Change Log

Summary of differences from v6.3.0

Pull Requests

  • 01/19/22 CAS-13663 [] - cleanup old casa5 code from plotbandpass that no longer executes

  • 01/18/22 CAS-13618 [,] - Feature addition in tclean : Handling mixed pol setups in imaging (i.e. different SPWs or different time ranges within the same imaging run have different Corr setups). Modes tested were Stokes I, Stokes U, and Stokes IQUV, each for 9 ways of running tclean (single MS, list of MS, concat MS, partition in time vs freq), with the standard gridder and specmode='mfs'. Tests with full stokes mosaics will be done as part of a separate ongoing effort in a subsequent release.

  • 01/13/22 CAS-13696 [] - Rewrote C++ code associated with po.complexlinpol() to use smart pointers so that tables are automatically closed when exceptions are thrown.

  • 01/12/22 CAS-13576 [] - uvsub: fixed a bug whereby the MS history was not being updated (and a warning message was printed when trying to update the history).

  • 01/10/22 CAS-13634 [] - update old tclean xml documentation that has gone stale

  • 01/10/22 CAS-12236 - A new caltype parameter 'jyperk' has been added to the gencal task. With caltype="jyperk", the calibration tables for ALMA Total Power observations are generated from the Jy/K database ([|]).

  • 01/09/22 CAS-13404 [] - Verification test development

  • 01/09/22 CAS-13385 - Fix deprecation warnings in plotbandpass

  • 01/06/22 CAS-13036 [] - Verification test development

  • 01/03/22 CAS-13482 [] - Use build.conf configuration when checking out tests in "auxiliary" repositories

  • 12/17/21 CAS-13681 [] - casampi internal buffer size for asynchronous send (or push) operations has been increased from 100 to 150 MB.

  • 12/17/21 CAS-13687 - casacore LattStatsSpecialize::accumutate() functions were causing clang compiler warnings. They weren't actually used any longer, so they were deleted.

  • 12/17/21 CAS-13589 - Created 22 tests for the calibrater tool based on the documentation.

  • 12/16/21 CAS-13628 [] - Update casacore version to support MeasurementSet's that use Dysco compression

  • 12/13/21 CAS-13676 [] - new developer build option added for internal development

  • 12/10/21 CAS-13645 [] - Fixed a bug in setjy whereby in parallel mode using Multi-MS the task could return empty results instead of the expected dictionary of flux densities (this was more likely in sparse MSs, i.e., small datasets or small selections of datasets).

  • 12/10/21 CAS-13646 - mstransform: fixed an issue when running in parallel mode with MMS and using timeaverage, scan selection and timespan='scan' simultaneously.

  • 12/09/21 CAS-13508 [] - In CASA 6.2 and 6.3, a bug was present in tclean where under certain conditions (some restart situations) an updated or modified mask was not being taken into account when computing the peak residual required for iteration control decisions. This has been fixed.

  • 12/09/21 CAS-13688 - Verification test development

  • 12/08/21 CAS-13609 [] - An error with the signature of " FilebufIO::readBlock - incorrect number of bytes read for file " was occasionally encountered with (parallel) cube imaging with tclean. This was traced to an internal mismatch with locks, and this has been fixed and tested on one example that triggered this error.

  • 12/06/21 CAS-11910 [] - Flagging with time average: Fixed bugs in the on-the-fly time averaging infrastructure whereby, depending on the input MS structure, the flags were either not written for a small fraction of chunks of data, or the flags written for some chunks of data were not correct. These fixes have also enabled the usage mode of autoflag with on-the-fly averaging, writing the correct expanded flags to the original MS.

  • 12/03/21 CAS-12737 [] - flagdata with channel and time average: fixed a bug whereby flags were being un-set when propagating the flags back to the MS (as plotms would do). After this fix, flagdata with channel or time average only adds flags to the existing set of flags, or never un-sets flags that were already set.

  • 12/03/21 CAS-12294 - flagdata: input checks have been improved and it is now possible to execute complex commands with data visualization, such as rflag+extendflags+antint+display='data'  

  • 12/01/21 CAS-13615 [] - A bug with model saving was fixed for tclean when run in its PredictOnly mode. In 6.3, if nsigma,mask,interactive were changed from their defaults, model prediction was erroneously skipped, even in PredictOnly mode. This has been fixed.

  • 11/29/21 CAS-13519 [] - Removed deprecated parameters (showversion, useversion) from importasdm and exportasdm tasks, as well as the sdm tool

  • 11/29/21 CAS-13648 - The tool instances returned by tool member functions (other than constructors) were not properly deleted by Python when they were no longer being used. This problem has been corrected.

  • 11/18/21 CAS-13639 [] - Memory leaks regarding the dictionary (quantities, measures, etc.) and numpy array returned by tool methods have been fixed.

  • 11/17/21 CAS-13622 [] - importfitsidi: A bug was fixed where the time range of the observation was calculated incorrectly if more than two FITS-IDI files were specified.

  • 11/16/21 CAS-13640 [] - Have replaced the time.clock() function in the regression scripts with time.perf_counter() because this function is deprecated in Python 3.8

  • 11/08/21 CAS-13637 [] - casafeather gui sources moved from the casa5 code tree to a new repository

  • 10/25/21 CAS-13463 [] - The following bug has been fixed: task sdcal crashes on systems where 'en_US' locale is not available, e.g. Ubuntu.

  • 10/20/21 CAS-13627 [] - Verification test development

  • 10/18/21 CAS-13478 [] - CASA now supports RHEL8 for both modular and monolithic CASA.  Both modular and monolithic CASA is now supported on Mac OSX with Python 3.8.  Additional monolithic Linux and MacOS packages are now produced with Python 3.8 included.  

  • 10/13/21 CAS-13493 [,] - sdintimaging adds itself to the history for produced images, and the sdintimaging tests were updated for changes in the testing framework

  • 10/13/21 CAS-13623 - A new method has been introduced to calculate reference frequencies for calibration tables; this branch adjusts the fringefit task to make use of it. Old calibration tables can still be used without problems.

  • 10/13/21 CAS-13461 - Completely monolith CASA ended with the CASA 5 development line. Internal organization of code was modified to be consistent with the modular structure of CASA 6. This reorganization did not cause any functional changes for CASA 6.

  • 10/12/21 CAS-13464 [] - Fixed a bug whereby tclean would try to write history to files and directories that are not tclean output images (including MSs or png files that have the same name as the imagename used in tclean). This would cause confusing although harmless error messages. Also fixed a bug whereby the history of images with special characters in their prefix name (such as '+') was not being updated.

  • 10/07/21 CAS-12735 [] - In calibration, improvements have been made in the accuracy of the frequency meta information stored in caltables.  This is most relevant when using combine='spw' among heterogeneous spws (different total bandwidths); the aggregate centroid frequency is now weighted by constituent spectral window bandwidth.  This should make use of frequency-dependent interpolation of gain solutions more accurate in these contexts, e.g., when using interp='linearPD', where the PD part depends on this frequency value.  Calibration types which require frequency information to calculate the solutions phases (e.g. delays) will also be more accurate, in principle.  Also, the frequency meta information is now set globally according to the effective aggregate spectral window selection, and time-dependent spectral window representation in combine='spw' contexts will not throw and exception.  Compared to prior casa versions, which would implicitly recognize (in a single solve task execution) separate non-overlapping spectral window groups when using combine='spw';  it is now necessary to specific each separate group in separate solve task executions (using append=True) to get each group combined and identified properly in the output caltable. 

  • 10/06/21 CAS-13381 [] - Plotms calibration table averaging with channel selection is now supported.

  • 10/04/21 CAS-13426 [] - Verification test development

  • 10/01/21 CAS-13224 [] - The memory usage of the fringefit task has been significantly reduced, allowing larger datasets to be processed.

  • 09/24/21 CAS-13534 [] - Improved the accuracy of time range selection with "T+dT" syntax. A previous bug with handling data selection with sub-second precision has been fixed. 

  • 09/23/21 CAS-13540 [] -  mode='summary' in imhead has been updated to display "Date observation" to microsecond precision. mode="get", hdkey='obs-date' returns value with microsecond precision.

  • 09/23/21 CAS-13599 - update casacore submodule reference hash ref from dc540dcbada to 2a66c0fa567

  • 09/16/21 CAS-13037 [] - Verification test development

  • 09/13/21 CAS-13591 [] - Verification test development

  • 09/13/21 CAS-13491 - Verification test development

  • 09/10/21 CAS-13588 [] - Verification test development

  • 09/08/21 CAS-13500 [] - Helper module has been refactored. As well as the general refactoring, many unused functions have been removed.

API Changes


  • sdimaging(infiles, outfile='', overwrite=False, field='', spw='', antenna='', scan='', intent='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start='0', ? - -, start=0, width='1', ? - -, width=1, veltype='radio', outframe='', gridfunction='BOX', convsupport=-1, truncate='-1', ? - -, truncate=-1, gwidth='-1', ? - -, gwidth=-1, jwidth='-1', ? - -, jwidth=-1, imsize='', cell='', phasecenter='', projection='SIN', ephemsrcname='', pointingcolumn='direction', restfreq='', stokes='', minweight=0.1, brightnessunit='', clipminmax=False)

  • tsdimaging(infiles, outfile='', overwrite=False, field='', spw='', antenna='', scan='', intent='OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE', timerange='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start='0', ? - -, start=0, width='1', ? - -, width=1, veltype='radio', specmode='cube', outframe='', gridfunction='BOX', convsupport=-1, truncate='-1', ? - -, truncate=-1, gwidth='-1', ? - -, gwidth=-1, jwidth='-1', ? - -, jwidth=-1, imsize='', cell='', phasecenter='', projection='SIN', pointingcolumn='direction', restfreq='', stokes='I', minweight=0.1, brightnessunit='', clipminmax=False)

  • impv(imagename, outfile='', mode='coords', start='', end='', center='', length='', pa='', width='1', ? - -, width=1, unit='arcsec', overwrite=False, region='""', ? - -, region="", chans='', stokes='', mask='', stretch=False)

  • gencal(vis, caltable='', caltype='', infile='', endpoint='asdm', timeout=180, retry=3, retry_wait_time=5, spw='', antenna='', pol='', parameter='', uniform=True)

  • sdintimaging(vis, usedata='sdint', sdimage='', sdpsf='', sdgain=1.0, dishdia=100.0, selectdata=True, field='', spw='', timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', intent='', datacolumn='corrected', imagename='', imsize=100, imsize=[100], ? + +, cell='"1arcsec"', ? ^ ^, cell=["1arcsec"], ? ^ ^, phasecenter='', stokes='I', projection='SIN', startmodel='', specmode='mfs', reffreq='', nchan=-1, start='', width='', outframe='LSRK', veltype='radio', restfreq='', interpolation='linear', perchanweightdensity=True, gridder='standard', facets=1, psfphasecenter='', wprojplanes=1, vptable='', mosweight=True, aterm=True, psterm=False, wbawp=True, cfcache='', usepointing=False, computepastep=360.0, rotatepastep=360.0, pointingoffsetsigdev='', pblimit=0.2, deconvolver='hogbom', scales='', nterms=2, smallscalebias=0.0, restoration=True, restoringbeam='', pbcor=False, weighting='natural', robust=0.5, noise='1.0Jy', npixels=0, uvtaper=[''], niter=0, gain=0.1, threshold=0.0, nsigma=0.0, cycleniter=-1, cyclefactor=1.0, minpsffraction=0.05, maxpsffraction=0.8, interactive=False, usemask='user', mask='', pbmask=0.0, sidelobethreshold=3.0, noisethreshold=5.0, lownoisethreshold=1.5, negativethreshold=0.0, smoothfactor=1.0, minbeamfrac=0.3, cutthreshold=0.01, growiterations=75, dogrowprune=True, minpercentchange=-1.0, verbose=False, fastnoise=True, restart=True, calcres=True, calcpsf=True)

  • importasdm(asdm, vis='', createmms=False, separationaxis='auto', numsubms='auto', corr_mode='all', srt='all', time_sampling='all', ocorr_mode='ca', compression=False, lazy=False, asis='', wvr_corrected_data='no', scans='', ignore_time=False, process_syspower=True, process_caldevice=True, process_pointing=True, process_flags=True, tbuff=0.0, applyflags=False, savecmds=False, outfile='', flagbackup=True, verbose=False, overwrite=False, showversion=False, useversion='deprecated', bdfflags=False, with_pointing_correction=False, convert_ephem2geo=True, polyephem_tabtimestep=0.)

  • imfit(imagename, box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', mask='', includepix='', excludepix='', residual='', model='', estimates='', logfile='', append=True, newestimates='', complist='', overwrite=False, dooff=False, offset=0.0, fixoffset=False, stretch=False, rms='-1', ? - -, rms=-1, noisefwhm='', summary='')

  • split(vis, outputvis='', keepmms=True, field='', spw='', scan='', antenna='', correlation='', timerange='', intent='', array='', uvrange='', observation='', feed='', datacolumn='corrected', keepflags=True, width='1', ? - -, width=1, timebin='0s', combine='')

  • statwt(vis, selectdata=True, field='', spw='', intent='', array='', observation='', scan='', combine='', timebin='1', ? - -, timebin=1, slidetimebin=False, chanbin='spw', minsamp=2, statalg='classic', fence=-1, center='mean', lside=True, zscore=-1, maxiter=-1, fitspw='', excludechans=False, wtrange='', flagbackup=True, preview=False, datacolumn='corrected')

  • importatca(files='', vis='', options='', spw=[-1], nscans=[0,0], ? ---, nscans=[0, 0], lowfreq=0.1, highfreq=999, fields='', edge=8)

  • apparentsens(vis, field='', spw='', intent='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', imsize=[100], cell='"1arcsec"', ? ^ ^, cell=["1arcsec"], ? ^ ^, stokes='I', specmode='mfs', weighting='natural', robust=0.5, npixels=0, uvtaper=[''])

  • specfit(imagename, box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', axis=-1, mask='', ngauss=1, poly=-1, estimates='', minpts=1, multifit=False, model='', residual='', amp='', amperr='', center='', centererr='', fwhm='', fwhmerr='', integral='', integralerr='', wantreturn=True, stretch=False, logresults=True, pampest='', pcenterest='', pfwhmest='', pfix='', gmncomps=0, gmncomps='0', ? + +, gmampcon='', gmcentercon='', gmfwhmcon='', gmampest=[0.0], gmcenterest=[0.0], gmfwhmest=[0.0], gmfix='', logfile='', append=True, pfunc='', goodamprange=[0.0], goodcenterrange=[0.0], goodfwhmrange=[0.0], sigma='', outsigma='')

  • exportasdm(vis, asdm='', datacolumn='data', archiveid='S0', rangeid='X1', subscanduration='24h', sbduration='2700s', apcorrected=False, verbose=True, showversion=False, useversion='deprecated')

  • plotbandpass(caltable, antenna='', field='', spw='', yaxis='amp', xaxis='chan', figfile='', plotrange=[0,0,0,0], ? -------, plotrange=[0, 0, 0, 0], caltable2='', overlay='', showflagged=False, timeranges='', buildpdf=False, caltable3='', markersize=3, density=108, interactive=True, showpoints='auto', showlines='auto', subplot='22', zoom='', poln='', showatm=False, pwv='auto', gs='gs', convert='convert', chanrange='', solutionTimeThresholdSeconds=30.0, debug=False, phase='', vis='', showtsky=False, showfdm=False, showatmfield='', lo1='', showimage=False, showatmpoints=False, parentms='', pdftk='pdftk', channeldiff=False, edge=8, resample=1, platformingThreshold=10.0, platformingSigma=10.0, basebands='', showBasebandNumber=False, scans='', figfileSequential=False, chanrangeSetXrange=False)

  • sdatmcor(infile='', datacolumn='data', outfile='', overwrite=False, field='', spw='', scan='', antenna='', correlation='', timerange='', intent='', observation='', feed='', msselect='', outputspw='', gainfactor='1.0', ? - -, gainfactor=1.0, dtem_dh='', h0='', atmtype=2, atmdetail=False, altitude='', temperature='', pressure='', humidity=-1, pwv='', dp='', dpm=-1, layerboundaries='', layertemperature='')

  • tclean(vis, selectdata=True, field='', spw='', timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', observation='', intent='', datacolumn='corrected', imagename='', imsize=[100], cell='"1arcsec"', ? ^ ^, cell=["1arcsec"], ? ^ ^, phasecenter='', stokes='I', projection='SIN', startmodel='', specmode='mfs', reffreq='', nchan=-1, start='', width='', outframe='LSRK', veltype='radio', restfreq='', interpolation='linear', perchanweightdensity=True, gridder='standard', facets=1, psfphasecenter='', wprojplanes=1, vptable='', mosweight=True, aterm=True, psterm=False, wbawp=True, conjbeams=False, cfcache='', usepointing=False, computepastep=360.0, rotatepastep=360.0, pointingoffsetsigdev='', pblimit=0.2, normtype='flatnoise', deconvolver='hogbom', scales='', nterms=2, smallscalebias=0.0, restoration=True, restoringbeam='', pbcor=False, outlierfile='', weighting='natural', robust=0.5, noise='1.0Jy', npixels=0, uvtaper=[''], niter=0, gain=0.1, threshold=0.0, nsigma=0.0, cycleniter=-1, cyclefactor=1.0, minpsffraction=0.05, maxpsffraction=0.8, interactive=False, usemask='user', mask='', pbmask=0.0, sidelobethreshold=3.0, noisethreshold=5.0, lownoisethreshold=1.5, negativethreshold=0.0, smoothfactor=1.0, minbeamfrac=0.3, cutthreshold=0.01, growiterations=75, dogrowprune=True, minpercentchange=-1.0, verbose=False, fastnoise=True, restart=True, savemodel='none', calcres=True, calcpsf=True, psfcutoff=0.35, parallel=False)

  • wvrgcal - Deleted Task

  • deconvolve - Deleted Task

  • browsetable - Deleted Task

  • msuvbin - Deleted Task

  • oldstatwt - Deleted Task

  • imview - Deleted Task

  • msview - Deleted Task

  • plotcal - Deleted Task

  • plotms - Deleted Task

  • viewer - Deleted Task


  • wvrgcal - New Task


  • plotms - New Task


  • msview - New Task

  • imview - New Task


  • browsetable - New Task

  • msuvbin - New Task


  • agentflagger.parseclipparameters(self, field='', spw='', array='', feed='', scan='', antenna='', uvrange='', time='', correlation='', intent='', observation='', datacolumn='DATA', clipminmax='', clipoutside=True, channelavg=False, chanbin=1, chanbin='1', ? + +, timeavg=False, timebin='', clipzeros=False, apply=True)

  • agentflagger.parsetfcropparameters(self, field='', spw='', array='', feed='', scan='', antenna='', uvrange='', time='', correlation='', intent='', observation='', ntime=0.0, combinescans=False, datacolumn='DATA', timecutoff=4.0, freqcutoff=3.0, timefit='line', freqfit='poly', maxnpieces=7, flagdimension='freqtime', usewindowstats='none', halfwin=1, extendflags=True, apply=True, channelavg=False, chanbin=1, chanbin='1', ? + +, timeavg=False, timebin='')

  • logsink.logsink - New Tool Method

  • logsink.origin - New Tool Method

  • logsink.processorOrigin - New Tool Method

  • logsink.filter - New Tool Method

  • logsink.filterMsg - New Tool Method

  • - New Tool Method

  • logsink.poststat - New Tool Method

  • logsink.postLocally - New Tool Method

  • logsink.setglobal - New Tool Method

  • logsink.setlogfile - New Tool Method

  • logsink.setstatslogfile - New Tool Method

  • logsink.showconsole - New Tool Method

  • logsink.ompSetNumThreads - New Tool Method

  • logsink.setMemoryTotal - New Tool Method

  • logsink.setMemoryFraction - New Tool Method

  • logsink.setNumCPUs - New Tool Method

  • logsink.getMemoryTotal - New Tool Method

  • logsink.getNumCPUs - New Tool Method

  • utils._crash_reporter_initialize - New Tool Method

  • utils._trigger_segfault - New Tool Method

  • utils.tryit - New Tool Method

  • utils.initialize(self, default_path='', python_path='')

  • utils.setrundata - New Tool Method

  • utils.remove_service - New Tool Method

  • ms.statwt(self, combine='', timebin='1', ? - -, timebin=1, slidetimebin=False, chanbin='spw', minsamp=2, statalg='classic', fence=-1, center='mean', lside=True, zscore=-1, maxiter=-1, fitspw='', excludechans=False, wtrange='', preview=False, datacolumn='corrected')

  • msmetadata.antennadiameter(self, antenna='-1', ? - -, antenna=-1)

  • msmetadata.antennaoffset(self, which='0', ? - -, which=0)

  • msmetadata.antennastations(self, which='-1', ? - -, which=-1, obsid=-1)

  • msmetadata.refdir(self, field='0', ? - -, field=0, epoch='')

  • msmetadata.timesforscans(self, scans=-1, scans='-1', ? + +, obsid=-1, arrayid=-1)

  • sdm.sdm - New Tool Method

  • sdm.fromms - New Tool Method

  • sdm.toms - New Tool Method

  • imager.boxmask(self, mask='', blc=[0, 0, 0, 0], trc=[], trc=[ ], value=1.0)

  • utils.verify - Deleted Tool

  • utils.setconstraints - Deleted Tool

  • utils.verifyparam - Deleted Tool

  • utils.expandparam - Deleted Tool

  • utils.torecord - Deleted Tool

  • utils.toxml - Deleted Tool


  • doc(topic, version)



  • terminal - New Function

  • command_line - Deleted Function