# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def msview(infile, displaytype='raster', channel=0, zoom=1, outfile='', outscale=1.0, outdpi=300, outformat='jpg', outlandscape=False, gui=True):
View a visibility data set
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- infile_ (string)
- displaytype_ (string='raster')
- channel_ (int=0)
- zoom_ (int=1)
- outfile_ (string='')
- outscale_ (double=1.0)
- outdpi_ (int=300)
- outformat_ (string='jpg')
- outlandscape_ (bool=False)
- gui_ (bool=True)
.. _Description:
.. warning:: There are `Known Issues <../../notebooks/introduction.html#Known-Issues>`__ for msview.
The msview task will display a MeasurementSet in raster form. Many
display and editing options are available. Executing the
**msview** task will bring up a display panel window, which can be
re-sized (see below).
If no data file was specified, a Load Data window will also
appear. Click on the desired MeasurementSet and the rendered data
should appear on the display panel. A Data Display Options window
will also appear. It has drop-down subsections for related
options, most of which are self-explanatory.
The state of the **msview** task, i.e. the loaded data and related
display options, can be saved in a 'restore' file for later
use. You can provide the restore filename on the command line
or select it from the Load Data window.
For more detailed on how to use the msview task, please read the
dedicated CASADocs chapter on `2-D Visualization and Flagging of
Visibility Data <../../notebooks/data_examination.ipynb>`__.
.. _Examples:
.. rubric:: Display a MeasurementSet as a raster image
msview(infile='my_MeasurementSet.ms', displaytype='raster')
This displays the MeasurementSet as a raster image. Settings
(e.g., axes) can then be manually adjusted using the interactive
Viewer Display Panel. If no *infile* is specified, the Load Data
window will appear for selecting data.
The parameter *displaytype* (optional) gives the method of
rendering data visually using one of the following settings:
raster (default), contour, vector or marker. You can also set this
parameter to 'lel' to provide a `Lattice Expression
Language <../../notebooks/image_analysis.html#Lattice-Expression-Language>`__ expression for
*infile* (advanced).
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _infile:
| ``infile (string)`` - (Optional) Name of file to visualize.
.. _displaytype:
| ``displaytype (string='raster')`` - (Optional) Type of visual rendering (raster, contour, vector or marker). lel if an lel expression is given for infile (advanced).
.. _channel:
| ``channel (int=0)`` - (Optional) access a specific channel in the image cube
.. _zoom:
| ``zoom (int=1)`` - (Optional) zoom in/out by increments
.. _outfile:
| ``outfile (string='')`` - (Optional) name of the output file to generate
.. _outscale:
| ``outscale (double=1.0)`` - (Optional) amount to scale output bitmap formats (non-PS, non-PDF)
.. _outdpi:
| ``outdpi (int=300)`` - (Optional) output DPI for PS/PDF
.. _outformat:
| ``outformat (string='jpg')`` - (Optional) format of the output e.g. jpg or pdf (this is overridden by the output files extension
.. _outlandscape:
| ``outlandscape (bool=False)`` - (Optional) should the output mode be landscape (PS or PDF)
.. _gui:
| ``gui (bool=True)`` - (Optional) Display the panel in a GUI.