
flagcmd(vis, inpmode='table', inpfile='', tablerows='', reason='any', useapplied=False, tbuff=0.0, ants='', action='apply', flagbackup=True, clearall=False, rowlist='', plotfile='', savepars=False, outfile='', overwrite=True)[source]

Flagging task based on batches of flag-commands

[Description] [Examples] [Development] [Details]

  • vis (string) - Name of MS file or calibration table to flag

  • inpmode (string=’table’) - Input mode for flag commands(table/list/xml)

    inpmode = table
    • inpfile ({string, stringArray}=’’) - Source of flag commands

    • tablerows (intArray=’’) - Rows of inpfile to read

    • reason ({string, stringArray}=’any’) - Select by REASON types

    • useapplied (bool=False) - Select commands whose rows have APPLIED column set to True

    inpmode = list
    • inpfile ({string, stringArray}=’’) - Source of flag commands

    • reason ({string, stringArray}=’any’) - Select by REASON types

    inpmode = xml
    • tbuff (double=0.0) - Time buffer (sec) to pad flags

    • ants (string=’’) - Allowed flag antenna names to select by

    • reason ({string, stringArray}=’any’) - Select by REASON types

  • action (string=’apply’) - Action to perform in MS and/or in inpfile (apply/unapply/list/plot/clear/extract)

    action = apply
    • flagbackup (bool=True) - Automatically backup the FLAG column before execution

    action = unapply
    • flagbackup (bool=True) - Automatically backup the FLAG column before execution

    action = plot
    • plotfile (string=’’) - Name of output file to save plot

    action = clear
    • clearall (bool=False) - Delete all rows from FLAG_CMD

    • rowlist (intArray=’’) - FLAG_CMD rows to clear

  • savepars (bool=False) - Save flag commands to the MS or file

    savepars = True
    • outfile (string=’’) - Name of output file to save commands

    • overwrite (bool=True) - Overwrite an existing file to save the flag commands


The flagcmd task will flag the visibility data or the calibration table based on several batch-operations using flag commands. There is an extensive and detailed description of this task on the Data Examination and Editing chapter.

Flag commands follow the mode and parameter names from the flagdata task. Please refer to the flagdata task for a detailed explanation.

The flagcmd task will flag data based on the commands input on inpmode such as:

  • ‘table’ = input from FLAG_CMD table in MS

  • ‘list’ = input from text file or list of strings given in inpfile

  • ‘xml’ = input from Flag.xml in the MS given by vis (largely obsolete with the deprecation of importevla in CASA 5.4)


WARNING: The option to import XML files with online flag in flagcmd has largely become obsolete with the deprecation of task importevla in CASA 5.4, because the recommended importasdm task cannot copy the actual XML tables from the original SDM to the newly created MS (it can only apply the online flags directly, or write them into ascii tables). The Flag.xml, Antenna.xml and SpectralWindow.xml tables must first be copied manually into the top-level MS directory for use by flagcmd (not the recommended approach). Consider the use of the recommended task flagdata instead, as explained in the CASA Docs chapters on “importasdm” and “importing uv-data”.

IMPORTANT: The FLAG_CMD sub-table is meant only for meta-data selections such as online flags. Using it to save other parameters (from modes such as clip, quack, shadow, etc) is possible but carries a risk that in future releases these parameters maybe renamed or changed their default values. Use it at your own risk! There will be no automatic way to rename any parameter that changes in the future.

There is no way to guarantee that a command from the COMMAND column has been applied or not to the MS, even if the APPLIED column is set to True. If you use other ways to flag such as interactive flagging in plotms, the FLAG_CMD will not be updated! Use at your own risk.


NOTE on flagging calibration tables:

It is possible to flag cal tables using this task, although we recommend using the flagdata task for this.

When using this task to flag cal tables, only the ‘apply’ and ‘list’ actions are supported. Because cal tables do not have a FLAG_CMD sub-table, the default inpmode=’table’ can only be used if an MS is given in the inpfile parameter, so that flags from the MS are applied to the cal table. Otherwise the flag commands must be given using inpmode=’list’, either from a file(s) or from a list of strings. See the parameters tab for more information. Data selection for calibration tables is limited to field, scan, antenna, time, spw and observation. If the calibration table was created before CASA 4.1, this task will create a dummy OBSERVATION column and OBSERVATION sub-table in the input calibration table to adapt it to the new cal table format.


More examples of using the flagcmd task can be found here.

Use inpmode=’table’

Use action=’list’ first to see what is in the MS before doing anything else.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='table', action='list')

Apply the flags stored in the FLAG_CMD table in the MS. This is the default setup of flagcmd. Note that when a flag command is applied, the corresponding APPLIED column cell will be updated to True.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='table', action='apply',

To re-apply the flags stored in the FLAG_CMD table in the MS.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='table', action='apply',

To save flag commands from one MS to another without applying them. Flag commands will be copied from “other.ms” to the FLAG_CMD of “example.ms”.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='table', inpfile='other.ms',

To save flag commands from a file into the MS without applying.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='list', inpfile='flags.txt',

Select only certain rows from the FLAG_CMD table. Currently this must be a list of individual row numbers (0-based).

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='table', action='apply',
        useapplied=False, tablerows=[0,1,2,3,10,11])

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='table', action='apply',
        useapplied=False, tablerows=range(29))


NOTE: The useapplied=True/False parameter is important if you are going to (re)apply flags marked as APPLIED True in FLAG_CMD. It is common to have a “failed” flagging operation mark the flags as already applied and then they don’t show up when you re-run (e.g. in ‘list’). Set useapplied=True so that it will use these anyway.

To apply the flag commands from an MS to a calibration table, recall that inpmode=’table’ can only be used if an MS is given in the inpfile parameter, so that flags from the MS are applied to the cal table.

flagcmd(vis='mycaltable', inpmode='table',
        inpfile='example.ms', action='apply')

Use inpmode=’xml’

List the online flags stored in the Flag.xml file of a VLA MS.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='xml', action='list')

Directly apply the online flags stored in the Flag.xml file in the MS, set inpmode=’xml’ and desired buffer.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='xml', action='apply',

Apply the flags using a specific set of reasons (a comma separated list).

flagcmd(vis='example.ms', inpmode='xml', action='apply',


NOTE: The online flag time buffer tbuff is specified in seconds, but in fact should be keyed to the intrinsic online integration time. This is particularly true for EVLA data, were a tbuff value of 0.5x to 1.5x the integration time is needed (currently you should use 1.5x for data taken in early 2011 or before).

Use inpmode=’list’

Apply the flags given in an ASCII file such as the one below, which will be saved in a file called “myflags.txt”:

antenna='ea01' timerange='00:00:00~01:00:00'
antenna='ea11' timerange='00:00:00~03:00:00' spw='0~4'
mode='clip' clipminmax=[0,5] correlation='ABS_ALL'
mode='quack' quackmode='end' quackinterval=1.0
mode='shadow' antenna='ea01,ea02,ea03'

Or the flag commands can be given in the interface of the task, using a Python list.

flagcmd(vis='example.ms',inpmode='list',inpfile=["mode='shadow'", "mode='clip'
        clipminmax=[0,5] correlation='ABS_ALL'", "mode='quack'
        quackmode='end' quackinterval=1.0",
        "antenna='ea01' timerange='00:00:00~01:00:00'",
        "antenna='ea11' timerange='00:00:00~03:00:00' spw='0~4'"])

No additional development details

Parameter Details

Detailed descriptions of each function parameter

vis (string) - Name of input visibility file or calibration table.
default: ‘’ (none)
example: vis=’uid___A002_X2a5c2f_X54.ms’
inpmode (string='table') - Input mode for flag commands(table/list/xml)
options: ‘table’,’list’,’xml’
default: ‘table’ (the input commands from
FLAG_CMD table of the MS)
inpmode=’xml’ inputs online flags from Flag.xml
file in the MS. This mode has become largely
obsolete with the deprecation of the importevla
task (see the flagcmd task pages in CASA Docs for
more information). This mode will not work for
ALMA MS or cal tables.
NOTE: You can only apply the flags from a list or
xml; you will not be able to unapply
them. Transfer the flag commands to the FLAG_CMD
table if you want to unapply the flags (see
‘inpfile’ description below).
inpfile ({string, stringArray}='') - Source of flag commands. Subparameter of
Path to MS containing FLAG_CMD (table), or name
of an ASCII file, list of files or a list of
Python strings to apply to MS or cal table
options: [] with flag commands or [] with
filenames or ‘’ with a filename. (String values
must contain quotes around them or the parser
will not work.)
default: ‘’ (read from FLAG_CMD table in the MS
specified via ‘vis’)
Main use is to read flags from internal FLAG_CMD,
but one use case is to read the flag commands
from an MS given in inpfile and apply them to
another MS or cal table given in vis.
tablerows (intArray='') - List of rows of the FLAG_CMD table to read. Subparameter
of inpmode=’table/list’.
default: [] (read all rows)
example: [0,1,2,10]
NOTE: currently only takes integer lists, not
parseable strings with ranges. Use the Python
range function to generate ranges, e.g. tablerows
= range(0,30) + range(50,55) instead of
‘0~29,50~54’ for now.
reason ({string, stringArray}='any') - Select flag commands based on REASON(s). Subparameter of
default: ‘any’ (all flags regardless of reason)
If inpfile is a list of files, the reasons given
in this parameter will apply to all the files.
NOTE: what is within the string is literally
matched, e.g. reason=’’ matches only blank
reasons, and reason
compound reason string only
useapplied (bool=False) - Select commands whose rows have APPLIED column set to
True. Subparameter of inpmode=’table’.
options: True,False
default: False
If useapplied=True it will read in both applied
and unapplied flags.
IMPORTANT: The APPLIED column is set to True
after a flag command is applied to the MS. In
order to re-apply the same flag command, this
parameter should be set to True.
tbuff (double=0.0) - Time buffer (sec) to pad flags. Subparameter of
default: 0.0
ants (string='') - Allowed flag antenna names to select by. Subparameter of
action (string='apply') - Action to perform in MS and/or in inpfile
options: apply/unapply/list/plot/clear/extract
default: ‘apply’

– action=’apply’: This operation will apply
the commands chosen by inpmode. If
inpmode=’table’ and inpfile=’’ then the
APPLIED column in FLAG_CMD will be set to
– action=’unapply’: unapply flags in MS. (Not
available for cal tables). This operation will
unapply the commands chosen by inpmode=’table’
ONLY. After unapplying the commands, the task
will update the APPLIED column to False.
– action=’list’: list and/or save flag
commands. This operation will list the
commands chosen by inpmode on the screen and
save them to the MS or to a file without
applying. It will save the commands to outfile
if the parameter savepars is set to True. If
outfile is None, it will save the commands to
the MS given in ‘vis’.
– action=’plot’: plot flags (ant
vs. time). (Not available for cal
tables). This operation will plot the flags
chosen by inpmode to a matplotlib gui or to a
file. These will be sorted by antenna
vs. time. Most useful for showing the online
– action=’clear’: clear flags from FLAG_CMD
in the MS. (Not available for cal tables) This
operation will delete the selected flag rows
from the internal FLAG_CMD table of the MS.
– action=’extract’: extract internal flag
dictionary. (Not available for cal tables)
This option will return the internal flagging
dictionary to python. There is no extant
description of the format of this dictionary,
as it is an internal device used by the
flagcmd task. This action is provided for the
convenience of advanced users.
WARNING: choosing this action=’clear’ will
disregard anything you set in inpmode and will
always work on the FLAG_CMD table in vis. This can
be used to totally delete rows from the FLAG_CMD
table, when setting clearall=True.
flagbackup (bool=True) - Automatically backup the FLAG column before
execution. Subparameter of action=’apply/unapply’.
options: True,False
default: True
clearall (bool=False) - Delete all rows from FLAG_CMD. Subparameter of
default: False (will not clear)
rowlist (intArray='') - FLAG_CMD rows to clear. Subparameter of action=’clear’.
default: [] (all flags in table)

example: [0,1,2,10]
WARNING: this can be dangerous, and you must set
clearall=True to use this!!! This will delete
the specified rows from the internal FLAG_CMD
table for vis regardless of what mode is set to
(useful for when you import from xml or file),
and decide to redo it). This action will NOT
unapply the commands.
NOTE: currently only takes integer lists, not
parseable strings with ranges. Use the Python
range function to generate ranges, e.g. rowlist =
range(0,30) + range(50,55) instead of
‘0~29,50~54’ for now.
plotfile (string='') - Name of output file to save plot
default: ‘’ (plot to matplotlib window)
WARNING: will only reliably plot individual flags
per antenna and timerange (e.g. direct from xml)
savepars (bool=False) - Save the flag commands to the FLAG_CMD table of the MS or
to an output text file.
options: True/False
default: False
outfile (string='') - Name of output file to save commands. Subparameter of
default: ‘ ‘; it will save the commands in the
FLAG_CMD table of the MS.
example: outfile=’flags.txt’ will save the
parameters in a text file.
overwrite (bool=True) - Overwrite an existing file given in ‘outfile’ to save the
flag commands. Subparameter of savepars=True.
options: True/False
default: True; it will remove the existing file
given in ‘outfile’ and save the current flag
commands to a new file with the same name. When
set to False, the task will exit with an error
message if the file exist.