
immath(imagename='', mode='evalexpr', outfile='', expr='IM0', varnames='', sigma='0.0mJy/beam', polithresh='', mask='', region='', box='', chans='', stokes='', stretch=False, imagemd='', prec='float')[source]

Perform math operations on images

[Description] [Examples] [Development] [Details]

  • imagename (variant=’’) - a list of input images

  • mode (string=’evalexpr’) - mode for math operation (evalexpr, spix, pola, poli, lpoli, tpoli)

    mode = evalexpr
    • expr (string=’IM0’) - Mathematical expression using images

    • varnames (variant=’’) - a list of variable names to use with the image files

    mode = poli
    • sigma (string=’0.0mJy/beam’) - standard deviation of noise for debiasing

    mode = lpoli
    • sigma (string=’0.0mJy/beam’) - standard deviation of noise for debiasing

    mode = tpoli
    • sigma (string=’0.0mJy/beam’) - standard deviation of noise for debiasing

    mode = pola
    • polithresh (string=’’) - Threshold in linear polarization intensity image below which to mask pixels.

  • outfile (string=’’) - File where the output is saved

  • mask (string=’’) - Mask to use. Default is none.

    mask != ''
    • stretch (bool=False) - Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help stretch.par

  • region (string=’’) - Region selection. Default is to use the full image.

  • box (string=’’) - Rectangular region to select in direction plane. Default is to use the entire direction plane.

  • chans (string=’’) - Channels to use. Default is to use all channels.

  • stokes (string=’’) - Stokes planes to use. Default is to use all Stokes planes.

  • imagemd (string=’’) - An image name from which metadata should be copied. The input can be either an image listed under imagename or any other image on disk. Leaving this parameter unset may copy header metadata from any of the input images, which one is not guaranteed.

  • prec (string=’float’) - Precision for the output image pixels if mode=”evalexpr” or “spix”. “float” or “double” (minimum match supported)


This task evaluates mathematical expressions involving existing image files. The results of the calculations are stored in the designated output file. The available options are 1) specify a mathematical expression directly, 2) use a pre-defined expression for calculation of spectral index image, polarization intensity, or position angle images. Image file names are specified in imagename, and by default the variables IM0, IM1, … are used to represent these files in the expression. For option1 (mode = ‘evalexpr’) explicit notations of file names in the expression are also supported, in which cases the file names must be enclosed in double quotes (”) and imagename is ignored. The image files names may be CASA images or FITS images.


NOTE: Index values start at 0; use the imhead task to see the range of index values for each axes.

If the mask has fewer dimensions than the image and if the shape of the dimensions the mask and image have in common are the same, the mask will automatically have the missing dimensions added so it conforms to the image.

For a full description of the allowed syntax and examples, see the LEL pages in the Image Analysis chapter.


NOTE: where indexing and axis numbering are used in the above functions they are 1-based, ie. numbering starts at 1.

If stretch is true and if the number of mask dimensions is less than or equal to the number of image dimensions and some axes in the mask are degenerate while the corresponding axes in the image are not, the mask will be stetched in the degenerate axis dimensions. For example, if the input image has shape [100, 200, 10] and the input mask has shape [100, 200, 1] and stretch is true, the mask will be stretched along the third dimension to shape [100, 200, 10]. However if the mask is shape [100, 200, 2], stretching is not possible and an error will result.


WARNING: for a mathematical expression that involves multiple images (e.g., subtracting one image from the other), it is good to realize that the algorithm is pixel-based. This means that it is up to the user to put the images on the same dimensions for all relevant axes (e.g., RA and dec). Where needed, use imregrid before using immath to ensure the image dimensions on the relevant axes are the same.


The supported modes of operation are mode=‘evalexpr’ (evaluate an LEL expression), ‘spix’ (spectral index computation, although see also task spxfit for a more robust algorithm), ‘pola’ (polarization angle), and ‘poli’ (total polarization intensity).

Mode ‘evalexpr’ supports (mixtures of) images with float, double, complex-float, and complex-double precision pixels (although . Modes ‘pola’ and ‘poli’ only support images with float precision pixels. Mode ‘spix’ only supports images with real valued pixels.


The mode=’pola’ option creates an image of the polarization angle;

\(\theta = {1\over{2}}\,tan^{-1}(U/Q)\)

If polithresh is set to a value, e.g. ’30uJy/beam’, a mask (’ mask0 ’) is written to the output image and is False for all corresponding linear polarization values below this threshold. This parameter overrides the input parameter mask. Default (’’) means use the value given in mask, or no masking if that value is empty as well.


The mode=’poli’ option creates an image of the total polarized intensity using all of the linear and circular polarizations available in the input image(s);

\(\sqrt{( Q^2+ U^2+ V^2)}\).

If the input image(s) contains only Q and U, or only V, then just those components contribute to the total polarized intensity.

Note that this mode is flexible and will fall back to ‘tpoli’ when Stokes V is provided and ‘lpoli’ when Stokes V is not available; these modes are described below.

The polarized intensity may optionally be debiased (if sigma > 0). This requires an estimate of the thermal noise level (\(\sigma\)). The resulting image will be computed using

\(\sqrt{( Q^2 + U^2 + V^2 - \sigma^2)}\)

In the output image, pixels for which the expression inside the square root is negative are masked, and their values are set to zero. Note that the imagepol tool method po.totpolint also performs this computation (in fact it’s what immath calls under the hood in this case), with the added feature that an estimate of sigma can be computed on the fly (see the relevant tool method help for details).

When using a multi-Stokes input image, the modes ‘tpoli’ and ‘lpoli’ can be used to control which polarizations are used in the calculation:

The mode=’tpoli’ option will calculate a total polarization intensity image;

\(\sqrt{( Q^2+ U^2+ V^2)}\).

The task requires all three Stokes image planes to be present.

The mode=’lpoli’ option will calculate a linear polarization intensity image;

\(\sqrt{( Q^2+ U^2)}\).

Only the Q and U Stokes image planes are required to be present. If Stokes V is present it will be ignored.


This mode computes the spectral index using two images of different frequencies. The spectral index is defined as

\(\alpha = ln(I_0/I_1)/ln(\nu_0/\nu_1)\)

where the \(I\)’s are the pixel values and the \(\nu\)’s are the frequencies of the two images.

If exactly two images aren’t supplied, an exception will result. This mode is equivalent to specifying mode=’evalexpr’ and expr=’spectralindex(IM0, IM1)’. Both images must have spectral axes. If both images have multiple channels, they must have the same number of channels. In that case, the pixel values of the i \(^{th}\) plane in the output image will be computed using the the i \(^{th}\) plane pixel values and the i \(^ith\) plane frequencies of the input images. Alternatively, one image can have \(n>1\) channels and the other can have a single channel, in which case the output image will have \(n\) channels with the i \(^{th}\) plane pixel values being the result of the i \(^{th}\) plane pixel values and i \(^{th}\) plane frequency of the multi-channel image and the pixel values and fequency of the single channel image. If corresponding pixels in the two input images do not have the same sign, the corresponding output pixel will have a value of \(nan\).


The prec parameter indicates what the precision of the pixel values of the output image should be. Float is the default. For mode=’evalexpr’, the domain (real or complex) of the output image pixels is determined from the specified lattice expression. For mode=’spix’, only real valued images are supported and the output image will also have real valued pixels.


EXCEPT IN THE EXAMPLES GIVEN HERE, THIS APPLICATION MAKES NO ATTEMPT TO DETERMINE WHAT THE CORRECT BRIGHTNESS UNIT OF THE OUTPUT IMAGE SHOULD BE. THIS RESPONSIBILITY LIES SOLELY WITH THE USER. The brightness unit of the output image can be modified using tool method ia.setbrightnessunit or task imhead with mode=’put’ and hdkey=’bunit’.

Note that when multiple image are used in the expression, there is no strict rule which of those images will be used to create the metadata of the output image, unless imagemd is specified. If imagemd is specified, the following rules of metadata copying will be followed:

  1. The pixel data type of the image specified by imagemd and the output image must be the same.

  2. The metadata copied include

    • the coordinate system - thus, the dimensionality of the output image must correspond to the coordinate system to be copied

    • the image_info record - which contains information like the beam(s)

    • the misc_info record - if one exists in the image specified by imagemd

    • the units.

  3. If the output image is a spectral index image, the brightness units are set to the empty string.

  4. If the ouptut image is a polarization angle image, the brightness unit is set to “deg” and the stokes coordinate is set to have a single plane of type of Pangle.


It is often necessary for this task to create intermediate, temporary disk images. The names of these images start with ‘_immath’ and are created in the directory in which the task is run. The task makes reasonable attempts to remove these images before it exits, but there are conceivably instances where the temporary images may not be automatically deleted. If there is no immath instance in progress, it is generally safe to delete these files manually.

Task-specific Parameter Summary


Mode of operation. Supported values are ‘evalexpr’ (evaluate an LEL expression), ‘spix’ (spectral index computation, although see also task spxfit for a more robust algorithm), ‘pola’ (polarization angle), and ‘poli’ (total polarization intensity).


Used when mode=’evalexpr’. LEL expression to compute.


List of normally short strings corresponding to the images given in imagename that can alternatively be used for the image names given in expr when mode=’evalexpr’.


Used if mode = ‘poli’. Standard deviation of noise for debiasing.


Used if mode = ‘pola’. Threshold in linear polarization intensity image below which to mask pixels.


Name of image from which metadata should be copied to the output image. The input can be either an image listed in the imagename parameter or any other image on disk. Not specifying this parameter may copy header metadata from any of the input images, which one is not guaranteed.


Specifies what the precision type, float or double (minimum match supported), should be for the output image. Only used if mode=’evalexpr’ or ‘spix’.


Pre-defined modes:

mode='evalexpr'; imagename=['', '' ]
# in the parameter **expr**, the value 'IM0' is replaced by ''
# and 'IM1' is replaced with ''

mode='spix'; imagename=['','']
# will calculate an image of log(S1/S2)/log(f1/f2), where S1 and S2 are fluxes and
# f1 and f2 are frequencies

mode='pola'; imagename=''
    (where that image contains both Q and U stokes planes) or

# will calculate an image of the polarization angle distribution 0.5*arctan(U/Q),
# where and are Stokes Q and U images, respectively.

mode='poli'; imagename=['','','']
# will calculate the total polarization intensity image, where,,
# are Stokes Q, U, and V images, respectively.

mode='poli'; imagename = ['','']
# will calculate the linear polarization intensity image.
# In the case where imagename is a single multi-stokes image, the total polarization
# image will be calculated if all of the Q, U, and V stokes planes are present, and
# the linear polarization intensity image will be calculated if the Q and U (but not V) planes
# are present.

Examples of expressions in mode=’evalexpr’:

#Make an image that is -
expr=’ (IM0 - IM1 )’
#or with an explicit notation,
expr=’("" - "")’
#Double all values in an image.
immath( imagename='', expr='IM0*2',
        outfile='' )
# or with an explicit notation,
immath( expr='""*2', outfile='' )
# Taking the sin of an image and adding it to another
# Note that the images need to be the same size
immath(imagename=['', ''],
# Adding only the plane associated with the 'V' stokes value and
# the 1st channel together in two images
immath(imagename=[image1', 'image2'],
# Selecting a single plane (5th channel), of the 3-D cube and
# adding it to the original image. In this example the 2-D plane
# gets expanded out and the values are applied to each plane in the
# 3-D cube. default('immath')
# Selecting and saving the inner 3/4 of an image for channels 40,42,44
# as well as channels less than 10
outfile='' )
# Dividing an image by another, making sure we aren't dividing by zero
imagename=['orion.image', 'my.image']
expr='IM0/iif(IM1==0,1.0,IM1)' #note: iif (a, b, c) a is the boolean expression
#                                                   b is the value if true
#                                                   c is the value if false
# Applying a mask to all of the images in the expression
# Applying a pixel mask contained in the image information
# Creating a total polarization intensity image from an multi-stokes image
# containing IQUV.
# in imagename, you can also specify a list containing single
stokes images
# of Q and U (for linear polarization intensity) and V (for total
# polarization intensity)
# Creating a polarization position angle image
# you can also do imagename=['',''] for single stokes images, order of
# the two Stokes images does not matter
imagename='3C138_pcal' # multi-stokes image containing at least Q and U stokes
# same as before but write a mask with values of False for pixels for which the
# corresponding linear polarization ( sqrt(Q*Q+U*U)) is less than 30 microJy/beam
# Creating a spectral index image from the images at two different observing frequencies

No additional development details

Parameter Details

Detailed descriptions of each function parameter

imagename (variant='') - a list of input images
mode (string='evalexpr') - mode for math operation (evalexpr, spix, pola, poli, lpoli, tpoli)
outfile (string='') - File where the output is saved
expr (string='IM0') - Mathematical expression using images
varnames (variant='') - a list of variable names to use with the image files
sigma (string='0.0mJy/beam') - standard deviation of noise for debiasing
polithresh (string='') - Threshold in linear polarization intensity image below which to mask pixels.
mask (string='') - Mask to use. Default is none.
region (string='') - Region selection. Default is to use the full image.
box (string='') - Rectangular region to select in direction plane. Default is to use the entire direction plane.
chans (string='') - Channels to use. Default is to use all channels.
stokes (string='') - Stokes planes to use. Default is to use all Stokes planes.
stretch (bool=False) - Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help stretch.par
imagemd (string='') - An image name from which metadata should be copied. The input can be either an image listed under imagename or any other image on disk. Leaving this parameter unset may copy header metadata from any of the input images, which one is not guaranteed.
prec (string='float') - Precision for the output image pixels if mode=”evalexpr” or “spix”. “float” or “double” (minimum match supported)