Source code for casatools.utils

# stub class definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]class utils: """ Utility component, verified, xml translator """
[docs] def utils(self): """ Construct a utility tool """ pass
[docs] def verify(self, input='', xmldescriptor='', throwexecpt=False): """ Verifies an input record against an XML interface description of took or task .. rubric:: Parameters - ``input (record='')`` - The input record to verify - ``xmldescriptor (variant='')`` - XML description, either record or url - ``throwexecpt (bool=False)`` - Throw an exception if the verification fails """ pass
[docs] def setconstraints(self, xmldescriptor=''): """ Sets the internal contraints records from an XML file .. rubric:: Parameters - ``xmldescriptor (variant='')`` - XML description, either record or url """ pass
[docs] def verifyparam(self, param=''): """ Verifies an individual parameter against a prespecified constraints record .. rubric:: Parameters - ``param (record='')`` - Parameter name:value pair to verify """ pass
[docs] def expandparam(self, name='', value=''): """ If a param is an enum it will minmatch the enum value and return the full value otherwise it just returns the value .. rubric:: Parameters - ``name (string='')`` - Parameter name to expand - ``value (variant='')`` - Value of the parameter """ pass
[docs] def torecord(self, input=''): """ Transforms an XML string into a record .. rubric:: Parameters - ``input (string='')`` - XML string, maybe a URL """ pass
[docs] def toxml(self, input='', asfile=False, filename='recordas.xml'): """ Turns a record into an xml string .. rubric:: Parameters - ``input (record='')`` - name of thing to viewe - ``asfile (bool=False)`` - write the xml as a file - ``filename (string='recordas.xml')`` - if asfile is true then output filename """ pass
[docs] def getrc(self, rcvar=''): """ .. rubric:: Parameters - ``rcvar (string='')`` - Returns the value of the rc variable given. If no value is give it returns the root directory of CASA. """ pass
[docs] def removetable(self, tablenames=['']): """ .. rubric:: Parameters - ``tablenames (stringArray=[''])`` - Removes tables safely """ pass
[docs] def tableinfo(self, tablename=''): """ Get information about a particular table Currently this only returns the pid of the process locking the table (lockpid), if the lock is permanent (lockperm), and the status (lockstatus) -- 'not in use', 'open', 'read', 'write', or 'unknown'. However, the hope is that this will eventually return a complete description of the table. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``tablename (string='')`` - path to table """ pass
[docs] def lockedtables(self): """ get the tables locked by this process """ pass
[docs] def hostinfo(self): """ returns host information """ pass
[docs] def c_exception(self): """ Returns detailed information about last C-level exception Returns detailed information from the last CASA C++ exception (i.e., AipsError). The exception message and the stack trace (mangled; use the shell's c++filt to demangle) from the last CASA C++ exception. The information is from the last one generated and may not represent an exception from the last action; c\_exception\_clear can be used to remove stale information. The information's exception might also have been caught in the C++ code and not have been translated into a Python-level exception. """ pass
[docs] def c_exception_clear(self): """ Clears information about last C-level exception Clears the CASA C++ exception information. This allows the user to be sure that information retrieved using c\_exception is not from an exception in the distant past. """ pass
def _crash_reporter_initialize(self, crashDumpDirectory='', crashDumpPosterApplication='', crashPostingUrl='', logFile=''): """ Initializes the crash reporter. Initializes the crash reporter which will generate a crash report if casapy crashes. For reporter purposes a crash is the reception of an signal by casapy which would normally result in the program being terminated. This includes segfaults, aborts, etc., plus any unhandled C++ exceptions (C++ generates an abort signal for unhandled exceptions). This method is intended for use by the casapy infrastructure and should not be called by other code or by users; however, the call will only install the crash reporter the first time it is called so any subsequent calls should be no-ops. Returns true if initialization occurred and false if the crash reporter was stubbed out (i.e., symbol UseCrashReporter was not defined). .. rubric:: Parameters - ``crashDumpDirectory (string='')`` - Directory to write crash dumps into. - ``crashDumpPosterApplication (string='')`` - Application to post crash dumps to http server. - ``crashPostingUrl (string='')`` - URL to use when posting crash report. - ``logFile (string='')`` - Full name of initial logfile """ pass def _trigger_segfault(self, faultType=0): """ Crashes casa with segfault. This triggers a segfault for testing the crash reporter. Obviously you shouldn't call this unless that's what you want. It's in here for development/debugging purposes and ought to be removed before you see this. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``faultType (int=0)`` - How to kill the program """ pass
[docs] def initialize(self, default_path=''): """ initialize CASAtools returns true if initalization was performed; returns false if initialization was already done .. rubric:: Parameters - ``default_path (stringArray='')`` - directories that should constitute the default data path """ pass
[docs] def defaultpath(self): """ returns the default data path Returns the default data path. This path is used unless the user has set the current path to something else using the setpath function. """ pass
[docs] def setpath(self, dirs=['']): """ sets the data path to the specified list of directories Sets the data path to the specified list of directories. Returns true if all directories were added returns false otherwise. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``dirs (stringArray=[''])`` - directories that should constitute the data path """ pass
[docs] def getpath(self): """ retrieves the data path Returns the list of directories that are currently in the data path. """ pass
[docs] def clearpath(self): """ removes all directories from the data path Removes all directories from the data path. """ pass
[docs] def resolve(self, path=''): """ resolve a complete path from a subdirectory using the data path If the provided path already represents a file or a directory, it is returned. If it does not, this function tries to find a complete path by matching up this partial directory with the elements of the data path. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``path (string='')`` - path to be expanded """ pass
[docs] def registry(self): """ retrieve registry information returns record containing the URI for the CASAtools registry which can be used by other unix processes to access the registry """ pass
[docs] def services(self): """ retrieve registered services returns record containing the information about the services that have been registered with CASAtools """ pass
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ shutdown signal from python python is shutting down cleanup anything that is outstanding """ pass
[docs] def version(self): """ returns four element vector for the version Returns a four element vector representing the version (major, minor, patch and feature). """ pass
[docs] def version_variant(self): """ returns the target instrument f.e. ALMA or VLA Returns the target instrument. This helps distinguish versions that otherwise may have the same version number """ pass
[docs] def version_desc(self): """ returns the descriptive version string, e.g. DEV or REL The descriptive string describes a particular packaged version. During a development cycle there are different sorts of packaged distributions. For example, a development version ("DEV") or a release version ("REL"). """ pass
[docs] def version_info(self): """ Returns the complete version description as a string. Returns a description string that includes the version information and the descriptive string.. """ pass
[docs] def version_string(self): """ Returns the complete version description as a string but without the description (i.e. git hash) string. Returns a description string that includes the version information and the descriptive string.. """ pass
[docs] def compare_version(self, comparitor='', vec=''): """ Returns the complete version description as a string. Returns a description string that includes the version information and the descriptive string.. .. rubric:: Parameters - ``comparitor (string='')`` - what sort of comparison to do, one of >, <, <=, >=, ==, = != - ``vec (intArray='')`` - vector to use to compare current version number against vec """ pass
[docs] def toolversion(self): """ returns two element vector containing CASA 6 tool version number Returns a two element vector representing the CASAtools version (year, build). This is only returned with CASA 6. With CASA 5, an zero element vector is returned. """ pass
[docs] def toolversion_string(self): """ Returns the complete CASA 6 CASAtools version description as a string Returns a description string that shows the CASA 6 CASAtools version information as a descriptive string. With CASA 5, a zero length string is returned. """ pass