Source code for casatools.synthesismaskhandler

# stub class definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]class synthesismaskhandler: """ tool for mask handling in sysnthesis imaging synthesismaskhandler is a tool to manupilate mask image used in imager """
[docs] def synthesismaskhandler(self): """ Construct an synthesismaskhandler tool This is used to construct {\tt synthesismaskhandler} tool. """ pass
[docs] def pruneregions(self, inmaskname='', prunesize=0.0, chanflag=[''], outmaskname=''): """ prune mask regions .. rubric:: Parameters - ``inmaskname (string='')`` - input mask image name - ``prunesize (double=0.0)`` - size in pixels to apply pruning - ``chanflag (boolArray=[''])`` - list of channel flags - ``outmaskname (string='')`` - optional pruned mask name. If unspecified, use the default name: inmaskname.pruned """ pass
[docs] def done(self): """ close maskhandler tool """ pass