Change Log

  • 07/20/22 CAS-750 [,] - tool_table: Implemented more thorough input checking and better error handling in the getcellslice() method.

  • 07/20/22 CAS-13674 - task_sdbaseline: Fixed the output in ascii-text and csv formats in case of per-spectrum baseline fitting so that unnecessary info (non-existent parameter values) is not printed

  • 07/19/22 CAS-13673 [] - task_sdbaseline: Fixed the incorrect parameter names output in ascii-text format in case of per-spectrum baseline fitting

  • 07/19/22 CAS-13660 - task_tclean: fixed a bug that prevented an outer UV taper to work in combination with weighting='natural'.

  • 07/18/22 CAS-13849 [] - tool_quanta: added a new parameter keepshape to qa.quantity and qa.unit to preserve the shape of N-dimensional arrays.  These N-dimensional quantities are compatible with qa.convert but not with other quanta tool methods.

  • 07/18/22 CAS-13808 - tool_table: a new row() method and tablerow class was added to facilitate reading and writing of table rows.

  • 07/15/22 CAS-13869 [] - task_tclean: the warning for non-zero edge pixels in the PB image will now only be shown for gridders 'mosaic' and 'awproject'.

  • 07/15/22 CAS-12313 - Correction to the inline docs of the sm.setnoise tool method.

  • 07/14/22 CAS-13668 - Fixed a bug found in sdbaseline when blmode=‘apply’ is selected. Now this setting properly takes account mask information and calculate weight correctly when baseline-subtraction is applied separately from the fitting.

  • 07/14/22 CAS-13785 [] - task_plotms: fixed a crash when turning calibration on without giving a cal library string.

  • 07/12/22 CAS-13738 [] - * casashell now prints out a summary of any python exceptions that happen during startup (previously it would silently exit). Users of the monolithic CASA should not notice any changes. This change is primarily useful to developers building the components locally. * the build scripts now print out information about exceptions that happen during that process (previously they were largely silent). This change is only relevant to developers.

  • 07/11/22 CAS-13831 [] - task_sdimaging: Fixed a caching issue that could lead to slightly different images from the same data selection.

  • 07/08/22 CAS-12901 [] - task_plotms: the tick labels will now switch to scientific notation when displaying small values near zero or very large values

  • 07/06/22 CAS-13847 [] - Updated casacore submodule reference to 0d871e1fca1f96abd8bf1326fb45c253192d01c2.

  • 07/03/22 CAS-13821 [] - task_immoments: fixed a rare bug where writing history to the output files could cause a crash.

  • 06/30/22 CAS-13839 [] - Updated ALMA Band 1 parameters in simulation tasks and tools.

  • 06/29/22 CAS-13855 [] - replaced instances of numpy.asscalar with numpy.ndarray.item inside the test code of sdimaging

  • 06/28/22 CAS-13667 [] - task_sdbaseline:  blmode=‘fit’ will now properly account for mask information and calculate the weight of the baseline-subtracted spectral data.

  • 06/28/22 CAS-13824 - tool ms.getdata(): fixed a bug where averaging multiple columns could yield different results than averaging a single column

  • 06/28/22 CAS-13848 - Fixed caching issues and data cleanup in some test scripts.

  • 06/20/22 CAS-13494 [] - task_tsdimaging: Improved the documentation of the 'restfreq' parameter.

  • 06/16/22 CAS-13724 [] - task_plotms: the Help->About window of the GUI now shows more complete version information.

  • 06/15/22 CAS-13789 [] - Fix in runtest test runner to parse correct build tag from auxiliary repositories

  • 06/09/22 CAS-13823 [] - Update to logic in bamboo test runner to run default list of test if test suite cannot be generated 

  • 06/08/22 CAS-13722 [] - task_plotbandpass: fixed a bug affecting multi-panel, multi-page output.

  • 06/02/22 CAS-13713 [] - A bug was fixed in sdatmcor, which overrode OpenMP configuration.

  • 05/27/22 CAS-13816 [] - Add new unittests for casatestutils check submodule

  • 05/25/22 CAS-13332 [] - Add unittest to jupyter notebook for testrunner. 

  • 05/23/22 CAS-13672 [] - the description for the 'maskmode' parameter in the inline help of sdbaseline is updated

  • 05/20/22 CAS-13830 [,] - Fixed minor warning raised by Python 3.8 in task_flagdata