
CASA monolithic environment bundling Python and library dependencies into a single download package.


The following executable applications are located in the <casa release>/bin directory of the expanded monolithic CASA tarball:


All of the casaviewer functionality is available through Python (see the “viewer” API). The Python viewer API makes full use of the casaconfig module to find the appropriate data directory. The command line “casaviewer” found in the <casa_release>/bin directory does not use casaconfig. It may be nececssary to use the “–datapath” argument when starting the command line casaviewer so that the viewer knows where to find the data it needs (e.g. measures tables for frame conversions). That path is then used by that instance of the viewer.

<casa_release>/bin/casaviewer --datapath <path_to_installed_casa_data>

startup options

terminal(-h, --help, --logfile, --log2term, --nologger, --nologfile, --nogui, --cachedir, --norc, --colors, --pipeline, --agg, --iplog, --notelemetry, --nocrashreport, --datapath, --user-site, -c)

With the full installation of CASA from a tar file, the python environment itself is included and started through ./bin/casa. This ./bin/casa executable can be provided the following options to change configuration values at run time:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--logfile LOGFILE     path to log file
--log2term            direct output to terminal
--nologger            do not start CASA logger
--nologfile           do not create a log file
--nogui               avoid starting GUI tools
--cachedir CACHEDIR   location for internal working files
--norc                do not load user ( is unaffected)
--colors {Neutral,NoColor,Linux,LightBG} prompt color
--pipeline            load CASA pipeline modules on startup
--agg                 startup without graphical backend
--iplog               create ipython log
--notelemetry         disable telemetry collection
--nocrashreport       do not submit an online report when CASA crashes
--datapath DATAPATH   data path(s) [colon separated]
--user-site           include user's local site-packages lib in path
(toggling this option turns it on; use to append to the path)
-c ...                python eval string or python script to execute


A few remaining tasks are found only in the monolithic environment


Browse a table (MS, calibration table, image)


grid the visibility data onto a defined uniform grid (in the form of an ms); multiple MS's can be done onto the same grid

python libraries

The following third party libraries are included in the python distribution of monolithic casa and available as imports:

libraries(attrs==19.3.0, backcall==0.1.0, certifi==2020.12.5, cycler==0.10.0, decorator==4.4.2, grpcio==1.29.0, importlib-metadata==1.6.0, ipython==7.15.0, ipython-genutils==0.2.0, jedi==0.17.0, kiwisolver==1.2.0, matplotlib==3.2.1, more-itertools==8.3.0, mpi4py==3.0.3, numpy==1.18.4, packaging==20.4, parso==0.7.0, pexpect==4.8.0, pickleshare==0.7.5, pluggy==0.13.1, prompt-toolkit==3.0.5, protobuf==3.12.2, ptyprocess==0.6.0, py==1.8.1, pyfits==3.5, Pygments==2.6.1, pyparsing==2.4.7, pytest==5.4.2, python-dateutil==2.8.1, pytz==2020.1, scipy==1.4.1, six==1.15.0, traitlets==4.3.3, wcwidth==0.2.2, zipp==3.1.0)

Note that each component in the modular CASA distribution uses a subset of these same dependencies.

The definition is provided here in pip compatible format such that one could save the preceding list to a list.txt file and recreate using:

pip install -r list.txt

This section only applies to the monolithic/tar-file CASA distribution, and it only applies to CASA 6.

For CASA 5, please see an earlier version of CASA Docs.

The '' file found in $HOME/.casa (i.e. ~/.casa/ is evaluated by the CASA shell just before the CASA prompt is presented to the user. This allows users to customize their CASA shell environment beyond the standard settings in '', by importing packages, setting variables or modifying the python system path.

One case where this is useful is for configuring CASA for ALMA data reduction. A package called 'analysisUtils' is often used as part of ALMA analysis. It is typically imported and instantiated in

$ cat ~/.casa/

import sys, os
import analysisUtils as aU

es = aU.stuffForScienceDataReduction()

In this example, the standard python modules os and sys are made available in the CASA shell. The path where the analysisUtils module can be found is added to the Python system path, and finally the package is imported and an object is created. These modules and objects will then be available for the user within the CASA shell environment.