Source code for casatasks.manipulation.uvmodelfit

# stub function definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]def uvmodelfit(vis, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, timerange='', uvrange='', antenna='', scan='', msselect='', niter=5, comptype='P', sourcepar=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], varypar='', outfile=''): r""" Fit a single component source model to the uv data [`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_] Parameters - vis_ (path) - Name of input visibility file - field_ (string='') - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s) - spw_ (string='') - Select spectral window/channels - selectdata_ (bool=True) - Other data selection parameters .. raw:: html <details><summary><i> selectdata = True </i></summary> - timerange_ (string='') - Select data based on time range - uvrange_ (variant='') - Select data within uvrange (default units meters) - antenna_ (string='') - Select data based on antenna/baseline - scan_ (string='') - Scan number range - msselect_ (string='') - Optional complex data selection (ignore for now) .. raw:: html </details> - niter_ (int=5) - Number of fitting iterations to execute - comptype_ (string='P') - component model type: P(oint), G(aussian), or D(isk) - sourcepar_ (doubleVec=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) - Starting guess for component parameters (3 values for type P, 5 for G and D) - varypar_ (boolVec='') - Control which parameters to let vary in the fit - outfile_ (string='') - Optional output component list table .. _Description: Description .. warning:: There are `Known Issues <../../notebooks/introduction.html#Known-Issues>`__ for uvmodelfit. Fit a single component source model to the uv-data. Three models are available: P=point; G=Gaussian; D=Disk. Fitting parameters can be held fixed. The results are given in the CASA log and placed in a components file. More information can be found about uvmodelfit `here <../../notebooks/uv_manipulation.ipynb>`__ . .. note:: **INFO:** The Nordic ALMA Regional Center Node has developed tools for fitting multiple components of any shape to the visibilities. Their versatile uvmultifit [1]_ package is provided on their `software tools <>`__ page. .. rubric:: Parameter descriptions *vis* Name of input visibility file. Default: none. Examples: vis='' *field* Select data based on field id(s) or name(s). Default: '' (all). Examples: field='1'; field='0~2', field IDs inclusive from 0 to 2; field='3C*', all field names starting with 3C *spw* Select data based on spectral window. Default: '' (all). Examples: spw='1'; spw='<2' #spectral windows less than 2; spw='>1', spectral windows greater than 1 *selectdata* Select a subset of the visibility using MSSelection. Default: False. Examples: selectdata=True *timerange* Select data based on time range. Default = '' (all). Examples: timerange = 'YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss~YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss' .. note:: NOTE: YYYY/MM/DD can be dropped as needed. Further examples:* timerange='09:14:0~09:54:0'* yields the quoted time range; *timerange='09:44:00'* yields data within one integration of the specified time; *timerange='>10:24:00'* yields data after the specified time; *timerange='09:44:00+00:13:00'* yields data 13 minutes after the specified time *uvrange* Select data within uvrange (default units kilo-lambda). Default: '' (all). Examples: uvrange='0~1000klambda', uvrange from 0-1000 kilo-lambda; uvrange='>4klambda', uvranges greater than 4 kilo lambda; uvrange='0~1000km', uvrange in kilometers *antenna* Select data based on antenna/baseline. Default: '' (all). Examples: antenna='5&6', baseline 5-6; antenna='5&6;7&8', baselines 5-6 and 7-8; antenna='5', all baselines with antenna 5; antenna='5,6', all baselines with antennas 5 and 6 *scan* Select data based on scan number. Default: '' (all). Examples: scan='>3' *msselect* Optional data selection (field,spw,time,etc). Default:'' means select all. Examples: msselect='FIELD_ID==0'; msselect='FIELD_ID IN [0,1,2]' means select fields 0,1 and 2; msselect='FIELD_ID <= 1' means select fields 0, 1; msselect='FIELD_ID==0 && ANTENNA1 IN [0] && ANTENNA2 IN [2:26]' means select field 0 and antennas 0 to 26, except antenna 1. Other msselect fields are: 'DATA_DESC_ID', 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 'POLARIZATION_ID', 'SCAN_NUMBER', 'TIME', 'UVW'. *niter* Number of fitting iterations to execute. Default: 5. Examples: niter=20 *comptype* Component model type. Default: 'P'. Options: 'P' (point source), 'G' (elliptical gaussian), 'D' (elliptical disk) *sourcepar* Starting guess for component parameters. Default: [1,0,0] (for comptype='P'). If comptype = 'P', then sourcepar = [flux,xoff,yoff], where flux = flux (Jy), xoff = offset east (arcsec), yoff = offset north (arcsec). If comptype = 'G' or 'D', then sourcepar = [flux,xoff,yoff,majax,axrat,pos], where majax = FWHM along the major axis (arcsec), axrat < 1 is the ratio of minor to major axis, pos = position angle (deg) *varypar* Control which parameters to let vary in the fit. Default: [ ] (all vary). Examples: varypar=[False,True,True] **Examples with comptype, sourcepar, and varypar** Fit a point: comptype = 'P', sourcepar = [0.4,0.2,-0.3], varypar = [True,True,True] Fit a circular Gaussian: comptype = 'G', sourcepar = [1.4,0.3,-0.2,0.3, 1, 0], varypar = [ True , True , True , True , False, False] *outfile* Optional output component list table. Default: ''. Examples: outfile='' How to get the output values: ::'') #open the componentlist '' fit = cl.getcomponent(0) #stores component informationof the first component fit #to see the list flux = fit['flux']['value'] #to store the I,Q,U,V, flux print flux ra = fit['shape']['direction']['m0']['value'] dec =fit['shape']['direction']['m1']['value'] print ra, dec bmaj = fit['shape']['majoraxis']['value'] #to get major axis bmin = fit['shape']['minoraxis']['value'] #to get minor axis Bibliography .. [1] Marti-Vidal et al. 2014, A&A 563, 136 `arXiv:1401.4984 <>`__ .. _Examples: Examples More information on **uvmodelfit** can be found `here <../../notebooks/uv_manipulation.ipynb>`__. :: # Note: It's best to channel average the data if there are many channels before running a modelfit split('','', datacolumn='corrected',field='1445*',width='63') # Initial guess is that it's close to the phase center and has a flux of 2.0 (a priori we know it's 2.47) uvmodelfit('', # use averaged data niter=5, # Do 5 iterations comptype='P', # P=Point source, G=Gaussian, D=Disk sourcepar=[2.0,.1,.1], # Source parameters for a point source spw='0', outfile='') # Output component list file .. _Development: Development No additional development details .. _Details: Parameter Details Detailed descriptions of each function parameter .. _vis: | ``vis (path)`` - Name of input visibility file .. _field: | ``field (string='')`` - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s) .. _spw: | ``spw (string='')`` - Select spectral window/channels .. _selectdata: | ``selectdata (bool=True)`` - Other data selection parameters .. _timerange: | ``timerange (string='')`` - Select data based on time range .. _uvrange: | ``uvrange (variant='')`` - Select data within uvrange (default units meters) .. _antenna: | ``antenna (string='')`` - Select data based on antenna/baseline .. _scan: | ``scan (string='')`` - Scan number range .. _msselect: | ``msselect (string='')`` - Optional complex data selection (ignore for now) .. _niter: | ``niter (int=5)`` - Number of fitting iterations to execute .. _comptype: | ``comptype (string='P')`` - component model type: P(oint), G(aussian), or D(isk) .. _sourcepar: | ``sourcepar (doubleVec=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])`` - Starting guess for component parameters (3 values for type P, 5 for G and D) .. _varypar: | ``varypar (boolVec='')`` - Control which parameters to let vary in the fit .. _outfile: | ``outfile (string='')`` - Optional output component list table """ pass