# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def simalma(project='sim', dryrun=True, skymodel='', inbright='', indirection='', incell='', incenter='', inwidth='', complist='', compwidth='"8GHz"', setpointings=True, ptgfile='$project.ptg.txt', integration='10s', direction='', mapsize=['', ''], antennalist=['alma.cycle1.1.cfg', 'aca.cycle1.cfg'], hourangle='transit', totaltime=['20min', '1h'], tpnant=0, tptime='0s', pwv=0.5, image=True, imsize=[128, 128], imdirection='', cell='', niter=0, threshold='0.1mJy', graphics='both', verbose=False, overwrite=False):
Simulation task for ALMA
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- project_ (string='sim') - root prefix for output file names
- dryrun_ (bool=True) - dryrun=True will only produce the informative report, not run simobserve/analyze
- skymodel_ (string='') - model image to observe
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> skymodel != '' </i></summary>
- inbright_ (string='') - scale surface brightness of brightest pixel e.g. "1.2Jy/pixel"
- indirection_ (string='') - set new direction e.g. "J2000 19h00m00 -40d00m00"
- incell_ (string='') - set new cell/pixel size e.g. "0.1arcsec"
- incenter_ (string='') - set new frequency of center channel e.g. "89GHz" (required even for 2D model)
- inwidth_ (string='') - set new channel width e.g. "10MHz" (required even for 2D model)
.. raw:: html
- complist_ (string='') - componentlist to observe
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> complist != '' </i></summary>
- compwidth_ (string='"8GHz"') - bandwidth of components
.. raw:: html
- setpointings_ (bool=True) - If True, calculate a map of pointings and write *ptgfile*.
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> setpointings = True </i></summary>
- integration_ (string='10s') - integration (sampling) time
- direction_ (stringVec='') - "J2000 19h00m00 -40d00m00" or "" to center on model
- mapsize_ (stringVec=['', '']) - angular size of map or "" to cover model
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> setpointings = False </i></summary>
- ptgfile_ (string='$project.ptg.txt') - list of pointing positions
- integration_ (string='10s') - integration (sampling) time
.. raw:: html
- antennalist_ (stringVec=['alma.cycle1.1.cfg', 'aca.cycle1.cfg']) - antenna position files of ALMA 12m and 7m arrays
- hourangle_ (string='transit') - hour angle of observation center e.g. -3:00:00, or "transit"
- totaltime_ (stringVec=['20min', '1h']) - total time of observation; vector corresponding to antennalist
- tpnant_ (int=0) - Number of total power antennas to use (0-4)
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> tpnant != 0 </i></summary>
- tptime_ (string='0s') - total observation time for total power
.. raw:: html
- pwv_ (double=0.5) - Precipitable Water Vapor in mm. 0 for noise-free simulation
- image_ (bool=True) - image simulated data
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> image = True </i></summary>
- imsize_ (intVec=[128, 128]) - output image size in pixels (x,y) or 0 to match model
- imdirection_ (string='') - set output image direction, (otherwise center on the model)
- cell_ (string='') - cell size with units or "" to equal model
- niter_ (int=0) - maximum number of iterations (0 for dirty image)
- threshold_ (string='0.1mJy') - flux level (+units) to stop cleaning
.. raw:: html
- graphics_ (string='both') - display graphics at each stage to [screen|file|both|none]
- verbose_ (bool=False) - Print extra information to the logger and terminal.
- overwrite_ (bool=False) - overwrite files starting with $project
.. _Description:
This task simulates ALMA observation including 12-m, ACA 7-m and
total power arrays, and images and analyzes simulated data.
This task makes multiple calls to **simobserve** (to calculate
visibilities and total power spectra), followed by gridding of
total power spectra (if total power is requested), concatenation
of the simulated visibilities, calls to the **simanalyze** task
for visibility inversion, deconvolution, and calculation of
difference, and fidelity images, and feathering of single dish and
interferometric data.
These steps may not all be familiar to new users, so the
**simalma** task runs by default in a "dryrun" mode, in which it
assesses the user's input parameters and sky model, and prints an
informational report including the required calls to other CASA
tasks, both to the screen and to a text file in the project
directory (defined below).
The user can modify their parameters based on the information,
then either run with *dryrun=False* to actually call the other
tasks to create the simulated data, or run the other tasks
individually one at a time to better understand and control the
process. More information on running **simalma** can be found
`here <../../notebooks/simulation.ipynb#ALMA-simulations>`__.
.. note:: **NOTE**: The ALMA project is refining the optimal method of
combining the three types of data. If that best practice is
changed after this release of CASA, the user can control the
process by modifying the calls to the other CASA tasks.
.. warning:: **WARNING**: The simalma/simanalyze tasks do not support
wideband multi-term imaging. Please use tclean (with other image
analysis tasks) if your simulated MS from simobserve requires
wideband continuum image reconstruction.
.. rubric:: Parameter descriptions
The root filename for all output files. A subdirectory will be
created, and all created files will be placed in that subdirectory
including the informational report.
An input image used as a model of the sky. **simalma** requires a
CASA or FITS image. If you merely have a grid of numbers, you will
need to write them out as FITS or write a CASA script to read them
in and use the **image** (**ia**) tool to create an image and
insert the data. **simalma** does NOT require a coordinate system
in the header. If the coordinate information is incomplete,
missing, or you would like to override it, set the appropriate
"in" parameters.
.. note:: **NOTE**: Setting those parameters simply changes the header
values, ignoring any values already in the image. No regridding
is performed.
If you have a proper Coordinate System, **simalma** will do its
best to generate visibilities from that, and then create a
synthesis image
according to the specified user parameters. You can manipulate
an image header manually with the **imhead** task.
The peak brightness to scale the image to in Jy/pixel, or " " to
keep it unchanged.
.. note:: **NOTE**: "unchanged" will take the numerical values in your
image and assume they are in Jy/pixel, even if it says some
other unit in the header.
The central direction to place the sky model image, or " " to use
whatever is in the image already.
The spatial pixel size to scale the skymodel image, or " " to use
whatever is in the image already.
The frequency to use for the center channel (or only channel, if
the skymodel is 2D). E.g., "89GHz", or " " to use what is in the
header. Required even for a 2D model.
The width of channels to use, or " " to use what is in the image.
Should be a string representing a quantity with units e.g.,
.. note:: **NOTE**: Only works reliably with frequencies, not velocities.
It is not possible to change the number of spectral planes of
the sky model, only to relabel them with different frequencies.
That kind of regridding can be accomplished with the CASA
A component list model of the sky, added to or instead of
skymodel. Click
`here <https://casaguides.nrao.edu/index.php/Simulation_Guide_Component_Lists_(CASA_5.1)>`__
for more information.
The bandwidth of components. If simulating from components only,
this defines the bandwidth of the MS and output images.
If True, calculate a map of pointings and write *ptgfile*. If
graphics are on, display the pointings shown on the model image.
Observations with the ALMA 12m and ACA 7m arrays will observe a
region of size "mapsize" using the same hexagonal algorithm as the
ALMA OT, with Nyquist sampling. The total power array maps a
slightly (+1 primary beam) larger area than the 12m array does, to
improve later image combination. It samples the region with
lattice grids of spacing 0.33 lambda/D. If *setpointings=False*,
read pointings from ptgfile.
A text file specifying directions in the same format as the
example, and optional integration times, e.g.,
#Epoch RA DEC TIME(optional)
J2000 23h59m28.10 -019d52m12.35 10.0
If the time column is not present in the file, it will use
"integration" for all pointings.
.. note:: **NOTE**: At this time the file should contain only science
pointings. **simalma** will observe these until totaltime is
used up.
Time interval for each integration e.g., '10s'.
.. note:: **NOTE**: To simulate a "scan" longer than one integration, use
*setpointings* to generate a pointing file, and then edit the
file to increase the time at each point to be larger than the
parameter integration time.
Mosaic center direction. e.g., 'J2000 19h00m00 -40d00m00'. If
unset, will use the center of the skymodel image. Can optionally
be a list of pointings, otherwise **simobserve** will cover a
region of size *mapsize* according to *maptype*.
Angular size of mosaic map to simulate. Set to " " to cover the
model image.
A vector of ASCII files containing antenna positions, one for each
configuration of 7m or 12m dishes.In this task, it should be an
ALMA configuration. Standard arrays are found in your CASA data
repository, os.getenv("CASAPATH").split()[0]+"/data/alma/simmos/".
A string of the form "alma;0.5arcsec" will be parsed into a 12m
ALMA configuration. Examples:
Hour angle of observation e.g., '-3h'.
The total time of observations. This should either be a scalar
time quantity expressed as a string e.g., '1h', '3600sec',
'10min', or a vector of such quantities, corresponding to the
elements of the antennalist vector, e.g., ['5min','20min','3h'].
If you specify a scalar, that will be used for the highest
resolution 12m configuration in antennalist, and any lower
resolution 12m configurations, any 7m configurations, and any TP
configurations will have observing times relative to totaltime of
0.5, 2,and 4, respectively.
The number of total power antennas to use in simulation.
If *tpnant>0*, the user must specify the observing time for total
power as a CASA quantity e.g., '4h'.
.. note:: **NOTE**: This is not broken up among multiple days - a 20h
track will include observations below the horizon, which is
probably not what is desired.
Precipitable water vapor. If constructing an atmospheric model,
set 0 for noise-free simulation. When *pwv*>0, thermal noise is
applied to the simulated data. J. Pardo's ATM library will be used
to construct anatmospheric profile for the ALMA site: altitude
5000m, ground pressure 650mbar, relhum=20%, a water layer of pwv
at altitude of 2km, the sky brightness temperature returned by
ATM, and internally tabulated receiver temperatures. See the
documentation of **simobserve** for more details.
An option to invert and deconvolve the simulated MeasurementSet(s)
.. note:: **NOTE**: Interactive clean or more parameters than the subset
visible here are available by simply running either **clean**
or **tclean** tasks directly.
If graphics turned on, display the clean image and residual image
uses Cotton-Schwab clean for single fields and Mosaic gridding for
multiple fields (with Clark PSF calculation in minor cycles).
The image size in spatial pixels (x,y). 0 or -1 will use the model
image size. Examples: imsize=[500,500]
The phase center for synthesized image. Default is to center on
the sky model.
Cell size e.g., "10arcsec". *cell = " "* defaults to the skymodel
The number of clean/deconvolution iterations, 0 for no cleaning.
The flux level at which to stop cleaning.
View plots on the screen, saved to file, both, or neither.
Print extra information to the logger and terminal.
Overwrite existing files in the project subdirectory. Please see
the documents of **simobserve** and **simanalyze** for the list of
outputs produced.
.. _Examples:
Example of a **simalma** routine. More information on this can be
`here <https://casaguides.nrao.edu/index.php/Simalma_(CASA_5.1)>`__.
# Set simalma to default parameters
# Our project name will be "m51", and all simulation products will be placed in a subdirectory "m51/"
# Model sky = H_alpha image of M51
os.system('curl https://casaguides.nrao.edu/images/3/3f/M51ha.fits.txt -f -o M51ha.fits')
# Set model image parameters:
indirection="J2000 23h59m59.96s -34d59m59.50s"
tpnant = 2
dryrun = False
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _project:
| ``project (string='sim')`` - root prefix for output file names
.. _dryrun:
| ``dryrun (bool=True)`` - dryrun=True will only produce the informative report, not run simobserve/analyze
.. _skymodel:
| ``skymodel (string='')`` - model image to observe
.. _inbright:
| ``inbright (string='')`` - scale surface brightness of brightest pixel e.g. "1.2Jy/pixel"
.. _indirection:
| ``indirection (string='')`` - set new direction e.g. "J2000 19h00m00 -40d00m00"
.. _incell:
| ``incell (string='')`` - set new cell/pixel size e.g. "0.1arcsec"
.. _incenter:
| ``incenter (string='')`` - set new frequency of center channel e.g. "89GHz" (required even for 2D model)
.. _inwidth:
| ``inwidth (string='')`` - set new channel width e.g. "10MHz" (required even for 2D model)
.. _complist:
| ``complist (string='')`` - componentlist to observe
.. _compwidth:
| ``compwidth (string='"8GHz"')`` - bandwidth of components
.. _setpointings:
| ``setpointings (bool=True)`` - If True, calculate a map of pointings and write *ptgfile*.
.. _ptgfile:
| ``ptgfile (string='$project.ptg.txt')`` - list of pointing positions
.. _integration:
| ``integration (string='10s')`` - integration (sampling) time
.. _direction:
| ``direction (stringVec='')`` - "J2000 19h00m00 -40d00m00" or "" to center on model
.. _mapsize:
| ``mapsize (stringVec=['', ''])`` - angular size of map or "" to cover model
.. _antennalist:
| ``antennalist (stringVec=['alma.cycle1.1.cfg', 'aca.cycle1.cfg'])`` - antenna position files of ALMA 12m and 7m arrays
.. _hourangle:
| ``hourangle (string='transit')`` - hour angle of observation center e.g. -3:00:00, or "transit"
.. _totaltime:
| ``totaltime (stringVec=['20min', '1h'])`` - total time of observation; vector corresponding to antennalist
.. _tpnant:
| ``tpnant (int=0)`` - Number of total power antennas to use (0-4)
.. _tptime:
| ``tptime (string='0s')`` - total observation time for total power
.. _pwv:
| ``pwv (double=0.5)`` - Precipitable Water Vapor in mm. 0 for noise-free simulation
.. _image:
| ``image (bool=True)`` - image simulated data
.. _imsize:
| ``imsize (intVec=[128, 128])`` - output image size in pixels (x,y) or 0 to match model
.. _imdirection:
| ``imdirection (string='')`` - set output image direction, (otherwise center on the model)
.. _cell:
| ``cell (string='')`` - cell size with units or "" to equal model
.. _niter:
| ``niter (int=0)`` - maximum number of iterations (0 for dirty image)
.. _threshold:
| ``threshold (string='0.1mJy')`` - flux level (+units) to stop cleaning
.. _graphics:
| ``graphics (string='both')`` - display graphics at each stage to [screen|file|both|none]
.. _verbose:
| ``verbose (bool=False)`` - Print extra information to the logger and terminal.
.. _overwrite:
| ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - overwrite files starting with $project