Source code for casatasks.information.vishead

# stub function definition file for docstring parsing

[docs]def vishead(vis, mode='summary', listitems=['telescope', 'observer', 'project', 'field', 'freq_group_name', 'spw_name', 'schedule', 'schedule_type', 'release_date'], hdkey='', hdindex='', hdvalue=''): r""" List, summary, get, and put metadata in a measurement set [`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_] Parameters - vis_ (path) - Name of input visibility file - mode_ (string='summary') - Mode of operation for vishead .. raw:: html <details><summary><i> mode = list </i></summary> - listitems_ (stringVec=['telescope', 'observer', 'project', 'field', 'freq_group_name', 'spw_name', 'schedule', 'schedule_type', 'release_date']) - Keyword items to list. This parameter is only relevant in list mode. Note that the default list is a subset of the possible keywords. To get all the keywords set listitems=[] .. raw:: html </details> .. raw:: html <details><summary><i> mode = get </i></summary> - hdkey_ (string='') - Keyword to get/put - hdindex_ (string='') - Index (counting from 0) if keyword is an array (used in get/put mode only). The empty string means all elements .. raw:: html </details> .. raw:: html <details><summary><i> mode = put </i></summary> - hdkey_ (string='') - Keyword to get/put - hdindex_ (string='') - Index (counting from 0) if keyword is an array (used in get/put mode only). The empty string means all elements - hdvalue_ (variant='') - Value of the keywords to be put in the MS (used in put mode only) .. raw:: html </details> .. _Returns: Returns out (tuple or dict) - when mode='get', tuple with the value of the requested keyword, and associated metainformation if available. When mode='list', a dictionary containing the values of each keyword given in the listitems parameter .. _Description: Description This task allows the user to manipulate some meta-data keywords in a measurement set. The mode='list' shows those keywords that are presently implemented, with their values. The contents associated with the keywords can be obtained with mode='get' and changed with mode='put'. The modes that are available are: - list: List all keywords that are recognized, and list the value(s) for each. Only these keywords can be obtained (get) or changed (put) - summary: Provides a summary that is equivalent to running listobs(verbose=False) - get: Get the specified keyword value(s) from the ms - put: Put the specified keyword value(s) into the ms Keywords currently implemented are: - cal_grp - field (Field names) - fld_code (Field Observing codes) - freq_group_name - log - observer(Observer name) - project (Project name) - ptcs(Phase tracking centers for each field) - release_date - schedule - schedule_type - spw_name - source_name - telescope (Telescope Name) Note that the default list of keywords is a subset of the former list. To get all the keywords mentioned above set listitemts=[]. See the Parameter pages of vishead for more details. More information can also be found in the CASA Docs pages on `Listing and Changing MS Metadata <../../notebooks/data_examination.ipynb>`__. .. _Examples: Examples To list the available keywords in a MeasurementSet: :: vishead(vis='',mode='list') To get the values for the phase center: :: vishead(vis='',mode='get',hdkey='ptcs',hdindex='1') In this example, hdvalue [0][0] gives the RA, while hdvalue [0][1] gives the DEC in field '1'. To get the name for field 2: :: vishead(vis='',mode='get',hdkey='field',hdindex='2') To change the name for field 2 into "junk". :: vishead(vis='',mode='put',hdkey='field',hdindex='2',hdvalue='junk') .. note:: NOTE: To transfer the parameters to useful python items requires some care. Changing a number (e.g. RA of field=1 to 0.5 radian) may be complicated to figure out. .. _Development: Development No additional development details .. _Details: Parameter Details Detailed descriptions of each function parameter .. _vis: | ``vis (path)`` - Name of input visibility file .. _mode: | ``mode (string='summary')`` - Mode of operation for vishead .. _listitems: | ``listitems (stringVec=['telescope', 'observer', 'project', 'field', 'freq_group_name', 'spw_name', 'schedule', 'schedule_type', 'release_date'])`` - Keyword items to list. This parameter is only relevant in list mode. Note that the default list is a subset of the possible keywords. To get all the keywords set listitems=[] .. _hdkey: | ``hdkey (string='')`` - Keyword to get/put .. _hdindex: | ``hdindex (string='')`` - Index (counting from 0) if keyword is an array (used in get/put mode only). The empty string means all elements .. _hdvalue: | ``hdvalue (variant='')`` - Value of the keywords to be put in the MS (used in put mode only) """ pass