
fringefit(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='', refant='', minsnr=3.0, zerorates=False, globalsolve=True, niter=100, delaywindow='', ratewindow='', append=False, corrdepflags=False, corrcomb='none', docallib=False, callib='', gaintable='', gainfield='', interp='', spwmap='', paramactive='', concatspws=True, parang=False)[source]

Fringe fit delay and rates

[Description] [Examples] [Development] [Details]

  • vis (path) - Name of input visibility file

  • caltable (string=’’) - Name of output gain calibration table

  • field (string=’’) - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s)

  • spw (string=’’) - Select spectral window/channels

  • intent (string=’’) - Select observing intent

  • selectdata (bool=True) - Other data selection parameters

    selectdata = True
    • timerange (string=’’) - Select data based on time range

    • antenna (string=’’) - Select data based on antenna/baseline

    • scan (string=’’) - Scan number range

    • observation ({string, int}=’’) - Select by observation ID(s)

    • msselect (string=’’) - Optional complex data selection (ignore for now)

  • solint (variant=’inf’) - Solution interval: egs. 'inf', '60s' (see help)

  • combine (string=’’) - Data axes which to combine for solve (obs, scan, spw, and/or field)

  • refant (string=’’) - Reference antenna name(s)

  • minsnr (double=3.0) - Reject solutions below this signal-to-noise ratio (at the FFT stage)

  • zerorates (bool=False) - Zero delay-rates in solution table

  • globalsolve (bool=True) - Refine estimates of delay and rate with global least-squares solver

  • niter (int=100) - Maximum number of iterations for least-squares solver

  • delaywindow (doubleVec=’’) - Constrain FFT delay search to a window

  • ratewindow (doubleVec=’’) - Constrain FFT rate search to a window

  • append (bool=False) - Append solutions to the (existing) table

  • corrdepflags (bool=False) - Respect correlation-dependent flags

  • corrcomb (string=’none’) - Combine correlations

  • docallib (bool=False) - Use callib or traditional cal apply parameters

    docallib = False
    • gaintable (stringVec=’’) - Gain calibration table(s) to apply on the fly

    • gainfield (stringVec=’’) - Select a subset of calibrators from gaintable(s)

    • interp (stringVec=’’) - Temporal interpolation for each gaintable (‘’=linear)

    • spwmap (any=’’) - Spectral window mappings to form for gaintable(s)

    docallib = True
    • callib (string=’’) - Cal Library filename

  • paramactive (boolVec=’’) - Control which parameters are solved for

  • concatspws (bool=True) - Choose between multi-band FFT strategies

  • parang (bool=False) - Apply parallactic angle correction on the fly


calculates a fringe-fitting (phase/delay/rate) solution


WARNING: fringefit is currently an experimental task. Use with care and report issues back to the CASA team via the NRAO helpdesk. There is also a Known Issues for fringefit: calibration tables made with fringefit in CASA 5.5 will not work in CASA 5.6 and later.

The fringefit task determines phase, delay, delay-rate and (optionally) dispersive delay solutions as a function of time and spectral window, thus enabling correction of visibility phases for errors introduced by the atmosphere, the signal paths of the instrument, or other pre-calibration steps. It can correct a single scan on a bright source for delay offsets between spectral windows, which can result from instrumental signal paths (single-band delays), and it can correct multiple scans on a source to correct for errors that are variable in time (multi-band delay and delay rate). The task uses the model data column when present in the MeasurementSet. Fringe fitting is primarily useful for VLBI.


In Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), fringe-fitting is an essential step which is not typically used for connected element arrays such as JVLA and ALMA. The very long baselines make observations particularly sensitive to small errors in the correlator model (station positions), signal chain, and the temporally- and spatially-variable atmosphere. The errors manifest themselves as residual delays (which introduce a slope when plotting phase against frequency) and delay-rates (which cause the phase offset at, say, the center of the band to drift as a function of time). Additionally at low frequencies and large fractional bandwidths a dispersive delay can be observed proportional (in time) to the inverse of the square of frequency and therefore proportional to the reciprocal of the frequency in phase. These errors can be corrected by observations of a bright calibrator source and a phase reference source which is close to the target source in projection on the sky.

Prior to running fringefit it is recommended to calibrate the amplitudes, as the weights are used by fringefit to determine the reliability of the fringe detection. A tunable SNR-cutoff is implemented to allow weak fringes and non-detections to be discarded. Bandpass correction can be done either before or after fringe fitting using bandpass. ** ** Since the CASA bandpass is a simple complex gain correction, it will be more efficient after fringe fitting when VLBI-style geometrical errors are important.

The algorithm used in fringefit, based on the Schwab-Cotton algorithm (originally implemented in the AIPS task FRING), has two stages. The first step is to look for fringes on each baseline to a reference station separately and estimate the SNR value for each of these baselines using a Fast Fourier Transform. The fringes that pass the SNR requirement are passed through to the second step, a global least-squares solver that attempts to optimize the solutions and transform them into antenna-based solutions for phase, delay, rate and dispersive delay. All of the parameters except phase can be included or excluded in the solution at this phase using the paramactive keyword described below; the default is that phase, delay and rate are solved but dispersive delay is not, since this matches the historical default and the usage we expect to be most common in VLBI.


NOTE: For the multi-band delay, the solutions for the full combined spectral window are written for a notional spectral window 0. To account for this spectral window in the applycal step, use the spwmap parameter to ensure that the solutions are correctly applied to all spectral windows (see the Examples tab for details).

Common calibration solve parameters

See Solving for Calibration for more information on the task parameters fringefit shares with all solving tasks, including data selection, general solving properties and arranging prior calibration (i.e., specifying other caltables to pre-apply before solving). Also see the rerefant task documentation for the behavior of reference antenna application. Below we describe parameters unique to fringefit and those common parameters with unique properties.


NOTE: Like gaincal, fringefit supports passing a list of antennas through the refant parameter. However fringefit does not implement the refantmode parameter and effectively always operates in ‘flex’ mode, using the next antenna from the list as the reference antenna if an antenna is not available.

Parameter descriptions

Solution interval: solint

The solution interval specified in solint (in seconds) is used to group data. It is important to make sure that for intervals shorter than the scan length, the scan is divided into roughly equal sized solution intervals. Avoid selecting a solution interval that will lead to intervals containing a single integration time, as this will cause an error.

Combining data for solutions: combine

As in other calibration solve tasks, data can be combined over different axes. To derive multi-band delay corrections, set combine=’spw’.

SNR control: minsnr

The minsnr parameter sets the threshold of the SNR value required for the baseline based fringe (FFT stage) to be included in the global least-squares minimization.

Rate-zeroing: zerorates

When correcting instrumental delays by solving for each spectral window separately, it is usual to apply the corrections derived to the entire dataset. Extrapolating the rates in time is undesirable, so use of zerorates=True will cause no time-dependent rate correction to be applied. Note that with this option the rates are still solved, and zeroed only when written to the table; paramactive can be used to turn off solution of rates altogether but this is currently not recommended; zerorates (and its equivalent in other software) has been the standard practice in VLBI for a long time, and is likely to remain so.

Prior correction for parallactic angle: parang

Although optional, it is is generally recomended that parang=True be used for VLBI observations, since parallactic angle causes differential phase rates among widely-separated antennas that usually should not be included within the fringefit solution.

Disabling the global least-squares solver: globalsolve

By default, fringe-fit solutions are refined by a global least-squares optimization algorithm after the FFT stage. For some purposes, it is desirable to use the estimates from the FFT stage directly; this can be done by setting globalsolve =False. (The default is True)

Setting a maximum number of iterations: niter

A maximum number of iterations for the global least squares solver can be set with the niter parameter. The default is 100; in cases with high signal-to-noise this limit is not reached.

Constrain the search window for delay: delaywindow

Sometimes a priori information is available to constrain the delays relative to the reference station at the FFT search step. The upper and lower bounds (in nanoseconds) can be provided as a two element list through the keyword delaywindow. The value None can be used to leave either the upper or lower limit unconstrained (setting both to None constrains neither; this is the default). Note that the same constraint is applied to all baselines in the FFT search step.

Constrain the search window for rate: ratewindow

Similarly to delaywindow, sometimes a priori information is available to constrain the delay rates relative to the reference station at the FFT search step. The upper and lower bounds (in units of seconds/second) can be provided as a two element list through the keyword ratewindow. The value None can be used to leave either the upper or lower limit unconstrained (setting both to None constrains neither; this is the default). Note that the same constraint is applied to all baselines in the FFT search step.

Select a weighting strategy for the least squares solver: weightfactor

It is common in VLBI practice for the user to choose how weights of visiblities should be used in the global stage of fringe-fitting. In any array such as the EVN with a very sensitive antenna (in the EVN’s case Effelsberg), the use of measurement set weights can mean that baselines to the sensitive antenna dominate and other baselines have neglibible impact. Choosing the square root of those weights gives, many users feel, a more balanced interpretation of the data.

The weightfactor parameter allows the user to chose between strategies:

  • 0 => use a weight of 1 (i.e., ignore measurement set weights);

  • 1 => use the square-root of measurement set weights;

  • 2 => use the measurement set weights as they are (the default)

Select active parameters for least square solver: paramactive

As part of the inclusion of a dispersive component of delay we have added a parameter to control which model parameters are used in the least-squares part of the solver (the FFT stage is unaffected). The paramactive parameter takes a Python list of boolean arguments for the delay, rate and dispersive components, with a default value of [True, True, False] to match the historic default, which is also expected to be the most common future use-case. Note that we do not offer users an opportunity not to solve for phase offset (also known as “secular phase”).


Single-band delay: calibration of delay only for a single scan on a bright calibrator:

          caltable='data.sbd',                  # write solutions to this table on disk
          scan='30',                            # use only scan 30
          solint='inf',                         # use all timestamps in the scan
          refant='EF',                          # a big antenna does well as reference antenna
          minsnr=50,                            # empirically proven to be a good value is anything over 25
          zerorates=True,                       # for instrumental delay rates should not be used
          gaintable=['data.tsys','data.gc'],    # apply the amplitude calibration on the fly
          parang=True)                          # always True for VLBI

Multi-band delay: calibration of time-dependent delay and delay-rate for a phase reference source, relative to single-band delay solution from above:

          caltable='data.mbd',                  # write solutions to this table disk
          solint='60',                          # anything shorter than the scan length will give more than 1 solution
          combine='spw',                        # combine spectral windows for this step, gives only a solution for spw0
          field='1',                            # select the field that is your phase reference calibrator
          refant='EF',                          # pick a big antenna or one close to the geometric center of the array
          minsnr=50,                            # this seems to be a sensible value
          gaintable=['data.tys', 'data.gc', 'data.sbd'],   # apply amplitude calibration and single band delay on the fly
          parang=True)                          # always set to True for VLBI

The calibration table data.mbd will contain phase, delay, and rate solutions per antenna, per polarization and per solution interval. For data with multiple spectral windows the solutions will be assigned to spectral window 0 in the output cal table. In the applycal step, the parameter spwmap needs to be set to apply the solutions to all spectral windows. For example, in a dataset with 8 spectral windows: spwmap=[8*[0]]. Since the applycal step will include multiple calibration tables, this setting needs to correspond to the data.mbd table in the gaintable parameter:

         field='0,1',                           # now select the phase calibrator AND the target source
         gaintable=['data.tsys', 'data.gc','data.sbd', 'data.mbd'],    # include all the calibration tables
         interp=[],spwmap=[[], [], [], 8*[0]],                         # map the spectral windows accordingly
         parang=True)                           # for VLBI this should always be True

In cases where it is necessary to constrain the search for group delay and fringe rates at the FFT stage, the parameters delaywindow and ratewindow can be used:

          caltable='data.mbd',            # write solutions to this table disk
          solint='60',                    # anything shorter than the scan length will give more than 1 solution
          combine='spw',                  # combine spectral windows for this step, gives only a solution for spw0
          field='1',                      # select the field that is your phase reference calibrator
          refant='EF',                    # pick a big antenna or one close to the geometric center of the array
          minsnr=5,                       # we're looking for weak detections, but we have a good a priori idea of
                                          # where they are to steer the FFT search
          delaywindow = [0,10],           # FFT delay search range of 0 to 10 nanoseconds
          ratewindow = [-5e-9,5e-9],      # FFT rate search range of -5 to 5 nanoseconds per second
          gaintable=['data.tys', 'data.gc', 'data.sbd'],   # apply amplitude calibration and single band delay on
                                                           # the fly
          parang=True)                    # always set to True for VLBI

No additional development details

Parameter Details

Detailed descriptions of each function parameter

vis (path) - Name of input visibility file
caltable (string='') - Name of output gain calibration table
field (string='') - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s)
spw (string='') - Select spectral window/channels
intent (string='') - Select observing intent
selectdata (bool=True) - Other data selection parameters
timerange (string='') - Select data based on time range
uvrange (variant='') - Select data by baseline length.
Default = ‘’ (all)
uvrange=’0~1000klambda’; uvrange from 0-1000 kilo-lambda
uvrange=’>4klambda’;uvranges greater than 4 kilo-lambda
uvrange=’0~1000km’; uvrange in kilometers
antenna (string='') - Select data based on antenna/baseline
scan (string='') - Scan number range
observation ({string, int}='') - Select by observation ID(s)
msselect (string='') - Optional complex data selection (ignore for now)
solint (variant='inf') - Solution interval: egs. 'inf', '60s' (see help)
combine (string='') - Data axes which to combine for solve (obs, scan, spw, and/or field)
refant (string='') - Reference antenna name(s)
minsnr (double=3.0) - Reject solutions below this signal-to-noise ratio (at the FFT stage)
zerorates (bool=False) - Zero delay-rates in solution table
Write a solution table with delay-rates zeroed, for the case of
“manual phase calibration”, so that the calibration table can be
applied to the full dataset without the extrapolation of a non-zero delay-rate term
affecting the data
globalsolve (bool=True) - Refine estimates of delay and rate with global least-squares solver
niter (int=100) - Maximum number of iterations for least-squares solver
delaywindow (doubleVec='') - Constrain FFT delay search to a window specified as a two-element list with units of nanoseconds
Default: [None, None]
Examples: [-10, 10]
ratewindow (doubleVec='') - Constrain FFT rate search to a window specified as a two-element list with units of seconds per second
Default: [None, None]
Examples: [-1e-13, 1e-13]
append (bool=False) - Append solutions to the (existing) table
Default: False (overwrite existing table or make
new table)
Appended solutions must be derived from the same
MS as the existing caltable, and solution spws
must have the same meta-info (according to spw
selection and solint) or be non-overlapping.
corrdepflags (bool=False) - Respect correlation-dependent flags:
If False (default), if any correlation is flagged,
treat all correlations in the visibility vector as flagged
when solving (per channel, per baseline).
If True, use unflagged correlations in a visibility vector,
even if one or more other correlations are flagged.

Default: False (treat correlation vectors with one or more
correlations flagged as entirely flagged)

Traditionally, CASA has observed a strict interpretation of
correlation-dependent flags: if one or more correlations
(for any baseline and channel) is flagged, then all available
correlations for the same baseline and channel are
treated as flagged. However, it is desirable in some
circumstances to relax this stricture, e.g., to preserve use
of data from antennas with only one good polarization (e.g., one polarization
is bad or entirely absent). Solutions for the bad or missing polarization
will be rendered as flagged.
corrcomb (string='none') - Combine correlations (use with corrdepflags=True):
If corrcomb=”stokes”, the parallel-hand correlations (if both
are unflagged) will be combined formally (unweighted) to form Stokes I,
with a net weight properly propagated from the correlatio
If corrcomb=”parallel”, the parallel-hand correlations (if
either unflagged) will be combined with a weighted average,
thereby optimizing net sensitivity for unpolarized sources.
If either parallel-hand correlation is flagged, its weight in
this average will be zero. This mode permits combining
correlations without flagging single-pol antennas completely.
If corrcomb=”none” (default), correlations will not be combined.
docallib (bool=False) - Control means of specifying the caltables
Default: False (Use gaintable, gainfield, interp,
spwmap, calwt)
Options: False|True
If True, specify a file containing cal library in
callib (string='') - Specify a file containing cal library directives
Subparameter of docallib=True
gaintable (stringVec='') - Gain calibration table(s) to apply on the fly
Default: ‘’ (none)
Subparameter of docallib=False
gainfield (stringVec='') - Select a subset of calibrators from gaintable(s)
Default: ‘’ (all sources on the sky)
‘nearest’ ==> nearest (on sky) available field in
table otherwise, same syntax as field
gainfield=’0~2,5’ means use fields 0,1,2,5
from gaintable
gainfield=[‘0~3’,’4~6’] means use field 0
through 3
interp (stringVec='') - Interpolation parameters (in time[,freq]) for each gaintable, as a list of strings.
Default: ‘’ –> ‘linear,linear’ for all gaintable(s)
Options: Time: ‘nearest’, ‘linear’
Freq: ‘nearest’, ‘linear’, ‘cubic’,
Specify a list of strings, aligned with the list of caltable specified
in gaintable, that contain the required interpolation parameters
for each caltable.
* When frequency interpolation is relevant (B, Df,
Xf), separate time-dependent and freq-dependent
interp types with a comma (freq after the
* Specifications for frequency are ignored when the
calibration table has no channel-dependence.
* Time-dependent interp options ending in ‘PD’
enable a “phase delay” correction per spw for
non-channel-dependent calibration types.
* For multi-obsId datasets, ‘perobs’ can be
appended to the time-dependent interpolation
specification to enforce obsId boundaries when
interpolating in time.
* For multi-scan datasets, ‘perscan’ can be
appended to the time-dependent interpolation
specification to enforce scan boundaries when
interpolating in time.
* Freq-dependent interp options can have ‘flag’ appended
to enforce channel-dependent flagging, and/or ‘rel’
appended to invoke relative frequency interpolation
interp=’nearest’ (in time, freq-dep will be
linear, if relevant)
interp=’linear,cubic’ (linear in time, cubic
in freq)
interp=’linearperobs,splineflag’ (linear in
time per obsId, spline in freq with
channelized flagging)
interp=’nearest,linearflagrel’ (nearest in
time, linear in freq with with channelized
flagging and relative-frequency interpolation)
interp=’,spline’ (spline in freq; linear in
time by default)
interp=[‘nearest,spline’,’linear’] (for
multiple gaintables)
spwmap (any='') - Spectral window mappings to form for gaintable(s)
Only used if callib=False
default: [] (apply solutions from each calibration spw to
the same MS spw only)
Any available calibration spw can be mechanically mapped to any
MS spw.
spwmap=[0,0,1,1] means apply calibration
from cal spw = 0 to MS spw 0,1 and cal spw 1 to MS spws 2,3.
spwmap=[[0,0,1,1],[0,1,0,1]] (use a list of lists for multiple
paramactive (boolVec='') - Control which parameters are solved for; a vector of (exactly) three booleans for delay, delay-rate and dispersive delay (in that order)
concatspws (bool=True) - For combine=’spw’, the multi-band FFT solution can be
done in two different ways. For concatspws=True (the default), spws are
combined onto a wider frequency grid. For concatspws=False, each
spw is separated FFT’d, and the results are combined using the
shift theorem; this mode is experimental.
parang (bool=False) - Apply parallactic angle correction on the fly.