# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def getephemtable(objectname='', asis=False, timerange='', interval='5m', outfile='', rawdatafile='', overwrite=False):
Query the JPL-Horizons database for ephemeris data and create a CASA table
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- objectname_ (string='') - Name of ephemeris object
- asis_ (bool=False) - A toggle for objectnamne check to be done or not
- timerange_ (string='') - time range of ephemeris data to be queried
- interval_ (string='5m') - Interval or step size of ephemeris data
- outfile_ (path='') - Name of output CASA table
- rawdatafile_ (string='') - Name of raw ephemeris data file (optional)
- overwrite_ (bool=False) - Overwrite output files if aready exist
.. _Description:
This task retrieves the ephemeris data of a specific ephemeris object by sending a query to JPL's Horizons system and creates the ephemeris data stored in a CASA table format.
This task is intended to be used as a standalone function for a user who needs to use
an updated ephemeris data in CASA table format for data processing such as imaging. More information on how one can use the CASA epehemeris table generated with this task is available in `Manipulate Ephemeris Object <../../notebooks/ephemeris_data.ipynb#Manipulate-Ephemeris-Objects>`__ section.
The task calls a query driver function, get_horizonsephem, which does input object name checking to translate into the NAIF ID before calling query_horizons. The query_horizons does an actual query to the database. The query results in json is further converted to a CASA table by get_horizonsephem.
The query code is based on the JPL-Horizons API ver.1.2 (\https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/api/horizons.api). The JPL-Horizons System provides a large number of the query parameters and we only use a subset of them. The following is the list of the parameters that is used by query_horizons function. For detailed descriptions of the parameters, please refer to the JPL-Horizons documentation (https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html). The italic parameters represent user-defined values. Some of the requested quantities are specifically used for setjy task and for other use cases may not be needed. But the fixed quantity selection is used for uniformity within CASA for generated ephemeris tables.
The query parameters used in this task are the following.
- format json
- COMMAND *Objectname*
- START_TIME *Start time*
- STOP_TIME *Stop time*
- STEP_SIZE *Step size*
- CENTER 500\@399 (= geocentric)
- QUANTITIES 1,14,15,17,19,20,24
1. Astrometric RA, Dec,
14. Observer sub-longitude & sub-latitude,
15. Sun sub-longitude & sub-latitude,
17. North pole PA and distance from disc center,
19. Heliocentric range and range rate,
20. Observer range and range rate,
24. Sun-Target-Observer phase angle
By setting asis=False, the task checks objectname for the known object names in CASA and if it matches, it converts to an object ID before sending a query to the JPL-Horizons system. The known objects are a list of the supported ephemeris objects in the setjy task plus a few others as listed below.
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Saturn, Titan, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lutetia.
By setting asis=True, objectname will be unmodified before sending the query.
For a small time interval (e.g. interval='1min'), specifying timernage by the calendar date and time is recommended rather than using MJD, which may lead to precision error in converting to the calendar dates and times in the returned ephemeris data from the JPL-Horizons system.
This parameter is useful to set whenever errors occur in the query result content and in consequence, CASA ephemeris table is not generated. While some of the common errors during query are parsed to the logger, the full description of the issues in the query that are reported by the JPL-Horizons system can be found in the raw query data file.
.. _Examples:
Get Titan's ephemeris data from September 01, 2023 (20UT) to September 04, 2023 (20UT)
with time interval of 1 hour
getephemtable(objectname='Titan', timerange='2023/09/01/20:00~2023/09/04/20:00', interval='1h', outfile='Titan_20230901_20230904ephem.tab')
Same as above but specifying timerange in JD,
getephemtable(objectname='Titan', timerange='JD 2460189.416667~2460192.333333', interval='1h', outfile='Titan_20230901_20230904ephem.tab')
Or in MJD with interval of 5 minutes,
getephemtable(objectname='Titan', timerange='MJD 60188.916667~60191.833333', interval='5m', outfile='Titan_20230901_20230904ephem.tab')
Same as above but also save the raw query results,
getephemtable(objectname='Titan', timerange='MJD 60188.916667~60191.833333', interval='5m', outfile='Titan_20230901_20230904ephem.tab', rawdatafile='Titan_raw_query_results.txt')
Get Comet Nishimura, C/2023 P1 data with 5 min interval (interval parameter is omitted since 5 minutes is default),
getephemtable(objectname='C/2023 P1', asis=True, timerange='MJD 60188.916667~60191.833333', outfile='CometNishimura_20230901_20230904ephem.tab'
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _objectname:
| ``objectname (string='')`` - Name of ephemeris object. The common name of major bodies such as
| planets known in CASA will be converted into the (NAIF/SPK) ID. If the parameter, asis
| is set to True, objectname is passed to the query as is to the JPL-Horizons system.
| If the object ID is used asis must be set to True.
| Default: ''
| Example:
| objectname='Titan'
| objectname='606' (should set asis=True in this case)
.. _asis:
| ``asis (bool=False)`` - A toggle for objectname check to be done or not before sending a query to the JPL-Horizons system.
| Default: False
| As described in objectname parameter description, when asis=False, objectname is checked
| against the known objects (a list of the supported ephemeris sources in setjy task plus
| a few others) in CASA (See the getephemtable Description section in CASA Docs).
| Setting asis=True will skip this check/conversion thus objectname has to be uniquly
| recognized by the JPL-Horzions system.
| For example, objectname='Jupiter' with asis=True results in the JPL-Horizons system
| to return no ephemeris data as multiple objects matches with the name.
.. _timerange:
| ``timerange (string='')`` - Time range of ephemeris data to be queried.
| Default: ''
| Standard CASA timerange specification('T0~T1'),YY/MM/DD/hh:mm,
| or by Modified Julian date or Julian date if the string is prefixed by 'MJD' or 'JD'.
| Example:
| timerange = '2023/09/01/20:45~2023/09/02/04:00'
| (Note: Both start and end times need to be fully specified starting with YYYY
| but hours or minutes can be omitted as long as the
| start and stop times are distinguishable. The omitted hours or minutes are translated as '00')
| timerange = 'MJD 60175.1~60176.1'
.. _interval:
| ``interval (string='5m')`` - Interval or step size of ephemeris data
| Default: '5m'
| A string with integer value and unit (minutes, hours, days) or
| a string with integer value without unit (to produce equal time interval defined by
| timerange/interval).
| The unit can be given as the first few characters, e.g. 'm', 'min', 'h', or 'd'.
| Note: The JPL-Horizons query allows the step size by calendar months or years however
| the task will not convert such data to the CASA table as Measures requires the ephemeris
| table data in equal time interval. When the calendar months or years is specified
| for interval, the task execution will result in a SEVERE error. The raw query results
| will be saved even such a case if rawdatafile parameter is specified.
| Example:
| interval='5min'
| interval='5minutes'
| interval='1h'
| interval='1d'
.. _outfile:
| ``outfile (path='')`` - Output CASA table name
| Default: ''
| Example:
| outfile = 'Titan_MJD60175.1-60176.1.tab'
.. _rawdatafile:
| ``rawdatafile (string='')`` - Name of raw ephemeris data file before converting into a CASA table (optional)
| Default: '' = No raw ephemeris data is saved
| Useful for debugging when errors occured and/or no output table is produced.
| Example: rawdatafile='Titan-jplhorizons.dat'
.. _overwrite:
| ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - If True, overwrite output files (outfile, rawdatafile), if already exist
| Default: False