068585]), 'unit': 'rad'}, #'m0': {'value': array([-2.08658811, -2.08655073, -2.08655326]), 'unit': 'rad'}, #'m2': {'value': array([ 6364639.28758924, 6364639.27051283, 6364627.33064587]), 'unit': 'm'}} me.expand(bl) #{'return': {'m0': {'unit': 'rad', # 'value': array([-0.51637894, -0.36575235, 1.50036599])}, # 'm1': {'unit': 'rad', # 'value': array([-0.00060966, 0.00302388, 0.02206414])}, # 'm2': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([ 143.98943974, 135.78652583, 22.58992696])}, # 'refer': 'J2000', # 'type': 'baseline'}, # 'xyz': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([ 1.25215025e+02, -7.10925354e+01, -8.77850493e-02, # 1.26804339e+02, -4.85640980e+01, 4.10601842e-01, # 1.58931410e+00, 2.25284374e+01, 4.98386892e-01])}}
- baseline(rf='ITRF', v0='', v1='', v2='', off='')[source]
baseline defines a baseline measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, baseline quantity values (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value, and when a vector of quantities is given), and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a baseline. Allowable reference codes are ITRF and the direction ones.
Note that additional ones may become available. Check in casa with:
print "\t----\t baseline Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.baseline()) # {'normal': array(['J2000', 'JMEAN', 'JTRUE', 'APP', 'B1950', 'B1950_VLA', 'BMEAN', # 'BTRUE', 'GALACTIC', 'HADEC', 'AZEL', 'AZELSW', 'AZELNE', 'AZELGEO', # 'AZELSWGEO', 'AZELNEGEO', 'JNAT', 'ECLIPTIC', 'MECLIPTIC', # 'TECLIPTIC', 'SUPERGAL', 'ITRF', 'TOPO', 'ICRS'], # dtype='|S10'), 'extra': array([], # dtype='|S1')}
The baseline quantity values should be either longitude (angle), latitude(angle) and height(length); or x,y,z (length). See quantity for possible angle formats.
rf (string='ITRF')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- longitude or xv1 (variant='')
- latitude or yv2 (variant='')
- height or zoff (record='')
- optional offset baseline measure
print "\t----\t Ex 2 \t----" print me.baseline('itrf','30deg','40deg','10m') #{'m0': {'value': 0.52359877559829882, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 0.6981317007977319, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 9.9999999999999982, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'ITRF', # 'type': 'baseline'} print me.doframe(me.observatory('atca')) print me.doframe(me.source('1934-638')) print me.doframe(me.epoch('utc',qa.unit('today'))) print me.measure(me.baseline('itrf','30deg','40deg','10m'), 'J2000') #{'m0': {'value': 0.58375325605991979, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 0.69758519780286155, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 9.9999999999999964, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'J2000', # 'type': 'baseline'}
- cometangdiam()[source]
cometdist returns the angular diameter (as seen from Earth) in AU of the current comet in the current frame, as a quantity. It will return -1 radians on failure!
- cometdist()[source]
cometdist returns the distance in AU of the current comet in the current frame, as a quantity. It will return -1 AU on failure!
- direction(rf='J2000', v0='', v1='', off='')[source]
direction defines a direction measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, direction quantity values (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value),
and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a direction. Allowable reference codes are: J2000 JMEAN JTRUE APP B1950 BMEAN BTRUE GALACTIC HADEC AZEL SUPERGAL ECLIPTIC MECLIPTIC TECLIPTIC MERCURY VENUS MARS JUPITER SATURN URANUS NEPTUNE PLUTO MOON SUN COMET. Note that additional ones may become available. Check in with:
print "\t----\t direction Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.direction()) #{'normal': ['J2000', 'JMEAN', 'JTRUE', 'APP', 'B1950', 'BMEAN', #'BTRUE', 'GALACTIC', 'HADEC', 'AZEL', 'AZELSW', 'AZELNE', 'AZELGEO', #'AZELSWGEO', 'AZELNEGEO', 'JNAT', 'ECLIPTIC', 'MECLIPTIC', #'TECLIPTIC', 'SUPERGAL', 'ITRF', 'TOPO', 'ICRS'], 'extra': ['MERCURY', #'VENUS', 'MARS', 'JUPITER', 'SATURN', 'URANUS', 'NEPTUNE', 'PLUTO', #'SUN', 'MOON', 'COMET']}
The direction quantity values should be longitude(angle) and latitude(angle) (none needed for planets: the frame epoch defines coordinates). See quantity for possible angle formats.
rf (string='J2000')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- longitudev1 (variant='')
- latitudeoff (record='')
- optional offset direction measure
print "\t----\t direction Ex 2 \t----" print me.direction('j2000','30deg','40deg') #{'m0': {'value': 0.52359877559829882, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 0.69813170079773168, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'refer': 'J2000', # 'type': 'direction'} # print me.direction('mars') #{'m0': {'value': 0.0, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 1.5707963267948966, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'refer': 'MARS', # 'type': 'direction'}
- dirshow(v='')[source]
dirshow will convert a direction measure to a string
v (record='')
- a direction measure value to be converted to string
print "\t----\t dirshow Ex 1 \t----" print me.dirshow(me.direction('venus')) #[0, 90] deg VENUS
- doframe(v='')[source]
doframe will set the measure specified as part of a frame.
If conversion from one type to another is necessary, with the measure function, the following frames should be set if one of the reference types involved in the conversion is as in the following lists. Epoch
J2000 JMEAN epoch JTRUE epoch APP epoch B1950 BMEAN epoch BTRUE epoch GALACTIC HADEC epoch position AZEL epoch position SUPERGALACTIC ECLIPTIC MECLIPTIC epoch TECLIPTIC epoch PLANET epoch [position]
Radial Velocity
LSRK direction LSRD direction BARY direction GEO direction epoch TOPO direction epoch position GALACTO direction
REST direction radialvelocity LSRK direction LSRD direction BARY direction GEO direction epoch TOPO direction epoch position GALACTO
v (record='')
- measure to be set in frame
print "\t----\t doframe Ex 1 \t----" a = me.epoch('utc', 'today') # a time print a #{'m0': {'value': 54054.91671484954, 'unit': 'd'}, # 'refer': 'UTC', # 'type': 'epoch'} print me.doframe(a) # set time in frame #True
- done()[source]
In general you will not want to call this method. It removes and then recreates the default measures tool.
- doppler(rf='RADIO', v0='', off='')[source]
doppler defines a doppler measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, doppler quantity value (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value),
and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a doppler. Allowable reference codes are: RADIO Z RATIO BETA GAMMA OPTICAL TRUE RELATIVISTIC. Note that additional ones may become available. Check in with:
print "\t----\t doppler Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.doppler()) #{'normal': ['RADIO', 'Z', 'RATIO', 'BETA', 'GAMMA', 'OPTICAL', # 'TRUE', 'RELATIVISTIC'], 'extra': []}
The doppler quantity values should be either non-dimensioned to specify a ratio of the light velocity, or in velocity.
rf (string='RADIO')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- doppler ratio/velocityoff (record='')
- optional offset doppler measure
Examples both give same doppler: print "\t----\t doppler Ex 2 \t----" print me.doppler('radio','0.4') #{'m0': {'value': 119916983.2, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'RADIO', # 'type': 'doppler'} print me.doppler('radio',qa.mul(qa.quantity('0.4'),qa.constants('c'))) #{'m0': {'value': 119916983.2, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'RADIO', # 'type': 'doppler'}
- earthmagnetic(rf='IGRF', v0='', v1='', v2='', off='')[source]
earthmagnetic defines an earthmagnetic measure from the CLI. It needs a reference code, earthmagnetic quantity values (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value) if the reference code is not for a model, and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a earthmagnetic. In general you specify a model (IGRF is the default and the only one known) and convert it to an explicit field. (See
for information on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field). The earthmagnetic quantity values should be either longitude (angle), latitude(angle) and length(field strength); or x,y,z (field). See quantity for possible angle formats.
rf (string='IGRF')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- Field strengthv1 (variant='')
- longitudev2 (variant='')
- latitudeoff (record='')
- optional offset earthmagnetic measure
print "\t----\t earthmagnetic Ex 1 \t----" print me.earthmagnetic('igrf') #{'type': 'earthmagnetic', 'refer': 'IGRF', 'm1': {'value': 0.0, 'unit': 'nT'}, # 'm0': {'value': 6.1230317691118855e-23, 'unit': 'nT'}, # 'm2': {'value': 9.9999999999999995e-07, 'unit': 'nT'}} print me.doframe(me.observatory('atca')) print me.doframe(me.source('1934-638')) print me.doframe(me.epoch('utc',qa.unit('today'))) print me.measure(me.earthmagnetic('igrf'), 'j2000') #{'type': 'earthmagnetic', 'refer': 'J2000', # 'm1': {'value': -8664.8767628222304, 'unit': 'nT'}, # 'm0': {'value': 50544.054410564473, 'unit': 'nT'}, # 'm2': {'value': 1799.5131920958615, 'unit': 'nT'}}
- epoch(rf='UTC', v0='', off='')[source]
epoch defines an epoch measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, an epoch quantity value (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value),
and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be an epoch. Allowable reference codes are: UTC TAI LAST LMST GMST1 GAST UT1 UT2 TDT TCG TDB TCB. Note that additional ones may become available. Check in with:
print "\t----\t epoch Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.epoch()) #{'normal': ['LAST', 'LMST', 'GMST1', 'GAST', 'UT1', 'UT2', 'UTC', 'TAI', # 'TDT', 'TCG', 'TDB', 'TCB', 'IAT', 'GMST', 'TT', 'ET', 'UT'], 'extra': []} #
See quantity for possible time formats.
rf (string='UTC')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- epoch valueoff (record='')
- optional offset epoch measure
print "\t----\t epoch Ex 2 \t----" print me.epoch('utc','today') #{'m0': {'value': 54048.861237743055, 'unit': 'd'}, # 'refer': 'UTC', # 'type': 'epoch'}
- expand(v='')[source]
expand calculates the differences between a series of given measure values: it calculates baseline values from position values. The returned value is a measure, but the value of the optional output variable xyz will be set to an array of values.
v (record='')
- measure (baseline, position or uvw measure)
print "\t----\t expand Ex 1 \t----" b=me.baseline('itrf', qa.quantity([10, 20, 30], 'm'), qa.quantity([10, 20, 30], 'm'), qa.quantity([0, 0, 0], 'm')) print me.expand(b) me.expand(b) #{'return': {'m0': {'unit': 'rad', # 'value': array([ 0.78539816, 0.78539816, 0.78539816])}, # 'm1': {'unit': 'rad', 'value': array([ 0., 0., 0.])}, # 'm2': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([ 14.14213562, 28.28427125, 14.14213562])}, # 'refer': 'ITRF', # 'type': 'baseline'}, # 'xyz': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([ 10., 10., 0., 20., 20., 0., 10., 10., 0.])}} print me.expand(b)['xyz']['value'] #[ 10. 10. 0. 20. 20. 0. 10. 10. 0.]
- framecomet(v='')[source]
framecomet will put the specified comet table in the frame.
v (string='')
- name of a table
print "\t----\t framecomet Ex 1 \t----" print me.framecomet('VGEO') #True print me.showframe() #'Frame: VENUS comet between MJD 50802.7 and 50803.1' print me.cometname() #'VENUS' print me.comettype() #'APP' print me.doframe(me.epoch('et',qa.quantity('1997/12/20/17:30:0'))) #True print me.measure(me.direction('comet'),'app') #{'m0': {'value': -0.94936485919663083, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -0.34710256485894436, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'refer': 'APP', # 'type': 'direction'}
- framenow()[source]
framenow will fill the active frame time with the current date and time. The different frame values necessary are described in the doframe function
- frequency(rf='LSRK', v0='', off='')[source]
frequency defines a frequency measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, frequency quantity value (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value),
and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a frequency. Allowable reference codes are: REST LSRK LSRD BARY GEO TOPO GALACTO LGROUP CMB. Note that additional ones may become available. Check in with:
print "\t----\t frequency Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.frequency()) #{'normal': ['REST', 'LSRK', 'LSRD', 'BARY', 'GEO', 'TOPO', # 'GALACTO', 'LGROUP', 'CMB'], 'extra': []}
The frequency quantity values should be in one of the recognised units (examples all give same frequency):
value with time units: a period (0.5s)
value as frequency: 2Hz
value in angular frequency: 720deg/s
value as length: 149896km
value as wave number: 4.19169e-8m-1
value as energy ( 8.27134e-9ueV
value as momentum: 4.42044e-42kg.m
rf (string='LSRK')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- frequency/wavelength/ldotsoff (record='')
- optional offset frequency measure
print "\t----\t frequency Ex 2 \t----" print me.frequency('lsrk','5GHz') #{'m0': {'value': 5000000000.0, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'LSRK', # 'type': 'frequency'} print me.frequency('lsrk','21cm') #{'m0': {'value': 1427583133.3333333, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'LSRK', # 'type': 'frequency'}
- getoffset(v='')[source]
getoff gets the actual offset of the measure (as a measure) or F if no offset given.
v (record='')
- measure (array of measures)
print "\t----\t getoffset Ex 1 \t----" b=me.direction('j2000','0deg','80deg') print me.getvalue(b) #{'m0': {'value': 0.0, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 1.3962634015954634, 'unit': 'rad'}} print me.gettype(b) #'Direction' print me.getref(b) #'J2000' print me.getoffset(b) #{}
- getref(v='')[source]
gettype gets the actual reference code of the measure.
v (record='')
- measure (array of measures)
print "\t----\t getref Ex 1 \t----" b=me.direction('j2000','0deg','80deg') print me.getvalue(b) #{'m0': {'value': 0.0, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 1.3962634015954634, 'unit': 'rad'}} print me.gettype(b) #'Direction' print me.getref(b) #'J2000'
- gettype(v='')[source]
gettype gets the actual type of the measure.
v (record='')
- measure (array of measures)
print "\t----\t gettype Ex 1 \t----" b=me.direction('j2000','0deg','80deg') print me.getvalue(b) #{'m0': {'value': 0.0, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 1.3962634015954634, 'unit': 'rad'}} print me.gettype(b) #'Direction'
- getvalue(v='')[source]
getvalue gets the actual implementation value of the measure.
v (record='')
- measure (array of measures)
print "\t----\t getvalue Ex 1 \t----" b=me.direction('j2000','0deg','80deg') print me.getvalue(b) #{'m0': {'value': 0.0, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 1.3962634015954634, 'unit': 'rad'}}
- ismeasure(v='')[source]
Checks if the operand is a correct measure
v (record='')
- value to be tested
print "\t----\t ismeasure Ex 1 \t----" x=me.epoch('utc','today') print x #{'m0': {'value': 54056.043754386577, 'unit': 'd'}, # 'refer': 'UTC', # 'type': 'epoch'} print me.ismeasure(x) #True y=me.getvalue(x) print y #{'m0': {'value': 54056.043754386577, 'unit': 'd'}} print me.ismeasure(y) #False print "Last example, exiting!" exit()
- linelist()[source]
linelist will give you a string with a space separated list of spectral lines known in the Lines table.
A number of lines are available now, but tables with many lines are already online, and will be interfaced once a nomenclature can be defined for the tens of thousands of lines.
- listcodes(ms='')[source]
listcodes will produce the known reference codes for a specified measure type. It will return a record with two entries. The first is a string vector of all normal codes; the second a string vector (maybe empty) with all extra codes (like planets). NOTE: Synonyms and different code groups may be present in the code name lists. The indices in these lists therefore do not necessarily correspond to the internal CASA enumeration indices.
ms (record='')
- the measure type for which to list
print "\t----\t listcodes Ex 1 \t----" # Generate some direction # Note that an empty or non-specified reference code will produce the # measure with the default code for that measure type a=me.direction() print me.getref(a) #'J2000' print me.ismeasure(a) #True # Get the known reference codes for direction print me.listcodes(a) # {'normal': array(['J2000', 'JMEAN', 'JTRUE', 'APP', 'B1950', 'B1950_VLA', 'BMEAN', # 'BTRUE', 'GALACTIC', 'HADEC', 'AZEL', 'AZELSW', 'AZELNE', 'AZELGEO', # 'AZELSWGEO', 'AZELNEGEO', 'JNAT', 'ECLIPTIC', 'MECLIPTIC', # 'TECLIPTIC', 'SUPERGAL', 'ITRF', 'TOPO', 'ICRS'], # dtype='|S10'), 'extra': array(['MERCURY', 'VENUS', 'MARS', 'JUPITER', 'SATURN', 'URANUS', # 'NEPTUNE', 'PLUTO', 'SUN', 'MOON', 'COMET'], # dtype='|S8')}
- measure(v='', rf='', off='')[source]
measure converts measures (epoch, direction etc.) from one reference to another. It will, for instance, convert a direction from J2000 to AZEL representation. Its arguments are a measure, an output reference code (see the individual measures for the allowable codes (direction, position, epoch, frequency, doppler, radialvelocity, baseline, uvw, earthmagnetic)), and an optional offset of the same type as the main measure. The offset will be subtracted from the result before it is returned. In some cases (see the individual measures for when), more information than just a reference code is necessary. E.g. the above example of a conversion to AZEL, needs to know for when, and where on Earth we want it. This information is stored in a reference frame. Measures are set in the reference frame with the doframe function. The frame is tool wide.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To get an accurate conversion of solar system objects direction to a celestial frame, one should convert to AZEL or HADEC before to get parallax accounted for. Thus if you want to get the moon’s position in would do it in 2 stages i.e (after setting the appropriate frames)
moonazel=me.measure(me.direction(’moon’), ’AZELGEO’) moonJ2000=me.measure(moonazel, ’J2000’)
v (record='')
- measure to be convertedrf (string='')
- output reference codeoff (record='')
- optional output offset measure
print "\t----\t measure Ex 1 \t----" a = me.epoch('utc','today') # a time print a #{'m0': {'value': 54054.872957673608, 'unit': 'd'}, # 'refer': 'UTC', # 'type': 'epoch'} print me.doframe(me.source('1934-638')) print me.measure(a, 'tai') # convert to IAT #{'m0': {'value': 54054.873339618054, 'unit': 'd'}, # 'refer': 'TAI', # 'type': 'epoch'} print me.doframe(a) # set time in frame #True print me.doframe(me.observatory('ALMA')) # set position in frame #True b=me.direction('j2000', qa.toangle('0h'), '-30deg') # a direction print b #{'m0': {'value': 0.0, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -0.52359877559829882, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'refer': 'J2000', # 'type': 'direction'} print me.measure(b, 'azel') # convert to AZEL #{'m0': {'value': 1.9244096810822324, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 0.76465385681363052, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'refer': 'AZEL', # 'type': 'direction'} print qa.angle(me.getvalue(me.measure(b,'azel'))['m0']) # show as angles #['+110.15.38'] print qa.angle(me.getvalue(me.measure(b,'azel'))['m1']) #['+043.48.41'] Another example: print "\t----\t measure Ex 2 \t----" # Fill the frame with necessary information print me.doframe(me.epoch('utc','today')) #True print me.doframe(me.observatory('ALMA')) #True print me.doframe(me.direction('mars')) #True a=qa.unit('1GHz') print a #{'value': 1.0, 'unit': 'GHz'} m=me.frequency('lsrk',qa.quantity(qa.getvalue(a),qa.getunit(a))) print m #{'m0': {'value': 1000000000.0, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'LSRK', # 'type': 'frequency'} print me.measure(m,'lsrd') #{'m0': {'value': 1000001766.3928765, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'LSRD', # 'type': 'frequency'}
- measures()[source]
Create a measures tool on the specified host (or by default the host you are running on).
- observatory(name='ALMA')[source]
observatory will give you the position of an observatory as given in the system. At the time of writing the following observatories are recognised (but check e.g. the position GUI for currently known ones, or the me.obslist() tool function):
name (string='ALMA')
- observatory name - case insensitive
print "\t----\t observatory Ex 1 \t----" print me.observatory('ATCA') #{'m0': {'value': 2.6101423190348916, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -0.5261379196128062, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 6372960.2577234386, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'ITRF', # 'type': 'position'}
- obslist()[source]
obslist will give you an array of strings of the observatories known in the Observatories table.
- posangle(m1='', m2='')[source]
posangle will give the position angle from a direction to another. I.e. the angle in a direction between the direction to the North pole and the other direction. The posiation angle is calculated in the frame of the first argument. m2 is thus converted to the frame of m1 before calculating the position angle.
m1 (record='')
- direction of source (direction measure)m2 (record='')
- direction of other source (direction measure)
print "\t----\t posangle Ex 1 \t----" a=me.direction('j2000','0deg','70deg') b=me.direction('j2000','0deg','80deg') print me.posangle(a,b) #{'value': -0.0, 'unit': 'deg'} print me.separation(a,b) #{'value': 9.9999999999999893, 'unit': 'deg'} tim=me.epoch('utc','today') print me.doframe(tim) #True pos=me.observatory('ATCA') print me.doframe(pos) #True print me.posangle(a,b) #{'value': -0.0, 'unit': 'deg'} ###Example of how to calculate the parallactic angle of a given direction on thesky. ###set the frames and epoch
- position(rf='WGS84', v0='', v1='', v2='', off='')[source]
position defines a position measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, position quantity values (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value),
and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a position. Allowable reference codes are: WGS84 ITRF (World Geodetic System and International Terrestrial Reference Frame). Note that additional ones may become available. Check in with:
print "\t----\t position Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.position()) #{'normal': ['ITRF', 'WGS84'], 'extra': []}
The position quantity values should be either longitude (angle), latitude(angle) and height(length); or x,y,z (length). See quantity for possible angle formats.
rf (string='WGS84')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- longitude or xv1 (variant='')
- latitude or yv2 (variant='')
- height or zoff (record='')
- optional offset position measure
print "\t----\t position Ex 2 \t----" print me.position('wgs84','30deg','40deg','10m') #{'m0': {'value': 0.52359877559829882, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 0.6981317007977319, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 9.9999999999999982, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'WGS84', # 'type': 'position'} print me.observatory('ATCA') #{'m0': {'value': 2.6101423190348916, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -0.5261379196128062, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 6372960.2577234386, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'ITRF', # 'type': 'position'} ###One can use a quantity-vectors especially when dealing with multiple antenna positions for e.g for 3 positions ants=me.position('itrf',qa.quantity([3828763.11,3828746.55, 3828727.43],'m'), qa.quantity([442449.106,442592.14, 442580.12],'m'), qa.quantity([5064923.01, 5064923.01, 5064923.51],'m')) print ants #{'m0': {'unit': 'rad', # 'value': array([ 0.11504897, 0.11508633, 0.1150838 ])}, # 'm1': {'unit': 'rad', # 'value': array([ 0.92031276, 0.92031276, 0.92031535])}, # 'm2': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([ 6364639.28758924, 6364639.27051283, 6364627.33064587])}, # 'refer': 'ITRF', # 'type': 'position'}
- radialvelocity(rf='LSRK', v0='', off='')[source]
radialvelocity defines a radialvelocity measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, radialvelocity quantity value (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value),
and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a radialvelocity. Allowable reference codes are: LSRK LSRD BARY GEO TOPO GALACTO LGROUP CMB. Note that additional ones may become available. Check in with:
print "\t----\t radialvelocity Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.radialvelocity()) # Out[17]: #{'extra': [], # 'normal': ['LSRK', 'LSRD', 'BARY', 'GEO', 'TOPO', 'GALACTO', # 'LGROUP', 'CMB']}
The radialvelocity quantity values should be given as velocity.
rf (string='LSRK')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- radial velocityoff (record='')
- optional offset radialvelocity measure
print "\t----\t radialvelocity Ex 2 \t----" print me.radialvelocity('lsrk','20km/s') # Out[18]: #{'m0': {'value': 20000.0, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'LSRK', # 'type': 'radialvelocity'}
- rise(crd='', ev='0.0deg')[source]
rise will give the rise/set hour-angles of a source. It needs the position in the frame, and a time. If the latter is not set, the current time will be used.
crd (variant='')
- direction of source (direction measure)ev (variant='0.0deg')
- elevation angle limit
# NOT IMPLEMENTED print "\t----\t rise Ex 1 \t----" print me.rise(me.direction('sun')) #[rise=[value=267.12445, unit=deg], set=[value=439.029964, unit=deg]] print qa.form.long(me.rise(me.direction('sun')).rise) #17:48:29.868 #
- riseset(crd='', ev='0.0deg')[source]
rise will give the rise/set times of a source. It needs the position in the frame, and a time. If the latter is not set, the current time will be used. The returned value is a record with a ’solved’ field, which is F if the source is always below or above the horizon. In that case the rise and set fields will all have a string value. The record also returns a rise and set record, with ’last’ and ’utc’ fields showing the rise and set times as epochs.
crd (variant='')
- direction of source (direction measure)ev (variant='0.0deg')
- elevation limit
# NOT IMPLEMENTED print "\t----\t riseset Ex 1 \t----" print me.riseset(me.direction('sun')) #[solved=T, # rise=[last=[type=epoch, refer=LAST, m0=[value=0.0731388605, unit=d]], # utc=[type=epoch, refer=UTC, m0=[value=52085.8964, unit=d]]], # set=[last=[type=epoch, refer=LAST, m0=[value=0.455732593, unit=d]], # utc=[type=epoch, refer=UTC, m0=[value=52086.2779, unit=d]]]] print me.riseset(me.direction('sun'), qa.unit('80deg')) #[solved=F, # rise=[last=below, utc=below], # set=[last=below, utc=below]] print qa.form.long(me.riseset(me.direction('sun')).rise.utc.m0) #21:30:47.439 #
- separation(m1='', m2='')[source]
separation will give the separation of a direction from another as an angle.
m1 (record='')
- direction of source (direction measure)m2 (record='')
- direction of other source (direction measure)
print "\t----\t separation Ex 1 \t----" a=me.direction('j2000','0deg','70deg') b=me.direction('j2000','0deg','80deg') print me.separation(a,b) #{'value': 9.9999999999999893, 'unit': 'deg'} tim = me.epoch('utc','today') # set the time print me.doframe(tim) #True pos = me.observatory('ATCA') # set where print me.doframe(pos) #True c=me.measure(b,'azel') # try with different type print me.separation(a,c) #{'value': 10.000000000062277, 'unit': 'deg'} ### the example below is how to calculate ### the parallactic angle me.doframe(me.epoch('utc','2015/06/30/19:30:40'))) me.doframe(me.observatory('ALMA')) mydir = me.direction('J2000','17h28m00','-28d00m00' ) #convert direction to AZEL mydirazel=me.measure(mydir, 'AZEL') hadecpol=me.direction('HADEC', '00h00m00', '90d00m00') ### no need to convert north pole direction to AZEL ### as it will coverted to the frame of mydirazel parAngle=me.posangle(mydirazel, hadecpol)
- shift(v='', offset='0deg', pa='0deg')[source]
This method calculates the direction measure located at the specified offset angular amount along the specified position angle from the specified direction measure.
v (record='')
- The direction measure to shift, represented as a record.offset (variant='0deg')
- The angular offset, represented as a quantity record or (variant='0deg')
- Position angle of the offset, measured from the positive latitude axis through the positive longitude axis.
v = me.direction("J2000", "13:22:44", "-50.20.20") # shift along 4 arcminues at a pa of 30 degrees. offset = me.shift(v, offset="4arcmin", pa="30deg")
- show(v='', refcode=True)[source]
show will convert a measure to a string.
All measures are catered for (at this moment direction, position, epoch, radialvelocity, frequency, doppler, baseline, uvw, earthmagnetic ).
v (record='')
- measure value to be converted to stringrefcode (bool=True)
- add the reference code to output
print "\t----\t show Ex 1 \t----" print'lsrk', qa.constants('HI'))) #1.42041e+09 Hz LSRK print'lsrk', qa.constants('HI')), refcode=False) #1.42041e+09 Hz
- showframe()[source]
showframe will display the currently active reference frame values on the terminal. The different frame values necessary are described in the doframe function. The frame is displayed on the terminal using the formatting as done for the show function.
- source(name='1934-638')[source]
source will give you the direction of a source. The known list can be obtained by me.sourcelist().
name (variant='1934-638')
- name
print "\t----\t source Ex 1 \t----" print me.source() print me.source('1934-638') # Out[19]: #{'m0': {'value': -1.1370073467795063, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -1.1119959323803881, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'refer': 'ICRS', # 'type': 'direction'}
- sourcelist()[source]
sourcelist will give you a string with the space separated list of sources known in the Sources table.
- spectralline(name='HI')[source]
spectralline will give you the frequency of a spectral line. The known list can be obtained by me.linelist().
name (string='HI')
- name
print "\t----\t spectralline Ex 1 \t----" print me.spectralline('HI') #{'m0': {'value': 1420405751.786, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'REST', # 'type': 'frequency'}
- todoppler(rf='', v0='', rfq='')[source]
todoppler will convert a radialvelocity measure or a frequency measure to a doppler measure. In the case of a frequency, a rest frequency has to be specified. The type of doppler wanted (e.g. RADIO) has to be specified.
rf (string='')
- doppler reference typev0 (record='')
- radial velocity or frequency measurerfq (variant='')
- rest frequency (frequency measure or frequency quantity)
print "\t----\t todoppler Ex 1 \t----" f = me.frequency('lsrk','1410MHz') # specify a frequency print f #{'m0': {'value': 1410000000.0, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'LSRK', # 'type': 'frequency'} print me.todoppler('radio', f, qa.constants('HI')) # give doppler, using HI rest #{'m0': {'value': 2196249.8401180855, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'RADIO', # 'type': 'doppler'}
- tofrequency(rf='', v0='', rfq='')[source]
tofrequency will convert a Doppler type value (e.g. in radio mode) to a frequency. The type of frequency (e.g. LSRK) and a rest frequency (either as a frequency quantity (e.g. qa.constants(’HI’)) or a frequency measure (e.g. me.frequency(’rest’,’5100MHz’)) should be specified
rf (string='')
- frequency reference typev0 (record='')
- doppler measure valuerfq (record='')
- rest frequency (frequency measure or freuency quantity)
print "\t----\t tofrequency Ex 1 \t----" a=me.doppler('radio','0.4') print a #{'m0': {'value': 119916983.2, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'RADIO', # 'type': 'doppler'} print me.tofrequency('lsrk',a,qa.constants('HI')) #{'m0': {'value': 852243451.07159996, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'LSRK', # 'type': 'frequency'}
- toradialvelocity(rf='', v0='')[source]
toradialvelocity will convert a Doppler type value (e.g. in radio mode) to a real radialvelocity. The type of velocity (e.g. LSRK) should be specified
rf (string='')
- radial velocity reference typev0 (record='')
- doppler value measure
print "\t----\t toradialvelocity Ex 1 \t----" a = me.doppler('radio','0.4') print a # Out[4]: #{'m0': {'value': 119916983.2, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'RADIO', # 'type': 'doppler'} print me.toradialvelocity('topo',a) #{'m0': {'value': 141078803.7647059, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'TOPO', # 'type': 'radialvelocity'}
- torestfrequency(v0='', d0='')[source]
torestfrequency will convert a frequency measure and a doppler measure (e.g. obtained from another spectral line with a known rest frequency) to a rest frequency.
v0 (record='')
- frequency reference typed0 (record='')
- doppler measure value
print "\t----\t torestfrequency Ex 1 \t----" dp = me.doppler('radio', '2196.24984km/s') # a measured doppler speed print dp #{'m0': {'value': 2196249.8399999999, 'unit': 'm/s'}, # 'refer': 'RADIO', # 'type': 'doppler'} f = me.frequency('lsrk','1410MHz') # a measured frequency print f #{'m0': {'value': 1410000000.0, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'LSRK', # 'type': 'frequency'} print me.torestfrequency(f, dp) # the corresponding rest frequency #{'m0': {'value': 1420405751.7854364, 'unit': 'Hz'}, # 'refer': 'REST', # 'type': 'frequency'}
- touvw(v='')[source]
touvw calculates a uvw measure from a baseline. Note that the baseline does not have to be a proper baseline, but can be a series of positions (to call positions baselines see asbaseline ) for speed reasons: operations are linear and can be done on positions, which are converted to baseline values at the end (with expand ).
Whatever the reference code of the baseline, the returned uvw will be given in J2000. If the dot argument is given, that variable will be filled with a quantity array consisting of the time derivative of the uvw (note that only the sidereal rate is taken into account; not precession, earth tides and similar variations, which are much smaller). If the xyz variable is given, it will be filled with the quantity values of the uvw measure.
The values of the input baselines can be given as a quantity vector per x, y or z value.
uvw coordinates are calculated for a certain direction in the sky; hence the frame has to contain the direction for the calculation to work. Since the baseline and the sky rotate with respect of each other, the time should be specified as well.
v (record='')
- baseline measure
print "\t----\t touvw Ex 1 \t----" print me.doframe(me.observatory('atca')) #True print me.doframe(me.source('1934-638')) #True print me.doframe(me.epoch('utc',qa.unit('today'))) #True b=me.baseline('itrf','10m','20m','30m') print me.touvw(b) #{'dot': {'unit': 'm/s', # 'value': [-0.0011912452908351659, # -0.00098731747136827593, # -0.00048769097314181744]}, # 'return': {'m0': {'value': -0.094777304811312649, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -1.1509286139398101, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 37.416573867739416, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'J2000', # 'type': 'uvw'}, # 'xyz': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': [15.184026188402472, # -1.4434256399579168, # -34.166677788919138]}} print me.getvalue(me.touvw(b)) #{'m0': {'value': -0.094777304811312649, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': -1.1509286139398101, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 37.416573867739416, 'unit': 'm'}} print me.getvalue(me.touvw(b))['m0'] #{'value': -0.094777304811312649, 'unit': 'rad'} ###Or when you are dealing with multiple antennas ####set the frame..i,e where, direction and when. me.doframe(me.observatory('VLA')) me.doframe(me.direction('J2000', '19h20m00', '20d10m00')) me.doframe(me.epoch('utc', '2007/07/08/20:30:00')) ####antenna positions ants=me.position('itrf',qa.quantity([3828763.11,3828746.55, 3828727.43],'m'), qa.quantity([442449.106,442592.14, 442580.12],'m'), qa.quantity([5064923.01, 5064923.01, 5064923.51],'m')) ###convert to baseline measures bl=me.asbaseline(ants) ###convert to uvw me.touvw(bl) #{'dot': {'unit': 'm/s', # 'value': array([ 181.25190155, -73.29924893, 199.57974846, 181.25985238, # -73.29691498, 199.57339353, 181.2583565 , -73.29668498, # 199.57276731])}, # 'return': {'m0': {'unit': 'rad', # 'value': array([ 2.21611194, 2.21610131, 2.21609887])}, # 'm1': {'unit': 'rad', # 'value': array([ 0.6984441 , 0.69846521, 0.69846285])}, # 'm2': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([ 6364639.28758924, 6364639.27051283, 6364627.33064587])}, # 'refer': 'J2000', # 'type': 'uvw'}, # 'xyz': {'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([-2931661.69632123, 3894141.52172208, 4092634.20894752, # -2931568.34776551, 3894103.64373003, 4092737.08879791, # -2931559.14911939, 3894111.22249941, 4092717.89890567])}} ####print the (n-1)n/2 baselines(u,v,w) me.expand(me.touvw(bl)['return'])['xyz'] #{'unit': 'm', # 'value': array([ 93.34855573, -37.87799205, 102.8798504 , 102.54720184, # -30.29922267, 83.68995815, 9.19864612, 7.57876938, # -19.18989224])}
- uvw(rf='ITRF', v0='', v1='', v2='', off='')[source]
uvw defines a uvw measure from the CLI. It has to specify a reference code, uvw quantity values (see introduction for the action on a scalar quantity with either a vector or scalar value), and optionally it can specify an offset, which in itself has to be a uvw. Allowable reference codes are ITRF and the direction ones.
Note that additional ones may become available. Check in casa with:
print "\t----\t uvw Ex 1 \t----" print me.listcodes(me.uvw()) { 'normal': array(['J2000', 'JMEAN', 'JTRUE', 'APP', 'B1950', 'B1950_VLA', 'BMEAN', 'BTRUE', 'GALACTIC', 'HADEC', 'AZEL', 'AZELSW', 'AZELNE', 'AZELGEO', 'AZELSWGEO', 'AZELNEGEO', 'JNAT', 'ECLIPTIC', 'MECLIPTIC', 'TECLIPTIC', 'SUPERGAL', 'ITRF', 'TOPO', 'ICRS'], dtype='|S10'), 'extra': array([], dtype='|S1') }
The uvw quantity values should be either longitude (angle), latitude(angle) and height(length); or x,y,z (length). See quantity for possible angle formats.
rf (string='ITRF')
- reference codev0 (variant='')
- longitude or xv1 (variant='')
- latitude or yv2 (variant='')
- height or zoff (record='')
- optional offset uvw measure
print "\t----\t uvw Ex 2 \t----" print me.uvw('itrf','30deg','40deg','10m') #{'m0': {'value': 0.52359877559829882, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 0.6981317007977319, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 9.9999999999999982, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'ITRF', # 'type': 'uvw'} print me.doframe(me.epoch('utc','today')) #True print me.doframe(me.observatory('ALMA')) #True print me.doframe(me.direction('mars')) #True print me.measure(me.uvw('itrf','30deg','40deg','10m'), 'j2000') #{'m0': {'value': 0.52321924738347259, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm1': {'value': 0.69813169995801672, 'unit': 'rad'}, # 'm2': {'value': 10.0, 'unit': 'm'}, # 'refer': 'J2000', # 'type': 'uvw'}