
blcal(vis, caltable='', field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', msselect='', solint='inf', combine='scan', freqdep=False, calmode='ap', solnorm=False, gaintable='', gainfield='', interp='', spwmap='', parang=False)[source]

Calculate a baseline-based calibration solution (gain or bandpass)

[Description] [Examples] [Development] [Details]

  • vis (path) - Name of input visibility file

  • caltable (string=’’) - Name of output gain calibration table

  • field (string=’’) - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s)

  • spw (string=’’) - Select spectral window/channels

  • intent (string=’’) - Select observing intent

  • selectdata (bool=True) - Other data selection parameters

    selectdata = True
    • timerange (string=’’) - Select data based on time range

    • uvrange (variant=’’) - Select data by baseline length.

    • antenna (string=’’) - Select data based on antenna/baseline

    • scan (string=’’) - Scan number range

    • observation ({string, int}=’’) - Select by observation ID(s)

    • msselect (string=’’) - Optional complex data selection (ignore for now)

  • solint (variant=’inf’) - Solution interval

  • combine (string=’scan’) - Data axes which to combine for solve (obs, scan, spw, and/or field)

  • freqdep (bool=False) - Solve for frequency dependent solutions

  • calmode (string=’ap’) - Type of solution” ('ap', 'p', 'a')

  • solnorm (bool=False) - Normalize average solution amplitudes to 1.0

  • gaintable (stringVec=’’) - Gain calibration table(s) to apply on the fly

  • gainfield (stringVec=’’) - Select a subset of calibrators from gaintable(s)

  • interp (stringVec=’’) - Interpolation parameters for each gaintable, as a list

  • spwmap (any=’’) - Spectral window mappings to form for gaintable(s)

  • parang (bool=False) - Apply parallactic angle correction


The blcal task determines baseline-based time- and/or frequency-dependent gains for all baselines in the data set. Such solutions are in contrast to gaincal and bandpass solutions which are antenna-based and better constrained.


In general, solving for and applying baseline-based calibration can be a very dangerous thing to do, since such non-closing corrections can fundamentally alter the otherwise unique source structure information obtained by an interferometer. Use of blcal should be approached with great care, after all antenna-based calibration options have been exhausted, and then only on long timescales, to ensure that the solution doesn’t absorb true—or reinforce false—source structure. You must be sure you have an excellent model for the source (better than the magnitude of the baseline-dependent errors). In any case, blcal will, if used, usually mark the endpoint of a calibration scheme, reinforcing the current source model, and rendering any additional antenna-based calibration (e.g., selfcal) less reliable. As such, it could be viewed as a mostly cosmetic last step in calibration.

Common calibration solve parameters

The blcal task uses all of the same parameters as gaincal and bandpass, which the exception of gaintype and bandtype, respectively. See “Solving for Calibration” for general information about calibration solving parameters.

Controlling frequency-dependence in blcal: freqdep

The parameter freqdep controls whether or not a channel-dependent solution should be obtained. If freqdep=True, a channelized solution (like bandpass, but baseline-based) will be obtained; otherwise the solution will be unchannelized (like gaincal, but baseline-based).


In this example, we solve for constant (solint=’inf’) frequency-independent (freqdep=False) baseline-based solutions relative to ordinary gain, bandpass, and gaincurve calibration:

      caltable='cal.M',                        # Output table name
      field='2',                               # A field with a very good model
      solint='inf',                            # single solution per baseline, spw
      gaintable=['cal.B','cal.gc','cal.G90s'], # all prior cal
      freqdep=False)                           # frequency-independent solution

No additional development details

Parameter Details

Detailed descriptions of each function parameter

vis (path) - Name of input visibility file
Default: none
Example: vis=’’
caltable (string='') - Name of output gain calibration table
Default: none
Example: caltable=’ngc5921.gcal’
field (string='') - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s)
Default: ‘’ (all fields)

Use ‘go listobs’ to obtain the list id’s or
names. If field string is a non-negative integer,
it is assumed a field index, otherwise, it is
assumed a field name.
field=’0~2’; field ids 0,1,2
field=’0,4,5~7’; field ids 0,4,5,6,7
field=’3C286,3C295’; field named 3C286 and
field = ‘3,4C*’; field id 3, all names
starting with 4C
spw (string='') - Select spectral window/channels
Default: ‘’ (all spectral windows and channels)
spw=’0~2,4’; spectral windows 0,1,2,4 (all
spw=’<2’; spectral windows less than 2
(i.e. 0,1)
spw=’0:5~61’; spw 0, channels 5 to 61,
spw=’*:5~61’; all spw with channels 5 to 61
spw=’0,10,3:3~45’; spw 0,10 all channels, spw
3, channels 3 to 45.
spw=’0~2:2~6’; spw 0,1,2 with channels 2
through 6 in each.
spw=’0:0~10;15~60’; spectral window 0 with
channels 0-10,15-60. (NOTE ‘;’ to separate
channel selections)
spw=’0:0~10^2,1:20~30^5’; spw 0, channels
0,2,4,6,8,10, spw 1, channels 20,25,30
intent (string='') - Select observing intent
Default: ‘’ (no selection by intent)
Example: intent=’*BANDPASS*’ (selects data
labelled with BANDPASS intent)
selectdata (bool=True) - Other data selection parameters
Default: True
Options: True|False
timerange (string='') - Select data based on time range
Subparameter of selectdata=True
Default = ‘’ (all)
timerange =
(Note: if YYYY/MM/DD is missing date defaults
to first day in data set.)
timerange=’09:14:0~09:54:0’ picks 40 min on
first day
timerange= ‘25:00:00~27:30:00’ picks 1 hr to 3
hr 30min on NEXT day
timerange=’09:44:00’ pick data within one
integration of time
timerange=’>10:24:00’ data after this time
uvrange (variant='') - Select data by baseline length.
Default = ‘’ (all)
uvrange=’0~1000klambda’; uvrange from 0-1000 kilo-lambda
uvrange=’>4klambda’;uvranges greater than 4 kilo-lambda
uvrange=’0~1000km’; uvrange in kilometers
antenna (string='') - Select data based on antenna/baseline
Subparameter of selectdata=True
Default: ‘’ (all)
If antenna string is a non-negative integer, it
is assumed an antenna index, otherwise, it is
assumed as an antenna name

antenna=’5&6’; baseline between antenna
index 5 and index 6.
antenna=’VA05&VA06’; baseline between VLA
antenna 5 and 6.
antenna=’5&6;7&8’; baselines with
indices 5-6 and 7-8
antenna=’5’; all baselines with antenna index
antenna=’05’; all baselines with antenna
number 05 (VLA old name)
antenna=’5,6,10’; all baselines with antennas
5,6,10 index numbers
scan (string='') - Scan number range
Subparameter of selectdata=True
Default: ‘’ = all
observation ({string, int}='') - Select by observation ID(s)
Subparameter of selectdata=True
Default: ‘’ = all
Example: observation=’0~2,4’
msselect (string='') - Optional complex data selection (ignore for now)
solint (variant='inf') - Solution interval
Default: ‘inf’ (infinite, up to boundaries
controlled by combine);
Options: ‘inf’ (~infinite), ‘int’ (per
integration), any float or integer value with or
without units
solint=’1min’; solint=’60s’, solint=60 (i.e.,
1 minute); solint=’0s’; solint=0; solint=’int’
(i.e., per integration); solint-‘-1s’;
solint=’inf’ (i.e., ~infinite, up to
boundaries enforced by combine)
combine (string='scan') - Data axes which to combine for solve
Default: ‘scan’ (solutions will break at obs,
field, and spw boundaries, but may extend over
multiple scans [per obs, field, and spw] up to
Options: ‘’,’obs’,’scan’,’spw’,field’, or any
comma-separated combination in a single string
Example: combine=’scan,spw’ - Extend solutions
over scan boundaries (up to the solint), and
combine spws for solving
freqdep (bool=False) - Solve for frequency dependent solutions
Default: False (gain; True=bandpass)
Options: False|True
calmode (string='ap') - Type of solution” (‘ap’, ‘p’, ‘a’)
Default: ‘ap’ (amp and phase)
Options: ‘p’ (phase) ,’a’ (amplitude), ‘ap’
(amplitude and phase)
Example: calmode=’p’
solnorm (bool=False) - Normalize average solution amplitudes to 1.0
Default: False (no normalization)
For freqdep=False, this is a global (per-spw)
normalization of amplitudes (only). For
freqdep=True, each baseline solution spectrum is
separately normalized by its (complex) mean.
gaintable (stringVec='') - Gain calibration table(s) to apply on the fly
Default: ‘’ (none)
gainfield (stringVec='') - Select a subset of calibrators from gaintable(s)
Default: ‘’ (all sources on the sky)
‘nearest’ ==> nearest (on sky) available field in
table otherwise, same syntax as field
interp (stringVec='') - Interpolation parmameters (in time[,freq]) for each gaintable, as a list of strings.
Default: ‘’ –> ‘linear,linear’ for all gaintable(s)
Options: Time: ‘nearest’, ‘linear’
Freq: ‘nearest’, ‘linear’, ‘cubic’,
Specify a list of strings, aligned with the list of caltable specified
in gaintable, that contain the required interpolation parameters
for each caltable.

- When frequency interpolation is relevant (B, Df,
Xf), separate time-dependent and freq-dependent
interp types with a comma (freq after the
- Specifications for frequency are ignored when the
calibration table has no channel-dependence.
- Time-dependent interp options ending in ‘PD’
enable a “phase delay” correction per spw for
non-channel-dependent calibration types.
- For multi-obsId datasets, ‘perobs’ can be
appended to the time-dependent interpolation
specification to enforce obsId boundaries when
interpolating in time.
- Freq-dependent interp options can have ‘flag’ appended
to enforce channel-dependent flagging, and/or ‘rel’
appended to invoke relative frequency interpolation
interp=’nearest’ (in time, freq-dep will be
linear, if relevant)
interp=’linear,cubic’ (linear in time, cubic
in freq)
interp=’linearperobs,splineflag’ (linear in
time per obsId, spline in freq with
channelized flagging)
interp=’nearest,linearflagrel’ (nearest in
time, linear in freq with with channelized
flagging and relative-frequency interpolation)
interp=’,spline’ (spline in freq; linear in
time by default)
interp=[‘nearest,spline’,’linear’] (for
multiple gaintables)
spwmap (any='') - Spectral window mappings to form for gaintable(s)
default: [] (apply solutions from each calibration spw to
the same MS spw only)
Any available calibration spw can be mechanically mapped to any
MS spw.
spwmap=[0,0,1,1] means apply calibration
from cal spw = 0 to MS spw 0,1 and cal spw 1 to MS spws 2,3.
spwmap=[[0,0,1,1],[0,1,0,1]] (use a list of lists for multiple
parang (bool=False) - Apply parallactic angle correction
Default: False
If True, apply the parallactic angle correction
(required for polarization calibration)