Source code for casatasks.visualization.plotweather

# stub function definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]def plotweather(vis, seasonal_weight=0.5, doPlot=True, plotName=''): r""" Plot elements of the weather table; estimate opacity. [`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_] Parameters - vis_ (path) - MS name - seasonal_weight_ (double=0.5) - weight of the seasonal model - doPlot_ (bool=True) - set this to True to create a plot - plotName_ (string='') - (Optional) the name of the plot file .. _Description: Description This task is intended for VLA use only. Plots elements of the weather table; estimates opacity. Generates opacity estimates from both the weather data and a seasonal model.By default the returned opacity is the mean of these predictions, but this can be adjusted with seasonal_weight. Please note that the opacity determined in this manner is only a rough estimate which could propagate to an error when bootstrapping the flux density. These methods and models are described in detail in `EVLA Memo 143 <>`__ , `VLA Test Memo 232 <>`__ , `VLA Scientific Memo 176 <>`__ , and references therein. Saves the plot to the following default file: MS name + .plotweather.png. Custom plot filenames must end in one of: .png, .pdf, .ps, .eps or .svg If run as a function, will return the mean zenith opacity per spectral window. The wind direction is defined as the direction where the wind is coming from (the arrow points into the wind), with north at the top and counterclockwise through west, south, and east. .. _Examples: Examples To generate and plot opacity estimates, using the mean between predictions based on the weather data and seasonal model: :: myTau = plotweather(vis='', seasonal_weight=0.5, doPlot=True) .. _Development: Development No additional development details .. _Details: Parameter Details Detailed descriptions of each function parameter .. _vis: | ``vis (path)`` - MS name .. _seasonal_weight: | ``seasonal_weight (double=0.5)`` - weight of the seasonal model .. _doPlot: | ``doPlot (bool=True)`` - set this to True to create a plot .. _plotName: | ``plotName (string='')`` - (Optional) the name of the plot file """ pass