# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def tsdimaging(infiles, outfile='', overwrite=False, field='', spw='', antenna='', scan='', intent='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE', timerange='', outframe='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start='0', width='1', veltype='radio', specmode='cube', interpolation='linear', pointingcolumn='direction', convertfirst='never', projection='SIN', imsize='', cell='', phasecenter='', stokes='I', gridfunction='BOX', convsupport=-1, truncate='-1', gwidth='-1', jwidth='-1', clipminmax=False, minweight=0.1, brightnessunit='', restfreq=''):
SD task: imaging for total power and spectral data
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- infiles_ (pathVec) - a list of names of input SD Measurementsets (only MS is allowed for this task)
- outfile_ (string='') - prefix of output images (.image, .weight)
- overwrite_ (bool=False) - overwrite the output file if already exists [True, False]
- field_ ({string, stringVec}='') - select data by field IDs and names, e.g. \'3C2*\' (\'\'=all)
- spw_ ({string, stringVec}='') - select data by IF IDs (spectral windows), e.g. \'3,5,7\' (\'\'=all)
- antenna_ ({string, stringVec}='') - select data by antenna names or IDs, e.g, \'PM03\' (\'\' = all antennas)
- scan_ ({string, stringVec}='') - select data by scan numbers, e.g. \'21~23\' (\'\'=all)
- intent_ ({string, stringVec}='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE') - select data by observational intent, e.g. \'*ON_SOURCE*\' (\'\'=all)
- timerange_ (string='') - select data by range of time, e.g. 20:15:00~20:16:00 (\'\'=all)
- mode_ (string='channel') - spectral gridding type [\'channel\', \'frequency\', \'velocity\']
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<details><summary><i> mode = channel </i></summary>
- nchan_ (int=-1) - number of channels (planes) in output image (-1=all)
- start_ ({string, int}='0') - start of output spectral dimension, e.g. \'0\', \'110GHz\', \'-20km/s\'
- width_ ({string, int}='1') - width of output spectral channels
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<details><summary><i> mode = frequency </i></summary>
- nchan_ (int=-1) - number of channels (planes) in output image (-1=all)
- start_ ({string, int}='0') - start of output spectral dimension, e.g. \'0\', \'110GHz\', \'-20km/s\'
- width_ ({string, int}='1') - width of output spectral channels
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<details><summary><i> mode = velocity </i></summary>
- nchan_ (int=-1) - number of channels (planes) in output image (-1=all)
- start_ ({string, int}='0') - start of output spectral dimension, e.g. \'0\', \'110GHz\', \'-20km/s\'
- width_ ({string, int}='1') - width of output spectral channels
- veltype_ (string='radio') - velocity definition [\'radio\', \'optical\', \'true\' or \'relativistic\']
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- specmode_ (string='cube') - Spectral definition mode (cube, cubedata, cubesource)
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<details><summary><i> specmode = cube </i></summary>
- outframe_ (string='') - velocity frame of output image [\'lsrk\', \'lsrd\', \'bary\', \'geo\', \'topo\', \'galacto\', \'lgroup\', \'cmb\'] (\'\'=current frame or LSRK for multiple-MS inputs)
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- interpolation_ (string='linear') - Spectral interpolation ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"]
- pointingcolumn_ (string='direction') - pointing data column to use [\'direction\', \'target\', \'pointing_offset\', \'source_offset\' or \'encoder\']
- convertfirst_ (string='never') - pointing column: direction conversion-interpolation processing scheme to use ["never", "auto", "always"]
- projection_ (string='SIN') - map projection type
- imsize_ ({intVec, doubleVec}='') - x and y image size in pixels, e.g., [64,64]. Single value: same for both spatial axes ([] = number of pixels to cover whole pointings in MSes)
- cell_ ({string, stringVec, doubleVec}='') - x and y cell size, (e.g., [\'8arcsec\',\'8arcsec\']. default unit arcmin. ('' = 1/3 of FWHM of primary beam)
- phasecenter_ (variant='') - image center direction: position or field index or ephemeris source info, e.g., \'J2000 17:30:15.0 -\', \'MARS\'. (\'\' = the center of pointing directions in MSes)
- stokes_ (string='I') - stokes parameters or polarization types to image, e.g. \'I\', \'XX\'
- gridfunction_ (string='BOX') - gridding function for imaging [\'BOX\', \'SF\', \'PB\', \'GAUSS\' or \'GJINC\'] (see description in help)
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<details><summary><i> gridfunction = SF </i></summary>
- convsupport_ (int=-1) - convolution support for gridding
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<details><summary><i> gridfunction = sf </i></summary>
- convsupport_ (int=-1) - convolution support for gridding
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<details><summary><i> gridfunction = GAUSS </i></summary>
- truncate_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - truncation radius for gridding
- gwidth_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - HWHM for gaussian
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<details><summary><i> gridfunction = gauss </i></summary>
- truncate_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - truncation radius for gridding
- gwidth_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - HWHM for gaussian
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<details><summary><i> gridfunction = GJINC </i></summary>
- truncate_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - truncation radius for gridding
- gwidth_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - HWHM for gaussian
- jwidth_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - c-parameter for jinc function
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.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> gridfunction = gjinc </i></summary>
- truncate_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - truncation radius for gridding
- gwidth_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - HWHM for gaussian
- jwidth_ ({string, int, double}='-1') - c-parameter for jinc function
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- clipminmax_ (bool=False) - Clip minimum and maximum value from each pixel
- minweight_ (double=0.1) - Minimum weight ratio to use
- brightnessunit_ (string='') - Overwrite the brightness unit in image (\'\' = respect the unit in MS) [\'K\' or \'Jy/beam\']
- restfreq_ ({string, double}='') - rest frequency to assign to image, e.g., \'114.5GHz\'. When the default value \'\' is used, the task currently internally uses REST_FREQUENCY of SOURCE table or mean frequency of given spectral window as a default value.
.. _Description:
The **tsdimaging** task grids/images total power and spectral data
according to a specified gridding kernel. The input data should be
calibrated and bandpass corrected (where necessary), and the
output is a CASA image format dataset, either 2-D, 3-D, or 4-D
depending on the input parameters. The details of conformance checks that are performed
on the list of MSes are summarized in the `CASA Docs page on
Combining Datasets <../../notebooks/casa-fundamentals.ipynb#Combining-Datasets>`__.
The output image contains up to four axes: two spatial axes,
frequency, and polarization. By default, the spatial coordinates
are determined such that the imaged area is covered with a cell
size equal to 1/3 of the FWHM of the primary beam of antennas in
the first MS. It is also possible to define the spatial axes of
the image by specifying the image center direction
(*phasecenter*), the number of image pixels (*imsize*), and the
pixel size (*cell*).
The frequency coordinate of the image is defined by three
parameters: the number of channels (*nchan*), the channel
number/frequency/velocity of the first channel (*start*), and the
channel width (*width*). The *start* and *width* parameters can be
in units of 'channel' (use channel number), 'frequency' (e.g.,
'GHz'), or 'velocity' (e.g., 'km/s'). By default, *nchan*,
*start*, and *width* are set so that all selected spectral windows
are covered with a channel width equal to the separation of the
first two channels selected.
Finally, the polarization axis of the image is determined by the
*stokes* parameter. For example, *stokes='XXYY'* produces an image
cube with each plane containing the image of one of the
polarizations, while *stokes='I'* produces a "total intensity", or
Stokes I image. There is also another option for Stokes I imaging,
called 'pseudoI'; the difference between 'I' and 'pseudoI' is how
the task handles flag information. The *stokes='I'* imaging is
stricter in the sense that it only takes into account visibilities
for which all correlations are valid. In other words, it excludes
all correlations for any data with any correlation flagged, even
though the remaining correlations are valid. On the other hand,
the 'pseudoI' option allows Stokes I images to include data for
which either of the parallel hand data are unflagged.
.. note:: **NOTE**: Users should set *stokes='pseudoI'* if you want to
get the equivalent result to the one obtained by setting
*stokes='I'* for **sdimaging**. Setting *stokes='I'* in
**sdimaging** is implemented the same way as *stokes='pseudoI'*
in **tsdimaging**.
The parameter *gridfunction* sets the gridding function
(convolution kernel) for imaging. Currently, the task supports
'BOX' (boxcar), 'SF' (Prolate Spheroidal Wave Function), 'GAUSS'
(Gaussian), 'GJINC' (Gaussian*Jinc), where Jinc(x) =
:math:`J_1(π*x/c)/(π*x/c)` with a first order Bessel function J_1,
and 'PB' (Primary Beam).
There are four subparameters for *gridfunction*: *convsupport,
truncate, gwidth*, and *jwidth*. The *convsupport* parameter is an
integer specifying the cutoff radius for 'SF' in units of pixels.
By default (*convsupport* =-1), the cutoff radius is 3 pixels.
The *truncate* parameter is a cutoff radius for 'GAUSS' or
'GJINC'. It accepts integer, float, and string values, where the
string would be a number plus unit. Allowed units include 'deg',
'arcmin', 'arcsec', and 'pixel'. The default is 'pixel'. The
default value for *truncate*, which is used when a negative radius
is set, is 3*HWHM for 'GAUSS' and the radius at the first null for
'GJINC'. The *gwidth* is the HWHM of the Gaussian for 'GAUSS' and
'GJINC'. The default value is :math:`sqrt(log(2))` pixels for
'GAUSS' and :math:`2.52*sqrt(log(2))` pixels for 'GJINC'. The
*jwidth* specifies the width of the jinc function (parameter 'c'
in the definition above). The default is 1.55 pixels. Both
*gwidth* and *jwidth* allow integer, float, or string values,
where the string would be a number plus unit. The default values
for *gwidth* and *jwidth* are taken from Mangum, et al. 2007
[1]_. The formula for 'GAUSS' and 'GJINC' are taken
from Table 1 in the paper, and are written as follows using
*gwidth* and *jwidth*:
GAUSS: :math:`\exp[-\log(2)*(|r|/gwidth)^2]`,
:math:`J_1(π*|r|/jwidth)/(π*|r|/jwidth)* \exp[-\log(2)*(|r|/gwidth)^2]`,
where :math:`r` is the radial distance from the origin.
The *outfile* should be unique. **tsdimaging** will stop with an
Exception error (e.g., Exception: Unable to open lattice) if
*outfile* is the same as the *infiles* name.
The *phasecenter* parameter sets the center direction of the
image. If the phasecenter is the name known major solar system
'NEPTUNE', 'PLUTO', 'SUN', 'MOON') or is an ephemerides table then
that source is tracked and the background sources get smeared. A
parameter *ephemsrcname* has been deprecated accordingly. There is
a special case, when phasecenter='TRACKFIELD', which will use the
ephemerides or polynomial phasecenter in the FIELD table of the
MeasurementSets as the source center to track.
The *clipminmax* function can clip minimum and maximum values from
each pixel. This function makes the computed output slightly more
robust to noise and spurious data. Note that the benefit of
clipping is lost when the number of integrations contributing to
each gridded pixel is small, or where the incidence of spurious
data points is approximately equal to or greater than the number
of beams (in area) encompassed by the expected image.
The *minweight* parameter defines a threshold of weight values to
mask. The pixels in *outfile* whose weight is smaller than
*minweight* \*median (*weight*) are masked out. The task also
creates a weight image with the name outfile.weight.
The *projection* parameter allows to specify what kind of map
projection is applied. The default is SIN (slant orthographic)
projection. The task also supports CAR (plate carrée), TAN
(gnomonic), and SFL (Sanson-Flamsteed).
.. rubric:: Image Definition (specmode)
The image coordinate system(s) and shape(s) can be set up to form
single images. The different modes for imaging include:
- *'cube'*: Spectral line imaging with one or more channels. The
fixed spectral frame, LSRK, will be used for automatic internal
software Doppler tracking so that a spectral line observed over
an extended time range will line up appropriately. You can
change the output spectral frame via outframe parameter.
- *'cubedata'*: Spectral line imaging with one or more channels
There is no internal software Doppler tracking so a spectral
line observed over an extended time range may be smeared out in
- *'cubesource'*: Spectral line imaging while tracking moving
source (near field or solar system `ephemeris
objects <../../notebooks/ephemeris_data.ipynb>`__).
The velocity of the source is accounted and the frequency
reported is in the source frame.
.. rubric:: Technical Note: sdimaging and tsdimaging
The **tsdimaging** task replaced **sdimaging**. The
initial version of this task was intended to be fully compatible
with **sdimaging**. Technically speaking, those tasks share
underlying framework with interferometry imaging
tasks: **sdimaging** shares with **clean**, while **tsdimaging**
is based on the framework for **tclean**. As **clean** (and the
underlying framework) has been deprecated and replaced with
**tclean**, **sdimaging** has been deprecated in favor of migrating to **tsdimaging**. This transition
has several benefits from the user's point of view. In terms of functionality, new features implemented in
**tclean** will also apply to **tsdimaging** if the features are
useful for single dish imaging. Another possible benefit is a
performance. Since the framework for **tclean** is designed to
support parallel processing, it can also be used to speed up
**tsdimaging**. This should be effective for large datasets, but
these examples represent future work.
.. rubric:: Bibliography
.. [1] Mangum, et al. 2007, A&A, 474, 679 `ADS <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007A%26A...474..679M/abstract>`__
.. _Examples:
To generate a spectral line cube with 500 channels selected from
channel 200 to 700:
The *start* parameter can be specified in different units:
start=100 # mode='channel'
start='22.3GHz' # mode='frequency'
start='5.0km/s' # mode='velocity'
The parameter *phasecenter* sets the center direction of the
phasecenter='J2000 19h30m00 -40d00m00'
phasecenter='J2000 292.5deg -40.0deg'
phasecenter='J2000 5.105rad -0.698rad'
phasecenter='ICRS 13:05:27.2780 -'
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _infiles:
| ``infiles (pathVec)`` - a list of names of input SD Measurementsets (only MS is allowed for this task)
.. _outfile:
| ``outfile (string='')`` - prefix of output images (.image, .weight)
.. _overwrite:
| ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - overwrite the output file if already exists [True, False]
.. _field:
| ``field ({string, stringVec}='')`` - select data by field IDs and names, e.g. \'3C2*\' (\'\'=all)
.. _spw:
| ``spw ({string, stringVec}='')`` - select data by IF IDs (spectral windows), e.g. \'3,5,7\' (\'\'=all)
.. _antenna:
| ``antenna ({string, stringVec}='')`` - select data by antenna names or IDs, e.g, \'PM03\' (\'\' = all antennas)
.. _scan:
| ``scan ({string, stringVec}='')`` - select data by scan numbers, e.g. \'21~23\' (\'\'=all)
.. _intent:
| ``intent ({string, stringVec}='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE')`` - select data by observational intent, e.g. \'*ON_SOURCE*\' (\'\'=all)
.. _timerange:
| ``timerange (string='')`` - select data by range of time, e.g. 20:15:00~20:16:00 (\'\'=all)
.. _outframe:
| ``outframe (string='')`` - velocity frame of output image (''=current frame or LSRK for multiple-MS inputs)
.. _mode:
| ``mode (string='channel')`` - spectral gridding type [\'channel\', \'frequency\', \'velocity\']
.. _nchan:
| ``nchan (int=-1)`` - number of channels (planes) in output image (-1=all)
.. _start:
| ``start ({string, int}='0')`` - start of output spectral dimension, e.g. \'0\', \'110GHz\', \'-20km/s\'
.. _width:
| ``width ({string, int}='1')`` - width of output spectral channels
.. _veltype:
| ``veltype (string='radio')`` - velocity definition
.. _specmode:
| ``specmode (string='cube')`` - Spectral definition mode (cube, cubedata, cubesource)
.. _interpolation:
| ``interpolation (string='linear')`` - Spectral interpolation ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"]
| Interpolation rules to use when binning data channels onto image channels and evaluating visibility values at the centers of image channels.
| Note :
| - "linear" and "cubic" interpolation requires data points on both sides of each image frequency. Errors are therefore possible at edge channels, or near flagged data channels. When image channel width is much larger than the data channel width there is nothing much to be gained using linear or cubic thus not worth the extra computation involved.
| - If there are significant differences in the observation dates of the input MSes, "nearest" interpolation may cause some problems with frequency channel matching.
.. _pointingcolumn:
| ``pointingcolumn (string='direction')`` - pointing data column to use
.. _convertfirst:
| ``convertfirst (string='never')`` - Specify whether the direction of the specified pointing column must be converted to image"s reference frame prior to being interpolated at data-taking time, and when. "never": interpolate against the pointing column, then convert. "always": interpolate against the beforehand converted pointing column. "auto": if there are less pointings than selected data rows convert first, else interpolate first
.. _projection:
| ``projection (string='SIN')`` - map projection type
.. _imsize:
| ``imsize ({intVec, doubleVec}='')`` - x and y image size in pixels, e.g., [64,64]. Single value: same for both spatial axes ([] = number of pixels to cover whole pointings in MSes)
.. _cell:
| ``cell ({string, stringVec, doubleVec}='')`` - x and y cell size, (e.g., [\'8arcsec\',\'8arcsec\']. default unit arcmin. ('' = 1/3 of FWHM of primary beam)
.. _phasecenter:
| ``phasecenter (variant='')`` - image center direction: position or field index or ephemeris source info, e.g., \'J2000 17:30:15.0 -\', \'MARS\'. (\'\' = the center of pointing directions in MSes)
.. _stokes:
| ``stokes (string='I')`` - stokes parameters or polarization types to image, e.g. \'I\', \'XX\'
.. _gridfunction:
| ``gridfunction (string='BOX')`` - gridding function for imaging (see description in help)
.. _convsupport:
| ``convsupport (int=-1)`` - convolution support for gridding
.. _truncate:
| ``truncate ({string, int, double}='-1')`` - truncation radius for gridding
.. _gwidth:
| ``gwidth ({string, int, double}='-1')`` - HWHM for gaussian
.. _jwidth:
| ``jwidth ({string, int, double}='-1')`` - c-parameter for jinc function
.. _clipminmax:
| ``clipminmax (bool=False)`` - Clip minimum and maximum value from each pixel. Note the benefit of clipping is lost when the number of integrations contributing to each gridded pixel is small, or where the incidence of spurious datapoints is approximately or greater than the number of beams (in area) encompassed by expected image.
.. _minweight:
| ``minweight (double=0.1)`` - Minimum weight ratio to the median of weight used in weight correction and weight beased masking
.. _brightnessunit:
| ``brightnessunit (string='')`` - Overwrite the brightness unit in image (\'\' = respect the unit in MS) [\'K\' or \'Jy/beam\']
.. _restfreq:
| ``restfreq ({string, double}='')`` - rest frequency to assign to image, e.g., \'114.5GHz\'. When the default value \'\' is used, the task currently internally uses REST_FREQUENCY of SOURCE table or mean frequency of given spectral window as a default value.