- statwt(vis, selectdata=True, field='', spw='', intent='', array='', observation='', scan='', combine='', timebin='1', slidetimebin=False, chanbin='spw', minsamp=2, statalg='classic', fence=-1, center='mean', lside=True, zscore=-1, maxiter=-1, fitspw='', excludechans=False, wtrange='', flagbackup=True, preview=False, datacolumn='corrected')[source]
Compute and set weights based on variance of data.
[Description] [Examples] [Development] [Details]
- Parameters
vis (path) - Name of measurement set
selectdata (bool=True) - Enable data selection parameters
selectdata = True
field (string=’’) - Selection based on field names or field index numbers. Default is all.
spw (string=’’) - Selection based on spectral windows:channels. Default is all.
observation (string=’’) - Selection based on observation IDs. Default is all.
intent (string=’’) - Selection based on intents. Default is all.
array (string=’’) - Selection based on array IDs. Default is all.
scan (string=’’) - Select data by scan numbers.
combine (string=’’) - Ignore changes in these columns (scan, field, and/or state) when aggregating samples to compute weights. The value “corr” is also supported to aggregate samples across correlations.
timebin ({string, int}=’1’) - Length for binning in time to determine statistics. Can either be integer to be multiplied by the representative integration time, a quantity (string) in time units
slidetimebin (bool=False) - Use a sliding window for time binning, as opposed to time block processing?
chanbin ({string, int}=’spw’) - Channel bin width for computing weights. Can either be integer, in which case it is interpreted as number of channels to include in each bin, or a string “spw” or quantity with frequency units.
minsamp (int=2) - Minimum number of unflagged visibilities required for computing weights in a sample. Must be >= 2.
statalg (string=’classic’) - Statistics algorithm to use for computing variances. Supported values are “chauvenet”, “classic”, “fit-half”, and “hinges-fences”. Minimum match is supported, although the full string must be specified for the subparameters to appear in the inputs list.
statalg = hinges-fences
fence (double=-1) - Fence value for statalg=”hinges-fences”. A negative value means use the entire data set (ie default to the “classic” algorithm). Ignored if statalg is not “hinges-fences”.
statalg = fit-half
statalg = chauvenet
zscore (double=-1) - For statalg=”chauvenet”, this is the target maximum number of standard deviations data may have to be included. If negative, use Chauvenet's criterion. Ignored if statalg is not “chauvenet”.
maxiter (int=-1) - For statalg=”chauvenet”, this is the maximum number of iterations to attempt. Iterating will stop when either this limit is reached, or the zscore criterion is met. If negative, iterate until the zscore criterion is met. Ignored if statalg is not “chauvenet”.
fitspw (string=’’) - Channels to include in the computation of weights. Specified as an MS select channel selection string.
excludechans (bool=False) - If True: invert the channel selection in fitspw and exclude the fitspw selection from the computation of the weights.
wtrange (doubleVec=’’) - Range of acceptable weights. Data with weights outside this range will be flagged. Empty array (default) means all weights are good.
flagbackup (bool=True) - Back up the state of flags before the run?
preview (bool=False) - Preview mode. If True, no data is changed, although the amount of data that would have been flagged is reported.
datacolumn (string=’corrected’) - Data column to use to compute weights. Supported values are “data”, “corrected”, “residual”, and “residual_data” (case insensitive, minimum match supported).
- Returns
stats (dict) - mean and variance of the weights computed
- Description
There is a Known Issues for statwt: If not run in preview mode, this application can modify the WEIGHT, WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, SIGMA, SIGMA_SPECTRUM, FLAG, and FLAG_ROW columns of the input MS. If you want a pristine copy of the input MS to be preserved, you should make a copy of it before running this application.
This application computes values for the WEIGHT and WEIGHT_SPECTRUM (if present) columns and/or the SIGMA and SIGMA_SPECTRUM (if present) columns based on the variance of values in the CORRECTED_DATA or DATA column. If the MS does not have the specified data column, the application will fail. The following algorithm is used:
For unflagged data in each sample, create two sets of values, one set is composed solely of the real part of the data values, the other set is composed solely of the imaginary part of the data values.
Compute the weighted (by exposure time) variance of each of these sets, v \(_r\) and v \(_i\). The weighted variance per unit inverse exposure time, v, is computed using v = sum(e \(_i\) * (V \(_i\) - <V>) \(^2\))/N, where e \(_i\) is the exposure time for real/imaginary part of visibility V \(_i\) and <V> = sum(e \(_i\) * V \(_i\))/sum(e \(_i\)) is the weighted mean of all the visibilities in the set, and N is the number of (unflagged) visibilities (see also this Knowledgebase Article)
Compute v \(_{eq}\) \(=\) (v \(_{r}\) \(+\) v \(_{i}\)) \(/\) 2.
The associated weight of visibility V \(_i\) is e \(_i\) / V (see Knowledgebase Article). The weight will have unit of (data unit), e.g., Jy. The visibility weights are what this application computes and writes.
Data are aggregated on a per-baseline, per-data description ID basis. Data are aggregated in bins determined by the specified values of the timebin and chanbin parameters. By default, data for separate correlations are aggregated separately. This behavior can be overriden by specifying combine=”corr” (see below).
Rules regarding creating/initializing WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column
If run in preview mode (preview=True), no data are modified and no columns are added.
Else if datacolumn=’residual’ or ‘residual_data’ and a CORRECTED_DATA column exists, the WEIGHT and WEIGHT_SPECTRUM columns are not modified.
Else if the MS already has a WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and this column has been initialized (has values) it will always be populated with the new weights. The WEIGHT column will be populated with the corresponding median values of the associated WEIGHT_SPECTRUM array.
Else if the frequency interval (chanbin) is not the default (‘spw’, not to be confused with the parameter spw), the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column will be created (if it doesn’t already exist) and the new weights will be written to it. The WEIGHT column should be populated with the corresponding median values of the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM array.
Otherwise the single value for each spectral window will be written to the WEIGHT column; the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column will not be added if it doesn’t already exist, and if it does, it will remain uninitialized (no values will be written to it).
In cases where columns are added and initialized, the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM values will be set equal to the corresponding WEIGHT values, and the SIGMA_SPECTRUM values will be set to the corresponding SIGMA values.
In cases where columns are added and initialized, the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM values will be set equal to the corresponding WEIGHT values, and the SIGMA_SPECTRUM values will be set to the corresponding SIGMA values.
WARNING: For some cases when only a subset of data is selected and the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and/or SIGMA_SPECTRUM columns are created, there is a known code issue in which these columns are not properly created and initialized for the specified subset of data, although they are properly initialized for the entire dataset. In such cases, an exception will be thrown. Because the columns are created for the entire dataset, the user simply needs to rerun the statwt task using the same parameters and the task should complete as expected. Should this condition occur when the user is using the ms.statwt() tool method, the user should close the ms tool, and then reopen it using the same data set and configure the same selection, and rerun ms.statwt(). The tool method should then complete as expected.
If datacolumn=’corrected’ or ‘residual’, then values are written to the WEIGHT and WEIGHT_SPECTRUM (if applicable) columns only.
If datacolumn=’data’ or ‘residual_data’ and the CORRECTED_DATA column does not exist, then values are written to the WEIGHT and WEIGHT_SPECTRUM (if applicable) columns and values in the SIGMA and SIGMA_SPECTRUM are set to 1/ \(\sqrt{\rm {newly\,computed\,weight}}\). If a weight value is 0, the corresponding sigma value is -1.
If datacolumn=’data’ or ‘residual_data’ and the CORRECTED_DATA column does exist, then the WEIGHT and WEIGHT_SPECTRUM columns are not updated and values in the SIGMA and SIGMA_SPECTRUM are set to 1/ \(\sqrt{\rm {newly\,computed\,weight}}\). If a weight value is 0, the corresponding sigma value is -1. In this case, you should either split out the DATA column and run statwt, or run with datacolumn=’corrected’ or ‘residual’ to update WEIGHT/WEIGHT_SPECTRUM. Otherwise the data are internally not consistent.
NOTE: statwt will produce an error if the measurement set has WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and/or SIGMA_SPECTRUM columns for which some rows are initialized (have values) and other rows have no data. It is recommended to run the initweights task to completely initialize these columns if you encounter this error.
Time Binning
One of two algorithms can be used for time binning. If slidetimebin=True, then a sliding time bin of the specified width is used. If slidetimebin=False, then block time processing is used. The sliding time bin algorithm will generally be both more memory intensive and take longer than the block processing algorithm. Each algorithm is discussed in detail below.
If the value of timebin is an integer,this value represents the number of contiguous, unique time stamps (from the MS TIME column) that should be used for averaging.
The timebin parameter can also be specified as a quantity (string) that must have time conformant units.
Block Time Processing
The data are processed in contiguous time blocks in this case. This means that all WEIGHT_SPECTRUM values will be set to the same value for all data within the same time bin/channel bin/correlation bin (see the section on channel binning and description of combine=”corr” for more details on channel binning and correlation binning).
If timebin is specified as a time quantity (eg, ‘110s’), then the time bins are not necessarily contiguous and are not necessarily the same width. The start of a bin is always coincident with a value from the TIME column, So for example, if values from the TIME column are [20s, 60s, 100s, 140s, 180s, 230s], and timebin = 110s, the first bin would start at 20s and run to 130s, so that data from timestamps 20s, 60s, and 100s will be included in the first bin. The second bin would start at 140s, so that data for timestamps 140s, 180s, and 230s would be included in the second bin.
In the case where timebin is an integer, this denotes the number of contigous timestamps that should be binned together. Note that, in this case, for rows “left over” in the upper edge of the bin, their values are computed using timebin that would include rows with times earlier than them. For example, in an MS with 8 rows in one block to be processed and timebin=3, timestamps 1, 2, and 3 would be used to compute the weights of the first three three rows, and rows 4, 5, and 6 would be used to compute weights for the next three rows as expected. Rows 7 and 8 are “left over” rows, but three rows (as per the integer timebin specification) are still used to compute them. Row 7 and 8 weights are computed by combining data in rows 6, 7, and 8.
Sliding Time Window Processing
In the sliding time window case, in the case where timebin is a time quantity, the time window is always centered on the timestamp of the row in question and extends timebin 2 around that timestamp, subject the the time block boundaries. In the case where timebin is an integer, there are two cases to consider:
timebin is odd: In this case the target row’s data and the data from the +/-(n-1)/2 rows around the target row are also used.
timebin is even: In this case, the target row’s data and the data from the n/2 rows after the target row and the n/2 - 1 rows before the target row are used.
In all cases for “edge” rows, the timebin extends from the edge of the block to the corresponding timebin value of rows away from the edge, so that the timebin is not symmetrical around the target rows, but includes the number of rows specified by the timebin value.
Overriding Default Block Boundaries
Rows with the same baselines and data description IDs which are included in that window are used for determining the weight of that row. The boundaries of the time block to which the window is restricted are determined by changes in FIELD_ID, ARRAY_ID, and SCAN_NUMBER. One can override this behavior for FIELD_ID and/or SCAN_NUMBER by specifying the combine parameter (see below). Unlike the time block processing algorithm, this sliding time window algorithm requires that details of all rows for the time window in question are kept in memory, and thus the sliding window algorithm in general and the block processing row when timebin is an int, requires more memory than the block processing method when timebin is a quantity. Also, unlike the block processing method which computes a single value for all weights within a single bin, the sliding window method requires that each row (along with each channel and correlation bin) be processed individually, so in general the sliding window method will take longer than the block processing method.
Channel Binning
The width of channel bins is specified via the chanbin parameter. Channel binning occurs within individual spectral windows; bins never span multiple spectral windows. Each channel will be included in exactly one bin. The default value ‘spw’ indicates that all channels in each spectral window are to be included in a single bin.
Any other string value is interpreted as a quantity, and so should have frequency units, e.g., “1MHz”. In this case, the channel frequencies from the CHAN_FREQ column of the SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable of the MS are used to determine the bins. The first bin starts at the channel frequency of the 0th channel in the spectral window. Channels with frequencies that differ by less than the value specified by the chanbin parameter are included in this bin. The next bin starts at the frequency of the first channel outside the first bin, and the process is repeated until all channels have been binned.
If specified as an integer, the value is interpreted as the number of channels to include in each bin. The final bin in the spectral window may not necessarily contain this number of channels. For example, if a spectral window has 15 channels, and chanbin is specified to be 6, then channels 0-5 will comprise the first bin, channels 6-11 the second, and channels 12-14 the third, so that only three channels will comprise the final bin.
Minimum required number of visibilities
The minsamp parameter allows the user to specify the minimum number of unflagged visibilities that must be present in a sample for that sample’s weight to be computed. If a sample has less than this number of unflagged points, the associated weights of all the points in the sample are set to zero, and all the points in the sample are flagged.
WARNING: Since statwt treats each baseline separately, selecting only a single channel in a spectral window will not satisfy the minimum number of samples (minsamp) if statwt is run with default parameters, leading to all the data in that spectral window being flagged. For such data, the user will need to change the default parameters in order to aggregate enough samples to satisfy minsamp (e.g., by setting combine=’corr’ if there are multiple correlation products, or timebin>1).
Aggregating data across boundaries
By default, data are not aggregated across changes in values in the columns ARRAY_ID, SCAN_NUMBER, STATE_ID, FIELD_ID, and DATA_DESC_ID. One can override this behavior for SCAN_NUMBER, STATE_ID, and FIELD_ID by specifying the combine parameter. For example, specifying combine=”scan” will ignore scan boundaries when aggregating data. Specifying combine=”field, scan” will ignore both scan and field boundaries when aggregating data. Also by default, data for separate correlations are aggregated separately. Data for all correlations within each spectral window can be aggregated together by specifying “corr” in the combine parameter. Any combination and permutation of “scan”, “field”, “state”, and “corr” are supported by the combine parameter. Other values will be silently ignored.
Statistics algorithms
The supported statistics algorithms are described in detail in the imstat and ia.statistics() help. For the current application, these algorithms are used to compute vr and vi (see above), such that the set of the real parts of the visibilities and the set of the imaginary parts of the visibilities are treated as independent data sets. Care should be taken not to tune these algorithms in a way that will discard significant portions of the tails of the underlying noise distribution (e.g., fence < 2 for the ‘HINGES-FENCES’ algorithm).
Range of acceptable weights
The wtrange parameter allows one to specify the acceptable range (inclusive, except for zero) for weights. Data with weights computed to be outside this range will be flagged. If not specified (empty array), all weights are considered to be acceptable. If specified, the array must contain exactly two non-negative numeric values. Note that data with weights of zero are always flagged. The units of the wtrange parameter will always match that of the WEIGHT column, even if the task is modifying the SIGMA column.
Including/excluding channels
Channels can be included in the computation of the weights by specifying the fitspw parameter. This parameter accepts a valid MS channel selection string. Data associated with the selected channels will be used in computing the weights; all other channels will be excluded from the computation of weights. By default (empty string), all channels are included. If the Boolean excludechans parameter is set to True, the channel selection will be inverted and exclude the selection made in fitspw.
CAUTION: Use of fitspw, when chanbin is not ‘spw’, may lead to the excluded channels being flagged for having less than the minimum number of samples (minsamp).
Preview mode
By setting preview=True, the application is run in preview mode. In this mode, no data in the input MS are changed, although the amount of data that the application would have flagged is reported.
DATA column
The datacolumn parameter can be specified to indicate which data column should be used for computing the weights. The values “corrected” for the CORRECTED_DATA column and “data” for the DATA column are supported (minimum match, case insensitive). One may specify ‘residual’ in which case the values used are the result of the CORRECTED_DATA column minus the model, or ‘residual_data’ in which case the values used are the DATA column minus the model, where model is the MODEL_DATA column if it exists, or if it doesn’t, the virtual source model if one exists, or if that doesn’t, then no model is used and the ‘residual’ and ‘residual_data’ cases are equivalent to the ‘corrected’ and ‘data’ cases, respectively. The last two options are to allow for operation on timescales or frequency ranges which are larger than that over which the sky signal is expected to be constant. This situation arises in e.g., OTF mapping, and also perhaps with sources with significant spectral structure. In cases where a necessary column doesn’t exist, an exception will be thrown and no data will be changed.
NOTE: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that a model has been set for all selected fields before using datacolumn=’residual’ or ‘residual_data’.
Return value
In all cases, the mean and variance of the set of all weights computed by the application is reported and returned in a dictionary with keys ‘mean’ and ‘variance’. Weights for which there are corresponding flags (=True) prior to running the application are excluded from the computation of these statistics. If the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM values are available, they are used to compute the statistics, otherwise, the WEIGHT values are used. The returned statistics are always computed using the ‘CLASSIC’ algorithm; the value of statalg has no impact on how they are computed. The units of the the returned statistics will always match that of the WEIGHT column, even if the task is modifying the SIGMA column.
Other considerations
Flagged values are not used in computing the weights, although the associated weights of these values are updated. If the variance for a set of data is 0, all associated flags for that data are set to True, and the corresponding weights are set to 0.
- Examples
Update the weights of a MS as in the statwt task. All channels in a SPW will receive equal weight:
Update the weights of a MS, using a calculation that disregards visibilities in spectral window 2 between channels 7 and 16. All channels in a SPW will receive equal weight, even those disregarded in the calculation:
statwt("", fitspw='2:7~16’, excludechans=True)
Update the weights of a MS using an algorithm robust to outliers. All channels in a SPW will receive equal weight:
statwt("", statalg='chauvenet')
Update the weights of a MS using time binning of 300s. All channels in a SPW will receive equal weight, and all times within a timebin will receive equal weight:
statwt("", timebin="300s")
Update the weights of a MS using time binning of 10 integrations. Each channel and integration will receive a unique weight. The weight calculation will consider all visibilities within the time bin:
statwt("", timebin=10, slidetimebin=True, chanbin=1)
Calculate, but do not update the weights of spectral window 3 of a MS. Return statistics which summarize the calculated weights as a dictionary:
weight_stats = statwt("", preview=True, spw='3')
- Development
No additional development details
- Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
vis (path)
- Name of measurement setselectdata (bool=True)
- Enable data selection parametersfield (string='')
- Selection based on field names or field index numbers. Default is all.spw (string='')
- Selection based on spectral windows:channels. Default is all.intent (string='')
- Selection based on intents. Default is all.array (string='')
- Selection based on array IDs. Default is all.observation (string='')
- Selection based on observation IDs. Default is all.scan (string='')
- Select data by scan numbers.combine (string='')
- Ignore changes in these columns (scan, field, and/or state) when aggregating samples to compute weights. The value “corr” is also supported to aggregate samples across correlations.timebin ({string, int}='1')
- Length for binning in time to determine statistics. Can either be integer to be multiplied by the representative integration time, a quantity (string) in time unitsslidetimebin (bool=False)
- Use a sliding window for time binning, as opposed to time block processing?chanbin ({string, int}='spw')
- Channel bin width for computing weights. Can either be integer, in which case it is interpreted as number of channels to include in each bin, or a string “spw” or quantity with frequency units.minsamp (int=2)
- Minimum number of unflagged visibilities required for computing weights in a sample. Must be >= 2.statalg (string='classic')
- Statistics algorithm to use for computing variances. Supported values are “chauvenet”, “classic”, “fit-half”, and “hinges-fences”. Minimum match is supported, although the full string must be specified for the subparameters to appear in the inputs list.fence (double=-1)
- Fence value for statalg=”hinges-fences”. A negative value means use the entire data set (ie default to the “classic” algorithm). Ignored if statalg is not “hinges-fences”.center (string='mean')
- Center to use for statalg=”fit-half”. Valid choices are “mean”, “median”, and “zero”. Ignored if statalg is not “fit-half”.lside (bool=True)
- For statalg=”fit-half”, real data are <=; center? If false, real data are >= center. Ignored if statalg is not “fit-half”.zscore (double=-1)
- For statalg=”chauvenet”, this is the target maximum number of standard deviations data may have to be included. If negative, use Chauvenet's criterion. Ignored if statalg is not “chauvenet”.maxiter (int=-1)
- For statalg=”chauvenet”, this is the maximum number of iterations to attempt. Iterating will stop when either this limit is reached, or the zscore criterion is met. If negative, iterate until the zscore criterion is met. Ignored if statalg is not “chauvenet”.fitspw (string='')
- Channels to include in the computation of weights. Specified as an MS select channel selection string.excludechans (bool=False)
- If True: invert the channel selection in fitspw and exclude the fitspw selection from the computation of the weights.wtrange (doubleVec='')
- Range of acceptable weights. Data with weights outside this range will be flagged. Empty array (default) means all weights are good.flagbackup (bool=True)
- Back up the state of flags before the run?preview (bool=False)
- Preview mode. If True, no data is changed, although the amount of data that would have been flagged is reported.datacolumn (string='corrected')
- Data column to use to compute weights. Supported values are “data”, “corrected”, “residual”, and “residual_data” (case insensitive, minimum match supported).