
simanalyze(project='sim', image=True, imagename='default', skymodel='', vis='default', modelimage='', imsize=[0, 0], imdirection='', cell='', interactive=False, niter=0, threshold='0.1mJy', weighting='natural', mask='', outertaper='', pbcor=True, stokes='I', featherimage='', analyze=False, showuv=True, showpsf=True, showmodel=True, showconvolved=False, showclean=True, showresidual=False, showdifference=True, showfidelity=True, graphics='both', verbose=False, overwrite=True, dryrun=False, logfile='')[source]

image and analyze measurement sets created with simobserve

[Description] [Examples] [Development] [Details]

  • project (string=’sim’) - root prefix for output file names

  • image (bool=True) - (re)image $project.*.ms to $project.image

    image = True
    • vis (string=’default’) - Measurement Set(s) to image

    • modelimage (string=’’) - image to use as clean prior

    • imsize (intVec=[0, 0]) - output image size in pixel units

    • imdirection (string=’’) - set output image direction

    • cell (string=’’) - cell size with units

    • interactive (bool=False) - call tclean in interactive mode

    • niter (int=0) - maximum number of iterations

    • threshold (string=’0.1mJy’) - target flux level and units

    • weighting (string=’natural’) - control image weighting method

    • mask (variant=’’) - Cleanbox(es), mask image(s), region(s), or a level

    • outertaper (stringVec=’’) - uv-taper on outer baselines in uv-plane

    • pbcor (bool=True) - correct synthesis images for primary beam response?

    • stokes (string=’I’) - Stokes parameterss to image

    • featherimage (string=’’) - image to feather with new image

    image = False
    • imagename (string=’default’) - simulation output image to analyze

    • skymodel (string=’’) - skymodel image to analyze

  • analyze (bool=False) - create analytical images

    analyze = True
    • showuv (bool=True) - display uv coverage

    • showpsf (bool=True) - display synthesized beam

    • showmodel (bool=True) - display sky model at original resolution

    • showconvolved (bool=False) - display sky model convolved with output clean beam

    • showclean (bool=True) - display the synthesized image

    • showresidual (bool=False) - display the clean residual image

    • showdifference (bool=True) - display difference between cleaned output and convolved model input

    • showfidelity (bool=True) - display fidelity image

  • graphics (string=’both’) - where to display graphics at each stage

  • verbose (bool=False) - report task activity

  • overwrite (bool=True) - overwrite files starting with $project

  • dryrun (bool=False) - only print information

  • logfile (string=’’) - user-defined log file



There are Known Issues for simanalyze.

This task is for imaging and analyzing MeasurementSets (MSs) simulated with simobserve or simalma.

simanalyze analyzes one or more MeasurementSets - interferometric and/or single dish, using CASA’s tclean task. It can also calculate and display the difference between the simulated observation and the original model data, and generate a “fidelity image”. Fidelity is defined as:

\[\begin{equation} \frac{I}{|I-T|} \end{equation}\]

where I is the observed image intensity and T is the true image intensity, given in this case by the sky model (see ALMA memo 398 for description of fidelity). The input parameters are therefore grouped by the two main pieces of functionality:

  1. Image - Image the visibility data with CASA’s tclean task. Most of the parameters are passed to the wrapper method simutil.imtclean, which in turn calls tclean.

  2. Analyze - Calculate and display the difference between output and input, and the fidelity image. Different diagnostic images can be chosen to plot on a multi-panel figure, with the different show parameters. That figure can be saved as a .png file if graphics=’both’ or graphics=’file’.

The output is a synthesized image, a difference image between the synthesized image and your sky model convolved with the output synthesized beam, and a fidelity image.


NOTE: If you prefer to run tclean manually (e.g., to interactively clean with a mask), you can do that, and then use simanalyze to convolve the sky model and create difference and fidelity images by setting image=False.

Task output

Below is a list of the products produced by the simanalyze task. Not all of these will necessarily be produced, depending on the input parameters selected.


NOTE: To support various runs using differing arrays, the file names have the configuration name from the antenna list appended.

  • tclean outputs:

    • [project].[cfg].image = synthesized image

    • [project].[cfg].residual = residual image after cleaning

    • [project].[cfg].pb = primary beam

    • [project].[cfg].image.pbcor = synthesized image corrected for primary beam attenuation

    • [project].[cfg].psf = synthesized (dirty) beam calculated from weighted uv distribution

    • [project].[cfg].mask = clean mask

    • [project].[cfg].model = sky brightness model

    • [project].[cfg].sumwt = single pixel image containing sum-of-weights

    • [project].[cfg].weight = Fourier transform of gridder weights, or un-normalized sum of PB-square (for all pointings)

    • [project].[cfg].tclean.last = parameter file of what parameters were used in the tclean task; also generated by simutil even when dryrun=True

  • simulator products:

    • [project].[cfg].skymodel.flat.regrid.conv = input sky regridded to match the output image, and convolved with the output clean beam

    • [project].[cfg].fidelity = fidelity image

    • [project].[cfg].image.png = diagnostic figure of clean image and residual

    • [project].[cfg].analysis.png = diagnostic figure of difference and fidelity

    • [project].[cfg].diff = difference image between flattened convolved model and flattened output

    • [project].[cfg].image.flat = 2D integrated intensity image, not corrected for primary beam; see simutil.modifymodel

    • [project].[cfg].simanalyze.last = saved input parameters for simanalyze task, available in CASAshell


WARNING: The simalma/simanalyze tasks do not support wideband multi-term imaging. Please use tclean (with other image analysis tasks) if your simulated MS from simobserve requires wideband continuum image reconstruction.

Parameter descriptions


This parameter should be set to the same name as used when running simobserve or simalma for the directory of results generated. In particular, [project]/[project].skymodel will be required in order to compare output and input images.


NOTE: simanalyze was designed to be used after one or more runs of simobserve, and as such it assumes it will be able to find a sky model image called [project]/[project].skymodel, .newmodel, or .compskymodel in the [project]/ subdirectory. If the simulated MS has been created by means other than simply calling simobserve, the user may have to copy their sky model image into the project subdirectory and call it [project].skymodel.


This parameter determines if simanalyze produces images or not. Note that this task always uses deconvolver=’clark’ in tclean.


WARNING: As is the case for real images, cleaning images produced by simobserve can lead to a spurious decrease in object fluxes and noise on the image (an effect known as “clean bias”). This is particularly true for observations with poor coverage of the uv-plane, i.e., using telescopes with small numbers of antennas, such as the ALMA Early Science configurations, and/or in short “snapshot” observations. Users should always clean images with care, using a small number of iterations and/or a conservative (3-5sigma) threshold and boxing bright sources.

image=True expandable parameters


Single or list of input MeasurementSets, which can include a total power MS. simanalyze will grid any total power MS, tclean (invert and deconvolve) any interferometric MSes, and feather the results. Examples: single MS: vis=”[project]”; multiple MSes: vis=”[project], [project]”.

The user can use project and let the task automatically replace it with the project name, e.g., vis=”[project],”. However, note that if you created MeasurementSet(s) using simobserve, the MS names will include the configuration, e.g., [project] Setting vis=’default’ will find and attempt to image all MeasurementSets (interferometric and single dish) in the [project]/ directory.


It is often preferable to use a low resolution (single dish or synthesis) image as a prior model during clean deconvolution of a higher resolution interferometric MS. That is accomplished by putting the low-resolution image in modelimage and the MS to be deconvolved in vis.


NOTE: This is not the original skymodel that was used in simobserve or simalma. It is recommended to leave this blank unless the user is familiar with using a prior in clean deconvolution.


NOTE 2: modelimage will not be used if the MS to be imaged is total power.


The output image size in pixels (x,y), or set to 0 to match model (default). Examples: imsize=[500,500] or imsize=500 result in the same image size.


Sets the output image direction. If left unset (default), the model center will be used. Examples: imdirection=’J2000 10h00m00.0s -30d00m00.0s’


Sets the cell size of the image with units. If left unset (default), the model cell size will be used. Examples: cell=’10arcsec’


Turns interactive cleaning off or on. The default setting for this parameter is interactive=False (no interactive cleaning). If True, make sure to set niter>0.


The maximum number of iterations to perform. This value can be changed for interactive cleaning (interactive=True) in the viewer GUI. Examples: niter=5000


This parameter sets the upper threshold for cleaning (clean will stop if this level is reached). The default is 0.1 mJy. Examples: threshold=’0.5mJy’


This parameter sets the weighting that is to be applied to the visibility data. Options: ‘natural’ (+2.0 robust, default), ‘uniform’ (-2.0 robust), or ‘briggs’. If ‘briggs’ weighting is selected, the default robust factor of tclean will be used (0.5) and changing this parameter value is not supported by simanalyze. If a robust weighting is needed that is not available, it is suggested to set image to False and to clean manually with clean/tclean.


Specification of cleanbox(es), mask image(s), primary beam coverage level, and/or region(s) to be used for cleaning. clean tends to perform better and is less likely to diverge if the clean component placement is limited by a mask to where real emission is expected to be. Examples: pixel ranges mask=[110,110,150,145]; filename of mask image mask=’myimage.mask’; or a file with mask regions mask=’mymask.txt’.


outertaper sets an outer threshold on baselines in the uv-plane, usually to achieve a lower angular resolution and to recover more extended emission that may be resolved out. Examples: outertaper=[ ] no outer taper applied; outertaper=[’5klambda’] circular uv taper FWHM at 5 kilo-lambda; outertaper=[’5klambda’,’3klambda’,’45.0deg’] elliptical Gaussian; outertaper=[’10arcsec’] on-sky FWHM of 10 arcsecs; outertaper=[’300.0’] 300m in aperture plane


The pbcor parameter determines whether or not simanalyze corrects the flux based on the primary beam. If pbcor=True, a .pbcor image will be produced with the primary beam correction applied. This is set to True by default.


The stokes parameter specifies the Stokes parameters for the resulting images. Note that forming Stokes Q and U images requires the presence of cross-hand polarizations (e.g. RL and LR for circularly polarized systems such as the VLA) in the data. Stokes V requires both parallel hands (RR and LL) for circularly-polarized systems or the cross-hands (XY and YX) for linearly polarized systems such as ALMA and ATCA. Examples: stokes = ’I’ intensity only (default); stokes = ’IQU’ intensity and linear polarization; stokes = ’IV’ intensity and circular polarization; stokes = ’IQUV’ all Stokes imaging; stokes = ’RR’ right hand polarization only; stokes = ’XXYY’ both linear polarizations


Sometimes it is preferable to grid the single dish MS using the sdimaging task for more control. In that case, the user can input the resulting single dish imaging under featherimage, only put interferometric MSs in vis, and simanalyze will clean the interferometric and feather with the featherimage.

image=False expandable parameters


If the user already has a synthesized image they wish to use, it can be input using the parameter imagename.


simanalyze will attempt to find an appropriate skymodel image - this is the *.skymodel image created by simobserve or simalma, the (optionally rescaled) original sky model which was used to create the MeasurementSet. If a skymodel is not explicitedly assigned, simanalyze will look in the project directory.


This parameter is used to turn on or off the creation of analytical images pertaining to the simulation.

analyze=True expandable parameters

When the analyze parameter is set to True, simanalyze will display the first 6 of the following analysis images, based on whether the sub-parameters are set to True or False. An image will also be created of the difference between the input skymodel and the simulated output image (whether that output image is being generated in the same call to simanalyze, with image=True, or has already been generated, and simanalyze is being called with image=False).


Displays a plot of the uv coverage for the simulation.


Displays a synthesized (dirty) beam (ignored in single dish simulation).


Displays the sky model at its original resolution.


Displays the sky model convolved with an output beam.


Displays the synthesized image.


Displays the clean residual image (ignored in single dish simulation).


Displays the difference between output cleaned image and input model sky image convolved with an output clean beam.


Displays the fidelity image. The fidelity image is defined by the following equation:

\(fidelity = \frac{|input|}{max[|input-output|,0.7\*rms(output)]}\)


NOTE: The RMS is calculated in the lower quarter of the image which is likely not the best choice. It is encouraged to measure RMS manually in an off-source region using the viewer.


Displays graphics based on the manner in which the parameter is set. Options: ‘screen’, ‘file’, ‘both’, ‘none’


Turns on or off the reporting of task activity in the log. Examples: verbose=False (default)


If the user would like simanalyze to replace the previously created files starting with the project name, set this parameter to True (default).


dryrun=True is an advanced technical mode only useful for interferometric (not single dish) data.


Allows for a user-defined log file naming convention if verbose=True.


This example was taken from the Simulation CASA Guide entitled ‘Simulation Guide Component Lists’.

project = "FITS_list"
imsize = [256,256]
imdirection = "J2000 10h00m00.0s -30d00m00.0s"
cell = '0.1arcsec'
niter = 5000
threshold = '10.0mJy/beam'
analyze = True

No additional development details

Parameter Details

Detailed descriptions of each function parameter

project (string='sim') - root prefix for input and output file names.
This must be the directory of results generated by running
simobserve or simalma. In particular $project/$project.skymodel
will be required in order to compare output and input images.
image (bool=True) - Controls whether tclean is called to image the MeasurementSet data. If true, input one or more simulated MSs using the vis parameter. These can include a total power MS. This task will grid any total power MS, invert and deconvolve any interferometric MS(s) (using the simutil method imtclean), and feather the results. If this parameter is set to False (e.g., if the user has created a synthesized image themselves or simanalyze has previously been run with image=True) the user should provide that image as input to the imagename parameter. This task will then attempt to find an appropriate skymodel image (such as the optionally rescaled *.skymodel produced by simobserve or simalma and used to create the MS).
imagename (string='default') - Name of image to image/analyze, expected to be of the same form as those generated by simobserve. Defaults to the first file found with the name $project/*.image
skymodel (string='') - Name of a specific .skymodel image created by simobserve or simalma and used by one of those tasks to create a MS. If unspecified, will try to find one similar to your specified output image name.
vis (string='default') - Name of the Measurement Set(s) to image, specified as a string or string containing a comma separating the names. If set to “default”, will attempt to find and image all MeasurementSets (interferometric and single dish) in the project directory. Note that if you created MeasurementSets using simobserve, the names will include the antenna configuration. Example of a single MS: vis=””. Example of multiple MSs: vis=”,”. Example of using the $project syntax: vis=”$,$”.
modelimage (string='') - Sometimes it is preferable to use a low resolution (single dish or synthesis) image as a starting model during clean deconvolution of a higher resolution interferometric MS. That is accomplished by specifying the low-resolution image as input to this parameter, and the MS to be deconvolved as input to the vis parameter. This parameter is passed to the startmodel parameter of tclean via the simutil method imtclean. Note that this is separate from the functionality controlled by the featherimage parameter and that it is not necessarily the original skymodel that was used in simobserve or simalma. Also note that the modelimage will not be used if the MS to be imaged is total power.
imsize (intVec=[0, 0]) - A list of integers corresponding to the number of pixels in (x,y) dimensions of output image. If 0, will attempt to match model image.
imdirection (string='') - A string corresponding to a direction to adopt as phase center, including epoch, right ascension, and declination. If unset, will adopt center on the model.
cell (string='') - Specify the cell size with units, e.g., “10arcsec”. If left unset (an empty string), the model cell size will be used. This is the default setting.
interactive (bool=False) - Controls how the simutil method imtclean will call the tclean task. If this parameter is set to True, make sure to set the parameter niter to a value >0.
niter (int=0) - Controls the value of the niter parameter in tclean call, and thus the maximum number of iterations per minor cycle. Set to 0 to produce a dirty image. Can also be modified through the viewer GUI via the interactive parameter.
threshold (string='0.1mJy') - Set the quantity corresponding to the target flux level at which to stop cleaning. This value is passed to tclean via the simutil method imtclean.
weighting (string='natural') - Set the weighting scheme to apply to visibilities during image reconstruction. If set to briggs, will use the tclean default robust parameter (0.5)
mask (variant='') - Accepts a list of cleanbox(es), mask image file name(s), region(s), and/or a primary beam coverage level. Input to this parameter will specify areas to be searched for clean components. tclean tends to perform better and is less likely to diverge if the component placement is limited by a mask to where real emission is expected. See the tclean task documentation for more information about masking. Example of a pixel range mask: mask=[110,110,150,145]
outertaper (stringVec='') - Accepts a list of strings in the form of a quantity that sets an other threshold on baselines in the uv-plane. Usually used to achieve a lower effective angular resolution and recover more extended emission in reconstructed image. If left unset via empty list (the default) no outer taper will be applied.
pbcor (bool=True) - Controls whether primary beam correction is applied in the call to task tclean.
stokes (string='I') - Stokes parameters to include in the call to tclean via the simutil method imtclean. Note that forming Stokes Q and U images requires the presence of cross-hand polarizations (e.g., RL and LR for circularly polarized systems such as the VLA) in the input data. Stokes V requires both parallel hands (RR and LL) for circularly-polarized systems or the cross-hands (XY and YX) for linearly polarized systems such as ALMA and ATCA.
featherimage (string='') - String corresponding to the name of an image (e.g., total power data) to feather with the interferometric synthesis image. Sometimes it is preferable to grid the single dish MS using the sdimaging task for more control. In that case, the user can input the resulting single dish imaging under featherimage, only pass interferometric data as input to the vis parameter, and this task will clean the interferometric and feather with the featherimage.
analyze (bool=False) - Used to create an image of the difference between the input skymodel and the simulated output image (whether that output image is being generated in the same call to simanalyze, with image=True, or has already been generated, and simanalyze is being called with image=False). If True, only the first 6 selected subparameter outputs will be displayed.
showuv (bool=True) - Displays a plot of the simulated uv coverage
showpsf (bool=True) - Displays synthesized (dirty) beam. Ignored in single dish simulation.
showmodel (bool=True) - Displays the sky model at original resolution of input image.
showconvolved (bool=False) - Displays the sky model convolved with output clean beam.
showclean (bool=True) - Displays the synthesized image produced by the call to task tclean.
showresidual (bool=False) - Displays the residual image produced by the call to task tclean. Ignored in single dish simulations.
showdifference (bool=True) - Displays a difference image between cleaned image output by the tclean call, and input model sky image convolved with synthesized beam determined by output of tclean call.
showfidelity (bool=True) - Display a fidelity image. Note that the RMS is calculated in the lower quarter of the image. This is likely not the best choice, so you are encouraged to measure RMS yourself in an off-source region. Fidelity = abs(input) / max[ abs(input-output), 0.7*rms(output) ]
graphics (string='both') - Controls where graphics are displayed. Options are screen, file, both, or none.
verbose (bool=False) - Controls task activity is reported in the log.
overwrite (bool=True) - Controls whether the task will overwrite existing files starting with $project name.
dryrun (bool=False) - Experimental feature for interfermetric data only. Controls whether information pertaining to the tclean call and analysis will be recorded and written to files for inspection and adaption.
logfile (string='') - Allows for a user-defined log file naming convention if the verbose parameter is set to True.