Change Log

Summary of differences from v6.2.0

Pull Requests

  • 08/17/21 CAS-12618 [] - In tclean in CASA 6.2 and earlier, there were situations in which model visibilities were either not being saved to the MeasurementSet even when the 'savemodel' parameter was turned on, or saved too many times. It was also not easy to detect what had happened. For CASA 6.3, it has been ensured that when requested, the savemodel step is correctly triggered. This has been done by identifying usage paths where the iteration control was earlier failing to correctly detect when it needed to save the model and re-routing the model saving step to the end of the tclean run.

  • 08/17/21 CAS-13529 - *internal* fix minor incompatibilities with newer gcc 10 on macos 10.15

  • 08/17/21 CAS-13518 - The _useversion_ and _showversion_ parameters of *importasdm* and *exportasdm* have been deprecated. *importasdm* has been able to import different SDM versions for years and *exportasdm* has produced the most recent version of the SDM for many releases, so these parameters have been ignored (_useversion_) or produced irrelevant text (_showversion_) for years. Related parameters in the sdm tool are also deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

  • 08/16/21 CAS-13515 [] - The PSF fitting code has been improved so that when the fitting code fails another attempt will be made, where the initial position angles is changed. This will be attempted up to 10 times.

  • 08/15/21 CAS-13480 [] - Commission support for OS 11 on x86 processors with Python 3.6

  • 08/15/21 CAS-13579 - Log additional information on version/age of measures data being used

  • 08/14/21 CAS-13364 [] - A timerange parameter was added to task tsdimaging

  • 08/14/21 CAS-13005 - When rerefant exhausts all refants an additional message is added to the log that says "refant list exhausted, flagging all solutions".

  • 08/14/21 CAS-13436 - A bug in the tclean task for cube imaging has been fixed. Setting the pblimit parameter to a negative number is meant to indicate that a pb-based T/F mask in the output images should not be made, but this behavior had been mistakenly disabled in casa 6.2. This behavior now works again.

  • 08/14/21 CAS-13419 - Fixed two issues in plotbandpass: (1) avoid using offset value, e.g., 0.40+2.18e2 instead of 258.0, for axis tick labels, and (2) always show grid lines.

  • 08/13/21 CAS-13498 [] - Resolve defects which prevent restarting the CASA casaviewer and casaplotms in the situation where one of these GUIs has crashed.

  • 08/12/21 CAS-13571 [] - Updates made for internal testing of log output in CASA 6.

  • 08/12/21 CAS-13535 - Decreased the level of messages produced in the function measusres.doframe() regarding "position/epoch" from INFO to DEBUGGING, and ensures that it is printed on the fly instead of at the end of the CASA session, together with potentially many other similar messages.

  • 08/10/21 CAS-12741 [] - Resolved crash with _Zoom Out to Full Image Button_ in casaviewer.

  • 08/09/21 CAS-12706 [] - The new task phaseshift supports shifting of the phase center by arbitrary amounts and replaces the task fixvis which is less accurate. The new phase center can be specified in a coordinate frame different from the input MS. However, time dependent coordinate systems such as AZ-EL and ephemeris sources are not supported. If a different frame is specified, the PHASE_DIR column in the FIELD table will be updated to the corresponding coordinates of the native frame of the MS (normally J2000). Please see the phaseshift API for usage details, as the parameters/syntax have changed slightly from fixvis.

  • 08/09/21 CAS-13252 - Interactive clean now works in parallel/mpicasa.  

  • 08/03/21 CAS-13209 [] - Most of the casa command line options can instead be set within New to log2term, nologger, nologfile, nogui, colors, pipeline, agg, iplog, and user_site. When used on the casa command line, that setting takes precedence over the equivalent parameter in Three of the new parameters are now stored in the ctsys tool for later use: nogui, agg, and pipeline. Two tasks were previously re-parsing the casa command line for those values. These tasks now get those values from the ctsys tool: * plotms: nogui * plotant: nogui, agg, pipeline The behavior of these tasks is unchanged by these changes. Messages printed during casa startup are now logged as well as printed. The printed (and logged) paths to and are now consistent with each other  (either both relative or both absolute paths depending on the details of how casa was invoked at the time).

  • 08/02/21 CAS-13537 [] - tsysspwmap and other functions supplied by in the almatasks package will be deprecated in 6.3 and removed in 6.4. This ONLY applies to WITHIN the almatasks package. Other instances of in other packages will NOT be affected.

  • 07/29/21 CAS-13444 - importasdm fills a new, non-standard column named SDM_CORR_BIT to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table. SDM_CORR_BIT contains the string representation of the correlationBit field from the appropriate of the SpectralWindow table of the ASDM  ("BITS_2x2", "BITS_3x3", "BITS_4x4"). It has a value of an empty string when that field is not present for that row in the SpectralWindow table.

  • 07/26/21 CAS-13460 [] - Fix bug which prevented Splatalogue offline database from being found.

  • 07/22/21 CAS-13314 [] - Tclean includes image names and channel names (where appropriate) in the logs during minor cycle iterations. It also includes the names of outlier fields for multifield imaging. The absolute channels being processed by each individual MPI process can be determined by the log lines: MPIServer-M Processing channels in range [A, B]

  • 07/20/21 CAS-13523 [] - To support reprocessing of ALMA data, a return value has been added to the fixsyscaltimes script to indicate whether or not a fix has been applied.

  • 07/15/21 CAS-13405 [] - Infrastructure updates that allow Casa to be built on Macos 11.

  • 07/14/21 CAS-13411 [] - Fixed Casaviewer crashes on Macos 11. Updated matplotlib version to 3.3.3 to prevent plotant crashes on Macos 11. The combination of the patches makes it possible to run Macos 10.15 disk images on Macos 11.

  • 07/12/21 CAS-13466 [] - A workaround for a bug in the fringefit task that affects fringe-fitting of scans where an antenna drops out in the middle of a scan has been applied.

  • 07/02/21 CAS-13428 [] - The casarc variable CFCache.READONLY was added. When AWProject is run with an existing CFCache, if there are write permissions on the CFCache, it will work as before, reading the existing cfs and writing new cfs as needed. If write permission does not exist, earlier it would fail, and now it will run if CFCache.READONLY:1 is set in the .casarc and be able to read existing cfs (the default is CFCache.READONLY:0). Only if the AWProject run needs to add more convolution functions to the existing cfcache but does not have write permission, will it fail, and this will happen during the run, as and when the AWProject code detects the need to write a new cf. Therefore, CFCache.READONLY:1 is meant to be used only for situations where it is known and expected that AWProject will never need to add new cfs during the run (e.g. in test programs).

  • 06/30/21 CAS-13437 [] - A significant slow down in flagdata command present in 6.2 (up to 3-4x, specially in 'summary' mode) has now been fixed, bringing CASA 6.3 flagdata command to a performance comparable with CASA 6.1.

  • 06/28/21 CAS-13433 [] - Running tclean using a list of ALMA MeasurementSets which exhibit very large Doppler frequency changes between them (i.e., large TOPO offsets in channels) was found to result in crashes due to memory limits being crossed. A fix was implemented to switch to a different mode when such situations might occur (specifically, if the weight density grid is larger than 10% of the cube grid in memory usage). This different mode uses less memory but results in a longer runtime as tclean must make multiple passes through all MSs.

  • 06/28/21 CAS-12985 - To increase the consistency of task parameter behavior across CASA (and with CASA5) some enum parameters in cvel, cvel2, exportasdm, imreframe, mstransform, sdbaseline, sdsmooth and tsdimaging tasks were modified to allow for upper and lower case versions.

  • 06/25/21 CAS-13335 [] - Appears to be done and ready to verify, somewhat mixed in with the standardized build environment effort also underway

  • 06/24/21 CAS-13492 [] - New manylinux-based wheels of casaviewer, casaplotserver and casaplotms

  • 06/23/21 CAS-13467 [] - Fixed a bug whereby mstransform with createmms=True, separationaxis='spw', chanaverage=True, and a list of bins in chanbin, could produce an output MMS with mismatched channel bins. Possible known issue to include in previous releases: A bug – which was present in CASA 5, CASA 6.1, and CASA 6.2 – whereby mstransform with createmms=True, separationaxis='spw', chanaverage=True, and a list of bins in chanbin could produce an output MMS with mismatched channel bins has been fixed in CASA 6.3. 

  • 06/21/21 CAS-13471 [] - In previous CASA 6 releases (6.1 and 6.2), importvla failed for some historical VLA data. This bug has been fixed.

  • 06/21/21 CAS-13442 - Updated the version of casacore to the latest available as of 2021-06-21

  • 06/17/21 CAS-13473 [] - Calibration tables produced by the accor task can now be smoothed using the smoothcal task.

  • 06/14/21 CAS-13323 [] - Minor fix to sprintf function in, likely not covered by a current test case. Discussion on if/how to verify the change before merge to trunk

  • 06/11/21 CAS-13459 [] - The error "{{symbol lookup error: /lib64/ undefined symbol: FT_Done_MM_Var}}" was resolved by removing operating system libraries the CASA linux distribution. This change will enable subsequent support for casaviewer, casaplotms, and casaplotserver on RH8.

  • 06/11/21 CAS-13352 - Viewer now exits cleanly when started from unit tests with MPI in CASA 6. Added startup option that allows the viewer daemon to tell the spawned viewer process that it was spawned as part of the same task, so that it can exit cleanly after being started from the ALMA stakeholder tests.

  • 06/10/21 CAS-13368 - None

  • 06/04/21 CAS-12961 [] - If the shifted channel frequencies contain 'nan' caused by the incorrect radial velocity provided in the MS data (e.g. attached ephemeris table), this will be caught and the error message will be printed.

  • 06/03/21 CAS-13462 [] - A bug in plotms has been fixed that previously caused a) channel averaging for a caltable in plotms to be very slow when no antenna selection is set, and b) crashes when using channel averaging and avgantenna=True in the same plotms call for a caltable.  

  • 05/25/21 CAS-8550 - Bug fixes associated with this ticket (fixed in casacore): * A bug in importfitsidi that prevented data with a single spectral window withgain curve information present from being loaded has been fixed. * A bug in importfitsidi that prevented pulsar-binned data from the VLBA from being loaded has been fixed.

  • 05/25/21 CAS-13383 - A frequency-dependent version of the generic Jones matrix calibration class has been added to the calibration infrastructure. Like its frequency-independent counterpart, this functionality isn't used by any of the CASA tasks, but can be used to generate fully generic calibration tables thought the createcaltable() method of the calibrater tool.

  • 05/19/21 CAS-13270 [] - Tsys ingestion, as performed in the gencal task, has been made robust to NaNs which can appear in the Tsys values delivered with VLBI datasets. Previously, NaNs were sneaking through and causing downstream calibration operations to fail.

  • 05/18/21 CAS-13306 [] - Previously the apply modes 'flagonly', 'flagonlystrict', and 'trial' would generate a CORRECTED_DATA column in the MS despite no calibration being done on the data. These modes no longer create a CORRECTED_DATA column if none exists in the MS. The tests for these modes in have also been adjusted to ensure this column is not added.

  • 05/17/21 CAS-13438 [] - A bug in the gather and calc-pb-from-weight step for parallel continuum imaging with gridder='mosaic'/'awproject' was fixed here. The bug was introduced earlier in the 6.2 cycle and so no previous releases were affected.

  • 05/10/21 CAS-13362 [] - Updated ALMA spw classification algorithm to allow spws with bandwidths of < 2 GHz to be classified as FDM windows, whereas they were classified as TDM windows before change.

API Changes


  • fringefit(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='', refant='', minsnr=3.0, zerorates=False, globalsolve=True, niter=100, delaywindow=[''], ? - -, delaywindow='', ratewindow=[''], ? - -, ratewindow='', append=False, corrdepflags=False, docallib=False, callib='', gaintable=[''], ? - -, gaintable='', gainfield=[''], ? - -, gainfield='', interp=[''], ? - -, interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='', paramactive=[''], ? - -, paramactive='', parang=False)

  • sdgaincal(infile, calmode='doublecircle', radius='', smooth=True, antenna='', field='', spw='', scan='', intent='', applytable='', interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='', outfile='', overwrite=False)

  • sdimaging(infiles, outfile='', overwrite=False, field='', spw='', antenna='', scan='', intent='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start='0', width='1', veltype='radio', outframe='', gridfunction='BOX', convsupport=-1, truncate='-1', gwidth='-1', jwidth='-1', imsize=[''], ? - -, imsize='', cell='', phasecenter='', projection='SIN', ephemsrcname='', pointingcolumn='direction', restfreq='', stokes='', minweight=0.1, brightnessunit='', clipminmax=False)

  • importmiriad(mirfile, vis='', tsys=False, spw=[-1], vel='', linecal=False, wide=[''], ? - -, wide='', debug=0)

  • blcal(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='scan', freqdep=False, calmode='ap', solnorm=False, gaintable=[''], ? - -, gaintable='', gainfield=[''], ? - -, gainfield='', interp=[''], ? - -, interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='', parang=False)

  • gaincal(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='', preavg=-1.0, refant='', refantmode='flex', minblperant=4, minsnr=3.0, solnorm=False, normtype='mean', gaintype='G', smodel=[''], ? - -, smodel='', calmode='ap', solmode='', rmsthresh=[''], ? - -, rmsthresh='', corrdepflags=False, append=False, splinetime=3600.0, npointaver=3, phasewrap=180.0, docallib=False, callib='', gaintable=[''], ? - -, gaintable='', gainfield=[''], ? - -, gainfield='', interp=[''], ? - -, interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='', parang=False)

  • bandpass(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='scan', refant='', minblperant=4, minsnr=3.0, solnorm=False, bandtype='B', smodel=[''], ? - -, smodel='', corrdepflags=False, append=False, fillgaps=0, degamp=3, degphase=3, visnorm=False, maskcenter=0, maskedge=5, docallib=False, callib='', gaintable=[''], ? - -, gaintable='', gainfield=[''], ? - -, gainfield='', interp=[''], ? - -, interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='', parang=False)

  • concat(vis, concatvis='', freqtol='', dirtol='', respectname=False, timesort=False, copypointing=True, visweightscale=[''], ? - -, visweightscale='', forcesingleephemfield='')

  • simobserve(project='sim', skymodel='', inbright='', indirection='', incell='', incenter='', inwidth='', complist='', compwidth='"8GHz"', comp_nchan=1, setpointings=True, ptgfile='$project.ptg.txt', integration='10s', direction=[''], ? - -, direction='', mapsize=['', ''], maptype='hexagonal', pointingspacing='', caldirection='', calflux='1Jy', obsmode='int', refdate='2014/01/01', hourangle='transit', totaltime='7200s', antennalist='', sdantlist='', sdant=0, outframe='LSRK', thermalnoise='tsys-atm', user_pwv=0.5, t_ground=270., t_sky=260., tau0=0.1, seed=11111, leakage=0.0, graphics='both', verbose=False, overwrite=True)

  • accor(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='', corrdepflags=False, append=False, docallib=False, callib='', gaintable=[''], ? - -, gaintable='', gainfield=[''], ? - -, gainfield='', interp=[''], ? - -, interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='')

  • tsdimaging(infiles, outfile='', overwrite=False, field='', spw='', antenna='', scan='', intent='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE', timerange='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start='0', width='1', veltype='radio', specmode='cube', outframe='', gridfunction='BOX', convsupport=-1, truncate='-1', gwidth='-1', jwidth='-1', imsize=[''], ? - -, imsize='', cell='', phasecenter='', projection='SIN', pointingcolumn='direction', restfreq='', stokes='I', minweight=0.1, brightnessunit='', clipminmax=False)

  • deconvolve(imagename, model='', psf=[''], ? - -, psf='', alg='clark', niter=10, gain=0.1, threshold=0.0, mask='', scales=[0, 3, 10], sigma=0.0, targetflux=1.0, prior='')

  • initweights(vis, wtmode='nyq', tsystable='', gainfield='', interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='', dowtsp=False)

  • plotms(vis='', gridrows=1, gridcols=1, rowindex=0, colindex=0, plotindex=0, xaxis='', xdatacolumn='', xframe='', xinterp='', yaxis='', ydatacolumn='', yframe='', yinterp='', yaxislocation='', selectdata=True, field='', spw='', timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', correlation='', array='', observation='', intent='', feed='', msselect='', averagedata=True, avgchannel='', avgtime='', avgscan=False, avgfield=False, avgbaseline=False, avgantenna=False, avgspw=False, scalar=False, transform=True, freqframe='', restfreq='', veldef='RADIO', shift=[0.0, 0.0], extendflag=False, extcorr=False, extchannel=False, iteraxis='', xselfscale=False, yselfscale=False, xsharedaxis=False, ysharedaxis=False, customsymbol='False', symbolshape='autoscaling', symbolsize='2', symbolcolor='0000ff', symbolfill='fill', symboloutline='False', coloraxis='', customflaggedsymbol='False', flaggedsymbolshape='circle', flaggedsymbolsize='2', flaggedsymbolcolor='ff0000', flaggedsymbolfill='fill', flaggedsymboloutline='False', xconnector='', timeconnector=False, plotrange=[''], ? - -, plotrange='', title='', titlefont=0, xlabel='', xaxisfont=0, ylabel='', yaxisfont=0, showmajorgrid=False, majorwidth=1, majorstyle='', majorcolor='B0B0B0', showminorgrid=False, minorwidth=1, minorstyle='', minorcolor='D0D0D0', showlegend=False, legendposition='', plotfile='', expformat='', verbose=True, exprange='', highres=False, dpi=-1, width=-1, height=-1, overwrite=False, showgui=True, clearplots=True, callib=[''], ? - -, callib='', headeritems='', showatm=False, showtsky=False, showimage=False)

  • gencal(vis, caltable='', caltype='', infile='', spw='', antenna='', pol='', parameter=[''], ? - -, parameter='', uniform=True)

  • sdintimaging(vis, usedata='sdint', sdimage='', sdpsf='', sdgain=1.0, dishdia=100.0, selectdata=True, field='', spw='', timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', intent='', datacolumn='corrected', imagename='', imsize=100, cell='"1arcsec"', phasecenter='', stokes='I', projection='SIN', startmodel='', specmode='mfs', reffreq='', nchan=-1, start='', width='', outframe='LSRK', veltype='radio', restfreq=[''], ? - -, restfreq='', interpolation='linear', perchanweightdensity=True, gridder='standard', facets=1, psfphasecenter='', wprojplanes=1, vptable='', mosweight=True, aterm=True, psterm=False, wbawp=True, cfcache='', usepointing=False, computepastep=360.0, rotatepastep=360.0, pointingoffsetsigdev=[''], ? - -, pointingoffsetsigdev='', pblimit=0.2, deconvolver='hogbom', scales=[''], ? - -, scales='', nterms=2, smallscalebias=0.0, restoration=True, restoringbeam='', pbcor=False, weighting='natural', robust=0.5, noise='1.0Jy', npixels=0, uvtaper=[''], niter=0, gain=0.1, threshold=0.0, nsigma=0.0, cycleniter=-1, cyclefactor=1.0, minpsffraction=0.05, maxpsffraction=0.8, interactive=False, usemask='user', mask='', pbmask=0.0, sidelobethreshold=3.0, noisethreshold=5.0, lownoisethreshold=1.5, negativethreshold=0.0, smoothfactor=1.0, minbeamfrac=0.3, cutthreshold=0.01, growiterations=75, dogrowprune=True, minpercentchange=-1.0, verbose=False, fastnoise=True, restart=True, savemodel='none', calcres=True, calcpsf=True)

  • importasdm(asdm, vis='', createmms=False, separationaxis='auto', numsubms='auto', corr_mode='all', srt='all', time_sampling='all', ocorr_mode='ca', compression=False, lazy=False, asis='', wvr_corrected_data='no', scans='', ignore_time=False, process_syspower=True, process_caldevice=True, process_pointing=True, process_flags=True, tbuff=0.0, applyflags=False, savecmds=False, outfile='', flagbackup=True, verbose=False, overwrite=False, showversion=False, useversion='v3', useversion='deprecated', bdfflags=False, with_pointing_correction=False, convert_ephem2geo=True, polyephem_tabtimestep=0.)

  • imfit(imagename, box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', mask='', includepix=[''], ? - -, includepix='', excludepix=[''], ? - -, excludepix='', residual='', model='', estimates='', logfile='', append=True, newestimates='', complist='', overwrite=False, dooff=False, offset=0.0, fixoffset=False, stretch=False, rms='-1', noisefwhm='', summary='')

  • flagcmd(vis, inpmode='table', inpfile='', tablerows=[''], ? - -, tablerows='', reason='any', useapplied=False, tbuff=0.0, ants='', action='apply', flagbackup=True, clearall=False, rowlist=[''], ? - -, rowlist='', plotfile='', savepars=False, outfile='', overwrite=True)

  • sdsidebandsplit(outfile='', overwrite=False, signalshift=[''], ? - -, signalshift='', imageshift=[''], ? - -, imageshift='', getbothside=False, refchan=0.0, refval='', otherside=False, threshold=0.2)

  • statwt(vis, selectdata=True, field='', spw='', intent='', array='', observation='', scan='', combine='', timebin='1', slidetimebin=False, chanbin='spw', minsamp=2, statalg='classic', fence=-1, center='mean', lside=True, zscore=-1, maxiter=-1, fitspw='', excludechans=False, wtrange=[''], ? - -, wtrange='', flagbackup=True, preview=False, datacolumn='corrected')

  • importatca(files=[''], ? - -, files='', vis='', options='', spw=[-1], nscans=[0,0], lowfreq=0.1, highfreq=999, fields=[''], ? - -, fields='', edge=8)

  • setjy(vis='', field='', spw='', selectdata=False, timerange='', scan='', intent='', observation='', scalebychan=True, standard='Perley-Butler 2017', model='', modimage='', listmodels=False, fluxdensity=-1, spix=0.0, reffreq='1GHz', polindex=[''], ? - -, polindex='', polangle=[''], ? - -, polangle='', rotmeas=0.0, fluxdict='', useephemdir=False, interpolation='nearest', usescratch=False, ismms=False)

  • sdbaseline(infile, datacolumn='data', antenna='', field='', spw='', timerange='', scan='', pol='', intent='', reindex=True, maskmode='list', thresh=5.0, avg_limit=4, minwidth=4, edge=[0, 0], blmode='fit', dosubtract=True, blformat='text', bloutput='', bltable='', blfunc='poly', order=5, npiece=2, applyfft=True, fftmethod='fft', fftthresh=3.0, addwn=[0], rejwn=[''], ? - -, rejwn='', clipthresh=3.0, clipniter=0, blparam='', verbose=False, updateweight=False, sigmavalue='stddev', showprogress=False, minnrow=1000, outfile='', overwrite=False)

  • rmtables(tablenames=[''], ? - -, tablenames='')

  • exportasdm(vis, asdm='', datacolumn='data', archiveid='S0', rangeid='X1', subscanduration='24h', sbduration='2700s', apcorrected=False, verbose=True, showversion=True, ? ^^^, showversion=False, ? ^^^^, useversion='v3', useversion='deprecated')

  • virtualconcat(vis, concatvis='', freqtol='', dirtol='', respectname=True, visweightscale=[''], ? - -, visweightscale='', keepcopy=False, copypointing=True)

  • phaseshift - New Task

  • applycal(vis, field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', docallib=False, callib='', gaintable=[''], ? - -, gaintable='', gainfield=[''], ? - -, gainfield='', interp=[''], ? - -, interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='', calwt=[True], parang=False, applymode='', flagbackup=True)

  • slsearch(outfile='', freqrange=[84, 90], species=[''], ? - -, species='', reconly=False, chemnames=[''], ? - -, chemnames='', qns=[''], ? - -, qns='', intensity=[-1], smu2=[-1], loga=[-1], el=[-1], eu=[-1], rrlinclude=True, rrlonly=False, verbose=False, logfile='""', append=False)

  • plotbandpass(caltable, antenna='', field='', spw='', yaxis='amp', xaxis='chan', figfile='', plotrange=[0,0,0,0], caltable2='', overlay='', showflagged=False, timeranges='', buildpdf=False, caltable3='', markersize=3, density=108, interactive=True, showpoints='auto', showlines='auto', subplot='22', zoom='', poln='['']', ? - ---, poln='', showatm=False, pwv='auto', gs='gs', convert='convert', chanrange='', solutionTimeThresholdSeconds=30.0, debug=False, phase='['']', ? - ---, phase='', vis='', showtsky=False, showfdm=False, showatmfield='', lo1='', showimage=False, showatmpoints=False, parentms='', pdftk='pdftk', channeldiff=False, edge=8, resample=1, platformingThreshold=10.0, platformingSigma=10.0, basebands='', showBasebandNumber=False, scans='', figfileSequential=False, chanrangeSetXrange=False)

  • simalma(project='sim', dryrun=True, skymodel='', inbright='', indirection='', incell='', incenter='', inwidth='', complist='', compwidth='"8GHz"', setpointings=True, ptgfile='$project.ptg.txt', integration='10s', direction=[''], ? - -, direction='', mapsize=['', ''], antennalist=['alma.cycle1.1.cfg', 'aca.cycle1.cfg'], hourangle='transit', totaltime=['20min', '1h'], tpnant=0, tptime='0s', pwv=0.5, image=True, imsize=[128, 128], imdirection='', cell='', niter=0, threshold='0.1mJy', graphics='both', verbose=False, overwrite=False)

  • uvmodelfit(vis, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', msselect='', niter=5, comptype='P', sourcepar=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], varypar=[''], ? - -, varypar='', outfile='')

  • wvrgcal(vis, caltable='', toffset=0, segsource=True, sourceflag=[''], ? - -, sourceflag='', tie=[''], ? - -, tie='', nsol=1, disperse=False, wvrflag=[''], ? - -, wvrflag='', statfield='', statsource='', smooth='', scale=1., spw=[''], ? - -, spw='', wvrspw=[''], ? - -, wvrspw='', reversespw='', cont=False, maxdistm=500., minnumants=2, mingoodfrac=0.8, usefieldtab=False, refant=[''], ? - -, refant='', offsetstable='')

  • simanalyze(project='sim', image=True, imagename='default', skymodel='', vis='default', modelimage='', imsize=[0, 0], imdirection='', cell='', interactive=False, niter=0, threshold='0.1mJy', weighting='natural', mask='', outertaper=[''], ? - -, outertaper='', pbcor=True, stokes='I', featherimage='', analyze=False, showuv=True, showpsf=True, showmodel=True, showconvolved=False, showclean=True, showresidual=False, showdifference=True, showfidelity=True, graphics='both', verbose=False, overwrite=True, dryrun=False, logfile='')

  • polcal(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='obs,scan', preavg=300.0, refant='', minblperant=4, minsnr=3.0, poltype='D+QU', smodel=[''], ? - -, smodel='', append=False, docallib=False, callib='', gaintable=[''], ? - -, gaintable='', gainfield=[''], ? - -, gainfield='', interp=[''], ? - -, interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='')

  • spxfit(imagename='', box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', axis=-1, mask='', minpts=1, multifit=False, spxtype='plp', spxest=[''], ? - -, spxest='', spxfix=[''], ? - -, spxfix='', div='0', spxsol='', spxerr='', model='', residual='', wantreturn=True, stretch=False, logresults=True, logfile='', append=True, sigma='', outsigma='')

  • smoothcal(vis, tablein, caltable='', field=[''], ? - -, field='', smoothtype='median', smoothtime=60.0)

  • imsubimage(imagename, outfile='', box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', mask='', dropdeg=False, overwrite=False, verbose=True, stretch=False, keepaxes=[''], ? - -, keepaxes='')

  • tclean(vis, selectdata=True, field='', spw='', timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', intent='', datacolumn='corrected', imagename='', imsize=[100], cell='"1arcsec"', phasecenter='', stokes='I', projection='SIN', startmodel='', specmode='mfs', reffreq='', nchan=-1, start='', width='', outframe='LSRK', veltype='radio', restfreq=[''], ? - -, restfreq='', interpolation='linear', perchanweightdensity=True, gridder='standard', facets=1, psfphasecenter='', wprojplanes=1, vptable='', mosweight=True, aterm=True, psterm=False, wbawp=True, conjbeams=False, cfcache='', usepointing=False, computepastep=360.0, rotatepastep=360.0, pointingoffsetsigdev=[''], ? - -, pointingoffsetsigdev='', pblimit=0.2, normtype='flatnoise', deconvolver='hogbom', scales=[''], ? - -, scales='', nterms=2, smallscalebias=0.0, restoration=True, restoringbeam='', pbcor=False, outlierfile='', weighting='natural', robust=0.5, noise='1.0Jy', npixels=0, uvtaper=[''], niter=0, gain=0.1, threshold=0.0, nsigma=0.0, cycleniter=-1, cyclefactor=1.0, minpsffraction=0.05, maxpsffraction=0.8, interactive=False, usemask='user', mask='', pbmask=0.0, sidelobethreshold=3.0, noisethreshold=5.0, lownoisethreshold=1.5, negativethreshold=0.0, smoothfactor=1.0, minbeamfrac=0.3, cutthreshold=0.01, growiterations=75, dogrowprune=True, minpercentchange=-1.0, verbose=False, fastnoise=True, restart=True, savemodel='none', calcres=True, calcpsf=True, psfcutoff=0.35, parallel=False)

  • flagdata(vis, mode='manual', autocorr=False, inpfile='', reason='any', tbuff=0.0, spw='', field='', antenna='', uvrange='', timerange='', correlation='', scan='', intent='', array='', observation='', feed='', clipminmax=[''], ? - -, clipminmax='', datacolumn='DATA', clipoutside=True, channelavg=False, chanbin=1, timeavg=False, timebin='0s', clipzeros=False, quackinterval=1.0, quackmode='beg', quackincrement=False, tolerance=0.0, addantenna='', lowerlimit=0.0, upperlimit=90.0, ntime='scan', combinescans=False, timecutoff=4.0, freqcutoff=3.0, timefit='line', freqfit='poly', maxnpieces=7, flagdimension='freqtime', usewindowstats='none', halfwin=1, extendflags=True, winsize=3, timedev='', freqdev='', timedevscale=5.0, freqdevscale=5.0, spectralmax=1E6, spectralmin=0.0, antint_ref_antenna='', minchanfrac=0.6, verbose=False, extendpols=True, growtime=50.0, growfreq=50.0, growaround=False, flagneartime=False, flagnearfreq=False, minrel=0.0, maxrel=1.0, minabs=0, maxabs=-1, spwchan=False, spwcorr=False, basecnt=False, fieldcnt=False, name='Summary', action='apply', display='', flagbackup=True, savepars=False, cmdreason='', outfile='', overwrite=True, writeflags=True)

  • fluxscale(vis, caltable='', fluxtable='', reference=[''], ? - -, reference='', transfer=[''], ? - -, transfer='', listfile='', append=False, refspwmap=[-1], gainthreshold=-1.0, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', incremental=False, fitorder=1, display=False)


  • simulator.observemany(self, sourcenames=[''], ? - -, sourcenames='', spwname='', starttimes=['0s'], stoptimes=['3600s'], directions=[''], add_observation=False, state_sig=True, state_ref=False, state_cal=0.0, state_load=0.0, state_sub_scan=0, state_obs_mode='OBSERVE\_TARGET#ON\_SOURCE', observer='CASA simulator', project='CASA simulation')

  • simulator.predict(self, imagename=[''], ? - -, imagename='', complist='', incremental=False)

  • coordsys.newcoordsys(self, direction=False, spectral=False, stokes=[''], ? - -, stokes='', linear=0, tabular=False)

  • coordsys.addcoordinate(self, direction=False, spectral=False, stokes=[''], ? - -, stokes='', linear=0, tabular=False)

  • coordsys.subimage(self, originshft='', newshape=[''], ? - -, newshape='')

  • atmosphere.initAtmProfile(self, altitude=5000., temperature=270.0, pressure=560.0, maxAltitude=48.0, humidity=20.0, dTem_dh=-5.6, dP=10.0, dPm=1.2, h0=2.0, atmType=1, layerBoundaries=[''], ? - -, layerBoundaries='', layerTemperature=[''], ? - -, layerTemperature='')

  • calibrater.setsolve(self, type='G', t='', table='', append=False, preavg=-1.0, phaseonly=False, apmode='AP', refant='', refantmode='flex', minblperant=4, solnorm=False, normtype='median', minsnr=0.0, combine='', fillgaps=0, cfcache='', painc=360.0, fitorder=0, fraction=0.1, numedge=-1, radius='', smooth=True, zerorates=False, globalsolve=True, niter=100, delaywindow=[''], ? - -, delaywindow='', ratewindow=[''], ? - -, ratewindow='', paramactive=[''], ? - -, paramactive='', solmode='', rmsthresh=[''], ? - -, rmsthresh='')

  • calibrater.initweights(self, wtmode='nyq', dowtsp=False, tsystable='', gainfield='', interp='', spwmap=[''], ? - -, spwmap='')

  • calibrater.linpolcor(self, tablein='', tableout='', fields=[''], ? - -, fields='')

  • agentflagger.restoreflagversion(self, versionname=[''], ? - -, versionname='', merge='')

  • agentflagger.deleteflagversion(self, versionname=[''], ? - -, versionname='')

  • agentflagger.parseclipparameters(self, field='', spw='', array='', feed='', scan='', antenna='', uvrange='', time='', correlation='', intent='', observation='', datacolumn='DATA', clipminmax=[''], ? - -, clipminmax='', clipoutside=True, channelavg=False, chanbin=1, timeavg=False, timebin='', clipzeros=False, apply=True)

  • image.fromcomplist(self, outfile='', shape=[''], ? - -, shape='', cl='', csys='', overwrite=False, log=True, cache=True)

  • image.addnoise(self, type='normal', pars=[0.0, 1.0], region='', zero=False, seeds=[''], ? - -, seeds='')

  • image.fitprofile(self, box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', axis=-1, mask='', ngauss=1, poly=-1, estimates='', minpts=1, multifit=False, model='', residual='', amp='', amperr='', center='', centererr='', fwhm='', fwhmerr='', integral='', integralerr='', stretch=False, logresults=True, pampest='', pcenterest='', pfwhmest='', pfix='', gmncomps=0, gmampcon='', gmcentercon='', gmfwhmcon='', gmampest=[0.0], gmcenterest=[0.0], gmfwhmest=[0.0], gmfix='', spxtype='', spxest=[''], ? - -, spxest='', spxfix=[''], ? - -, spxfix='', div='0', spxsol='', spxerr='', logfile='', append=True, pfunc='', goodamprange=[0.0], goodcenterrange=[0.0], goodfwhmrange=[0.0], sigma='', outsigma='', planes=[''], ? - -, planes='')

  • image.maskhandler(self, op='default', name=[''], ? - -, name='')

  • image.moments(self, moments=[0], axis=-10, region='', mask='', method=[''], ? - -, method='', smoothaxes=[-1], smoothtypes='', smoothwidths=[0.0], includepix=[-1], excludepix=[-1], peaksnr=3.0, stddev=0.0, doppler='RADIO', outfile='', smoothout='', overwrite=False, drop=True, stretch=False)

  • image.crop(self, outfile='', axes=[''], ? - -, axes='', overwrite=False, region='', box='', chans='', stokes='', mask='', stretch=False, wantreturn=True)

  • image.sethistory(self, origin='', history=[''], ? - -, history='')

  • image.subimage(self, outfile='', region='', mask='', dropdeg=False, overwrite=False, list=True, stretch=False, wantreturn=True, keepaxes=[''], ? - -, keepaxes='')

  • utils.removetable(self, tablenames=[''], ? - -, tablenames='')

  • utils._crash_reporter_initialize - New Tool Method

  • utils._trigger_segfault - New Tool Method

  • utils.setpath(self, dirs=[''], ? - -, dirs='')

  • ms.getdata(self, items=[''], ? - -, items='', ifraxis=False, ifraxisgap=0, increment=1, average=False)

  • ms.createmultims(self, outputTableName='', tables='', subtables='', nomodify=True, lock=False, copysubtables=False, omitsubtables=[''], ? - -, omitsubtables='')

  • ms.writehistory_batch(self, messages=[''], ? - -, messages='', parms='', origin='MSHistoryHandler::addMessage()', msname='', app='ms')

  • ms.range(self, items=[''], ? - -, items='', useflags=True, blocksize=10)

  • ms.selectpolarization(self, wantedpol=[''], ? - -, wantedpol='')

  • ms.statwt(self, combine='', timebin='1', slidetimebin=False, chanbin='spw', minsamp=2, statalg='classic', fence=-1, center='mean', lside=True, zscore=-1, maxiter=-1, fitspw='', excludechans=False, wtrange=[''], ? - -, wtrange='', preview=False, datacolumn='corrected')

  • ms.sort(self, newmsname='', columns=[''], ? - -, columns='')

  • ms.iterinit(self, columns=[''], ? - -, columns='', interval=0.0, maxrows=0, adddefaultsortcolumns=True)

  • ms.ngetdata(self, items=[''], ? - -, items='', ifraxis=False, ifraxisgap=0, increment=1, average=False)

  • ms.niterinit(self, columns=[''], ? - -, columns='', interval=0.0, maxrows=0, adddefaultsortcolumns=True)

  • ms.rangeold(self, items=[''], ? - -, items='', useflags=True, blocksize=10)

  • ms.selectpolarizationold(self, wantedpol=[''], ? - -, wantedpol='')

  • ms.getdataold(self, items=[''], ? - -, items='', ifraxis=False, ifraxisgap=0, increment=1, average=False)

  • ms.iterinitold(self, columns=[''], ? - -, columns='', interval=0.0, maxrows=0, adddefaultsortcolumns=True)

  • table.fromascii(self, tablename='', asciifile='', headerfile='', autoheader=False, autoshape=[-1], sep='', commentmarker='', firstline=0, lastline=-1, nomodify=True, columnnames=[''], ? - -, columnnames='', datatypes=[''], ? - -, datatypes='')

  • table.toasciifmt(self, asciifile='', headerfile='', columns=[''], ? - -, columns='', sep='')

  • msmetadata.fieldsforscans(self, scans=[''], ? - -, scans='', asnames=False, obsid=-1, arrayid=-1, asmap=False)

  • synthesismaskhandler.pruneregions(self, inmaskname='', prunesize=0.0, chanflag=[''], ? - -, chanflag='', outmaskname='')

  •, msname='', filenames=[''], ? - -, filenames='', options=[''], ? - -, options='')

  •, firstscan=0, lastscan=9999, spw=[-1], lowfreq=0.1, highfreq=999.0, fields=[''], ? - -, fields='', edge=8.0)

  • atcafiller.opacities(self, fghz=[''], ? - -, fghz='', tempk=300.0, humi=50.0, press=1010.0, height=200.0)

  • quanta.angle(self, v='', prec=0, form=[''], ? - -, form='', showform=False)

  • quanta.time(self, v='', prec=0, form=[''], ? - -, form='', showform=False)

  • imager.clean(self, algorithm='clark', niter=1000, gain=0.1, threshold='0.0Jy', displayprogress=False, model=[''], ? - -, model='', keepfixed=[False], complist='', mask=[''], ? - -, mask='', image=[''], ? - -, image='', residual=[''], ? - -, residual='', psfimage=[''], ? - -, psfimage='', interactive=False, npercycle=100, masktemplate='')

  • imager.fixvis(self, fields=[-1], phasedirs=[''], ? - -, phasedirs='', refcode='', distances=[0.0], datacolumn='all')

  • imager.ft(self, model=[''], ? - -, model='', complist='', incremental=False, phasecentertime=-1.0)

  • imager.getweightgrid(self, type='imaging', wgtimages=[''], ? - -, wgtimages='')

  • imager.linearmosaic(self, images=[''], ? - -, images='', mosaic='', fluxscale='', sensitivity='', fieldids=[0], usedefaultvp=True, vptable='')

  • imager.mem(self, algorithm='entropy', niter=20, sigma='0.001Jy', targetflux='1.0Jy', constrainflux=False, displayprogress=False, model=[''], ? - -, model='', keepfixed=[False], complist='', prior=[''], ? - -, prior='', mask=[''], ? - -, mask='', image=[''], ? - -, image='', residual=[''], ? - -, residual='')

  • imager.nnls(self, model=[''], ? - -, model='', keepfixed=[False], complist='', niter=0, tolerance=1e-06, fluxmask=[''], ? - -, fluxmask='', datamask=[''], ? - -, datamask='', image=[''], ? - -, image='', residual=[''], ? - -, residual='')

  • imager.residual(self, model=[''], ? - -, model='', complist='', image=[''], ? - -, image='')

  • imager.restore(self, model=[''], ? - -, model='', complist='', image=[''], ? - -, image='', residual=[''], ? - -, residual='')

  • imager.updateresidual(self, model=[''], ? - -, model='', complist='', image=[''], ? - -, image='', residual=[''], ? - -, residual='')

  • imager.setmfcontrol(self, cyclefactor=1.5, cyclespeedup=-1, cyclemaxpsffraction=0.8, stoplargenegatives=2, stoppointmode=-1, minpb=0.1, scaletype='SAULT', constpb=0.4, fluxscale=[''], ? - -, fluxscale='', flatnoise=True)

  • imager.smooth(self, model=[''], ? - -, model='', image=[''], ? - -, image='', usefit=True, bmaj='5.arcsec', bmin='5.arcsec', bpa='0deg', normalize=True)


  • buildmytasks - New Function


  • update~data - New Function

  • update~user~data - New Function

  • rsync - New Function


  • python3 - New Function

  • pip3 - New Function

  • 2to3 - New Function

  • casa - New Function

  • mpicasa - New Function

  • casaviewer - New Function

  • buildmytasks - New Function

  • libraries - New Function


  • config - New Function

  • startup - New Function

  • command line - New Function