Change Log

  • 04/13/23 CAS-14105 [] - xml-casa: fixed a bug that disabled automatic parameter type coercion. This caused task_rmtables to iterate over each character when given a string instead of a list. Other cases such as the gaintable parameter of calibration tasks were similarly affected.

  • 03/24/23 CAS-14038 [,] - * Per-scan interpolation (i.e., interpolation that respects scan boundaries) has been implemented and can be used by adding 'perscan' to a particular interpolation method (e.g. 'linearperscan', cf 'linearperobs') or by using the 'scanmap' parameter when using the Cal Library syntax. This is supported in applycal (and apply by solve tasks) for all caltable types. * Correlations may now be combined for solving in the fringefit task via the corrcomb parameter * In fringefit, for solutions executed with combine='spw' (one solution from aggregation of many spws), the concatspws=True/False parameter toggles between simple aggregation on a global frequency grid before the FFT state (True, the default, and the existing default behavior in fringefit), and per-spw FFTs preceding summing in the transform domain using the shift theorem to ensure coherence (False). concatspws=False is an experimental mode for spw combinations which explores avenues for flexibility (spws on incongruent grids) and efficiency.

  • 03/24/23 CAS-14076 - Verification test development

  • 03/23/23 CAS-13191 [] - task_tclean: fixed a crash when the observatory name was not recognized; fixed a bug when using awproject and wprojplanes=1 in parallel; resolved inconsistencies between using gridder=awproject in wproject-only mode and gridder=wproject; commissioned gridder=awproject for specmode=cube; makePB can now be called separately from makePSF.

  • 03/22/23 CAS-13973 [] - Added ALMA-specific methods rxbands() and subwindows() to msmetadata tool. These methods return the receiver band(s) and spectral subwindow(s), respectively of the specified spws. If no spws are specified, then these methods return a list of values for all spectral windows. In cases where values cannot be determined, -1 is returned.

  • 03/15/23 CAS-13766 [] - Added a check to catch an unreasonable input spectral index value.

  • 03/14/23 CAS-13889 [] - plotms: plotms shall export the text data with a sufficient precision as followed, * velocity: 9 digits (at most, considering the precision of the light speed). * ant-Ra/ant-Dec, Az/EL, and ant-Az/ant-EL: at most 5 digits after the decimal point

  • 03/14/23 CAS-14072 - Update of casacore reference

  • 03/08/23 CAS-13664 [] - task_flagdata: fixed a bug that required the date to be included in the time string when using list mode and a non-zero time buffer.

  • 03/07/23 CAS-14002 [] - Updated test runner with new option to merge feature branch into main branch

  • 03/02/23 CAS-14022 [] - Eliminated unused parameter, "combinespws", from single-dish code.

  • 03/02/23 CAS-13612 - Fixed inconsistent behavior of sdcal and sdfit between inp/go and casatasks. This fix solved a problem where the definition of the CONSTRAINTS tag in the task XMLs works for inp/go but not for casatasks.

  • 03/01/23 CAS-14065 [] - *likely internal* - fixed error that resulted in a single file being left open until CASA's python process exited

  • 02/23/23 CAS-11726 [] - import uvfits for old VLA data : Fixed a bug in antenna position rotations required when importing older VLA uvfits files.

  • 02/14/23 CAS-14026 [] - Verification test development

  • 02/13/23 CAS-14044 [] - Update of casacore reference

  • 02/08/23 CAS-13991 [] - task_tclean: the mosaic gridder will now use a temporary image more efficiently, resulting in improved I/O for large cubes.

  • 02/06/23 CAS-14034 [] - Fixed an MPI issue with Ubuntu 22.04

  • 02/03/23 CAS-14021 [] - Verification test development

  • 02/03/23 CAS-14035 - task_gencal: fixed a bug where VLA antenna position offsets were not taken into account when Bx=By=0 and Bz!=0

  • 01/30/23 CAS-14009 [] - sdfit: invalid memory access (buffer overrun) has been fixed.

  • 01/30/23 CAS-13786 - Verification test development

  • 01/27/23 CAS-13998 [] - Updates to test scripts and xml-casa for compatibility with numpy version 1.24

  • 01/26/23 CAS-14001 [] - importasap: invalid memory access (buffer overrun) has been fixed.

  • 01/25/23 CAS-14019 [] - *internal* changes for compilation with gcc12 on macos. They are *not visible to the user*.

  • 01/20/23 CAS-13924 [,] - task_tclean: increased the size of MPI records to avoid issues generating the return dictionary for parallel deconvolution of large image cubes. Added a new option 'fullsummary' as a subparameter of niter != 0 that can be set to False to avoid issues with very large cubes. 

  • 01/18/23 CAS-13845 [] - performance of imaging tasks, tsdimaging and tclean, was improved about 10-16%.

  • 01/06/23 CAS-13885 [] - Documentation: added returns section to all tasks that return some result

  • 01/05/23 CAS-13997 [] - task_tclean: fixed a bug that could cause FilebufIO and RegularFileIO exceptions to occur during the minor cycle. This was due to a race condition which got introduced when the deconvolver task started writing back to the residual image without forcing a lock on the part that was reading the residual image

  • 12/08/22 CAS-13876 [] - The tasks gaincal and bandpass now return a dictionary reporting on their results.

  • 11/30/22 CAS-13904 [] - task_setjy: updated VLA flux calibrator model images at C, X and Ka bands, and added new setjy unit tests.

  • 11/21/22 CAS-13978 [] - Verification test development

  • 11/18/22 CAS-13918 [] - flagdata: an unintended print of the list of parameters to the terminal in mode='list' has been fixed.

  • 11/18/22 CAS-13916 - Modified log-origin setter for tasks that are called from the internal of another task.  

  • 11/16/22 CAS-13905 [] - ms tool: functions continuumsub and contsub have been deprecated.

  • 11/08/22 CAS-13575 [] - tclean: A table locking error during data selections in parallel imaging with multiple MSes was fixed.

  • 11/04/22 CAS-13951 [] - almatasks has been ported to the latest changes in the casa build system.

  • 10/31/22 CAS-13968 [] - Verification test development

  • 10/26/22 CAS-13733 [] - The casafeather, casabrowser and casalogger GUIs are now provided as separate python wheels.

  • 10/24/22 CAS-13942 [] - tool_simulator: The use of sm.predict with a component list having spectral structure now works properly in combination with sm.setvp. Earlier, if used with "setvp", the spectral structure of the component list was ignored.

  • 10/18/22 CAS-13945 [] - Minor infrastructure change to allow future use of an external python-cerberus installation.

  • 10/17/22 CAS-13894 [] - task_immoments: fixed an error when >244 channel ranges were requested in the chans parameter

  • 10/14/22 CAS-8434 [] - task_tclean: the uvtaper option now appears as a subparameter of weighting options 'uniform', 'superuniform' and 'radial'

  • 10/12/22 CAS-13834 [] - task_plotms: the symbolfill options will now work properly when used together with the coloraxis parameter

  • 10/12/22 CAS-13825 - A bug failing to produce plots for caltables, that have slightly different timestamps to the calibration solutions among antennas, was fixed.

  • 10/06/22 CAS-13940 [] - Test infrastructure: modified the gencal test for VLA antenna position corrections

  • 10/06/22 CAS-13873 - Infrastructure change to support the modular build system

  • 10/05/22 CAS-13260 [] - task tclean : The math for the uv-taper weighting scheme was corrected to conform to the intended formulae, as well as the convention of the equivalence of inputs supplied as FWHM_lm in the image domain or HWHM-uv in the uv-domain. [ For Bjorn : Demo notebooks to convert to a CASA dev memo : or ]

  • 10/04/22 CAS-13923 [] - Infrastructure change to support the modular build system

  • 09/30/22 CAS-13928 [] - Known Issue "sdimaging will crash or create incorrect images if there exist some spectra taken at a time t that fall outside all pointing intervals of a specific antenna" reported in CASA 6.5.2 Release Note has been fixed.

  • 09/29/22 CAS-13930 [] - Infrastructure change to support the modular build system

  • 09/27/22 CAS-13920 [,] - task_tclean: peak memory and runtime profiling routines have been removed as they sometimes were the cause of a crash; the corresponding keys in the return dictionary will no longer be present.

  • 09/26/22 CAS-13877 [] - Infrastructure change to support the modular build system

  • 09/21/22 CAS-13856 [] - Fixed plotms crash when combining antenna iteration, averaging and negation.

  • 09/19/22 CAS-13915 [] -  Add a fallback method of using ssh when https is not permitted in test runner

  • 09/12/22 CAS-13910 [] - The getWeather function of plotbandpass now uses np.median when combining values across multiple weather stations to prevent potential issues with faulty values.

  • 09/09/22 CAS-13194 [] - Simulator tool : The Simulator code underlying sm.settrop() was improved by enabling the tool to support visibility integration times as short as 0.1 s . The new parameter "simint" (seconds) controls the time granularity of the simulation. Default value for simint is -1 which uses a granularity of 10 s (the same as in previous CASA versions).

  • 09/08/22 CAS-12555 [] - task flagdata : The mode='shadow' now uses the uvw values found in the UVW column of the MS to calculate the uv distances of baselines, for all baselines for which such values are available. For baselines not present in the MS, shadow flags are derived by calculating UVW values from antenna positions.

  • 09/07/22 CAS-13842 [] - Runtime performance of ephemeris imaging with tclean and tsdimaging was improved.

  • 09/06/22 CAS-13654 - Updated imhead exception message in the case of mode='get' to alert the user that the expected values for hdkey in this case are often different from the keys in the dictionary returned by mode='summary'.

  • 09/06/22 CAS-10682 [] - Performances of task sdimaging have been improved, by caching spectra coordinates computed while creating the normal image and re-using - instead of re-computing - them when creating the weight image. A new parameter - enablecache - has been added to the task, making it possible to turn this new feature on or off. The performances improvement is most noticeable for fast-scan datasets with a few channels. For typical fast-scan solar datasets, re-using cached spectra coordinates is roughly 20 times faster than re-computing them, resulting in a 25~30% speed-up for the whole sdimaging task.    

  • 09/06/22 CAS-13917 - Maintenance tasks for Bamboo automated tests.

  • 08/26/22 CAS-13144 [] - deconvolve : A new task named 'deconvolve' has been added to provide stand-alone access to the image-domain deconvolver algorithms available within tclean. Options supported in this initial version are 'hogbom','clark','clarkstokes','multiscale', with support for single-plane images and spectral cubes. The 'mtmfs' and 'asp' algorithms will be enabled in a later release.

  • 08/24/22 CAS-13867 [] - None

  • 08/23/22 CAS-13739 [] - tclean : Added a new iteration control parameter 'nmajor' to directly limit the number of minor-major cycle sets.

  • 08/22/22 CAS-11936 [] - calanalysis module : Warnings appeared in the pipeline when a baseline was flagged completely. This was switched from a WARNING in the logs to an INFO post. task plotbandpass : Messages that earlier appeared only in the console, now appear in the logs of casa and the pipeline.

  • 08/17/22 CAS-13862 [] - None

  • 08/17/22 CAS-13893 - None

  • 08/14/22 CAS-13865 [] - None

  • 08/14/22 CAS-13859 - None

  • 08/12/22 CAS-13868 [] - None

  • 08/11/22 CAS-13880 [] - None

  • 08/11/22 CAS-13813 - casalog tool : A new method, getOrigin() has been implemented to retrieve the origin of messages to be displayed.

  • 08/10/22 CAS-13820 [] - Update runtest testrunner to update xml to display results in bamboo. Display now shows testscript testclass.testcase in bamboo results page

  • 08/10/22 CAS-13631 - (Needed for Oct 2022 ALMA pipeline deployment branch. Enables inclusion of self-calibration implementation in pipeline.) New task uvcontsub added for continuum subtraction in the uv-domain. The old task uvcontsub has been deprecated and renamed as uvcontsub_old. Task uvcontsub3 has been removed. The option douvcontsub of mstransform has been deprecated. (Note: suggested to highlight in the release notes that combine='spw' is future development)

  • 08/08/22 CAS-13861 [] - None

  • 08/08/22 CAS-13850 - ImageAnalysis tool : (1) Added complete docs for image.beamarea(). No interface changes. (2) Added string mbret parameter to image.restoringbeam(). mbret="list" is the default, and produces backward compatible behavior. mbret="matrix" indicates that the return dictionary should be structured such that 'bmaj', 'bmin', and 'bpa' have numpy arrays as values, making it simple to utilize these values as numpy arrays rather than having to write python code to construct such structures.  

  • 08/04/22 CAS-13871 [] - Build System rework : Edited includes in some files.

  • 08/02/22 CAS-13860 [] - None

  • 08/01/22 CAS-13864 [] - Build-system rework : Unused files with experimental asp-deconvolver code have been removed from the code repository.

  • 08/01/22 CAS-12581 - task_tclean: fixed a data selection issue that could lead to NaNs in some image planes.

  • 07/28/22 CAS-13858 [] - None

  • 07/25/22 CAS-13718 [] - task_fringefit:  This task now supports the {{uvrange}} parameter provided through the {{selectdata}} facility. The documentation for this parameter can be found in the "Calibration Synthesis" section of the manual.  Users inexperienced with this parameter are warned that the uvrange selection is made _before _calibration; which data are calibrated and which are flagged may not match expectations unless the consequences of the selection are carefully thought through.

  • 07/21/22 CAS-13760 [] - plotms : Fixed an int overflow bug that sometimes prevented interactive flagging/locating from working correctly.

  • 07/20/22 CAS-750 [,] - tool_table: Implemented more thorough input checking and better error handling in the getcellslice() method.

  • 07/20/22 CAS-13674 - task_sdbaseline: Fixed the output in ascii-text and csv formats in case of per-spectrum baseline fitting so that unnecessary info (non-existent parameter values) is not printed

  • 07/19/22 CAS-13673 [] - task_sdbaseline: Fixed the incorrect parameter names output in ascii-text format in case of per-spectrum baseline fitting

  • 07/19/22 CAS-13660 - task_tclean: fixed a bug that prevented an outer UV taper to work in combination with weighting='natural'.

  • 07/18/22 CAS-13849 [] - tool_quanta: added a new parameter keepshape to qa.quantity and qa.unit to preserve the shape of N-dimensional arrays.  These N-dimensional quantities are compatible with qa.convert but not with other quanta tool methods.

  • 07/18/22 CAS-13808 - tool_table: a new row() method and tablerow class was added to facilitate reading and writing of table rows.

  • 07/15/22 CAS-13869 [] - task_tclean: the warning for non-zero edge pixels in the PB image will now only be shown for gridders 'mosaic' and 'awproject'.

  • 07/15/22 CAS-12313 - Correction to the inline docs of the sm.setnoise tool method.

  • 07/14/22 CAS-13668 - Fixed a bug found in sdbaseline when blmode=‘apply’ is selected. Now this setting properly takes account mask information and calculate weight correctly when baseline-subtraction is applied separately from the fitting.

  • 07/14/22 CAS-13785 [] - task_plotms: fixed a crash when turning calibration on without giving a cal library string.

  • 07/12/22 CAS-13738 [] - * casashell now prints out a summary of any python exceptions that happen during startup (previously it would silently exit). Users of the monolithic CASA should not notice any changes. This change is primarily useful to developers building the components locally. * the build scripts now print out information about exceptions that happen during that process (previously they were largely silent). This change is only relevant to developers.

  • 07/11/22 CAS-13831 [] - task_sdimaging: Fixed a caching issue that could lead to slightly different images from the same data selection.

  • 07/08/22 CAS-12901 [] - task_plotms: the tick labels will now switch to scientific notation when displaying small values near zero or very large values

  • 07/06/22 CAS-13847 [] - Updated casacore submodule reference to 0d871e1fca1f96abd8bf1326fb45c253192d01c2.

  • 07/03/22 CAS-13821 [] - task_immoments: fixed a rare bug where writing history to the output files could cause a crash.

  • 06/30/22 CAS-13839 [] - Updated ALMA Band 1 parameters in simulation tasks and tools.

  • 06/29/22 CAS-13855 [] - replaced instances of numpy.asscalar with numpy.ndarray.item inside the test code of sdimaging

  • 06/28/22 CAS-13667 [] - task_sdbaseline:  blmode=‘fit’ will now properly account for mask information and calculate the weight of the baseline-subtracted spectral data.

  • 06/28/22 CAS-13824 - tool ms.getdata(): fixed a bug where averaging multiple columns could yield different results than averaging a single column

  • 06/28/22 CAS-13848 - Fixed caching issues and data cleanup in some test scripts.

  • 06/20/22 CAS-13494 [] - task_tsdimaging: Improved the documentation of the 'restfreq' parameter.

  • 06/16/22 CAS-13724 [] - task_plotms: the Help->About window of the GUI now shows more complete version information.

  • 06/15/22 CAS-13789 [] - Fix in runtest test runner to parse correct build tag from auxiliary repositories

  • 06/09/22 CAS-13823 [] - Update to logic in bamboo test runner to run default list of test if test suite cannot be generated 

  • 06/08/22 CAS-13722 [] - task_plotbandpass: fixed a bug affecting multi-panel, multi-page output.

  • 06/02/22 CAS-13713 [] - A bug was fixed in sdatmcor, which overrode OpenMP configuration.

  • 05/27/22 CAS-13816 [] - Add new unittests for casatestutils check submodule

  • 05/25/22 CAS-13332 [] - Add unittest to jupyter notebook for testrunner. 

  • 05/23/22 CAS-13672 [] - the description for the 'maskmode' parameter in the inline help of sdbaseline is updated

  • 05/20/22 CAS-13830 [,] - Fixed minor warning raised by Python 3.8 in task_flagdata

  • 05/20/22 CAS-13819 - None