# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def splattotable(filenames, table=''):
Convert a downloaded Splatalogue spectral line list to a casa table.
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- filenames_ (pathVec) - Files containing Splatalogue lists.
- table_ (string='') - Output table name. Must be specified.
.. _Description:
This task reads one or more spectral line lists downloaded from
the `Splatalogue spectral line
database <http://www.cv.nrao.edu/php/splat/>`__ and loads them
into a CASA table. This tablecan then be queried via the slsearch
task within CASA.
The downloaded files must be in a specific format for this task to
succeed. The columns are the important things; one can filter the
results as one desires using Splatalogue, but the particular
columns must be present as described below. The columns which must
be present in the downloaded file in exactly the following order
- "Species"
- "NRAO Recommended"
- "Chemical Name"
- "Freq in GHz"
- "Resolved QNs"
- "CDMS/JPL Intensity"
- "Sijmu2 (D2)"
- "Log10 (Aij)"
- "EL (K)
- "EU (K)"
- "Linelist"
In order to get these columns in this order, one should select
exactly the following items on the `Splatalogue "Advanced" search
interface <https://www.cv.nrao.edu/php/splat/advanced.php>`__ .
- Under "Specify Ranges" one should select "GHz" for the
frequency unit.
- Under "Line Strength Display" select exactly "CDMS/JPL
Intensity", "Sij mu2", and "Aij".
- Under "Energy Levels", one should select exactly "Elower (K)"
and "Eupper (K)".
- Under "Miscellaneous", one should select exactly "Display
Ordered Frequency ONLY" and "Display NRAO Recommended
One should then initiate the search and on the resulting page, one
should select the Tab Field Separator and then export the list.
The resulting list should be in the proper format for importing
into CASA.
In order to assist the user in selecting the correct fields from
the Splatalogue database in the proper format, the Splatalogue
webpage has an option to "Export CASA Fields" after a search is
conducted. By selecting this option, regardless of how the search
was conducted on the webpage, the correct fields in the proper
format will be exported for use by splattotable.
.. rubric:: Parameter descriptions
Files containing Splatalogue spectral line lists.
Output table name. Must be specfied.
.. _Examples:
To write two spectral line lists, 'mysplatlist1.txt' and
'mysplatlist2.txt', into a single spectral line table
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _filenames:
| ``filenames (pathVec)`` - Files containing Splatalogue lists.
| The downloaded files must be in a specific format
| for this task to succeed. Fro details, see the splattotable
| task pages on CASA Docs
| (https://casa.nrao.edu/casadocs/)
.. _table:
| ``table (string='')`` - Output table name. Must be specified.