# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def plotprofilemap(imagename, figfile='', overwrite=False, transparent=False, pol=0, spectralaxis='', restfreq='', plotrange='', title='', linecolor='b', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.2, separatepanel=True, plotmasked='empty', maskedcolor='gray', showaxislabel=False, showtick=False, showticklabel=False, figsize='', numpanels=''):
Makes profile map
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- imagename_ (path) - Input image name (CASA image or FITS)
- figfile_ (string='') - Output figure name
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> figfile != '' </i></summary>
- overwrite_ (bool=False) - Overwrite existing figfile
- transparent_ (bool=False) - Output transparent figure
.. raw:: html
- pol_ (int=0) - Polarization component to be plotted
- spectralaxis_ (string='') - Type of spectral axis
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> spectralaxis = velocity </i></summary>
- restfreq_ (string='') - Rest frequency
.. raw:: html
- plotrange_ (string='') - Spectral axis range to plot
- title_ (string='') - Title of the plot
- linecolor_ (string='b') - Line color
- linestyle_ (string='-') - Line style
- linewidth_ (double=0.2) - Line width in points
- separatepanel_ (bool=True) - Separate plots
- plotmasked_ (string='empty') - Masked data handling
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<details><summary><i> plotmasked = plot </i></summary>
- maskedcolor_ (string='gray') - Line color for masked data
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<details><summary><i> plotmasked = zero </i></summary>
- maskedcolor_ (string='gray') - Line color for masked data
.. raw:: html
- showaxislabel_ (bool=False) - Show axis labels on the bottom left panel
- showtick_ (bool=False) - Show axis ticks
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> showtick = True </i></summary>
- showticklabel_ (bool=False) - Show axis tick labels on the bottom left panel
.. raw:: html
- figsize_ (string='') - Size of the figure
- numpanels_ (string='') - Number of panels
.. _Description:
.. warning:: There are `Known Issues <../../notebooks/introduction.html#Known-Issues>`__ for plotprofilemap.
The **plotprofilemap** makes a spectral profile map from a
specified image. The task accepts both a CASA image or a FITS cube
as an input. Output is to the screen, or to image file (specified
with *figfile*).
It is necessary to specify existing CASA image or FITS cube as an
*imagename*. Otherwise, the task will fail. If *figfile* is
specified, the profile map is saved as an PNG image. Please set
*overwrite* to False if you don't want to overwrite existing file.
Selection of data is enabled through polarisation only (since this
task operates in image data, not measurement set format).
The plot parameters can be manipulated via *plotrange*, *title*,
*separatepanel*, *showaxislabel*, *showtick*, *figsize*; the line
style can be specified through *linecolor*, *linestyle*,
*linewidth*, and the actual number of sub-plots is specificed with
The number of panels along the horizontal and vertical direction
can be specified via the parameter *numpanels*. It should be a
string containing numerical values indicating the number of
panels. If only one number is given it will be applied to both
axes. If you want to provide different numbers to horizontal and
vertical axes, you should give two numbers as a string separated
by comma.
If the number of panels is less than the number of pixels of
input image, more than one pixel is assigned to one panel. In
that case, spectra to be shown are the average of the assigned
spectra in each pixel.
Default value for *numpanels* is empty string ('') which
corresponds to an auto calculation of the number of panels based
on the number of pixels of input image. Formulas for the number
of horizontal and vertical panels, nh and nv, are as follows:
npanel = min(max(nx, ny), 8)
step = (max(nx, ny) - 1) / npanel + 1
nh = nx / step + 1
nv = ny / step + 1
where nx and ny are the number of pixels along direction axes. In
the above calculation, upper limit for nh and nv is 9.
The output image is directed to screen by default, but can be sent
to a file image by naming a file with '*figfile'*. The image can
also be made with a transparent background: *transparent=True*
The behaviour of the task in the context of masked data (i.e. how
to show data that are masked) is enabled with *plotmasked*, which
can have values;
'empty' (default; show empty panel)
'zero' (plot zero level)
'none' (show nothing)
'text' (show text indicating 'NO DATA')
'plot' (plot masked data with different color specified by maskedcolor)
.. _Examples:
**plotprofilemap** chooses the size and number of subplots based
on that specified by the user, though blank data in the set may
produce unexpected results. The appearance of the blank data can
be changed using the *plotmasked* function, as shown below.
The default case for the M100 CSV data:
Obviously, the inner 4x5 region only, contains data that is not
blanked. A naive solution is to select only those:
But the masked data still persists of course, and causes the
outer-edges to be blanked. A solution is to set
Which produces a plot that focuses only on the emission.
.. |image1| image:: ../../tasks/_apimedia/8ee9bc833d57e9f01375e4974c2833c2f15b64a8.png
.. |image2| image:: ../../tasks/_apimedia/67255e06643ff3f7320e412611835aa4b8624d72.png
.. |image3| image:: ../../tasks/_apimedia/4b9eaef3de2494f54104e9f6a891ab1407c95730.png
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _imagename:
| ``imagename (path)`` - Input image name (CASA image or FITS)
.. _figfile:
| ``figfile (string='')`` - Output figure name
.. _overwrite:
| ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - Overwrite existing figfile
.. _transparent:
| ``transparent (bool=False)`` - Output transparent figure
.. _pol:
| ``pol (int=0)`` - Polarization component to be plotted
.. _spectralaxis:
| ``spectralaxis (string='')`` - Type of spectral axis
.. _restfreq:
| ``restfreq (string='')`` - Rest frequency
.. _plotrange:
| ``plotrange (string='')`` - Spectral axis range to plot
.. _title:
| ``title (string='')`` - Title of the plot
.. _linecolor:
| ``linecolor (string='b')`` - Line color
.. _linestyle:
| ``linestyle (string='-')`` - Line style
.. _linewidth:
| ``linewidth (double=0.2)`` - Line width in points
.. _separatepanel:
| ``separatepanel (bool=True)`` - Separate plots
.. _plotmasked:
| ``plotmasked (string='empty')`` - Masked data handling
.. _maskedcolor:
| ``maskedcolor (string='gray')`` - Line color for masked data
.. _showaxislabel:
| ``showaxislabel (bool=False)`` - Show axis labels on the bottom left panel
.. _showtick:
| ``showtick (bool=False)`` - Show axis ticks
.. _showticklabel:
| ``showticklabel (bool=False)`` - Show axis tick labels on the bottom left panel
.. _figsize:
| ``figsize (string='')`` - Size of the figure
.. _numpanels:
| ``numpanels (string='')`` - Number of panels