# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def importatca(files='', vis='', options='', spw=[-1], nscans=[0, 0], lowfreq=0.1, highfreq=999, fields='', edge=8):
Import ATCA RPFITS file(s) to a measurement set
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- files_ (pathVec='') - Name of input ATCA RPFits file(s)
- vis_ (string='') - Name of output MeasurementSet
- options_ (string='') - Processing options: birdie, reweight, noxycorr, fastmosaic, hires, noac (comma separated list)
- spw_ (intVec=[-1]) - Select spectral window/channels
- nscans_ (intVec=[0, 0]) - Number of scans to skip followed by number of scans to read
- lowfreq_ (double=0.1) - Lowest reference frequency to select
- highfreq_ (double=999) - Highest reference frequency to select
- fields_ (stringVec='') - List of field names to select
- edge_ (double=8) - Percentage of edge channels to flag. For combined zooms, this specifies the percentage for a single zoom window
.. _Description:
The data from the ATCA is available from the archive using the
RPFITS file format. These files can be imported into CASA with the
**importatca** task.
# importatca :: Import ATCA RPFITS file(s) to a MeasurementSet
files =['\*.C1234'] # Name of input ATCA RPFits file(s)
vis = 'c1234.ms' # Name of output visibility file
# (MeasurementSet)
options = '' # Processing options: birdie, reweight,
# noxycorr, fastmosaic, hires, noac
# (comma separated list)
spw = [-1] # Specify the spectral windows to use,
# default=all
nscans = [0, 0] # Number of scans to skip followed by
# number of scans to read
lowfreq = '0.1GHz' # Lowest reference frequency to select
highfreq = '999GHz' # Highest reference frequency to select
fields = [''] # List of field names to select
edge = 8 # Percentage of edge channels to flag.
# For combined zooms, this specifies the
# percentage for a single zoom window
The *files* parameter can take a string or a list of strings as
input and also allows the use of wildcards as shown in the
example above.
For older ATCA continuum data (before the CABB correlator,
April 2009), use *options='birdie,reweight'* to suppress
internally generated RFI.
The *options* parameter:
- *birdie* - (pre-CABB data only) discard edge channels and
channels affected by internal RFI
- *reweight* - (pre-CABB data only) suppress ringing of RFI
spikes by reweighting of the lag spectrum
- *noxycorr* – do not apply the xy phase correction as derived
from the switched noise calibration, by default this is applied
during loading of the data
- *fastmosaic* – use this option if you are loading mosaic data
with many pointings and only one or two integrations per
pointing; this option changes the tiling of the data to avoid
excessive I/O
- *hires* – use this option if you have data in time binning mode
(as used for pulsars) but you want to make it look like data
with very short integration time (no bins)
- *noac* - discard the auto-correlation data
The *spw* parameter takes a list of integers and can be used to
select one or more of the simultaneous frequencies. With CABB
there can be up to 34 spectra. The order of the frequency bands
in the RPFITS file is: the two continuum bands (0 and 1),
followed by the zoom bands for the first frequency and then the
zoom bands for the second frequency. Note that this *spw*
parameter does not take a string with wildcards. Use *spw=-1*
to get all the data.
The *nscans* parameter can be used to select part of a file,
e.g., to retrieve a few test scans for a quick look.
The *lowfreq* and *highfreq* parameters select data based on
the reference frequency.
The *fields* parameter selects data based on the field/source
The *edge* parameter specifies how many edge channels to
discard as a percentage of the number of channels in each band,
e.g., the default value of 8 will discard 82 channels from the
top and bottom of a 2048 channel spectrum.
Note: For 16cm CABB data with two identical frequency setups you
need to set either spw=[0] or spw=[1], otherwise duplicate data
will appear in the MeasurementSet which can cause issues with
e.g., mstransform operations.
.. _Examples:
**Reading a pre-CABB ATCA archive file (RPFITS format)**
Imports a number of ATCA RPFITS-format data sets into a CASA
measurement set. We are applying birdie flagging and lag spectrum
re-weighting (as appropriate for old 33 channel continuum data),
as well as flagging the 10% edge channels.
**Reading an ATCA/CABB archive file (RPFITS format)**
Imports a CABB RPFITS file, throwing away the auto-correlations
and the 5% edge channels and selecting only the second
simultaneous frequency band.
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _files:
| ``files (pathVec='')`` - Name of input ATCA RPFits file(s)
.. _vis:
| ``vis (string='')`` - Name of output MeasurementSet
| Default: none
| Example: vis='mydata.ms'
.. _options:
| ``options (string='')`` - Processing options
| Default: none
| Options: birdie, reweight, noxycorr, fastmosaic,
| hires, noac (comma separated list)
| - birdie: (pre-CABB data only) discard edge
| channels and channels affected by internal RFI
| - reweight: (pre-CABB data only) suppress ringing
| of RFI spikes by reweighting of the lag
| spectrum
| - noxycorr: do not apply the xy phase correction
| as derived from the switched noise calibration,
| by default this is applied during loading of
| the data
| - fastmosaic: use this option if you are loading
| mosaic data with many pointings and only one or
| two integrations per pointing; this option
| changes the tiling of the data to avoid
| excessive I/O
| - hires: use this option if you have data in time
| binning mode (as used for pulsars) but you want
| to make it look like data with very short
| integration time (no bins)
| - noac: discard the auto-correlation data
.. _spw:
| ``spw (intVec=[-1])`` - Select spectral window/channels
| Default: '' (all spectral windows and channels)
| Examples:
| spw='0~2,4'; spectral windows 0,1,2,4 (all channels)
| spw='<2'; spectral windows less than 2 (i.e. 0,1)
| spw='0:5~61'; spw 0, channels 5 to 61
| spw='0,10,3:3~45'; spw 0,10 all channels, spw
| 3 - chans 3 to 45.
| spw='0~2:2~6'; spw 0,1,2 with channels 2
| through 6 in each.
| spw = '\*:3~64' channels 3 through 64 for all sp id's
| spw = ' :3~64' will NOT work.
.. _nscans:
| ``nscans (intVec=[0, 0])`` - Number of scans to skip followed by number of scans to
| read
| Default: [0, 0]
.. _lowfreq:
| ``lowfreq (double=0.1)`` - Lowest reference frequency to select
| Default: 0.1GHz
.. _highfreq:
| ``highfreq (double=999)`` - Highest reference frequency to select
| Default: 999GHz
.. _fields:
| ``fields (stringVec='')`` - List of field names to select
.. _edge:
| ``edge (double=8)`` - The edge parameter specifies how many edge channels to
| discard as a percentage of the number of channels in each band.
| Default: 8 (e.g., discard 82 channels from the
| top and bottom of a 2048 channel spectrum)
| For combined zooms, this specifies the percentage
| for a single zoom window