Source code for casatools.sdm

# stub class definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]class sdm: """ Manipulate or examine SDM datasets """
[docs] def sdm(self, path=''): """ Construct an SDM tool .. rubric:: Parameters - ``path (path='')`` - Path to the SDM .. rubric:: Returns ``sdm`` """ pass
[docs] def sdmversion(self): """ Returns SDM version number on which this tool operates """ pass
[docs] def summarystr(self): """ Returns a summary of the SDM as a string """ pass
[docs] def fromms(self, datacolumn='DATA', archiveid='S0', rangeid='X1', subscanduration=24.0*3600.0, sbduration=2700.0, apcorrected=False, verbose=True, useversion='deprecated'): """ Create an sdm object with a non-existant path, and then use this function to populate the directory (which will be created) with the specified measurement set. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``mspath (path='')`` - Path to the MS to import - ``datacolumn (string='DATA')`` - specifies which of the MS data columns (DATA, CORRECTED_DATA, or MODEL_DATA) should be used as the visibilities in the ASDM - ``archiveid (string='S0')`` - the X0 in uid://X0/X1/X<running> - ``rangeid (string='X1')`` - the X1 in uid://X0/X1/X<running> - ``subscanduration (double=24.0*3600.0)`` - maximum duration of a subscan in the output ASDM - ``sbduration (double=2700.0)`` - maximum duration of a scheduling block in the output ASDM - ``apcorrected (bool=False)`` - If True, the data in column datacolumn should be regarded as having atmospheric phase correction - ``verbose (bool=True)`` - produce log output - ``useversion (string='deprecated')`` - DEPRECATED, will be eliminated in a future release. Selects the version of MS2asdm to be used (no longer relevant) .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass
[docs] def toms(self, vis='', createmms=False, separationaxis='auto', numsubms='auto', corr_mode='all', srt='all', time_sampling='all', ocorr_mode='ca', compression=False, lazy=False, asis='', wvr_corrected_data='no', scans='', ignore_time=False, process_syspower=True, process_caldevice=True, process_pointing=True, process_flags=True, tbuff=0.0, applyflags=False, savecmds=False, outfile='', flagbackup=True, verbose=False, overwrite=False, showversion=False, useversion='deprecated', bdfflags=False, with_pointing_correction=False, convert_ephem2geo=True, polyephem_tabtimestep=0.): """ Convert a Science Data Model observation into a CASA visibility file (MS) .. rubric:: Parameters - ``vis (string='')`` - Root name of the ms to be created. Note the .ms is NOT added - ``createmms (bool=False)`` - Create a Multi-MS output - ``separationaxis (string='auto')`` - Axis to do parallelization across(scan, spw, baseline, auto) - ``numsubms (string='auto')`` - The number of SubMSs to create (auto or any number) - ``corr_mode (string='all')`` - specifies the correlation mode to be considered on input. A quoted string containing a sequence of ao, co, ac,or all separated by whitespaces is expected - ``srt (string='all')`` - specifies the spectral resolution type to be considered on input. A quoted string containing a sequence of fr, ca, bw, or all separated by whitespaces is expected - ``time_sampling (string='all')`` - specifies the time sampling (INTEGRATION and/or SUBINTEGRATION) to be considered on input. A quoted string containing a sequence of i, si, or all separated by whitespaces is expected - ``ocorr_mode (string='ca')`` - output data for correlation mode AUTO_ONLY (ao) or CROSS_ONLY (co) or CROSS_AND_AUTO (ca) - ``compression (bool=False)`` - Flag for turning on data compression - ``lazy (bool=False)`` - Make the MS DATA column read the ASDM Binary data directly (faster import, smaller MS) - ``asis (string='')`` - Creates verbatim copies of the ASDMtables in the ouput measurement set. Value given must be a string of table names separated by spaces; A * wildcard is allowed. - ``wvr_corrected_data (string='no')`` - Specifies which values are considerd in the SDM binary data to fill the DATA column in the MAIN table of the MS. Expected values for this option are: no, for uncorrected data (default), yes, for the corrected data, and both, for for corrected and uncorrected data. Note if both is selected two measurement sets are created, one with uncorrected data and the other with corrected data. - ``scans (string='')`` - processes only the specified scans. This value is a semicolon separated list of scan specifications. A scan specification consists in an exec bock index followed by the : character; followed by a comma separated list of scan indexes or scan index ranges. A scan index is relative to the exec block it belongs to. Scan indexes are 1-based while exec blocks are 0-based. "0:1" or "2:2~6" or "0:1,1:2~6,8;2:,3:24~30" "1,2" are valid values for the option. "3:" alone will be interpreted as, all the scans of the exec block#3. An scan index or a scan index range not preceded by an exec block index will be interpreted as, all the scans with such indexes in all the exec blocks. By default all the scans are considered. - ``ignore_time (bool=False)`` - All the rows of the tables Feed, History, Pointing, Source, SysCal, CalDevice, SysPower, and Weather are processed independently of the time range of the selected exec block / scan. - ``process_syspower (bool=True)`` - The SysPower table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to True. - ``process_caldevice (bool=True)`` - The CalDevice table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to True. - ``process_pointing (bool=True)`` - The Pointing table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to True. If set to False, the POINTING table is empty in the resulting MS - ``process_flags (bool=True)`` - Create online flags in the FLAG_CMD sub-table. - ``tbuff (double=0.0)`` - Time padding buffer (seconds) - ``applyflags (bool=False)`` - Apply the flags to the MS. - ``savecmds (bool=False)`` - Save flag commands to an ASCII file - ``outfile (string='')`` - Name of ASCII file to save flag commands - ``flagbackup (bool=True)`` - Back up flag column before applying flags. - ``verbose (bool=False)`` - Output lots of information while the filler is working - ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - Over write an existing MS(s) - ``showversion (bool=False)`` - DEPRECATED, will be eliminated in a future reelase. Report the version of asdm2MS being used - ``useversion (string='deprecated')`` - DEPRECATED, will be eliminated in a future release. Version of asdm2MS to be used (no longer relevant) - ``bdfflags (bool=False)`` - Set the MS FLAG column according to the ASDM _binary_ flags - ``with_pointing_correction (bool=False)`` - add (ASDM::Pointing::encoder - ASDM::Pointing::pointingDirection) to the value to be written in MS::Pointing::direction - ``convert_ephem2geo (bool=True)`` - if True, convert any attached ephemerides to the GEO reference frame (time-spacing not changed) - ``polyephem_tabtimestep (double=0.)`` - Timestep (days) for the tabulation of polynomial ephemerides. A value <= 0 disables tabulation. .. rubric:: Returns ``bool`` """ pass