Source code for casatools.utils

# stub class definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]class utils: """ Utility component, verified, xml translator """
[docs] def utils(self): """ Construct a utility tool """ pass
[docs] def getrc(self, rcvar=''): """ getrc method .. rubric:: Parameters - ``rcvar (string='')`` - Returns the value of the rc variable given. If no value is give it returns the root directory of CASA. .. rubric:: Returns ``string`` """ pass
[docs] def removetable(self, tablenames=''): """ removetable method .. rubric:: Parameters - ``tablenames (stringVec='')`` - Removes tables safely .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def tableinfo(self, tablename=''): """ Currently this only returns the pid of the process locking the table (lockpid), if the lock is permanent (lockperm), and the status (lockstatus) – ’not in use’, ’open’, ’read’, ’write’, or ’unknown’. However, the hope is that this will eventually return a complete description of the table. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``tablename (string='')`` - path to table .. rubric:: Returns ``record`` """ pass
[docs] def lockedtables(self): """ get the tables locked by this process """ pass
[docs] def hostinfo(self): """ returns host information """ pass
[docs] def c_exception(self): """ Returns detailed information from the last CASA C++ exception (i.e., AipsError). The exception message and the stack trace (mangled; use the shell’s c++filt to demangle) from the last CASA C++ exception. The information is from the last one generated and may not represent an exception from the last action; c_exception_clear can be used to remove stale information. The information’s exception might also have been caught in the C++ code and not have been translated into a Python-level exception. """ pass
[docs] def c_exception_clear(self): """ Clears the CASA C++ exception information. This allows the user to be sure that information retrieved using c_exception is not from an exception in the distant past. """ pass
def _crash_reporter_initialize(self, crashDumpDirectory='', crashDumpPosterApplication='', crashPostingUrl='', logFile=''): """ Initializes the crash reporter which will generate a crash report if casapy crashes. For reporter purposes a crash is the reception of an signal by casapy which would normally result in the program being terminated. This includes segfaults, aborts, etc., plus any unhandled C++ exceptions (C++ generates an abort signal for unhandled exceptions). This method is intended for use by the casapy infrastructure and should not be called by other code or by users; however, the call will only install the crash reporter the first time it is called so any subsequent calls should be no-ops. Returns True if initialization occurred and False if the crash reporter was stubbed out (i.e., symbol UseCrashReporter was not defined). .. rubric:: Parameters - ``crashDumpDirectory (string='')`` - Directory to write crash dumps into. - ``crashDumpPosterApplication (string='')`` - Application to post crash dumps to http server. - ``crashPostingUrl (string='')`` - URL to use when posting crash report. - ``logFile (string='')`` - Full name of initial logfile .. rubric:: Returns ``string`` """ pass def _trigger_segfault(self, faultType=0): """ This triggers a segfault for testing the crash reporter. Obviously you shouldn’t call this unless that’s what you want. It’s in here for development/debugging purposes and ought to be removed before you see this. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``faultType (int=0)`` - How to kill the program .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def tryit(self, input=''): """ test variant convesion .. rubric:: Parameters - ``input (record='')`` - testing variant .. rubric:: Returns ``double`` """ pass
[docs] def maxint(self): """ maximum number an C++ int can hold """ pass
[docs] def minint(self): """ minimum number an C++ int can hold """ pass
[docs] def maxlong(self): """ maximum number an C++ long can hold """ pass
[docs] def minlong(self): """ minimum number an C++ long can hold """ pass
[docs] def initialize(self, python_path=''): """ returns True if initalization was performed; returns False if initialization was already done .. rubric:: Parameters - ``python_path (string='')`` - path to python executable .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def rundata(self): """ path to the measures data """ pass
[docs] def setrundata(self, path=''): """ Set path to the measures data. Must be called during initalization before Measures module is initialized. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``path (string='')`` - path to IERS data """ pass
[docs] def defaultpath(self): """ Returns the default data path. This path is used unless the user has set the current path to something else using the setpath function. """ pass
[docs] def setpath(self, dirs=''): """ Sets the data path to the specified list of directories. Returns True if all directories were added returns False otherwise. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``dirs (stringVec='')`` - directories that should constitute the data path .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def getpath(self): """ Returns the list of directories that are currently in the data path. """ pass
[docs] def clearpath(self): """ Removes all directories from the data path. """ pass
[docs] def resolve(self, path=''): """ If the provided path already represents a file or a directory, it is returned. If it does not, this function tries to find a complete path by matching up this partial directory with the elements of the data path. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``path (string='')`` - path to be expanded .. rubric:: Returns ``string`` """ pass
[docs] def getnogui(self): """ Returns the value of the nogui parameter used at startup. Defaults to False. """ pass
[docs] def getagg(self): """ Returns the value of the agg parameter used at startup. Defaults to False. """ pass
[docs] def getpipeline(self): """ Returns the value of the pipeline parameter used at startup. Defaults to False. """ pass
[docs] def registry(self): """ returns record containing the URI for the CASAtools registry which can be used by other unix processes to access the registry """ pass
[docs] def services(self): """ returns record containing the information about the services that have been registered with CASAtools """ pass
[docs] def remove_service(self, uri=''): """ Remove a service from the registry using the URI for the service. The URI should be a string that looks something like "". This function returns True if the removal was successful. Otherwise, it returns False. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``uri (string='')`` - uri (Address) of the service to remove. .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ python is shutting down cleanup anything that is outstanding """ pass
[docs] def getpython(self): """ get path to python executable """ pass
[docs] def version(self): """ Returns a four element vector representing the version (major, minor, patch and feature). """ pass
[docs] def version_variant(self): """ Returns the target instrument. This helps distinguish versions that otherwise may have the same version number """ pass
[docs] def version_desc(self): """ The descriptive string describes a particular packaged version. During a development cycle there are different sorts of packaged distributions. For example, a development version ("DEV") or a release version ("REL"). """ pass
[docs] def version_info(self): """ Returns a description string that includes the version information and the descriptive string.. """ pass
[docs] def version_string(self): """ Returns a description string that includes the version information and the descriptive string.. """ pass
[docs] def compare_version(self, comparitor='', vec=''): """ Returns a description string that includes the version information and the descriptive string.. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``comparitor (string='')`` - what sort of comparison to do, one of >, <, <=, >=, ==, = != - ``vec (intVec='')`` - vector to use to compare current version number against vec .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def toolversion(self): """ Returns a two element vector representing the CASAtools version (year, build). This is only returned with CASA 6. With CASA 5, an zero element vector is returned. """ pass
[docs] def toolversion_string(self): """ Returns a description string that shows the CASA 6 CASAtools version information as a descriptive string. With CASA 5, a zero length string is returned. """ pass