Source code for casatasks.single.importasap

# stub function definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]def importasap(infile, outputvis='', flagbackup=True, overwrite=False, parallel=False): r""" Convert ASAP Scantable data into a CASA visibility file (MS) [`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_] Parameters - infile_ (string) - Name of input ASAP Scantable data - outputvis_ (string='') - Root name of the ms to be created. Note the .ms is NOT added. - flagbackup_ (bool=True) - Back up flag column before applying flags. - overwrite_ (bool=False) - Over write an existing MS(s) - parallel_ (bool=False) - Turn on parallel execution .. _Description: Description This is the task to convert single-dish scantable data format (ATNF Spectral Analysis Package, ASAP) into a CASA visibility data format (MeasurementSet, MS) to enable processing of scantable-format datasets (e.g. Parkes, Mopra Telescopes at ATNF). Prior to CASA 4.5, most of the ALMA data reduction process was done in Scantable format. Later CASA versions shifted towards eliminating the dependence on Scantable format. From CASA 5.0, no processing/reduction is done in Scantable format, and data with Scantable format must be transformed into MS format before reduction. .. _Examples: Examples To convert an ASAP (scantable) based format file into MeasurementSet format: :: importasap(infile='mydata.asap', outputvis='', flagbackup=True, overwrite=False, parallel=False) By default, importasap preserves flags, will not overwrite any existing files with the output, and will not engage parallel processing in the conversion (which would otherwise make the conversion faster). .. _Development: Development No additional development details .. _Details: Parameter Details Detailed descriptions of each function parameter .. _infile: | ``infile (string)`` - Name of input ASAP Scantable data | Default: none | Example: infile='mydata.asap' .. _outputvis: | ``outputvis (string='')`` - Name of output visibility file | Default: '' (same as vis) | Example: outputvis='' | NOTE: Note the .ms is NOT added .. _flagbackup: | ``flagbackup (bool=True)`` - Back up flag column before applying flags. | Default: True | Options: True|False .. _overwrite: | ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - Over write an existing MS(s) | Default: False (do not overwrite) | Options: False|True .. _parallel: | ``parallel (bool=False)`` - Turn on parallel execution | Default: False (serial execution) | Options: False|True """ pass