# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def plotms(vis='', caltable='', gridrows=1, gridcols=1, rowindex=0, colindex=0, plotindex=0, xaxis='', xdatacolumn='', xframe='', xinterp='', yaxis='', ydatacolumn='', yframe='', yinterp='', yaxislocation='', selectdata=True, field='', spw='', timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', correlation='', polarization='', antpos='', array='', observation='', intent='', feed='', msselect='', averagedata=True, avgchannel='', avgtime='', avgscan=False, avgfield=False, avgbaseline=False, avgantenna=False, avgspw=False, scalar=False, transform=True, freqframe='', restfreq='', veldef='RADIO', phasecenter='', extendflag=False, extcorr=False, extchannel=False, iteraxis='', xselfscale=False, yselfscale=False, xsharedaxis=False, ysharedaxis=False, customsymbol='False', symbolshape='autoscaling', symbolsize='2', symbolcolor='0000ff', symbolfill='fill', symboloutline='False', coloraxis='', customflaggedsymbol='False', flaggedsymbolshape='circle', flaggedsymbolsize='2', flaggedsymbolcolor='ff0000', flaggedsymbolfill='fill', flaggedsymboloutline='False', xconnector='', timeconnector=False, plotrange='', title='', titlefont=0, xlabel='', xaxisfont=0, ylabel='', yaxisfont=0, showmajorgrid=False, majorwidth=1, majorstyle='', majorcolor='B0B0B0', showminorgrid=False, minorwidth=1, minorstyle='', minorcolor='D0D0D0', showlegend=False, legendposition='', plotfile='', expformat='', verbose=True, exprange='', highres=False, dpi=-1, width=-1, height=-1, overwrite=False, showgui=True, clearplots=True, callib='', headeritems='', showatm=False, showtsky=False, showimage=False, colorizeoverlay=False):
A plotter/interactive flagger for visibility data.
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- vis_ (string='') - Input MS or CalTable (blank for none)
- caltable_ (string='') - Input CalTable (blank for none)
- gridrows_ (int=1) - Number of subplot rows
- gridcols_ (int=1) - Number of subplot columns
- rowindex_ (int=0) - Row location of the plot (0-based)
- colindex_ (int=0) - Column location of the plot (0-based)
- plotindex_ (int=0) - Index to address a subplot (0-based)
- xaxis_ (string='') - Plot x-axis (blank for default/current)
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = amp </i></summary>
- xdatacolumn_ (string='') - Data column to use for x-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = amplitude </i></summary>
- xdatacolumn_ (string='') - Data column to use for x-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = phase </i></summary>
- xdatacolumn_ (string='') - Data column to use for x-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = real </i></summary>
- xdatacolumn_ (string='') - Data column to use for x-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = imag </i></summary>
- xdatacolumn_ (string='') - Data column to use for x-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = imaginary </i></summary>
- xdatacolumn_ (string='') - Data column to use for x-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = ant-ra </i></summary>
- xframe_ (string='') - Coordinate frame to use for x-axis
- xinterp_ (string='') - Interpolation method for x-axis
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xaxis = ant-dec </i></summary>
- xframe_ (string='') - Coordinate frame to use for x-axis
- xinterp_ (string='') - Interpolation method for x-axis
.. raw:: html
- yaxis_ (variant='') - Plot y-axis (blank for default/current)
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = amp </i></summary>
- ydatacolumn_ (variant='') - Data column to use for y-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = amplitude </i></summary>
- ydatacolumn_ (variant='') - Data column to use for y-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = phase </i></summary>
- ydatacolumn_ (variant='') - Data column to use for y-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = real </i></summary>
- ydatacolumn_ (variant='') - Data column to use for y-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = imag </i></summary>
- ydatacolumn_ (variant='') - Data column to use for y-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = imaginary </i></summary>
- ydatacolumn_ (variant='') - Data column to use for y-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = ant-ra </i></summary>
- yframe_ (variant='') - Coordinate frame to use for y-axis
- yinterp_ (variant='') - Interpolation method for y-axis
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> yaxis = ant-dec </i></summary>
- yframe_ (variant='') - Coordinate frame to use for y-axis
- yinterp_ (variant='') - Interpolation method for y-axis
.. raw:: html
- yaxislocation_ (variant='') - Location of the y-axis (blank for default: left)
- selectdata_ (bool=True) - Enable data selection parameters
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> selectdata = True </i></summary>
- field_ (string='') - Field names or ids (blank for all)
- spw_ (string='') - Spectral windows:channels (blank for all)
- timerange_ (string='') - Time range (blank for all)
- uvrange_ (string='') - UV range (blank for all)
- antenna_ (string='') - Baseline/antenna names or ids (blank for all)
- scan_ (string='') - Scan numbers (blank for all)
- correlation_ (string='') - Correlations/polarizations (blank for all)
- polarization_ (string='') - Polarizations (blank for all)
- antpos_ (string='') - Antenna positions (blank for all)
- array_ (string='') - (Sub)array numbers (blank for all)
- observation_ (string='') - Observation IDs (blank for all)
- intent_ (string='') - Observing intent (blank for all)
- feed_ (string='') - Feed numbers (blank for all)
- msselect_ (string='') - MSSelection TaQL string (blank for none)
.. raw:: html
- averagedata_ (bool=True) - Enable data averaging parameters
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> averagedata = True </i></summary>
- avgchannel_ (string='') - Average over channel (blank = False, otherwise value in channels)
- avgtime_ (string='') - Average over time (blank = False, otherwise value in seconds)
- avgscan_ (bool=False) - Average over scans. Only valid with time averaging
- avgfield_ (bool=False) - Average over fields. Only valid with time averaging
- avgbaseline_ (bool=False) - Average over all baselines (mutually exclusive with avgantenna)
- avgantenna_ (bool=False) - Average per antenna (mutually exclusive with avgbaseline)
- avgspw_ (bool=False) - Average over all spectral windows
- scalar_ (bool=False) - Scalar averaging (False=vector averaging)
.. raw:: html
- transform_ (bool=True) - Enable data transformations
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> transform = True </i></summary>
- freqframe_ (string='') - The frame in which to render frequency and velocity axes
- restfreq_ (string='') - Rest frequency to use for velocity conversions
- veldef_ (string='RADIO') - The definition in which to render velocity
- phasecenter_ (string='') - The direction coordinates of the desired center
.. raw:: html
- extendflag_ (bool=False) - Extend flagging to other data points not plotted
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> extendflag = True </i></summary>
- extcorr_ (bool=False) - Extend flags based on correlation
- extchannel_ (bool=False) - Extend flags based on channel
.. raw:: html
- iteraxis_ (string='') - The axis over which to iterate
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> iteraxis != '' </i></summary>
- xselfscale_ (bool=False) - When True, iterated plots have a common x-axis range (scale).
- yselfscale_ (bool=False) - When True, iterated plots have a common y-axis range (scale).
- xsharedaxis_ (bool=False) - Iterated plots on a grid share a common external x-axis per column. Must also set xselfscale=True and gridrows>1.
- ysharedaxis_ (bool=False) - Iterated plots on a grid share a common external y-axis per row. Must also set yselfscale=True and gridcols>1.
.. raw:: html
- customsymbol_ (variant='False') - Enable custom symbol(s) for unflagged points
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> customsymbol = True </i></summary>
- symbolshape_ (variant='autoscaling') - Shape of plotted unflagged symbols
- symbolsize_ (variant='2') - Size of plotted unflagged symbols
- symbolcolor_ (variant='0000ff') - Color (name or hex code) of plotted unflagged symbols
- symbolfill_ (variant='fill') - Fill type of plotted unflagged symbols
- symboloutline_ (variant='False') - Outline plotted unflagged symbols
.. raw:: html
- coloraxis_ (string='') - Selects data axis for colorizing
- customflaggedsymbol_ (variant='False') - Enable custom symbol(s) for flagged points
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> customflaggedsymbol = True </i></summary>
- flaggedsymbolshape_ (variant='circle') - Shape of plotted flagged symbols
- flaggedsymbolsize_ (variant='2') - Size of plotted flagged symbols
- flaggedsymbolcolor_ (variant='ff0000') - Color (name or hex code) of plotted flagged symbols
- flaggedsymbolfill_ (variant='fill') - Fill type of plotted flagged symbols
- flaggedsymboloutline_ (variant='False') - Outline plotted flagged symbols
.. raw:: html
- xconnector_ (string='') - Set connector for data points (blank="none"; "line","step")
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xconnector = line </i></summary>
- timeconnector_ (bool=False) - Connect points by time rather than x-axis
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> xconnector = step </i></summary>
- timeconnector_ (bool=False) - Connect points by time rather than x-axis
.. raw:: html
- plotrange_ (doubleVec='') - Plot axes ranges: [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
- title_ (string='') - Title at top of plot
- titlefont_ (int=0) - Font size for plot title
- xlabel_ (string='') - Text for horizontal x-axis. Blank for default.
- xaxisfont_ (int=0) - Font size for x-axis label
- ylabel_ (string='') - Text for vertical y-axis. Blank for default.
- yaxisfont_ (int=0) - Font size for y-axis label
- showmajorgrid_ (bool=False) - Show major grid lines
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> showmajorgrid = True </i></summary>
- majorwidth_ (int=1) - Line width in pixels of major grid lines
- majorstyle_ (string='') - Major grid line style
- majorcolor_ (string='B0B0B0') - Color (name or hex code) of major grid lines
.. raw:: html
- showminorgrid_ (bool=False) - Show minor grid lines
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> showminorgrid = True </i></summary>
- minorwidth_ (int=1) - Line width in pixels of minor grid lines
- minorstyle_ (string='') - Minor grid line style
- minorcolor_ (string='D0D0D0') - Color (name or hex code) of minor grid lines
.. raw:: html
- showlegend_ (bool=False) - Show a legend on the plot.
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> showlegend = True </i></summary>
- legendposition_ (string='') - Legend position, default upperRight.
.. raw:: html
- plotfile_ (string='') - Name of plot file to save automatically
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> plotfile != '' </i></summary>
- expformat_ (string='') - Export format type. If not provided, plotfile extension will be used to determine type.
- verbose_ (bool=True) - Include metadata in text export
- exprange_ (string='') - Range of iteration plots to export, one plotfile per page. Multipage pdf exports are not supported.
- highres_ (bool=False) - Use high resolution
- dpi_ (int=-1) - DPI of exported plot
- width_ (int=-1) - Width in pixels of exported plot
- height_ (int=-1) - Height in pixels of exported plot
- overwrite_ (bool=False) - Overwrite plot file if it already exists
.. raw:: html
- showgui_ (bool=True) - Show GUI
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> showgui = True </i></summary>
- clearplots_ (bool=True) - Remove any existing plots so new ones can replace them.
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> showgui = False </i></summary>
- clearplots_ (bool=True) - Remove any existing plots so new ones can replace them.
.. raw:: html
- callib_ (stringVec='') - Calibration library string or filename for on-the-fly calibration.
- headeritems_ (string='') - Comma-separated list of pre-defined page header items.
- showatm_ (bool=False) - Compute and overlay the atmospheric transmission curve
- showtsky_ (bool=False) - Compute and overlay the sky temperature curve
- showimage_ (bool=False) - Compute and overlay the image sideband curve
- colorizeoverlay_ (bool=False) - Colorize the curve overlay using coloraxis
.. _Description:
.. warning:: There are `Known Issues <../../notebooks/introduction.html#Known-Issues>`__ for plotms.
**plotms** is a task for plotting and interacting with visibility
and calibration data. A variety of axes choices (including data column)
along with selection and averaging options are provided. All of the
provided parameters can also be set using the GUI once the
application has been launched. Additional operations are
available through the GUI such as marking a region then using the
*Locate tool* to list information about the points in the plot, or
using the *Flag* and *Unflag* tools to change the flags in the
marked region. Flag extension parameters are also available for
flagging operations in the plotter.
Support for calibration table plotting is included in plotms.
Most basic plotms functions (plotting, selection, averaging,
iteration, locate, summary, flagging) will work for most CalTables.
Parameterized CalTables (delay, antpos, gaincurve, opacity, fringefit)
will currently just plot the simple parameters contained in the table.
Baseline-based A and M tables are supported; X tables are not yet
supported. Transformations (velocity conversions, etc.) are
currently unsupported for CalTables. In the **plotms** GUI, many
options irrelevant for CalTables (some selection and axis choices)
are not hidden when interacting with a calibration table, and such
settings will be ignored (when benign) or cause an error message.
In CASA6, **plotms** has no return value but may throw an exception.
For a detailed explanation of the **plotms** GUI and its
corresponding task parameters, see the `documentation on using
plotms <../../notebooks/data_examination.ipynb#Plot/Edit-using-plotms>`__
under Data Examination and Editing.
.. rubric:: Parameter Descriptions
The options for each parameter are explained in detail below. The
parameter’s default value, if any, will be described.
.. rubric:: Plotter settings
- *showgui*
- Whether to show or hide the GUI window
- True (default): show the GUI window (False=hide).
- The casaplotms process runs in the background whether the
GUI is shown or not.
.. rubric:: Input Dataset
- *vis*
- The directory name of the input MeasurementSet or CalTable.
The path is needed if this directory is not in the current
working directory.
- “” (default) : launch casaplotms without plotting unless
caltable is set.
- If input file not found: plotms issues a warning and does
not launch or, if already launched, does not update.
- *caltable*
- The directory name of the input CalTable.
The path is needed if this directory is not in the current
working directory.
- “” (default) : launch casaplotms without plotting unless
vis is set.
- If input file not found: plotms issues a warning and does
not launch or, if already launched, does not update.
.. rubric:: Page and Subplot Settings
- *gridrows*
- Number of subplot rows in each page of plots. There is no
maximum, but consider legibility for larger grids.
- 1 (default): one plot per row
- *gridcols*
- Number of subplot columns in each page of plots There is no
maximum, but consider legibility for larger grids.
- 1 (default): one plot per column
- *rowindex*
- Row location of this subplot (0-based), used to indicate
location of plot in grid. If *iteraxis* is enabled for the
subplot, this indicates where to put the first plot.
- 0 (default): locate the plot in the first row.
- *colindex*
- Column location of this subplot (0-based), used to indicate
location of plot in grid. If *iteraxis* is enabled for the
subplot, this indicates where to put the first plot.
- 0 (default): locate the plot in the first column.
- *plotindex*
- Index of subplot (0-based). When there is more than one plot
on a page (overplot or on a grid without iteration), each
plot should increment the plotindex by 1 and set
*clearplots=False*. If a plotindex is skipped, plotms will
adjust the plotindex with a message to the user.
- 0 (default): first (and possibly only) plot
- *clearplots*
- Make a new plot (remove existing plots) or overplot/add plot
to grid.
- True (default): make a new plot.
.. rubric:: Iteration
- axis over which to iterate plots, one per page or per grid
- “” (default) : no iteration.
- Options: *'scan', 'field', 'spw', 'baseline', 'antenna',
'time', 'corr'*. For cal tables, *'poln'*. For KAntPos Jones
tables, *'antpos'*.
- Each plot shows all of the points in the cache associated with
the current iteration value. This means that when iterating
over '*antenna'* for a CalTable, the plot for the reference
antenna shows all of the other antennas, since their baselines
include the reference antenna.
- Iteration changes the plot title, appending the iteraxis and
the iteration value, e.g. “Amp vs. Time Spw: 9”.
- Subparameters are enabled when iteraxis is set:
- *xselfscale, yselfscale*
- all axes in iterated plots will have the same scale (axis
range and tick marks).
- False (default) : scale the each plot individually.
- *xsharedaxis, ysharedaxis*
- iterated plots on a grid share a single x-axis (top or
bottom of the grid) in each column, or a single y-axis (left
or right of the grid) in each row. Must also set
*xselfscale=True, yselfscale=True*.
- False (default) : each plot has its own x-axis and y-axis.
- *xsharedaxis=True* ignored with warning when *gridrows=1.*
- *ysharedaxis=True* ignored with warning when *gridcols=1*.
.. rubric:: Axes and Calibration
- *xaxis, yaxis*
- What to plot on the xaxis and yaxis
- “” (default) : use the default axis for the dataset
- Default xaxis
- For MeasurementSets, the default xaxis is *‘time’*.
- For CalTables, the default xaxis depends on the cal table type. For most types, this is *‘time’*, i.e. for G Jones and GSPLINE; *‘chan’* for B Jones and B TSYS; *‘freq’* for BPOLY; *‘ant1’* for D Jones, K Jones, and KAntPos.
- Default yaxis
- For MeasurementSets, the default yaxis is *‘amp’*.
- For CalTables, the default yaxis depends on the cal table type. For most types, this is *‘gainamp’*. For K Jones (delay) and Fringe Jones (fringefit) tables the default is *‘delay’*. For KAntPos Jones tables, the default is *‘antpos’*. For GSPLINE tables, the default yaxis depends on the POLY_MODE column: if “AMP”or “A&P” the default is *‘gainamp’*, if “PHAS” the default is *‘gainphase’*.
- yaxis can be a list, e.g. *yaxis=[‘amp’,’phase’]* to plot
more than one yaxis for a dataset on the same plot. You may
choose to set different axis locations for multiple yaxes
(see *yaxislocation*).
- Subparameters *xdatacolumn* and *ydatacolumn* are enabled
when *xaxis* and *yaxis* are visibility axes, respectively.
- Axis options, with synonyms in parentheses and ordered by type,
are in the following subsections.
.. rubric:: Metadata Axes
- *‘scan’*
- scan number from the *SCAN_NUMBER* column, as shown in
`listobs <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__.
- When averaging over scans is enabled, the scan value for
each bin is the first scan number in the averaged data,
independent of unflagged/flagged data.
- *‘field’*
- index from the *FIELD_ID* column which references a row in
the *FIELD* subtable, as shown in
`listobs <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__.
- When averaging over fields is enabled, the field value for
each bin is the first field id in the averaged data,
independent of unflagged/flagged data.
- *‘time’*
- timestamps from the *TIME* column, converted for display to
time format HH:MM:SS.S (precision depends on the interval
between tick marks).
- When time averaging is enabled, the average of the timestamps
in each bin is used for the time values.
- *‘interval’* (*‘timeint’, ‘timeinterval’, ‘time_interval’*)
- integration time values from the *INTERVAL* column, in
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘spw’*
- spectral window IDs, as shown in
`listobs <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__.
- For MeasurementSets, the data description ID is used to
reference a row in the *DATA_DESCRIPTION* subtable, then the
spw index value is retrieved from the row’s
*SPECTRAL_WINDOW* column. This index references a row in the
- For CalTables, the index from the main table
*SPECTRAL_WINDOW* column which references a row in the
- *‘chan’* (*‘channel’*)
- index into the number of channels in the selected spws,
ranging 0~nChan.
- When channel averaging is enabled, the channel numbers
are re-indexed starting at 0 to reflect the bin
number, not the averaged channel number.
- ‘ *freq’* (*‘frequency’*)
- the *CHAN_FREQ* column in the *SPECTRAL_WINDOW* subtable, in
GHz. This is an array of frequencies, one per channel.
- The frame can be set with the *freqframe* parameter.
- When channel averaging is enabled, the average of the
frequencies in each bin is used.
- *‘vel’* (*‘velocity’*)
- velocity in km/s, as defined by the *freqframe*, *veldef*,
and *restfreq* parameters. Converted from frequencies
('*freq*') using the
`measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- When channel averaging is enabled, the average of the
velocities in each bin is used.
- *‘corr’* (*‘correlation’*)
- correlation IDs (for MeasurementSets) or polarization IDs
(for CalTables).
- For MeasurementSets, the data description ID is used to
reference a row in the *DATA_DESCRIPTION* subtable, then the
polarization index value is retrieved from the row’s
*POLARIZATION_ID* column. This index references a row in the
*POLARIZATION* subtable and the values are obtained from the
*CORR_TYPE* column. These IDs correspond to values RR (5),
RL (6), LR (7), LL (8), XX (9), XY (10), YX (11), and
YY (12).
- For CalTables, *'corr'* is the index into the number of
polarizations in the first axis of the array in the
*CPARAM/FPARAM* column. The CalTable’s PolBasis keyword may
indicate whether the polarizations are linear (0=X, 1=Y) or
circular (0=R, 1=L). If not, the index 0 or 1 is used.
For antenna position (KAntPos Jones) tables, *'corr'* refers
to the x, y, and z position offsets in the first axis of the
*FPARAM* column. See also: calibration axes *'poln'* and
- *‘ant1’* (*‘antenna1’*)
- the ID of the first antenna in a baseline pair, as shown in
`listobs <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__.
- index from the *ANTENNA1* column which references a row in
the *ANTENNA* subtable.
- *‘ant2’* (*‘antenna2’*)
- the ID of the second antenna in a baseline pair, as shown in
`listobs <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__.
- index from the *ANTENNA2* column which references a row in
the *ANTENNA* subtable.
- Some CalTables have antenna2 IDs of -1, indicating this
column is irrelevant to the table.
- *‘baseline’*
- unique number for all antenna baselines, computed as follows
for a particular row (where ant1 is the antenna1 ID and ant2
is the antenna2 ID for that row):
- *‘row’*
- index into the number of rows, ranging 0~nRow.
- For a selected table (see *selectdata*), these are not the
same as the row numbers in the original MeasurementSet.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘observation’*
- index from the *OBSERVATION_ID* column which references a
row in the *OBSERVATION* subtable, which contains
information about the observer, project, and telescope as
shown in
`listobs <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__.
- Some CalTables have observation IDs of -1, indicating this
column is irrelevant to the table. Often there is no
*OBSERVATION* subtable.
- *‘intent’*
- index from the *STATE_ID* column which references a row in
the *STATE* subtable. This includes OBS_MODE information
about the Scan Intent as shown in
`listobs <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__.
- Some MeasurementSets and CalTables have state IDs of -1,
indicating this column is irrelevant to the table. Often
there is no *STATE* subtable or it has zero rows.
- *‘feed1’*
- the first feed number, most useful for single-dish data with
multi-feed receivers.
- index from the *FEED1* column which references a row in the
*FEED* subtable.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘feed2’*
- the second feed number, most useful for single-dish data
with multi-feed receivers.
- index from the *FEED2* column which references a row in the
*FEED* subtable.
- Not supported for CalTables.
.. rubric:: Visibility and Flag Axes
- *‘amp’* (*‘amplitude’*)
- amplitude of the complex visibility cube from the
MeasurementSet data column specified in the *datacolumn*
- If only the *FLOAT_DATA* column exists, the float values are
plotted and the axis is labeled “Amp:float”.
- For residual data columns, vector (complex) subtraction or
division occurs before the amplitude is computed. When
averaging is enabled, the averaged data for each column is
used for the subtraction or division, then the amplitude is
- For CalTables with complex parameters (*CPARAM* column),
this axis is relabeled “Gain Amp”. For CalTables with float
parameters (*FPARAM* column), the float values are plotted
and the axis is relabeled appropriately, e.g. "Delay",
"SwPower", "Tsys", "Opac", etc.
- *‘phase’*
- phase of the complex visibility cube from the MeasurementSet
data column specified in the *datacolumn* parameter, in
- Not valid if only non-complex *FLOAT_DATA* column exists.
- For residual data columns, vector (complex) subtraction or
division occurs before the phase is computed. When
averaging is enabled, the averaged data for each column is
used for the subtraction or division, then the phase is
- For CalTables with complex parameters (*CPARAM* column),
this axis is relabeled “Gain Phase”. Not valid for CalTables
with non-complex float parameters (*FPARAM* column).
- *‘real’*
- the real part of the complex visibility cube from the
MeasurementSet data column specified in the *datacolumn*
- If only the *FLOAT_DATA* column exists, the float values are
plotted and the axis is labeled “Amp:float”.
- For residual data columns, vector (complex) subtraction or
division occurs before the real part is computed. When
averaging is enabled, the averaged data for each column is
used for the subtraction or division, then the real part is
- For CalTables with complex parameters (*CPARAM* column),
this axis is relabeled ‘Gain Real’. Not valid for CalTables
with non-complex float parameters (*FPARAM* column).
- *‘imag’* (*‘imaginary’*)
- the imaginary part of the complex visibility cube from the
MeasurementSet data column specified in the *datacolumn*
- Not valid if only non-complex *FLOAT_DATA* column exists.
- For residual data columns, vector (complex) subtraction or
division occurs before the imaginary part is computed. When
averaging is enabled, the averaged data for each column is
used for the subtraction or division, then the imaginary
part is taken.
- For CalTables with complex parameters (*CPARAM* column),
this axis is re-labeled ‘Gain Imag’. Not valid for CalTables
with non-complex float parameters (*FPARAM* column).
- *‘wt’* (*‘weight’*)
- values from the *WEIGHT* column, which reflects how much
weight each corrected data sample (*CORRECTED_DATA* column)
should receive when combined, e.g. in averaging. See also
chapter on `Data
Weights <../../notebooks/data_weights.ipynb>`__.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘wtamp’* (*‘wt*amp’*)
- product of the weight from the *WEIGHT* column and the
amplitude of the visibility cube from the requested data
Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘wtsp’* (*‘weightspectrum’*)
- values from the *WEIGHT_SPECTRUM* column, which reflects
per-channel frequency variations of the *WEIGHT* column. If
this column does not exist, a warning is issued and *WEIGHT*
is plotted instead. See also chapter on `Data
Weights <../../notebooks/data_weights.ipynb>`__.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘sigma’*
- values from the *SIGMA* column, which reflects the rms noise
of the *DATA* column. See also chapter on `Data
Weights <../../notebooks/data_weights.ipynb>`__.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘sigmasp’* (*‘sigmaspectrum’*)
- values from the *SIGMA_SPECTRUM* column, which reflects
per-channel frequency variations of the *SIGMA* column. If
this column does not exist, the values are derived. See
also chapter on `Data
Weights <../../notebooks/data_weights.ipynb>`__.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘flag’*
- boolean values from the *FLAG* column (0=unflagged,
- *‘flagrow’*
- boolean values from the *FLAG_ROW* column (0=no flags in
row, 1=flags in row).
- This can be inconsistent with *FLAG*, as it is not always
updated as flags are changed.
.. rubric:: Observational Geometry Axes
- *‘uvdist’*
- uv distance (baseline separations), in meters. Calculated as
sqrt(u*u+v*v), where u and v are values from the *UVW*
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘uvwave’* (*’uvdistl’, ’uvdist_l’*)
- uv distance (baseline separations) as a function of
frequency, in units of the observing wavelength λ (lambda).
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘u’*
- u in meters, from the *UVW* column.
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘v’*
- v in meters, from the *UVW* column.
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘w’*
- w in meters, from the *UVW* column.
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘uwave’*
- u in units of wavelength λ (lambda).
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘vwave’*
- v in units of wavelength λ (lambda).
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘wwave’*
- w in units of wavelength λ (lambda).
- For CalTables, *UVW* is calculated from the Antenna subtable
when it exists and antenna2 is defined.
- *‘azimuth’*
- azimuth for the entire array, in degrees. Calculated from
the *FIELD* table’s *PHASE_DIR* column and the observatory
position, using the
`measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool.
- Supported for CalTables where possible.
- *‘elevation* ’
- elevation for the entire array, in degrees. Calculated from
the *FIELD* table’s *PHASE_DIR* column and the observatory
position, using the
`measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool.
- Supported for CalTables where possible.
- *‘hourang’* (*‘hourangle’*)
- hour angle for the entire array, in units of hours.
Calculated from the FIELD table’s *PHASE_DIR* column and the
observatory position, using
the `measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool.
- Supported for CalTables where possible.
- *‘parang’* (*‘parangle’, ‘parallacticangle’*)
- parallactic angle for the entire array, in degrees.
Calculated from the FIELD table’s *PHASE_DIR* column and the
observatory position, using
the `measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool .
- Supported for CalTables where possible.
.. rubric:: Antenna-based Axes
- *‘antenna’* (*‘ant’*)
- antenna IDs in range 0~nAnt, for plotting the antenna-based
quantities below.
- *‘ant-azimuth’*
- azimuth for each antenna, in degrees. Calculated from the
*FIELD* table’s *PHASE_DIR* column and the positions in the
*ANTENNA* table, using
the `measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *‘ant-elevation’*
- elevation for each antenna, in degrees. Calculated from the
*FIELD* table’s *PHASE_DIR* column and the positions in the
*ANTENNA* table, using
the `measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *'ant-ra'*
- Only implemented for ALMA, ASTE, and NRO data.
- longitude of the direction to which the first antenna of a
baseline points at data-taking timestamps. Calculated by
interpolating at data-taking timestamps POINTING table's
DIRECTION column, and converting the result to a
user-specified reference frame. See xinterp, yinterp and
xframe, yframe parameters below for supported interpolation
methods and reference frames.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- Averaging not supported.
- *'ant-dec'*
- Only implemented for ALMA, ASTE, and NRO data.
- latitude of the direction to which the first antenna of a
baseline points at data-taking timestamps. Calculated by
interpolating at data-taking timestamps POINTING table's
DIRECTION column, and converting the result to a
user-specified reference frame. See xinterp, yinterp and
xframe, yframe parameters below for supported interpolation
methods and reference frames.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- Averaging not supported.
- *‘ant-parang’* (*‘ant-parangle’, ‘ant-parallacticangle’*)
- parallactic angle for each antenna, in degrees. Calculated
from the *FIELD* table’s *PHASE_DIR* column and the
positions in the *ANTENNA* table, using
the `measures <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(me) tool.
- Not supported for CalTables.
.. rubric:: Calibration Axes
- *‘gainamp’* (*‘gamp’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- amplitude of complex gain parameters (*CPARAM* column). For
CalTables with float parameters (*FPARAM* column), the float
values are plotted. For polynomial CalTables, including
BPOLY and GSPLINE, the viscube values are calculated
according to the *POLY_MODE* and their amplitudes are
- When the default *xaxis* or *yaxis* parameter (“”) is used,
the *gainamp* axis is relabeled with the axis appropriate
for the table type. However, when the xaxis or yaxis is
explicitly set to *‘gainamp’*, the axis is labeled ”Gain
Amplitude” although the float parameter values may actually
be Tsys, opacity, etc.
- *‘gainphase’* (‘ *gphase’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- phase of complex gain parameters (*CPARAM* column). Invalid
for CalTables with float parameters (*FPARAM* column). For
polynomial CalTables, including BPOLY and GSPLINE, the
viscube values are calculated according to the *POLY_MODE*
and their phases are plotted.
- *‘gainreal’* (*‘greal’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- real part of complex gain parameters (*CPARAM* column).
Invalid for CalTables with float parameters (*FPARAM*
column). For polynomial CalTables, including BPOLY and
GSPLINE, the viscube values are calculated according to the
*POLY_MODE* and the real part is plotted.
- *‘gainimag’* (*‘gimag’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- imaginary part of complex gain parameters (*CPARAM* column).
Invalid for CalTables with float parameters (*FPARAM*
column). For polynomial CalTables, including BPOLY and
GSPLINE, the viscube values are calculated according to the
*POLY_MODE* and their phases are plotted.
- *‘delay* ’ (*‘del’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- delay values of a delay or fringefit CalTable, from the *FPARAM* column.
Invalid for other CalTable types.
- *‘delayrate* ’ (*‘rate’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- delay rates of a fringefit CalTable, from the *FPARAM* column.
Invalid for other CalTable types.
- *‘dispdelay* ’ (*‘disp’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- dispersive delay values of a fringefit CalTable, from the *FPARAM* column.
Invalid for other CalTable types.
- *‘swpower’* (*‘swp’, ‘switchedpower’, ‘spgain’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- switched power values for a VLA switched power CalTable,
from the *FPARAM* column. Invalid for other CalTable types.
- *‘tsys’*
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- tsys of a Tsys CalTable, from the *FPARAM* column. Invalid
for otherCalTable types.
- *‘opacity’* (*‘opac’*)
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- opacity of an opacity CalTable, from the *FPARAM* column.
Invalid for other CalTable types.
- *‘snr’*
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- signal-to-noise ratio of a CalTable, from the *SNR* column.
- *‘tec’*
- Invalid for MeasurementSets.
- total electron content of an ionosphere correction CalTable,
from the *FPARAM* column. Invalid for other CalTable types.
- *‘poln’* (*‘polarization’*)
- polarization IDs for CalTables.
- This is the index into the number of polarizations in the
first axis of the array in the *CPARAM/FPARAM* column. If set,
the CalTable’s PolBasis keyword indicates whether the
polarizations are linear (0=X, 1=Y) or circular (0=R, 1=L).
If PolBasis is not set, the index 0 or 1 is used.
- *‘antpos’* (*‘Antenna Position’*)
- antenna positions for KAntPos Jones CalTables.
- The antenna positions are 0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z.
.. rubric:: Ephemeris Axes
- *‘radialvelocity’*
- radial velocity of an ephemeris field, in km/s. Valid only
for MeasurementSets whose *FIELD* subtable has an ephemeris
- Invalid for CalTables.
- *‘distance’* (*‘rho’*)
- distance (rho) of an ephemeris field, in km. Valid only for
MeasurementSets whose *FIELD* subtable has an ephemeris
- Invalid for CalTables.
.. rubric:: Other Axis Settings
- *xdatacolumn, ydatacolumn*
- data column in the MeasurementSet from which to retrieve
- “” (default) : ‘ *data* ’ (*DATA* column).
- Subparameters of visibility axes only.
- If a data column other than ‘ *data’* is selected, the
visibility axis in the plot title is appended with the data
column name, e.g. “Amp:corrected vs. Time”.
- For residual data columns:
- Vector (complex) subtraction or division occurs before
the axis operation (amplitude, phase, real, imaginary) is
- When the '*corrected/model*' or '*data/model*' data
column is selected, some of the resulting values may be
infinite or "not a number" due to division by zero.
These values are ignored when plotting.
- When averaging is enabled, each column's data is
averaged, then it is subtracted or divided, then the axis
operation is computed.
- Data residual columns *‘data-model’* and *‘data/model’*
are invalid for singledish datasets. There are no float
residual columns.
- Options:
- *‘data’*
- raw data. Use the *DATA* column in the MeasurementSet.
- For singledish datasets, a warning is issued and
*FLOAT_DATA* is plotted with ":float" appended to the
visibility axis label.
- *‘corrected’*
- calibrated data. Use the *CORRECTED_DATA* column in
the MeasurementSet, or use on-the-fly calibration if
*callib* parameter is set. Plotms will prefer OTF
calibration over an existing *CORRECTED_DATA* column.
- If no calibrated data can be used, a warning is issued
and the raw data (*DATA* or *FLOAT_DATA*) is plotted
- *‘model’*
- model data. Use the *MODEL_DATA* column in the
- For interferometry datasets, model data is created
dynamically if it does not exist.
- For singledish datasets with no model data, an error
is issued and no plot is made.
- *‘float’*
- non-complex data. Use the *FLOAT_DATA* column in the
MeasurementSet. Primarily for single-dish data.
- Fails if *FLOAT_DATA* does not exist.
- *’corrected-model’* ('*corrected-model_vector'*, *’residual’)*
- subtract the model data from the corrected data before
the amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated.
- For interferometry datasets with no corrected data and
cannot be generated with the *callib* parameter, a
warning is issued and '*data-model_vector*' is
- For singledish datasets with no corrected data and/or
no model data, an error is issued and no plot is made.
- *’corrected-model_scalar’*
- subtract the model data from the corrected data after
the amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated.
- For interferometry datasets with no corrected data and
cannot be generated with the *callib* parameter, a
warning is issued and '*data-model_scalar*' is
- For singledish datasets with no corrected data and/or
no model data, an error is issued and no plot is made.
- *‘data-model’* ('*data-model_vector'*)
- subtract the model data from the raw data before the
amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated.
- For interferometry datasets, model data is created
dynamically if it does not exist.
- Invalid for singledish datasets: no data or model
columns. An error is issued and no plot is made.
- *‘data-model'* ('*data-model_scalar'*)
- subtract the model data from the raw data after the
amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated.
- For interferometry datasets, model data is created
dynamically if it does not exist.
- Invalid for singledish datasets: no data or model
columns. An error is issued and no plot is made.
- *‘corrected/model’ ('corrected/model_vector')*
- divide the corrected data by the model data before the
amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated.
- For interferometry datasets with corrected data, model
data is created dynamically if it does not exist.
- For interferometry datasets with no corrected data and
cannot be generated with the *callib* parameter, a
warning is issued and '*data/model_vector*' is
- For singledish datasets with no corrected data and/or
no model data, an error is issued and no plot is made.
- *'corrected/model_scalar'*
- divide the corrected data by the model data after the
amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated.
- For interferometry datasets with corrected data, model
data is created dynamically if it does not exist.
- For interferometry datasets with no corrected data and
cannot be generated with the *callib* parameter, a
warning is issued and '*data/model_scalar*' is
- For singledish datasets with no corrected data and/or
no model data, an error is issued and no plot is made.
- *‘data/model’* ('*data/model_vector'*)
- divide the raw data by the model data before the
amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated..
- For interferometry datasets, model data is created
dynamically if it does not exist.
- Invalid for singledish datasets: no data or model
columns. An error is issued and no plot is made.
- '*data/model_scalar*'
- divide the raw data by the model data after the
amplitude, phase, etc. is calculated..
- For interferometry datasets, model data is created
dynamically if it does not exist.
- Invalid for singledish datasets: no data or model
columns. An error is issued and no plot is made.
- *xinterp, yinterp*
- *Sub-parameter of xaxis (resp. yaxis) when xaxis='ant-ra' or
xaxis='ant-dec' (resp. yaxis='ant-ra' or yaxis='ant-dec')*
- *Interpolation method to use for interpolating antennas'
pointing directions recorded in MeasurementSet's POINTING
table (DIRECTION and TIME columns) at data-taking timestamps
(MAIN table, TIME column)*
- *(default) : ‘ cubic spline ’*
- *Options: 'cubic spline', 'spline', 'nearest'*
- *'spline' is a synonym for 'cubic spline'*
- *xframe, yframe*
- *Sub-parameter of xaxis (resp. yaxis) when xaxis='ant-ra' or xaxis='ant-dec' (resp. yaxis='ant-ra' or yaxis='ant-dec')*
- *Convert antennas' interpolated pointing directions to the supplied reference frame*
- *“” (default) : ‘icrs’*
- *Options: 'icrs', 'j2000','b1950','galactic','azelgeo'*
- *yaxislocation*
- whether to put the yaxis on the left or right.
- “” (default) : left.
- Options: *‘left’*, *‘right’*
- Can be a string or list when yaxis is a list, e.g.
(yaxis=[‘amp’, ‘phase’], yaxislocation=[‘left’, ‘right’])
will plot amp on the left yaxis and phase on the right
- xaxis location can be set in the GUI but there is no
corresponding parameter.
- *plotrange*
- format is [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]; when min=max=0,
autoscaling is used.
- [] (default) : [0,0,0,0] to autoscale the x and y ranges.
- You may autoscale one axis and not the other. For example,
[0,0,0,10] will autoscale the xaxis but set the yaxis range
to [0,10].
- *callib*
- calibration library string or filename to use for on-the-fly
(OTF) calibration to produce calibrated data (the
‘ *corrected* ’ datacolumn).
- "" (default): no calibration library
- See `Cal Library Syntax
documentation <../../notebooks/cal_library_syntax.ipynb>`__.
When this parameter is set, OTF calibration is enabled.
Plotms will prefer OTF calibration over an existing
- .. rubric:: *showatm, showtsky, showimage*
- overplot the atmospheric transmission curve or the sky
temperature curve, with the yaxis on the right. The *xaxis*
must be *‘chan’* or ‘ *freq’*, else the plot is made
without the overlay.
- False (default): no overlay.
- Only one overlay may be chosen. If both are True, only the
atmospheric curve is computed and plotted.
- Overlays are computed with the
`atmosphere <../../api/casatools.rst>`__
(atm) tool using pressure, humidity, temperature, and
precipitable water vapor (pwv) computed from the
MeasurementSet subtables:
- The *WEATHER* subtable is used to compute mean weather
values, else defaults are used. humidity: 20.0,
temperature: 273.15, pressure: 563.0 (ALMA) or 786.0
is used to compute pwv, else defaults are used. 1.0
(ALMA), 5.0 (other).
- When *showimage=True*, the image sideband curve is also
plotted. This feature can only be used when *showatm* or
*showtsky* is True. In addition, the MS (associated MS for
a calibration table) cannot be split and must have an
ASDM_RECEIVER table, or a warning is issued and the atm/tsky
curve is plotted without the sideband curve.
- *colorizeoverlay*
- colorize the curve overlays when a curve (*showatm* or *showtsky*)
is enabled and *coloraxis* is set.
- False (default): use default solid color.
- *coloraxis* will be applied to the curve overlays in a lighter
tint of the color used in the plot.
.. rubric:: Data Selection
.. *selectdata*
- parameter to enable data selection.
- True (default) : data selection always enabled.
- See
`MSSelection <../../notebooks/visibility_data_selection.ipynb>`__
for syntax of subparameters below. All arguments are strings.
- For all subparameters, “” (default) selects all (no selection).
- Selection is done before averaging, calibration, plotting, etc.
- Selection by uvrange, array, intent, and feed is invalid for
CalTables, which do not have these columns.
- *field*
- select fields by name or ID.
- *spw*
- select spectral windows/channels.
- *timerange*
- select data based on time range.
- *uvrange*
- select data within uvrange (default meters), or include
units: ‘0~1000klamba’.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *antenna*
- select baselines and auto/cross-correlations for
MeasurementSet and baseline-based CalTable.
- select antenna1 for antenna-based CalTable, including single-dish
sky calibration table. Antenna-based CalTable with a reference
antenna may use the ANT1&ANT2 syntax to select a reference antenna.
- *scan*
- select scan numbers.
- *correlation*
- select correlations for MeasurementSet including "RR", "RL",
"LR", "LL", "XX", "XY", "YX", and "YY".
- select standard Stokes parameters and polarization quantities,
which will be computed if the MeasurementSet does not have the
requested quantities. Options include "I", "Q", "U", "V",
"Plinear", "Ptotal", "PFlinear", "PFtotal", and "Pangle".
- select polarizations for CalTable, including ratio plots.
Options include "RL", "R", "L", "XY", "X", "Y", and "/".
- select antenna positions for KAntPos Jones CalTable.
Options include "X", "Y", and "Z".
- *polarization*
- select polarizations for CalTable, including ratio plots.
- Options include "RL", "R", "L", "XY", "X", "Y", and "/".
- Ignored for MeasurementSets.
- *antpos*
- select antenna positions for KAntPos Jones CalTable.
- Options include "X", "Y", "Z", "XY", "XZ", "YZ".
- Ignored for MeasurementSets and other CalTable types.
- *array*
- select array ID.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *observation*
- select observation ID.
- *intent*
- select state ID or intent by name.
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *feed*
- select feed IDs by number.
- Note: as with antenna IDs, a single feed ID selection (e.g.
*feed="1"*) will only select where feed1 or feed2 is the
selected ID but not both, unless "auto-correlation"-like
syntax is used .
- Not supported for CalTables.
- *msselect*
- select using TaQL expression.
.. rubric:: Data Averaging
- parameter to enable data averaging.
- True (default) : averaging always enabled.
- For all subparameters, “” or False (default) does no averaging.
- When averaging, plotms will prefer unflagged data. If an
averaging bin contains any unflagged data at all, only the
average of the unflagged will be shown. When flagging on a plot
of averaged data, the flags will be applied to the unaveraged
data in the MS.
- When plotting weight axes with averaging enabled, the values
are the weights applied to the averaged data, i.e. it is the
sum not the average of the weight values.
- Some axes are invalid or not implemented for some averaging
modes. For example, you cannot plot weight axes when baseline,
averaging, spw, or scalar averaging is enabled.
- The result is a weighted average. When averaging corrected
data, weight spectrum is used. When averaging raw data, sigma
spectrum is used.
- Normally, the data averaged together has the same scan number,
field, baseline, and spw. Subparameters allow data to be
averaged across these boundaries.
- By default, data uses vector averaging, where the complex
average is formed by averaging the complex values of the
visibilities, then the amplitude or phase of the result is
plotted. To compute the average of the amplitude or phase
values instead, set *scalar=True*.
- Averaging is supported for calibration tables except BPOLY and
GSPLINE, which have an older table format.
- *avgchannel*
- Average data across the channel axis; value is number of
channels to average together to form one output channel.
- When plotting the *‘channel’* axis, output channel numbers
are reindexed 0~nAvgChan, rather than using the average of
the channel numbers in each bin, and the axis label is
changed to “Average Channel”. When plotting the *‘frequency‘*
or *‘velocity‘* axis, the average of the frequency or
velocity values in each bin is used.
- The plotms Locate tool indicates which channels were
averaged together for a point in the plot, e.g.
“Chan=<7~13>” which may be shown as channel 1 on the plot.
The frequency of the point is labelled "Avg Freq" in the
Locate output.
- see
`mstransform <../../api/casatasks.rst>`__
description for channel averaging.
- Combining channel averaging with channel selection is handled
differently for MeasurementSets and calibration tables.
- *‘MeasurementSet’*
- Each selected channel range is averaged separately.
- When the avgchannel value is less than the number of
channels selected in a range, the channels in each
range are binned together and extra channels are
dropped. For example, (spw='0:10~20; 30~40',
avgchannel='8') will average channel bins [10~17] and
[30~37] but drop channels [18~20] and [38~40]. Since
each range is treated separately, the order of the
channel ranges does not matter; (spw='0:30~40; 10~20',
avgchannel='8') will have the same result.
- When the avgchannel value is greater than the
number of channels selected in a range, if a single
range is selected, all selected channels are binned;
if multiple ranges are selected and the binning fails
for both ranges, an error is issued: "Channel selection
does not allow to produce any output channel with the
requested width." For example, (spw='0:10~20',
avgchannel='15') will average channels [10~20].
(spw='0:10~20; 30~40', avgchannel='15') will produce
the error. (spw='0:10~20; 30~50', avgchannel='15') will
average [30~44] only.
- *‘Calibration Table’*
- Selected channel ranges are treated as contiguous to
increase SNR.
- When the avgchannel value is less than the number of
channels selected, the channels are binned as if there
were no gaps and extra channels are dropped. For
example, (spw='0:10~20; 30~40', avgchannel='8') will
average channel bins [10~17], [18~20, 30~34] to
complete the bin, and drop [35~40]. The Locate tool
will show the output channels as <10~17> and <18~34>.
The order of the channel ranges does matter:
(spw='0:30~40; 10~20', avgchannel='8') will bin
[30~37], [38~40, 10~14] and drop [15~20]. The Locate
tool will show the output channels as <30~37> and
- When the avgchannel value is greater than the
number of channels selected in a range, if a single
range is selected, all selected channels are binned;
if multiple ranges are selected, the channels are
binned as if there were no gaps. For example,
(spw='0:10~20', avgchannel='15') will average channels
[10~20]. (spw='0:10~20; 30~40', avgchannel='15') will
bin [10~20, 30~33] and drop [34~40]. The Locate tool
will show the output channel as <10~33>.
(spw='0:10~20; 30~50', avgchannel='15') will bin
[10~20, 30~33], [34~48] and drop [49~50]. The Locate
tool will show the output channels as <10~33> and
<34~48>. Changing the selection order changes the
averaging: (spw='0:30~40; 10~20', avgchannel='15') will
bin [30~40, 10~13] and drop [14~20]. The Locate tool
will show the output channel as <30~13>.
- *avgtime*
- Average data across the time axis; value string is number of
seconds to average together.
- "" (default): do not time-average data.
- The “bins” of averaged data have the same scan number and
field ID unless avgscan or avgfield are True.
- The time value of each bin is the average of the timestamps
in that bin.
- *avgscan*
- Ignore scan boundaries when time-averaging data; parameter
ignored when *avgtime* is not set.
- False (default): time-average data within individual scans.
- The scan value of each bin is the first scan number in the
bin, independent of unflagged/flagged data.
- *avgfield*
- Ignore field boundaries when time-averaging data; parameter
ignored when *avgtime* is not set.
- False (default): time-average data within individual fields.
- The field value of each bin is the first field id in the
bin, independent of unflagged/flagged data.
- *avgbaseline*
- Average data for all baselines together in each "chunk"
(rows having the same scan number, field ID, spw, and
- False (default): do not average data over baseline.
- Exclusive with avgantenna.
- *avgantenna*
- Average data for each antenna separately in each "chunk"
(rows having the same scan number, field ID, spw, and
- False (default): do not average data per antenna.
- Exclusive with avgbaseline.
- *avgspw*
- Average data over spectral window. For a given channel
number, the channels in the spectral windows with that
number are averaged together.
- False (default): do not average data over spectral window.
- *scalar*
- Values like amplitude or phase of the individual complex
values are calculated before averaging.
- False (default) results in vector averaging: complex values
are averaged, then the values for amp, phase, etc. are
- Ignored when other averaging is not enabled.
.. rubric:: Data Transformations
- parameter to enable transformations. Not implemented for
- False (default) disables subparameters below.
- *freqframe*
- the coordinate frame in which to render frequency and
velocity axes.
- “” (default) : use frame in which data were taken.
- Options: *"LSRK", "LSRD", "BARY", "GEO", "TOPO", "GALACTO", "LGROUP", "CMB"*
- *restfreq*
- the rest frequency to use in velocity conversions (MHz).
- “” (default) : use spw central frequency and show relative
- *veldef*
- the velocity definition (Doppler ratio) to use in velocity
- "*RADIO*" (default)
- Options: *“RADIO”, “OPTICAL”, “TRUE”* (Relativistic)
- *phasecenter*
- Direction coordinates of the desired phase center.
- "" (default) : use phase center in MeasurementSet.
.. rubric:: Interactive Flagging Extensions
- parameter to enable flag extensions according to subparameters.
- False (default): do not extend flags.
- *extcorr*
- Extend flagging to unplotted correlations when
*extendflag=True*, else ignored.
- False (default) : do not extend flagging by correlation.
- True : for example, if correlation RR is selected, plotted,
and interactively flagged, correlations RL, LR, and LL will
be flagged for the points in the marked region.
- *extchannel*
- Extend flagging to unplotted channels in the same spw when
*extendflag=True*, else ignored.
- False (default) : do not extend flagging by channel.
- True : for example, if spw 0:0 (spw 0, channel 0) is
selected, plotted, and interactively flagged, all channels
in spw 0 will be flagged for the points in the marked
.. rubric:: Display: Symbols
- colorize the symbols based on the given axis. Points with the
same value for that axis will be the same color.
- “” (default) : do not colorize.
- Options: *“scan”, “field”, “spw”, “antenna1”* (*“ant1”*),
*“antenna2”* (*“ant2”*), *“baseline”, “channel”* (*“chan”*),
*“corr”, “time”, “observation”, “intent”*. For cal tables,
*'poln'*. For KAntPos Jones tables, *'antpos'*.
- Overrides custom symbol settings below and xconnector
colorization. Flagged points will be colorized according to
the *coloraxis*.
- For CalTables, colorization by *"corr"* usually refers to
polarization, or you may select the *"poln"* coloraxis. For an antenna
position (KAntPos Jones) table, the first axis contains the x, y, and z
offsets so *coloraxis="corr"* may be used to distinguish these values,
or you may select the *"antpos"* coloraxis.
- When *showlegend=True*, the colorized colors and values will be shown
in the legend.
- When *colorizeoverlay=True* and *showatm=True* or *showtsky=True*,
the coloraxis will be applied to the curve overlays in a lighter tint
of the color used in the plot.
- parameter to enable custom symbol for unflagged data.
- False (default) : disables subparameters below, symbols use
default values (“blue” autoscaling).
- *symbolshape*
- set the shape of the symbol for points plotted.
- *“autoscaling”* (default) changes the size according to the
number of points; the shape is *“pixel”* for the highest
range of points, *“circle”* otherwise.
- Options: *“autoscaling”, “circle”, “square”, “diamond”,
“pixel”, “nosymbol”* (do not show points)
- *symbolsize*
- set size in number of pixels.
- *symbolcolor*
- set color by RGB hex code or string color name e.g. ‘red’.
- *"0000ff"* (default) is blue.
- *symbolfill*
- set fill pattern for symbol.
- *"fill"* (default).
- Options: *“fill”, “mesh1”, “mesh2”, “mesh3”, “nofill”*
- *symboloutline*
- outline the symbol.
- False (default).
- parameter to enable custom symbol for flagged data.
- False (default) : disables subparameters below, shape is
- True: show flagged points as red circles of size 2 (default),
unless subparameters are set otherwise.
- *flaggedsymbolshape="circle", flaggedsymbolsize=2, flaggedsymbolcolor="ff0000" (‘red’), flaggedsymbolfill="fill", flaggedsymboloutline=False*
- Subparameter defaults are shown. Their options are the same
as for unflagged symbols, when *customflaggedsymbol=True*.
- parameter to enable connecting the data points by line or step
along the xaxis; connected points will have the same metadata
(including flag) with only the x-axis value changing. Points
will be colorized based on their connection metadata.
Unflagged points are not connected to flagged points, even when
not displayed.
- Supported for calibration tables *only* at present. When enabled
for a MeasurementSet, a warning will be issued and the plot
will complete without connection.
- "none" (default), "line", or "step".
- *timeconnector*
- subparameter when xconnector is not "none".
- False (default). When True, connect the points which change
by time only, irrespective of the x-axis value.
.. rubric:: Display: Title, Axis Labels
- *title*
- Set title text.
- “” (default) : yaxis vs. xaxis
- Will append data column to visibility axis if not *‘data’*.
- Will prepend “Average” to axis, if axis is averaged.
- Will append iteration axis and value to title, if *iteraxis*
- *titlefont*
- set the size of the title text.
- 0 (default) : autosize the title according to the plot size,
especially important when making a grid of plots.
- *xlabel, ylabel*
- set the xaxis or yaxis label.
- “” (default) : label string for the axis plotted, e.g. use
the label “Amp” for the axis ‘amp’.
- *xaxisfont, yaxisfont*
- set the axis label font size.
- 0 (default) : autosize depending on the plot size.
.. rubric:: Display: Plot Gridlines, Legend, Header
- parameter to enable major gridlines (at labeled tick marks) and
- False (default): do not show major gridlines.
- True: show solid black gridlines of width 1 unless
subparameters are set otherwise.
- Not to be confused with *gridrows* and *gridcols*, for making
plots in a grid.
- *majorwidth*
- width of major gridlines, when major grid is enabled.
- 0 (default) : automatically sets width to 1.
- *majorstyle*
- style of major gridlines, when major grid is enabled.
- *“solid”* (default) when *showmajorgrid=True*.
- Options: *“solid”, “dash”, “dot”, “none”*.
- *majorcolor*
- set color by RGB hex code or string color name, e.g.
*‘blue’*, when major grid is enabled.
- *"B0B0B0"* (default): dark gray.
- parameter to enable minor gridlines (between labeled tick
marks) and subparameters.
- False (default): do not show show minor gridlines.
- True: show solid light gray gridlines of width 1 unless
subparameters are set otherwise.
- *minorwidth=1, minorstyle="" (“solid”), minorcolor="D0D0D0"* (light gray)
- Subparameter defaults are shown. Options are the same as
for major gridlines, when *showminorgrid=True*.
- Show legend; useful when setting two y-axes or overplotting two
plots on one canvas, with different colors for each yaxis/plot.
- False (default) : do not show legend.
- Legend is shown at upper right unless subparameter
*legendposition* is set.
- When *coloraxis* is set, the colorized colors and values will be shown
in the legend.
- position of the legend, either inside the plot canvas (may
cover part of the plot) or exterior to it.
- None (default) when *showlegend=False*; set to
*‘upperRight’* when *showlegend=True*.
- Options: *“upperRight”, “upperLeft”, “lowerRight”,
“lowerLeft”, “exteriorRight”, “exteriorLeft”, “exteriorTop”,
- Add plot header: comma-separated list of options in a string,
e.g. headeritems=“filename, telescope”.
- “” (default) : Do not show plot header.
- Options: *“filename”, “projid”, “telescope”, “observer”,
“obsdate”, “obstime”, “targname”, “targdir”, “ycolumn”.*
- Items are always loaded into cache along with plotted axes,
even if not requested, so that all of the disk I/O of the
dataset is done at once.
- Requested items will appear in the header even if no value is
found for it in dataset.
- The page header is only applicable to MeasurementSets. A header
will be added to CalTable plots but with no values for
requested items.
.. rubric:: Plot Export
- filename for plot export. Enables subparameters to be set.
- “” (default) : do not export the plot.
- If no path is included in the filename, the plot will be
exported to the current directory.
- If the filename exists and *overwrite=False* (default), the
plot and the export will fail with an error.
- If the filename has no extension and *expformat* is set, the
given filename will be used and the extension will not be
- *expformat*
- export format type.
- “” (default) : use *plotfile* extension to determine type.
If the *plotfile* has no extension, the export will fail.
- Options: *“jpg”, “png”, “pdf”, “ps”, “txt”*
- For *‘txt’* format, Locate information (x and y values plus
metadata) for each point is exported to an ASCII text file.
This can take some time and produce a large file when many
points are plotted. Use averaging and selection to keep the
file size manageable.
- If the *expformat* does not match the *plotfile* extension
(e.g. plotfile=’test.pdf’, expformat=’jpg’), both will take
effect; a jpg file will be created with the name “test.pdf”.
Not recommended!
- *verbose*
- include metadata in text export
- True (default): When False, export only x and y values.
- *exprange*
- range of iteration plots to export, one plotfile per page.
Multipage pdf exports are not supported. Ignored if iteraxis
is not set.
- “” (default) : current page only.
- Options: *“current”, “all”*
- *highres*
- Export .jpg or .png plot in high resolution.
- False (default) : screen resolution export not implemented.
Plotms always exports a high resolution plot (high quality,
no compression) for .png and .jpg formats.
- *dpi*
- set DPI (dots per inch) of exported plot.
- -1 (default) : use Qt default settings.
- *width, height*
- set size of exported plot, in pixels (does not affect GUI
- -1 (default) : use default settings.
- *overwrite*
- overwrite existing *plotfile*.
- False (default) : do not overwrite existing *plotfile*.
- If False and *plotfile* exists, plotms will issue an error
and fail to make the plot.
.. _Examples:
NOTE: These examples are not comprehensive, as **plotms** has a
substantial list of parameters and allowed values! See the
`documentation on using
plotms <../../notebooks/data_examination.ipynb#Plot/Edit-using-plotms>`__
under Data Examination and Editing for details of the task
parameters and how they correspond to settings in the GUI.
.. rubric:: Default Plots (unflagged data only)
All that is really required is a dataset or cal table to plot.
The first example will plot Amp vs. Time, the default axes for a
MeasurementSet. The second plot will be Tsys vs. Channel, the
default axes for the cal table type being plotted. By default,
*customflaggedsymbol=False* and no flagged data is plotted. Since
no averaging or selection is done, **plotms** will plot the entire
dataset, which could take some time and substantial memory.
.. rubric:: Change Default Axis and Datacolumn
Here we change the default datacolumn and axes. In the first
example, *yaxis='amp'* is implied since it is the default.
plotms(vis='test.ms', ydatacolumn='corrected', xaxis='channel')
plotms(vis='test.ms', xaxis='elevation', yaxis='azimuth')
.. rubric:: Plot Flagged Data
By setting *customflaggedsymbol=True*, **plotms** uses the default
red circles for the flagged data. In the second example, a custom
symbol is specified.
plotms(vis='test.ms', customflaggedsymbol=True)
plotms(vis='test.ms', customflaggedsymbol=True, flaggedsymbolshape='diamond', flaggedsymbolsize=5,
flaggedsymbolcolor='00ff00', flaggedsymbolfill='mesh3')
.. rubric:: Plot with Colorized Data
Note that the colorization overrides the default or custom color
for all data, unflagged or flagged. In the following example, all
data in the MS will be colorized according to its spectral window.
plotms(vis='test.ms', customflaggedsymbol=True, coloraxis='spw')
.. rubric:: Plot with Data Selection
Note that all selections are strings, including numerical values.
Refer to the documentation on `Data
Selection <../../notebooks/visibility_data_selection.ipynb>`__
for an explanation of MeasurementSet selection. In the second
example, the *correlation* parameter is used for polarization
selection on a calibration table, and the result is plotted with
the default axes Gain Amplitude vs. Time for this cal table type.
plotms(vis='test.ms', field='1', spw='0:3~10', antenna='1&2', scan='2~4', corr='XX,YY')
plotms(vis='bpphase.gcal', correlation='R')
.. rubric:: Plot with Iteration
The first example plots one plot per page. The second example
demonstrates iteration plots on a 2x2 grid. In the third example,
all iteration plots are exported with the plotfile name appended
with the iteration label and index, i.e. test_Scan2.jpg,
test_Scan3_2.jpg, test_Scan4_3.jpg.
plotms(vis='test.ms', xaxis='freq', iteraxis='baseline')
plotms(vis='test.ms', xaxis='freq', iteraxis='baseline', gridrows=2, gridcols=2)
plotms(vis='test.ms', scan='2~4', iteraxis='scan', plotfile='test.jpg', exprange='all')
.. rubric:: Plot with Averaging
In the first example, the *avgtime* value is in seconds. In the
second example, the channel numbers plotted on the x-axis
(*'chan'*) will refer to the binned channels (0-based), not the
averaged channel number for the bin. Use the Locate feature to
find the channel range for each bin.
plotms(vis='test.ms', avgtime='1e8', avgscan=True)
plotms(vis='test.ms', xaxis='chan', avgchannel='128')
.. rubric:: Using On-the-Fly Calibration
The calibration library to apply is contained in the file
*calibration.txt*. By default, this sets Calibration to "On" in
the GUI and applies the cal library; you can select "OFF" but keep
the callib setting.
plotms(vis='ngc5921.ms', xaxis='frequency', yaxis='amp', ydatacolumn='corrected',
field='N5921_2', antenna='*&*', callib='calibration.txt')
.. rubric:: Overplot Two Datasets on One Plot
This is **one example** with two **plotms** calls. Be sure to
increment *plotindex* and set *clearplots* to False on the second
call. Here the second plot is set to a different color. A legend
is included to indicate which points represent the Scan axis and
which are Field points.
plotms(vis='test1.ms', yaxis='scan', showlegend=True, legendposition='lowerRight')
plotms(vis='test2.ms', yaxis='field', plotindex=1, clearplots=False, showlegend=True,
legendposition='lowerRight', customsymbol=True, symbolcolor='00FF00')
.. rubric:: Plot Two Datasets on One Page
Here we use a grid with 2 rows, 1 column, and specify the plot for
each row. The first **plotms** call uses the defaults
*rowindex=0, colindex=0, plotindex=0, clearplots=True*. In the
second call we must increment the *plotindex* and *rowindex* (so
it does not overplot the first plot), and set *clearplots=False*
so that it keeps the first plot. We can also export this page
with two plots.
plotms(vis='test1.ms', yaxis='field', gridrows=2, gridcols=1)
plotms(vis='test2.ms', yaxis='field', gridrows=2, gridcols=1, rowindex=1,
plotindex=1, clearplots=False, plotfile='fields.jpg')
.. rubric:: Saving your plot
The export format can be indicated in the plotfile name or by
using the *expformat* parameter. Allowed extensions include jpg,
png, pdf, ps, and txt. Exporting the plot as text produces
Locate-style output.
Here the plot will be exported in PNG format, as indicated by the
plotfile extension:
plotms(vis='test.ms', plotfile='test.png')
Example with *expformat* parameter. Note that the plotfile name
is used as given and no extension is added:
plotms(vis='ngc5921.ms', plotfile='ngc5921', expformat='jpg')
When scripting the **plotms** calls, one may want to produce
plotfiles without a GUI:
plotms(vis='test.ms', plotfile='test.jpg', showgui=False)
With iteration, one may wish to export only the first plot
(default) or all plots using the *exprange* parameter. The
iteration string will be appended to the filename before the
plotms(vis='ngc5921.ms', iteraxis='baseline', plotfile='ngc5921.jpg', exprange='all')
.. _Development:
Plotms is a GUI plotter based on Qt and Qwt for making X-Y plots
of measurement sets and calibration tables. It can be started as
a task (**plotms**) or tool (**pm**) within CASA, or as a
standalone app (**casaplotms**) from the shell prompt. All
available options should be accessible from both the task/tool
arguments and GUI text boxes, check boxes, etc.
.. rubric:: C++ layers
The main C++ code body for plotms is in **code/plotms**. This
directory contains several subdirectories:
- **app** - standalone casaplotms executable, which launches the
PlotMSApp controller.
- **PlotMS** - highest level code for the main controller, DBus
interface, constants and enums. Classes are also defined to
save plotms parameters for averaging, calibration, export,
flagging, iteration, plotting, selection, and transformations.
- **Client** - factory and classes for GUI and scripted clients
- **Threads** - includes BackgroundThreads and ThreadControllers
for caching the data, drawing the plots, and exporting the plot
files. Plotms uses threads for speed and as a means to return
control to the user.
- **Data** - classes to load the cache for measurement sets
(using VIVB2) and calibration tables (using CTIter), as well as
utility classes to estimate the required memory, average the
data (soon to be moved to the VIVB2 layered architecture), and
index the cached data for flagging and locating data.
- **Plots** - classes to organize one or more plots and pages, as
well as the display parameters for plotting.
- **Gui, GuiTabs, Actions** - handles the GUI layout (tabs,
buttons, etc.) and interactions with the user (signals and
The plotms GUI is built on base classes specifically for using Qt
in CASA (**code/casaqt**) and for a generic plotter
(**code/graphics/GenericPlotter**) in case a different package is
chosen to be used instead of Qt. **Gotcha:** some Qt
functionality is unaccessible since the types are abstracted to
the base classes in GenericPlotter. For basic non-comprehensive
UML diagrams, see
`PlotmsDocs. <https://safe.nrao.edu/wiki/bin/view/Main/PlotMSDocs>`_
.. rubric:: Python layer
Within CASA, **plotms** is set up like other tasks. Briefly, the
parameters and allowed values are defined in
**gcwrap/tasks/plotms.xml**, and the starting point to process the
parameters and launch the casaplotms process (with or without the
GUI) is **gcwrap/python/scripts/task_plotms.py.** It is important
to keep the GUI and the task arguments in sync, so that all
functionality is available in either case. Unfortunately, the
result is a very long list of plotms parameters.
The python code has a SWIG interface to the C++ **pm** tool
methods defined in **gcwrap/tools/plotms/plotms_cmpt.cc**. This
component handles setting the arguments in the plotms code
described above via DBus XML calls (see
**code/plotms/PlotMS/PlotMSDBusApp.cc**), then starts the plotting
with a call to update().
Once update() is called, control returns to the casa session and
the log contains the message "End Task: plotms". However, the
cache thread and then the draw thread continue to make the plot,
so additional plotms output appears in the log even after the task
supposedly ended.
.. rubric:: Plotms tests
Python regression tests for all of the plotms parameters and some
bug fixes are in **gcwrap/python/scripts/tests/test_plotms.py**.
There are test classes within this suite for: basic plots,
averaging, axes options, calibration, calibration tables, display
options, grid options, iteration, selection, transformations, and
combinations of these ("multi"). The entire suite takes over 10
minutes to run, so it is useful to run a single test or subset of
tests (for example, "runUnitTest.py
Google tests, with suffix **\_GT**, have been added in
**code/plotms/test/**. These tests generally load the cache and
check the values. Some legacy C++ tests are also in this
directory, with prefix **d**. They can be compiled and run
manually as "demo" tests and can be useful for creating the google
.. rubric:: Debugging
Whether you run a plotms command in a casa session or run
*casaplotms* from the command line, a casaplotms process is
started and continues to run until you exit the casa session (for
plotms) or the plotms GUI (for casaplotms). This makes debugging
with gdb/ddd very easy, as you can run plotms (with arguments
which work or even no arguments, in order to start the process),
attach the PID in the debugger, then set breakpoints and run
plotms with the failing arguments.
In the unlikely event of a segmentation fault producing a core
file, use *gdb casaplotms core.XXXX* and look at the backtrace.
When debugging a tarball, the executable is (for example)
*casa-prerelease-5.0.0-112.el6/lib/casa/bin/casaplotms,* not the
path returned by 'which casaplotms', *bin/casaplotms,* which is a
perl script.
**Gotcha:** When new third-party libraries are used in a CASA
release (e.g. devtoolset-4 in release 5.0), including the
compiler, the system gdb may be incompatible with your build. The
result is a gdb seg fault when running gdb on a core file or
setting a breakpoint in gdb with an attached casaplotms process.
In this case, use the gdb executable in the third-party libraries
(e.g. devtoolset-4/root/usr/bin/gdb), which was compiled with the
same compiler.
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _vis:
| ``vis (string='')`` - Input MS or CalTable (blank for none)
.. _caltable:
| ``caltable (string='')`` - Input CalTable (blank for none)
.. _gridrows:
| ``gridrows (int=1)`` - Number of subplot rows
.. _gridcols:
| ``gridcols (int=1)`` - Number of subplot columns
.. _rowindex:
| ``rowindex (int=0)`` - Row location of the plot (0-based)
.. _colindex:
| ``colindex (int=0)`` - Column location of the plot (0-based)
.. _plotindex:
| ``plotindex (int=0)`` - Index to address a subplot (0-based)
.. _xaxis:
| ``xaxis (string='')`` - Plot x-axis (blank for default/current)
.. _xdatacolumn:
| ``xdatacolumn (string='')`` - Data column to use for x-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. _xframe:
| ``xframe (string='')`` - Coordinate frame to use for x-axis
.. _xinterp:
| ``xinterp (string='')`` - Interpolation method for x-axis
.. _yaxis:
| ``yaxis (variant='')`` - Plot y-axis (blank for default/current)
.. _ydatacolumn:
| ``ydatacolumn (variant='')`` - Data column to use for y-axis (blank for default/current). Note that unspecified residuals are complex (vector) differences or ratios.
.. _yframe:
| ``yframe (variant='')`` - Coordinate frame to use for y-axis
.. _yinterp:
| ``yinterp (variant='')`` - Interpolation method for y-axis
.. _yaxislocation:
| ``yaxislocation (variant='')`` - Location of the y-axis (blank for default: left)
.. _selectdata:
| ``selectdata (bool=True)`` - Enable data selection parameters
.. _field:
| ``field (string='')`` - Field names or ids (blank for all)
.. _spw:
| ``spw (string='')`` - Spectral windows:channels (blank for all)
.. _timerange:
| ``timerange (string='')`` - Time range (blank for all)
.. _uvrange:
| ``uvrange (string='')`` - UV range (blank for all)
.. _antenna:
| ``antenna (string='')`` - Baseline/antenna names or ids (blank for all)
.. _scan:
| ``scan (string='')`` - Scan numbers (blank for all)
.. _correlation:
| ``correlation (string='')`` - Correlations/polarizations (blank for all)
.. _polarization:
| ``polarization (string='')`` - Polarizations (blank for all)
.. _antpos:
| ``antpos (string='')`` - Antenna positions (blank for all)
.. _array:
| ``array (string='')`` - (Sub)array numbers (blank for all)
.. _observation:
| ``observation (string='')`` - Observation IDs (blank for all)
.. _intent:
| ``intent (string='')`` - Observing intent (blank for all)
.. _feed:
| ``feed (string='')`` - Feed numbers (blank for all)
.. _msselect:
| ``msselect (string='')`` - MSSelection TaQL string (blank for none)
.. _averagedata:
| ``averagedata (bool=True)`` - Enable data averaging parameters
.. _avgchannel:
| ``avgchannel (string='')`` - Average over channel (blank = False, otherwise value in channels)
.. _avgtime:
| ``avgtime (string='')`` - Average over time (blank = False, otherwise value in seconds)
.. _avgscan:
| ``avgscan (bool=False)`` - Average over scans. Only valid with time averaging
.. _avgfield:
| ``avgfield (bool=False)`` - Average over fields. Only valid with time averaging
.. _avgbaseline:
| ``avgbaseline (bool=False)`` - Average over all baselines (mutually exclusive with avgantenna)
.. _avgantenna:
| ``avgantenna (bool=False)`` - Average per antenna (mutually exclusive with avgbaseline)
.. _avgspw:
| ``avgspw (bool=False)`` - Average over all spectral windows
.. _scalar:
| ``scalar (bool=False)`` - Scalar averaging (False=vector averaging)
.. _transform:
| ``transform (bool=True)`` - Enable data transformations
.. _freqframe:
| ``freqframe (string='')`` - The frame in which to render frequency and velocity axes
.. _restfreq:
| ``restfreq (string='')`` - Rest frequency to use for velocity conversions
.. _veldef:
| ``veldef (string='RADIO')`` - The definition in which to render velocity
.. _phasecenter:
| ``phasecenter (string='')`` - The direction coordinates of the desired center
.. _extendflag:
| ``extendflag (bool=False)`` - Extend flagging to other data points not plotted
.. _extcorr:
| ``extcorr (bool=False)`` - Extend flags based on correlation
.. _extchannel:
| ``extchannel (bool=False)`` - Extend flags based on channel
.. _iteraxis:
| ``iteraxis (string='')`` - The axis over which to iterate
.. _xselfscale:
| ``xselfscale (bool=False)`` - When True, iterated plots have a common x-axis range (scale).
.. _yselfscale:
| ``yselfscale (bool=False)`` - When True, iterated plots have a common y-axis range (scale).
.. _xsharedaxis:
| ``xsharedaxis (bool=False)`` - Iterated plots on a grid share a common external x-axis per column. Must also set xselfscale=True and gridrows>1.
.. _ysharedaxis:
| ``ysharedaxis (bool=False)`` - Iterated plots on a grid share a common external y-axis per row. Must also set yselfscale=True and gridcols>1.
.. _customsymbol:
| ``customsymbol (variant='False')`` - Enable custom symbol(s) for unflagged points
.. _symbolshape:
| ``symbolshape (variant='autoscaling')`` - Shape of plotted unflagged symbols
.. _symbolsize:
| ``symbolsize (variant='2')`` - Size of plotted unflagged symbols
.. _symbolcolor:
| ``symbolcolor (variant='0000ff')`` - Color (name or hex code) of plotted unflagged symbols
.. _symbolfill:
| ``symbolfill (variant='fill')`` - Fill type of plotted unflagged symbols
.. _symboloutline:
| ``symboloutline (variant='False')`` - Outline plotted unflagged symbols
.. _coloraxis:
| ``coloraxis (string='')`` - Selects data axis for colorizing
.. _customflaggedsymbol:
| ``customflaggedsymbol (variant='False')`` - Enable custom symbol(s) for flagged points
.. _flaggedsymbolshape:
| ``flaggedsymbolshape (variant='circle')`` - Shape of plotted flagged symbols
.. _flaggedsymbolsize:
| ``flaggedsymbolsize (variant='2')`` - Size of plotted flagged symbols
.. _flaggedsymbolcolor:
| ``flaggedsymbolcolor (variant='ff0000')`` - Color (name or hex code) of plotted flagged symbols
.. _flaggedsymbolfill:
| ``flaggedsymbolfill (variant='fill')`` - Fill type of plotted flagged symbols
.. _flaggedsymboloutline:
| ``flaggedsymboloutline (variant='False')`` - Outline plotted flagged symbols
.. _xconnector:
| ``xconnector (string='')`` - Set connector for data points (blank="none"; "line","step")
.. _timeconnector:
| ``timeconnector (bool=False)`` - Connect points by time rather than x-axis
.. _plotrange:
| ``plotrange (doubleVec='')`` - Plot axes ranges: [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
.. _title:
| ``title (string='')`` - Title at top of plot
.. _titlefont:
| ``titlefont (int=0)`` - Font size for plot title
.. _xlabel:
| ``xlabel (string='')`` - Text for horizontal x-axis. Blank for default.
.. _xaxisfont:
| ``xaxisfont (int=0)`` - Font size for x-axis label
.. _ylabel:
| ``ylabel (string='')`` - Text for vertical y-axis. Blank for default.
.. _yaxisfont:
| ``yaxisfont (int=0)`` - Font size for y-axis label
.. _showmajorgrid:
| ``showmajorgrid (bool=False)`` - Show major grid lines
.. _majorwidth:
| ``majorwidth (int=1)`` - Line width in pixels of major grid lines
.. _majorstyle:
| ``majorstyle (string='')`` - Major grid line style
.. _majorcolor:
| ``majorcolor (string='B0B0B0')`` - Color (name or hex code) of major grid lines
.. _showminorgrid:
| ``showminorgrid (bool=False)`` - Show minor grid lines
.. _minorwidth:
| ``minorwidth (int=1)`` - Line width in pixels of minor grid lines
.. _minorstyle:
| ``minorstyle (string='')`` - Minor grid line style
.. _minorcolor:
| ``minorcolor (string='D0D0D0')`` - Color (name or hex code) of minor grid lines
.. _showlegend:
| ``showlegend (bool=False)`` - Show a legend on the plot.
.. _legendposition:
| ``legendposition (string='')`` - Legend position, default upperRight.
.. _plotfile:
| ``plotfile (string='')`` - Name of plot file to save automatically
.. _expformat:
| ``expformat (string='')`` - Export format type. If not provided, plotfile extension will be used to determine type.
.. _verbose:
| ``verbose (bool=True)`` - Include metadata in text export
.. _exprange:
| ``exprange (string='')`` - Range of iteration plots to export, one plotfile per page. Multipage pdf exports are not supported.
.. _highres:
| ``highres (bool=False)`` - Use high resolution
.. _dpi:
| ``dpi (int=-1)`` - DPI of exported plot
.. _width:
| ``width (int=-1)`` - Width in pixels of exported plot
.. _height:
| ``height (int=-1)`` - Height in pixels of exported plot
.. _overwrite:
| ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - Overwrite plot file if it already exists
.. _showgui:
| ``showgui (bool=True)`` - Show GUI
.. _clearplots:
| ``clearplots (bool=True)`` - Remove any existing plots so new ones can replace them.
.. _callib:
| ``callib (stringVec='')`` - Calibration library string or filename for on-the-fly calibration.
.. _headeritems:
| ``headeritems (string='')`` - Comma-separated list of pre-defined page header items.
.. _showatm:
| ``showatm (bool=False)`` - Compute and overlay the atmospheric transmission curve
.. _showtsky:
| ``showtsky (bool=False)`` - Compute and overlay the sky temperature curve
.. _showimage:
| ``showimage (bool=False)`` - Compute and overlay the image sideband curve
.. _colorizeoverlay:
| ``colorizeoverlay (bool=False)`` - Colorize the curve overlay using coloraxis