Source code for casatasks.single.sdpolaverage

# stub function definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]def sdpolaverage(infile, datacolumn='data', antenna='', field='', spw='', timerange='', scan='', intent='', polaverage='', outfile=''): r""" Average SD spectra over polarisation [`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_] Parameters - infile_ (string) - name of input SD dataset - datacolumn_ (string='data') - name of data column to be used ["data", "float_data", or "corrected_data"] - antenna_ (string='') - select data by antenna name or ID, e.g. "PM03" - field_ (string='') - select data by field IDs and names, e.g. "3C2*" (""=all) - spw_ (string='') - select data by IF IDs (spectral windows), e.g. "3,5,7" (""=all) - timerange_ (string='') - select data by time range, e.g. "09:14:0~09:54:0" (""=all) (see examples in help) - scan_ (string='') - select data by scan numbers, e.g. "21~23" (""=all) - intent_ (string='') - select data by observational intent, e.g. "*ON_SOURCE*" (""=all) - polaverage_ (string='') - polarization averaging mode ("", "stokes" or "geometric"). - outfile_ (string='') - name of output file .. _Description: Description Task **sdpolaverage** is used to export Single Dish MS data averaged over different polarizations, to obtain Stokes I from orthogonal autocorrelation pairs (XXYY/LLRR). .. rubric:: Polarization Average Two modes of polarizaton averaging are available. One is 'stokes' which is an average based on a formulation of Stokes parameter. In this mode, averaged data is calculated by (XX + YY) / 2 or (RR + LL) / 2. The other option is 'geometric', which is a conventional way of averaging in the field of single-dish data reduction; the output data is given by weighted average of XX and YY, or RR and LL. .. _Examples: Examples The following example shows how to obtain Stokes I data from XX and YY or from LL and RR stored in FLOAT_DATA column: :: sdpolaverage(infile='', datacolumn='float_data', polaverage='stokes', outfile='') While the input dataset '' contains two (XX and YY or LL and RR) spectra in each row, the output MS '' should have just one (Stokes I) spectrum in each row. .. _Development: Development No additional development details .. _Details: Parameter Details Detailed descriptions of each function parameter .. _infile: | ``infile (string)`` - name of input SD dataset .. _datacolumn: | ``datacolumn (string='data')`` - name of data column to be used ["data", "float_data", or "corrected_data"] .. _antenna: | ``antenna (string='')`` - select data by antenna name or ID, e.g. "PM03" .. _field: | ``field (string='')`` - select data by field IDs and names, e.g. "3C2*" (""=all) .. _spw: | ``spw (string='')`` - select data by IF IDs (spectral windows), e.g. "3,5,7" (""=all) .. _timerange: | ``timerange (string='')`` - select data by time range, e.g. "09:14:0~09:54:0" (""=all) (see examples in help) .. _scan: | ``scan (string='')`` - select data by scan numbers, e.g. "21~23" (""=all) .. _intent: | ``intent (string='')`` - select data by observational intent, e.g. "*ON_SOURCE*" (""=all) .. _polaverage: | ``polaverage (string='')`` - polarization averaging mode ("", "stokes" or "geometric"). .. _outfile: | ``outfile (string='')`` - name of output file """ pass