# stub class definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]class calanalysis:
Get and fit data from a calibration table (CASA 3.4 and later).
**Overall Description**
The calibration analysis (ca) tool is a standardized interface to the new format (CASA 3.4 and later) calibration tables. It is designed to handle all types of tables, e.g., gain, bandpass, Tsys, etc. The ca tool takes advantages of newly implemented features in the CASA C++ code tree, e.g., iteration and parameter selection, which means that calibration tables can be accessed in a manner very similar to measurement sets.
The ca tool was originally designed to facilitate getting and/or processing data from an entire calibration table in an organized fashion so that the information could be written to other files. Additional features, e.g. introspective member functions, were added so that scripters and general users can easily employ the ca tool without using iteration (get one piece of data at a time).
Like the imaging tool (im), image analysis tool (ia), calibration tool (cb), etc., a native calibration analysis tool (ca) is created when CASA starts up. Other instances of the calibration analysis tool can be created, if required, using the command:
from casac import casac
caLoc = casac.calanalysis()
**Open/Close Member Functions**
The purpose of the open() and close() member functions is obvious, i.e., they open and close the new format calibration table. Each ca tool instance can have only one open table. If no table has been opened, the other member functions don't return anything.
The member function definitions are:
ca.open( '<caltable name>' ) - This member function opens the calibration table. If successful True is returned, otherwise False is returned.
ca.close() - This member function closes the calibration table. If a table was open True is returned, otherwise False is returned.
**Introspective Member Functions**
The introspective member functions provide information about the shape and contents of the file. For example, the numchannel() member function returns the number of channels corresponding to each spectral window. Also, the field() member function returns the field names or numbers. With this information, users can easily select and keep track of limited regions of the calibration table, even from the command line, by minimizing the number of iterations.
The member function definitions are:
ca.antenna( name=True ) - This member function returns the antenna numbers or names as a python list of strings.
ca.calname() - This member function returns the new format calibration table name as a python string.
ca.feed() - This member function returns the feed names as a python list of strings ('X', 'Y' for linear; 'R', 'L' for circular; 'S' for "scalar", when the calibration solutions are performed simultaneously for both polarizations). If the basis is unknown, then the basis functions are '1' and '2'. This kludge was added to handle incomplete calibration tables.
ca.field( name=True ) - This member function returns the field numbers or names as a python list of strings.
ca.freq() - This member function returns the frequencies in the table as a python dictionary (the keys are the spectral window numbers and the elements are numpy float arrays containing the frequencies).
ca.msname() - This member function returns the parent measurement set name as a python string.
ca.numantenna() - This member function returns the number of antennas as a python integer.
ca.numchannel() - This member function returns the number of channels for each spectral window as a list of python integers.
ca.numfeed() - This member function returns the number of feeds as a python integer.
ca.numfield() - This member function returns the number of fields as a python integer.
ca.numspw() - This member function returns the number of spectral windows as a python integer.
ca.numtime() - This member function returns the number of times as a python integer.
ca.partype() - This member function returns the parameter column type ('Float' or 'Complex').
ca.polbasis() - This member function returns the polarization basis ('L' for linear or 'C' for circular). If the basis is unknown, 'U' is returned. This kludge was added to handle incomplete calibration tables.
ca.spw( name=True ) - This member function returns the spectral window numbers or names as a python list of strings.
ca.time() - This member function returns the times as a python list of floats (in units of MJD seconds). In the future, date strings will be available.
ca.viscal() - This member function returns the type of new formation calibration table as a python string. For example 'B' is a bandpass table, 'G' is a gain table, etc.
**Process Member Functions**
The process member functions process data. As of CASA 3.4, there are two: get() and fit(). The get() member function iterates through the calibration table and returns the selected data. The fit() member function does the same as the get() member function and returns the fits as well. Tables with complex parameters are converted to either amplitudes or phases.
The get() and fit() member functions employ two levels of iteration. The first level involves field, antenna 1, and antenna2 (slowest to fastest). The data for each first-level iteration are placed in a cube whose dimensions are feed x frequency x time. Two of these dimensions represent the second level of iteration. The feed axis is always an iteration axis, and the user can select either frequency or time as the other one.
In addition to providing a logical way of getting data, this two-level iteration scheme also allows users to fit along the non-iteration axis. For example, a fit can be peformed along the frequency axis for each iteration of the selected field, antenna 1, antenna 2, feed, and time.
As mentioned above, the selection syntax originally designed for measurement sets has been implemented in the ca tool. It is available for feed, antenna 1 and 2, and spectral window with channel. For more information, consult the selection documentation. Their argument lists are:
ca.get( field='', antenna='', timerange=[], spw='', feed='', axis='TIME',
ap='AMPLITUDE', norm=True, unwrap=True, jumpmax=0.0 )
ca.fit( field='', antenna='', timerange=[], spw='', feed='', axis='TIME',
ap='AMPLITUDE', norm=True, unwrap=True, jumpmax=0.0, order='AVERAGE', type='LSQ', weight=False )
'*' is equivalent to ''. Both numbers and names can be used for field, antenna, and spw. Names have not been implemented in present EVLA and ALMA datasets for some quantities. Check if they are available using the introspective methods.
The least-squares fit is quite standard. The robust fit, which minimizes the effects of outliers, is experimental. Robust fits are simple to compute, but they don't provide parameter variances and covariances. To minimize outliers and obtain (co)variances, the following algorithm is used:
- Calculate the least-squares fit.
- Using the fit parameters from the least squares fit as starting
values, perform the robust fit (which is essentially a zero-finding algorithm).
- Flag all outliers with residuals greater than 5 times the mean
deviation. These flags are actually returned, so they can be applied elsewhere.
- Recalculate the least-squares fit without the outliers.
Arguments for get() and fit():
field = A comma-delimited string or a python list of strings containing the fields. E.g., field = '0,1'. The default is '' (all fields).
antenna = A comma- and semi-colon- delimited string containing the antenna 1s and antenna 2s. E.g, antenna = '3,4,5'. The default is '' (all antenna 1s and antenna 2s).
timerange = A python list of floats of length two containing the start and stop times in MJD seconds. Date strings will be implemented in a future release when they are implemented in the selection C++ code. E.g., timerange = [456123.0,456456.0]. The default is [min MJD, max MJD]. For convenience, the MJD times can be obtained from the time() instrospective method.
spw = A comma- and semi-column- delimited string containing the spectral window and channel selection. E.g., spw = '0:4~20;25~59,2:10~30,6'. The default is '' (all spectral windows and channels).
feed = A comma-delimited string or python list of strings containing the feed names ('X', 'Y', 'R', 'L', or 'S' [scalar]). E.g., feed='X,Y'. The default is '' (all feeds).
axis = A python string containing the user-defined iteration axis ('TIME' or 'FREQ'). E.g., axis='FREQ'. The default is 'TIME' (the frequency axis is a non-iteration axis).
ap = A python string containing the amplitude/phase selection ('AMPLITUDE' or 'PHASE'). E.g., ap = 'PHASE'. The default is 'AMPLITUDE'. It is ignored if the parameters in the calibration table are real.
norm = A python boolean which determines whether amplitudes are normalized for each iteration. E.g., norm = False. The default is True. It is ignored if the parameters in the calibration table are real or ap = 'PHASE'.
unwrap = A python boolean which determines whether phases are unwrapped for each iteration. E.g., unwrap = False. The default is True. It is ignored if the parameters in the calibration table are real or ap = 'AMPLITUDE'.
jumpmax = A python float which determines the maximum phase jump near +/- PI before unwrapping is performed. E.g., jumpmax = 0.1. The default is 0.0. It is ignored if the parameters in the calibration table are real or ap = 'AMPLITUDE'. If the non-iteration axis is frequency:
- if jumpmax == 0.0, use fringe fitting (only available when the
non-iteration axis is time).
- if jumpmax != 0.0, use simple unwrapping (same algorithm as used when
the non-iteration axis is time or frequency).
Arguments for fit() only:
order = A python string containing the fit order ('AVERAGE', 'LINEAR', or 'QUADRATIC'). E.g., order = 'LINEAR'. The default is 'AVERAGE'. 'QUADRATIC' is not available when the fit type is 'ROBUST'.
type = A python string containing the fit type ('LSQ' or 'ROBUST'). E.g., type = 'ROBUST'. The default is 'LSQ'. The robust fit, which minimizes the effects of outliers, is experimental. Robust fits are simple to compute, but they don't provide parameter variances and covariances. To minimize outliers and obtain (co)variances, the following algorithm is used:
- Calculate the least-squares fit.
- Using the fit parameters from the least squares fit as starting
values, perform the robust fit (which is essentially a zero-finding algorithm).
- Flag all outliers with residuals greater than 5 times the mean
deviation. These flags are actually returned, so they can be applied elsewhere.
- Recalculate the least-squares fit without the outliers.
weight = A python boolean which determines whether weights are applied. E.g., weight = True. The default is False.
The get() and fit() member function return dictionaries of dictionaries. They both return this information (the '#' represents the iteration number):
['#']['field'] = The python string containing the field number.
['#']['antenna1'] = The python string containing the antenna 1 number.
['#']['antenna2'] = The python string containing the antenna 2 number.
['#']['feed'] = A python string containing the feed.
['#']['value'] = The numpy float array containing the parameters (either along the time or frequency axis) from the new format calibration table (if the table contains complex numbers, these numbers are either amplitudes or phases).
['#']['valueErr'] = The numpy float array containing the parameter errors (either along the time or frequency axis) from the new format calibration table (if the table contains complex parameters, these numbers are either amplitude or phase errors).
['#']['flag'] = The numpy boolean array containing the parameter flags.
['#']['abscissa'] = The python string containing the name of the non-iteration axis ('frequency' or 'time').
['#']['frequency'] = The numpy float array containing the frequencies. If the frequency axis is not an iteration axis, the frequencies correspond to the values, value errors, and flags. If the frequency axis is an iteration axis, this array has only one value.
['#']['time'] = The numpy float array containing the times. If the time axis is not an iteration axis, the times correspond to the values, value errors, and flags. If the time axis is an iteration axis, this array has only one value.
['#']['rap'] = The python string containing 'REAL', 'AMPLITUDE', or 'PHASE', describing the values and their errors.
['#']['norm'] = The python boolean determining whether the amplitudes are normalized per iteration or not. It is not present for 'REAL' or 'PHASE' data.
['#']['unwrap'] = The python boolean determining whether the phases are unwrapped per iteration or not. It is not present for 'REAL' or 'AMPLITUDE' data.
['#']['jumpmax'] = The python float containing the maximum phase jump near +/-PI before unwrapping is performed. It is not present for 'REAL' or 'AMPLITUDE' data. If the non-iteration axis is 'frequency':
- if jumpmax == 0.0, fringe fitting was used (only available when the
non-iteration axis is time).
- if jumpmax != 0.0, simple unwrapping was unused (same algorithm as
used when the non-iteration axis is time or frequency).
In addition to these entries, the fit() member function returns these:
['#']['order'] = The python string describing the fit order ('AVERAGE', 'LINEAR', or 'QUADRATIC'). 'QUADRATIC' is not available for 'ROBUST' fitting.
['#']['type'] = The python string containing the fit type ('LSQ' or 'ROBUST').
['#']['weight'] = The python boolean determining whether the fit was weighted or not.
['#']['validFit'] = The python boolean telling whether the fit was valid or not.
['#']['pars'] = The numpy float array containing the fit parameters.
['#']['vars'] = The numpy float array containing the fit parameter variances.
['#']['covars'] = The numpy float array containing the fit parameter covariances (par0-par1, par0-par2, ..., par1-par2).
['#']['redChi2'] = The python float containing the reduced chi2 (set to 1.0 for unweighted fits).
['#']['model'] = The numpy float array containing the model versus the abscissae.
['#']['res'] = The numpy float array containing the fit residuals versus the absicissae.
['#']['resMean'] = The python float containing the mean of the residuals.
['#']['resVar'] = The python float containing the variance of the residuals.
[docs] def calanalysis(self):
Construct a calibration analysis tool.
[docs] def open(self, caltable=''):
This member function opens a calibration table.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``caltable (string='')`` - Python string containing the calibration table name.
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
ca.open( '<caltable name>' )
[docs] def close(self):
This member function closes a calibration table.
[docs] def calname(self):
This member function returns calibration table name.
[docs] def msname(self):
This member function returns the name of the MS that created this calibration table.
[docs] def viscal(self):
This member function returns the type of calibration table (’B’, ’G’, ’T’, etc.).
[docs] def partype(self):
This member function returns the parameter column type in the calibration table (’Complex’ or ’Float’).
[docs] def polbasis(self):
This member function returns the polarization basis in the calibration table (’L’ for linear or ’C’ for circular).
[docs] def numfield(self):
This member function returns the number of fields in the calibration table.
[docs] def field(self, name=True):
This member function returns the fields in the calibration table.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``name (bool=True)`` - The python boolean which determines whether field names (True) or field numbers (False) are returned.
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
field = ca.field()
[docs] def numantenna(self):
This member function returns the number of antennas in the calibration table.
[docs] def numantenna1(self):
This member function returns the number of antenna 1s in the calibration table.
[docs] def numantenna2(self):
This member function returns the number of antenna 2s in the calibration table.
[docs] def antenna(self, name=True):
This member function returns the antennas in the calibration table.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``name (bool=True)`` - The python boolean which determines whether antenna names (True) or antenna numbers (False) are returned.
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
antenna = ca.antenna()
[docs] def antenna1(self, name=True):
This member function returns the antenna 1s in the calibration table.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``name (bool=True)`` - The python boolean which determines whether antenna 1 names (True) or antenna 1 numbers (False) are returned.
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
antenna1 = ca.antenna1()
[docs] def antenna2(self, name=True):
This member function returns the antenna 2s in the calibration table.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``name (bool=True)`` - The python boolean which determines whether antenna 2 names (True) or antenna 2 numbers (False) are returned.
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
antenna2 = ca.antenna2()
[docs] def numfeed(self):
This member function returns the number of feeds in the calibration table.
[docs] def feed(self):
This member function returns the feeds in the calibration table.
[docs] def numtime(self):
This member function returns the number of times in the calibration table.
[docs] def time(self):
This member function returns the times (in MJD seconds) in the calibration table.
[docs] def numspw(self):
This member function returns the number of spectral windows in the calibration table.
[docs] def spw(self, name=True):
This member function returns the spectral windows in the calibration table.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``name (bool=True)`` - The python boolean which determines whether spectral window names (True) or spectral window numbers (False) are returned.
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
spw = ca.spw()
[docs] def numchannel(self):
This member function returns the number of channels per spectral window in the calibration table.
[docs] def freq(self):
This member function returns the frequencies per spectral window in the calibration table.
[docs] def get(self, field='', antenna='', timerange='', spw='', feed='', axis='TIME', ap='AMPLITUDE', norm=False, unwrap=False, jumpmax=0.0):
This member function returns the calibration data.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``field (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string or list of strings containing the field names or numbers. The default is "" (all fields).
- ``antenna (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string or list of strings containing the antenna 1s and antenna 2s. The default is "" (all antenna 1s and antenna 2s).
- ``timerange (variant='')`` - The python list of floats of length two containing the start and stop times (in MJD seconds). The default is [] (the minimum start time and the maximum stop time).
- ``spw (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string containing the spectral window names and numbers along with their channel numbers. The default is "" (all spectral windows and channels).
- ``feed (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string or list of strings containing the feeds. The default is "" (all feeds).
- ``axis (string='TIME')`` - The python string containing the user-specified iteration axis. The allowed values are "TIME" and "FREQ". The default is "" ("FREQ").
- ``ap (string='AMPLITUDE')`` - The python string which determines whether complex gains are converted to amplitudes or phases. The allowed values are "AMPLITUDE" and "PHASE". The default is "" ("AMPLITUDE"). This parameter is ignored when the "gain" values in the calibration table are real.
- ``norm (bool=False)`` - The python boolean which determines whether the amplitudes are normalized along each non-iteration axis. The default is False. This parameter is ignored when the "gain" values in the calibration table are real or ap="PHASE".
- ``unwrap (bool=False)`` - The python boolean which determines whether the phases are unwrapped along each non-iteration axis. The default is False. This parameter is ignored when the "gain" values in the calibration table are real or ap="AMPLITUDE".
- ``jumpmax (double=0.0)`` - The python float which determines the maximum phase jump near +/- PI before unwrapping is performed. E.g., jumpmax = 0.1. The default is 0.0. It is ignored if the "gain" values in the calibration table are real or ap = "AMPLITUDE". If the non-iteration axis is frequency: 1) if jumpmax == 0.0, use fringe fitting (only available when the non-iteration axis is time); 2) if jumpmax != 0.0, use simple unwrapping (same algorithm as used when the non-iteration axis is time or frequency).
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
# All data limited only by the spectral window and channel input
data = ca.get( spw="0:4~15,1,2:10~20" )
[docs] def fit(self, field='', antenna='', timerange='', spw='', feed='', axis='TIME', ap='AMPLITUDE', norm=False, unwrap=False, jumpmax=0.0, order='AVERAGE', type='LSQ', weight=False):
This member function returns the calibration data and fits along the non-iteration axis.
.. rubric:: Parameters
- ``field (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string or list of strings containing the field names or numbers. The default is "" (all fields).
- ``antenna (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string or list of strings containing the antenna 1s and antenna 2s. The default is "" (all antenna 1s and antenna 2s).
- ``timerange (variant='')`` - The python list of floats of length two containing the start and stop times (in MJD seconds). The default is [] (the minimum start time and the maximum stop time).
- ``spw (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string containing the spectral window names and numbers along with their channel numbers. The default is "" (all spectral windows and channels).
- ``feed (variant='')`` - The python comma-delimited string or list of strings containing the feeds. The default is "" (all feeds).
- ``axis (string='TIME')`` - The python string containing the user-specified iteration axis. The allowed values are "TIME" and "FREQ". The default is "" ("FREQ").
- ``ap (string='AMPLITUDE')`` - The python string which determines whether complex gains are converted to amplitudes or phases. The allowed values are "AMPLITUDE" and "PHASE". The default is "" ("AMPLITUDE"). This parameter is ignored when the "gain" values in the calibration table are real.
- ``norm (bool=False)`` - The python boolean which determines whether the amplitudes are normalized along each non-iteration axis. The default is False. This parameter is ignored when the "gain" values in the calibration table are real or ap="PHASE".
- ``unwrap (bool=False)`` - The python boolean which determines whether the phases are unwrapped along each non-iteration axis. The default is False. This parameter is ignored when the "gain" values in the calibration table are real or ap="AMPLITUDE".
- ``jumpmax (double=0.0)`` - The python float which determines the maximum phase jump near +/- PI before unwrapping is performed. E.g., jumpmax = 0.1. The default is 0.0. It is ignored if the "gain" values in the calibration table are real or ap = "AMPLITUDE". If the non-iteration axis is frequency: 1) if jumpmax == 0.0, use fringe fitting (only available when the non-iteration axis is time); 2) if jumpmax != 0.0, use simple unwrapping (same algorithm as used when the non-iteration axis is time or frequency).
- ``order (string='AVERAGE')`` - The python string containing the fit order. The allowed values are "AVERAGE", "LINEAR", and "QUADRATIC". The default is "" ("AVERAGE"). NB: "QUADRATIC" is not allowed when type = "ROBUST".
- ``type (string='LSQ')`` - The python string containing the fit type. The allowed values are "LSQ" and "ROBUST". The default is "" ("LSQ"). NB: Robust fitting is experimental. It flags outliers.
- ``weight (bool=False)`` - The python boolean which determines the weighting. The default is False.
.. rubric:: Returns
.. rubric:: Examples
# All data limited only by the spectral window and channel input. The fit order
# is linear.
data_fit = ca.fit( spw="0:4~15,1,2:10~20", order="LINEAR" )