Source code for casatools.logsink

# stub class definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]class logsink: r""" tool for logsink """
[docs] def logsink(self, filename='casa.log', enable_telemetry=False, telemetry_logfile='False'): r""" Construct a logsink tool .. rubric:: Parameters - ``filename (string='casa.log')`` - logfile name - ``enable_telemetry (bool=False)`` - Allow telemetry data to be written. - ``telemetry_logfile (string='False')`` - Logfile for telemetry data. """ pass
[docs] def origin(self, fromwhere=''): r""" Sets the origin of messages to be displayed .. rubric:: Parameters - ``fromwhere (string='')`` - The origin of a log messages .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def processorOrigin(self, fromwhere=''): r""" Sets the CASA processor origin which is shown at the end of each log origin .. rubric:: Parameters - ``fromwhere (string='')`` - Input CASA processor origin name .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def filter(self, level='ERROR'): r""" Set the filter level of logging messages to be displayed. This will determine what log messages go into the log file. The logger itself can adjust what gets displayed so you could set INFO5 and then filter in the logger everything above INFO1. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``level (string='ERROR')`` - Level of messages to display to the console/log file .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def filterMsg(self, msgList=''): r""" Add messages to the filter out list .. rubric:: Parameters - ``msgList (stringVec='')`` - Array of strings identifying messages to filter out .. rubric:: Returns ``void`` """ pass
[docs] def clearFilterMsgList(self): r""" Clear list of messages to be filter out """ pass
[docs] def post(self, message='', priority='INFO', origin=''): r""" If the message passes the filter, write it (same as postLocally) .. rubric:: Parameters - ``message (string='')`` - Message to be posted - ``priority (string='INFO')`` - Priority of message to be posted - ``origin (string='')`` - Origin of message to be posted .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def poststat(self, message='', origin=''): r""" Write telemetry data .. rubric:: Parameters - ``message (string='')`` - Message to be posted - ``origin (string='')`` - Origin of message to be posted .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def postLocally(self, message='', priority='INFO', origin=''): r""" If the message passes the filter, write it .. rubric:: Parameters - ``message (string='')`` - Message to be posted - ``priority (string='INFO')`` - Priority of message to be posted - ``origin (string='')`` - Origin of message to be posted .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def localId(self): r""" Returns the id for this class """ pass
[docs] def version(self): r""" Returns the version of CASA as well as sending it to the log """ pass
[docs] def getstatslogfile(self): r""" String representation of statistics logfile path """ pass
[docs] def id(self): r""" Returns the ID of the LogSink in use """ pass
[docs] def setglobal(self, isglobal=True): r""" Set this logger to be the global logger .. rubric:: Parameters - ``isglobal (bool=True)`` - Use as global logger .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def setlogfile(self, filename='casapy.log'): r""" Set the name of file for logger output .. rubric:: Parameters - ``filename (string='casapy.log')`` - filename for logger .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def setstatslogfile(self, filename='casapy.log'): r""" Set the name of file for logger output .. rubric:: Parameters - ``filename (string='casapy.log')`` - filename for logger .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def showconsole(self, onconsole=False): r""" Choose to send messages to the console/terminal .. rubric:: Parameters - ``onconsole (bool=False)`` - All messages to the console as well as log file .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def logfile(self): r""" Returns the full path of the log file """ pass
[docs] def ompNumThreadsTest(self): r""" Determines the number of OpenMP threads in the current parallel region using an OpenMP reduction pragma """ pass
[docs] def ompGetNumThreads(self): r""" Returns the number of OpenMP threads in the current parallel region """ pass
[docs] def ompSetNumThreads(self, numThreads=1): r""" Specifies the number of OpenMP threads used by default in subsequent parallel regions .. rubric:: Parameters - ``numThreads (int=1)`` .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` .. rubric:: Examples :: casalog.ompSetNumThreads(2) """ pass
[docs] def setMemoryTotal(self, memory=0): r""" Sets the memory total value to be returned by HostInfo .. rubric:: Parameters - ``memory (int=0)`` .. rubric:: Returns ``int`` .. rubric:: Examples :: casalog.setMemoryTotal(4*1024) """ pass
[docs] def setMemoryFraction(self, memfrac=0): r""" Sets the memory fraction value to be returned by HostInfo .. rubric:: Parameters - ``memfrac (int=0)`` .. rubric:: Returns ``int`` .. rubric:: Examples :: casalog.setMemoryFraction(50) """ pass
[docs] def setNumCPUs(self, cores=0): r""" Sets the number of CPUs to be returned by HostInfo .. rubric:: Parameters - ``cores (int=0)`` .. rubric:: Returns ``int`` .. rubric:: Examples :: casalog.setNumCPUs(4) """ pass
[docs] def getMemoryTotal(self, use_aipsrc=True): r""" Returns the memory total value from HostInfo .. rubric:: Parameters - ``use_aipsrc (bool=True)`` .. rubric:: Returns ``int`` .. rubric:: Examples :: casalog.getMemoryTotal(True) """ pass
[docs] def getNumCPUs(self, use_aipsrc=True): r""" Returns the number of CPUs from HostInfo .. rubric:: Parameters - ``use_aipsrc (bool=True)`` .. rubric:: Returns ``int`` .. rubric:: Examples :: casalog.getNumCPUs(True) """ pass
[docs] def getOrigin(self): r""" Gets the origin of messages to be displayed """ pass