# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def setjy(vis='', field='', spw='', selectdata=False, timerange='', scan='', intent='', observation='', scalebychan=True, standard='Perley-Butler 2017', model='', listmodels=False, fluxdensity=-1, spix=0.0, reffreq='1GHz', polindex='', polangle='', rotmeas=0.0, fluxdict='', useephemdir=False, interpolation='nearest', usescratch=True, ismms=False):
Fills the model column with the visibilities of a calibrator
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- vis_ (string='') - Name of input visibility file
- field_ (string='') - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s)
- spw_ (string='') - Select spectral window/channels
- selectdata_ (bool=False) - Other data selection parameters
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> selectdata = True </i></summary>
- timerange_ ({string, stringVec}='') - Select data based on time range
- scan_ ({string, stringVec}='') - Scan number range
- intent_ (string='') - Select observing intent
- observation_ ({string, int}='') - Select by observation ID(s)
.. raw:: html
- scalebychan_ (bool=True) - Scale the flux density on a per channel basis or else on a per spw basis
- standard_ (string='Perley-Butler 2017') - Flux density standard
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> standard = Perley-Butler 2017 </i></summary>
- model_ (string='') - File location for field model
- listmodels_ (bool=False) - List the available models for VLA calibrators or Tb models for Solar System objects
- interpolation_ (string='nearest') - Method to be used to interpolate in time
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> standard = Perley-Butler 2013 </i></summary>
- model_ (string='') - File location for field model
- listmodels_ (bool=False) - List the available models for VLA calibrators or Tb models for Solar System objects
- interpolation_ (string='nearest') - Method to be used to interpolate in time
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> standard = Perley-Butler 2010 </i></summary>
- model_ (string='') - File location for field model
- listmodels_ (bool=False) - List the available models for VLA calibrators or Tb models for Solar System objects
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> standard = Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012 </i></summary>
- listmodels_ (bool=False) - List the available models for VLA calibrators or Tb models for Solar System objects
- useephemdir_ (bool=False) - Use directions in the ephemeris table
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> standard = manual </i></summary>
- fluxdensity_ ({int, intVec, doubleVec}=-1) - Specified flux density in Jy [I,Q,U,V]; (-1 will lookup values)
- spix_ ({double, doubleVec}=0.0) - Spectral index (including higher terms) of I fluxdensity
- reffreq_ (string='1GHz') - Reference frequency for spix
- polindex_ (doubleVec='') - Coefficients of an expansion of frequency-dependent linear polarization fraction expression
- polangle_ (doubleVec='') - Coefficients of an expansion of frequency-dependent polarization angle expression (in radians)
- rotmeas_ (double=0.0) - Rotation measure (in rad/m^2)
.. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> standard = fluxscale </i></summary>
- fluxdict_ (record='') - Output dictionary from fluxscale
.. raw:: html
- usescratch_ (bool=True) - Will create if necessary and use the MODEL_DATA
.. _Returns:
fluxd (dict) - flux densities indexed by field and SPW
.. _Description:
.. warning:: There are `Known Issues <../../notebooks/introduction.html#Known-Issues>`__ for setjy.
The **setjy** task sets the model visibility amplitude and phase
associated with a flux density scale and a specified clean
components image into the model column of the MS data set. The
flux density (I,Q,U,V) for a point source calibrator can be
entered explicitly. If no model is specified, then a point source
at the phase center is assumed. For sources that are recognized
flux calibrators (listed in `Flux Calibrator
Models <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models>`_ ),
setjy can calculate the flux densities as a function of frequency
(and time, for some extragalactic sources classified as the
variable sources and Solar System objects). Otherwise, the flux
densities should be manually specified ( standard=’manual’).
.. rubric:: Overview
The basic modes of operations are specified by the parameter,
*standard*. As the name indicates, the bulk of its options are
different flux density standards available in CASA as listed in
`Flux Calibrator
Models <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models>`_.
In addition, *standard=’manual’* allows flux density scaling to be
specified directly instead of using one for the flux density
standards. And finally, *standard=‘fluxscale’* allows the user to
insert a flux density based on the python dictionary result from
the fluxscale task, after the initial **setjy** on the primary
flux calibrator, to insert proper flux density models for
secondary calibrators in the MS.
By default the **setjy** task will cycle through all selected
fields, spectral windows and channels, (one solution per spw with
*scalebychan = False*) , setting the flux density either to 1 Jy
(unpolarized), or if the source is recognized as one of the
calibrators, to the flux density (assumed unpolarized) appropriate
to the observing frequency.
Optionally, the MODEL_DATA column can be filled with the Fourier
transform of the model image. But for any given MeasurementSet,
the performance and data storage requirements are less demanding
without the MODEL_DATA column. If *usescratch=False*, the model
is stored as a 'virtual' model. The model parameters are saved
either in the SOURCE_MODEL column in the SOURCE table (if one
exists) or in the keyword
of the main table in the MS and model visibilities are evaluated
on the fly when processing calibration or plotting in plotms.
The result containing flux densities for each spw is returned as
a Python dictionary when it is executed as the function with
# For Example
.. rubric:: Manually setting Flux Densities: standard=‘manual’
With this mode, the flux densities and other relevant parameters
necessary to describe the model can be entered manually. The
following are the subparameters.
standard = 'manual' # Flux density standard
fluxdensity = [1, 0, 0, 0] # Specified flux density in Jy [I,Q,U,V]; (-1 will lookup values)
spix = [] # Spectral index (including higher terms) of I fluxdensity
reffreq = '' # Reference frequency for spix
polindex = [] # Coefficients of an expansion of frequency-dependent linear
# polarization fraction expression
polangle = [] # Coefficients of an expansion of frequency-dependent polarization
# angle expression (in radians)
rotmeas = 0.0 # Rotation measure (in rad/m^2)
In the simplest version, the flux for Stokes I can be set via the
*fluxdensity* subparameter as the first entry in a list. In the
above example [1,0,0,0] **setjy** sets the flux to 1 Jy.
Additional Stokes specifications can be set in remaining list
members. All *fluxdensity* vales **must** be given in units of
Jy. A spectral index can be provided via the *spix* and *reffreq*
subparameters. Finally it is also possible to provide coefficients
for the polarization fraction and angle as well as a rotation
measure to define the model (*polindex*, *polangle*, *rotmeas*
The *spix* subparamter can accept a list of values to include the
spectral index of Stokes I in higher order terms, using the
definition of the flux density at a frequency, :math:`\nu`,
. The *reffreq* is given by a string including the unit (e.g.
'10GHz', note that there is no space between the value and the
unit). The *polindex* takes a list of coefficents ([p0, p1,
p2...]) using the definition of frequency-dependent polarization
index (PI) , where
:math:`PI = \frac{\sqrt{Q^2+U^2}}{I} = p0 + p1*\frac{\nu-reffreq}{reffreq} + p2*(\frac{\nu-reffreq}{reffreq})^2 + ...`.
Similarly, the *polangle* subparameter takes a list of
coefficients ([a0,a1,a2, ..]) using the definition of polarization
angle (:math:`\chi`), where
:math:`\chi = 0.5arctan\frac{U}{Q} = a0 + a1*\frac{\nu-reffreq}{reffreq} + a2*(\frac{freq-reffreq}{reffreq})^2 + ..`.
.. note:: Some logics how these subparameters are used to
determine flux densities:
- When Stokes Q and U flux densities are given in
*fluxdensity*, the coefficient, p0 is determined from these
flux densities and the entry for p0 in *polindex* is
ignored. Also, a0 is determined from these flux density
values and the entry for a0 in *polangle* is ignored.
- If Q and U flux densities in fluxdensity are set to 0.0,
then *polindex* [0] and *polangle* [0] are used to
determine Q and U at *reffreq*.
- When the frequency-dependent polindex and polangle are used,
be sure to include all the coefficients for **both**
*polindex* and *polangle.* Otherwise Q and U flux densities
are not calculated correctly.
- If *rotmeas* is given, the Q and U that are determined from
above parameters are further corrected for the Faraday
.. rubric:: Using the Predefined Standards
For the VLA, the default source models are customarily point
sources defined by the *’Baars’*, *’Perley 90’*, *’Perley-Taylor
99’*, *’Perley-Butler 2010’*, time-variable *’Perley-Butler 2013’*,
*'Perley-Butler 2017'*, *’Scaife-Heald 2012’*, or
*’Stevens-Reynolds 2016’* flux density scales (See `Flux
Calibrator Models <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models>`_
for details; *’Perley-Butler 2017’* is the current standard by
default), or point sources of unit flux density if the flux
density is unknown. When 'Perley-Bulter 2017' is used and if any
part of the frequencies of the relevant visibility data are
outside the valid frequency range for each individual source as
listed in `Flux Calibrator Models <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models>`_,
**setjy** issues warning log messages while it still proceeds to
calcuate the flux densities and set the model visibility.
Most calibrator sources are based on radio emission from quasars
and jets. The spectral indices of these sources are such that at
(sub)mm wavelengths the majority of these sources become too weak
and variable to reliably set the flux density scale. Alternatives
are thermal objects such as planets, moons, and asteroids. Being
Solar System objects, these objects do not move at the sidereal
rate and may be (strongly) resolved. The
*standard=’Butler-JPL-Horizons 2010’* and the recommended
*standard=’Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012’* (for more information on the
implemented models, see `Flux Calibrator
Models <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models>`_
page and also ALMA Memo 594 [1]_.) option of **setjy**
includes flux density calibration using Solar System objects.
For ’Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012’ CASA currently supports the objects
listed in `Flux Calibrator
Models <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models>`_
to be applied to ALMA data. These names are recognized when they
are used in the *’field’* parameter in **setjy**. In that case,
**setjy** will obtain the geocentric distance and angular diameter
at the time of the observation from a JPL–Horizons ephemeris and
calculate model visibilities. Currently the objects are modeled as
uniform temperature disks. Note that this model may oversimplify
the real structure, in particular asteroids. The supported
brightness temperature models for Solar System objects can be
listed by selecting a *standard* and *listmodels=True* without
setting any other parameters as shown below:
setjy(standard=‘Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012’, listmodels=True)
Each model contains temperatures at tabulated frequencies except
for Mars. For Mars, the model temperatures are tabulated in time
and frequency (see `Flux Calibrator Models - Conventions, Data
Formats <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models---Data-Formats>`__
for more details).
For selected asteroids, time variable models are available based
on thermophysical modeling by T. Mueller (private communication)
for January 1st, 2014 and beyond. Currently, the new models are
available for Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta. A model is also available
for Lutetia but using this source for ALMA absolute flux
calibration is not advised. These new models are automatically
chosen for the data taken after 2014 January 1, 0 hr UT. These
models are also listed when the **setjy** task is executed with
*standard=‘Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012’* and *listmodels=True*. These
model data files contain flux densities tabulated in time and
frequency (see `Flux Calibrator Models - Conventions, Data
Formats <../../notebooks/memo-series.ipynb#Flux-Calibrator-Models---Data-Formats>`__
for more details).
Flux density calculation with Solar System objects depends on
ephemerides. The **setjy** task looks for the data in
*os.getenv('CASAPATH').split()[0] +
'/data/ephemerides/JPL-Horizons'*. If no ephemeris for the right
object at the right time is present, the calculation will fail.
Ask the `ALMA helpdesk <https://help.almascience.org/>`__ to make
an ephemeris. The very adventurous and well versed in python
can try it using CASA's *recipes.ephemerides* package:
import recipes.ephemerides as eph
help eph
CASA comes with ephemerides for several more objects, but they are
intended for use with **me.framecomet()**, and are not
(yet) suitable flux density calibrators. It is up to the observer
to pick a good flux density calibrator (bright, spherical and
featureless, on a circular orbit, in the right part of the
sky, and not too resolved). Even some of the objects listed
above may prove to require more sophisticated flux density models
than are currently implemented in CASA. For many objects
running **casalog.filter('INFO1')** before running **setjy** will
send more information to the logger.
.. warning:: The apparent brightness of objects in the Solar
System will vary with time because of the Earth’s varying
distance to these objects, if nothing else. If the field index
of a flux calibrator spans several days, **setjy** should be
run more than once, limiting each run to a suitable timerange
by using the timerange, scan, and/or observation selection
parameters. Note that it is the field index that matters, not
the name. Typically concat assigns moving objects a new field
index for each observation, so usually it is not necessary to
select a time range in **setjy**. However, it is worth checking
with ``listobs``, especially for planets.
.. rubric:: Using Calibration Models for Resolved Sources
For observations of Solar System objects using the
*’Butler-JPL-Horizons 2010’* and *’Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012’*
models, **setjy** will know and apply the flux distribution across
the extended structure of the calibrators.
For other sources, namely VLA calibrator sources, a flux density
calibrator can be resolved at the observing frequency and the
point source model generated by **setjy** will not be appropriate.
If available, a model image of the resolved source at the
observing frequency may be used to generate the appropriate
visibilities using the *model* subparameter (currently only
available for *standard='Perley-Butler 2010'*,
*standard='Perley-Butler 2013’*, and *standard='Perley-Butler
2017'*). To do this, the *model* subparameter must include the
full path to the model image. If the *model* subparameter is given
only the file name, **setjy** will first search for the model
image in the current working directory.
Also note that using **setjy** with a model image will only
operate on that single source. Therefore, for different sources,
**setjy** would need to be run multiple times (with different
field settings). The default model images available are listed by
*listmodel=True* and are found in the
.../data/nrao/VLA/CalModels sub-directory of the CASA
installation. Note the full path to the flux density calibrators
may change depending on the installation directory or copies of
these models can be placed in the current working directory.
.. note::
Currently available model images are:
These are all un-convolved images of AIPS CC lists. It is
important that the model image not be one convolved with a finite
beam; it must have units of Jy/pixel (not Jy/beam).
Note that **setjy** will rescale the flux in the models for known
sources to match those it would have calculated. It will thus
extrapolate the flux out of the frequency band of the model image
to whatever spectral windows in the MS is specified (but will use
the structure of the source in the model image).
If no source model is available, the uvrange selection may be
needed during calibration to exclude the baselines where the
resolution effect is significant. There is no hard and fast rule
for this, though should be considered if the calibrator shows a
drop of more than 10% on the longest baselines (use plotms to look
at this). The antenna selection may also be needed if the
calibrator is heavily resolved and there are few good baselines to
the outer antennas. Note that uvrange may also be needed to
exclude the short baselines on some calibrators that have extended
flux not accounted for in the model.
Note: For the following models, hard-coded radius limits on the
model images are applied automatically.
===== =====
3C286 3.0"
3C48 0.95"
3C147 0.85"
3C138 0.75"
===== =====
**Note**: the calibrator guides for the specific telescopes
usually indicate appropriate min and max for uvrange. For example,
see the VLA Calibration Manual at:
https://science.nrao.edu/facilities/vla/observing/callist for
details on the use of standard calibrators for the VLA.
.. rubric:: Bibliography
.. [1] Butler 2012,` `ALMA Memo #594 <https://science.nrao.edu/facilities/alma/aboutALMA/Technology/ALMA_Memo_Series/alma594/abs594>`__
.. _Examples:
Set flux density explictly
With standard='manual' (and *selectdata=True*), the parameters
look like this. fluxdensity takes a list of flux densities, [I, Q,
U, V] at *reffreq*. The same reffreq will be used as a reference
frequecy for *spix*, *polindex*, and *polange*.
# setjy :: Fills the model column with the visibilities of a
vis = '' # Name of input visibility file
field = '' # Field name(s)
spw = '' # Spectral window identifier (list)
selectdata = True # Other data selection parameters
timerange = '' # Time range to operate on (for usescratch=T)
scan = '' # Scan number range (for usescratch=T)
intent = '' # Observation intent
observation = '' # Observation ID range (for usescratch=T)
scalebychan = True # scale the flux density on a per channel basis or else on
# a per spw basis
standard = 'manual' # Flux density
fluxdensity = -1 # Specified flux density [I,Q,U,V]; (-1 will lookup values)
spix = 0.0 # Spectral index (including higher terms) of I fluxdensity
reffreq = '1GHz' # Reference frequency for spix
polindex = [] # Coefficients of an expansion of frequency-dependent
# linear polarization fraction expression
polangle = [] # Coefficients of an expansion of frequency-dependent
# polarization angle expression
rotmeas = 0.0 # Rotation measure (in rad/m^2)
usescratch = False # Will create if necessary and use the MODEL_DATA
In the simplest form, setting a constant Stokes I flux density for
a calibrator ( field='0') for all spw can be done as
setjy(vis='data.ms', field='0', fluxdensity=[3.5,0.0,0.0,0.0])
To set Stokes I flux density with spectral index and Stokes Q and
U using frequency-dependent polarization index and polarization
angle (in rad) also including rotation measure:
setjy(vis=‘data.ms’, standard='manual', field = ‘3C48’,
fluxdensity=[6.4861, 0, 0, 0], spix=[-0.630458,-0.132252],
reffreq="3000.0MHz”, polindex=[0.02143,0.0392,0.002349,-0.0230]
polangle=[-1.7233,1.569,-2.282,1.49], rotmeas=-68.0)
.. rubric:: Use one of the predefined standards
Current default for *standard* is 'Perley-Butler 2017' and the
parameters look like this (with *selectdata=True*):
# setjy :: Fills the model column with the visibilities of a calibrator
vis = '' # Name of input visibility file
field = '' # Field name(s)
spw = '' # Spectral window identifier (list)
selectdata = True # Other data selection parameters
timerange = '' # Time range to operate on (for usescratch=T)
scan = '' # Scan number range (for usescratch=T)
intent = '' # Observation intent
observation = '' # Observation ID range (for usescratch=T)
scalebychan = True # scale the flux density on a per channel basis or else on a per spw basis
standard = 'Perley-Butler 2017' # Flux density standard
model = '' # File location for field model
listmodels = False # List the available models for VLA calibrators or Tb models for Solar System objects
interpolation = 'nearest' # method to be used to interpolate in time
usescratch = False # Will create if necessary and use the MODEL_DATA
In the most simplest case, using the default stanadard, if
*field='0'* is one of the known sources as listed in Flux
Calibrator Models (e.g. 3C286), the following will set appropriate
channel dependent flux densities for all spws.
setjy(vis='data.ms', field='0')
For selected spws with field specified by the source name:
setjy(vis='data.ms', field='3C286', spw='0,2')
With a model image:
setjy(vis='ngc7538_XBAND.ms', field='0', model='3C48_X.im')
Note that if there is no 3C48_X.im in the current directory, setjy
looks for it in the default model data image directory.
An example for a Solar System object as a flux calibrator:
setjy(vis=’c0104I’, field=’MARS’, spw=’0~2’, standard=’Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012’)
To list supported models for the relevant standard, set
*istmodels=True* and select standard (no need to set *vis*):
This will show a list of the VLA model images along with their
full paths to the terminal:
No candidate models matching '*.im\* \*.mod*' found in .
Candidate models (*) in
3C138_A.im 3C138_L.im 3C138_U.im 3C147_C.im 3C147_Q.im
3C147_X.im 3C286_K.im 3C286_S.im 3C48_A.im 3C48_L.im
3C138_C.im 3C138_Q.im 3C138_X.im 3C147_K.im 3C147_S.im
3C286_A.im 3C286_L.im 3C286_U.im 3C48_C.im 3C48_Q.im
3C138_K.im 3C138_S.im 3C147_A.im 3C147_L.im 3C147_U.im
3C286_C.im 3C286_Q.im 3C286_X.im 3C48_K.im 3C48_S.im README
Similarly, for Solar System objects (e.g.
*standard='Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012'*), Tb models and new time
asteroid models are listed by:
setjy(standard='Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012', listmodels=True)
This will show a list looks like below in the terminal:
Tb models of solar system objects available for
Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012 (*Tb*.dat) in
Callisto_Tb.dat Europa_Tb.dat Io_Tb.dat
Jupiter_Tb.dat Mars_Tb_time.dat Pallas_Tb.dat
Uranus_Tb.dat Vesta_Tb.dat
Ceres_Tb.dat Ganymede_Tb.dat Juno_Tb.dat
Mars_Tb.dat Neptune_Tb.dat Titan_Tb.dat
Time variable models of asteroids available for
Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012 [only applicable for the observation
date 2014.01.01 0UT and beyond] (*fd_time.dat) in
Ceres_fd_time.dat Lutetia_fd_time.dat Pallas_fd_time.dat
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _vis:
| ``vis (string='')`` - Name of input visibility file
| Default: none
| Example: vis='ngc5921.ms'
.. _field:
| ``field (string='')`` - Select field using field id(s) or field name(s)
| Default: '' (all fields, but run setjy one field
| at a time)
| Use 'go listobs' to obtain the list id's or
| names. If field string is a non-negative integer,
| it is assumed a field index, otherwise, it is
| assumed a field name.
| Examples:
| field='0~2'; field ids 0,1,2
| field='0,4,5~7'; field ids 0,4,5,6,7
| field='3C286,3C295'; field named 3C286 and
| 3C295
| field = '3,4C*'; field id 3, all names
| starting with 4C
.. _spw:
| ``spw (string='')`` - Select spectral window/channels
| Default: '' (all spectral windows)
| NOTE: setjy only selects by spectral window, and
| ignores channel selections. Fine-grained control
| could be achieved using (and possibly
| constructing) a cube for model.
.. _selectdata:
| ``selectdata (bool=False)`` - Other parameters for selecting part(s) of the MS to
| operate on.
| Default: False
| Options: False|True
| Currently all time-oriented and most likely only
| of interest when using a Solar System object as a
| calibrator.
.. _timerange:
| ``timerange ({string, stringVec}='')`` - Select data based on time range
| Subparameter of selectdata=True
| Default = '' (all)
| Examples:
| timerange =
| 'YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss~YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss'
| (Note: if YYYY/MM/DD is missing date defaults
| to first day in data set.)
| timerange='09:14:0~09:54:0' picks 40 min on
| first day
| timerange= '25:00:00~27:30:00' picks 1 hr to 3
| hr 30min on NEXT day
| timerange='09:44:00' pick data within one
| integration of time
| timerange='>10:24:00' data after this time
.. _scan:
| ``scan ({string, stringVec}='')`` - Scan number range
| Subparameter of selectdata=True
| Default: '' = all
| Example:scan='1~5'
| For multiple MS input, a list of scan strings can
| be used:
| scan=['0~100','10~200']
| scan='0~100; scan ids 0-100 for all input MSes
| Check 'go listobs' to insure the scan numbers are
| in order.
.. _intent:
| ``intent (string='')`` - Select observing intent
| Default: '' (all
| Example: using wildcard characters,
| intent="*CALIBRATE_AMPLI*" will match field(s)
| contains CALIBRATE_AMPLI in a list of intents
| WARNING: If a source with a specific field id has
| scans that can be distinguishable with intent
| selection, one should set
| usescatch=True. Otherwise, any existing model of
| the source may be cleared and overwritten even if
| the part of the scans not selected by intent.
.. _observation:
| ``observation ({string, int}='')`` - Select by observation ID(s)
| Subparameter of selectdata=True
| Default: '' = all
| Example: observation='0~2,4'
.. _scalebychan:
| ``scalebychan (bool=True)`` - Scale the flux density on a per channel basis?
| Default: True
| Options: True|False
| This determines whether the fluxdensity set in
| the model is calculated on a per channel
| basis. If False then it only one fluxdensity
| value is calculated per spw. (Either way, all
| channels in spw are modified.) It is effectively
| True if fluxdensity[0] > 0.0.
.. _standard:
| ``standard (string='Perley-Butler 2017')`` - Flux density standard, used if fluxdensity[0] less than 0.0
| Default: 'Perley-Butler 2017'
| Options: 'Baars', 'Perley 90', 'Perley-Taylor
| 95', 'Perley-Taylor 99', 'Perley-Butler 2010',
| 'Perley-Butler 2013', 'Perley-Butler 2017',
| 'Scaife-Heald 2012', 'Stevens-Reynolds 2016',
| 'Butler-JPL-Horizons 2010', 'Butler-JPL-Horizons
| 2012', 'manual' 'fluxscale'
| All but the last four options are for
| extragalactic calibrators. The two 'Butler-JPL'
| standards are for Solar System objects. Note that
| Scaife-Heald 2012 is for the low frequencies
| (mostly valid for the frequency range,
| 30-300MHz).
| Flux density calculation with Solar System
| objects depends on ephemerides. The setjy task
| looks for the data in
| os.getenv('CASAPATH').split()[0] +
| '/data/ephemerides/JPL-Horizons'. If no ephemeris
| for the right object at the right time is
| present, the calculation will fail. Ask the
| helpdesk to make an ephemeris.
| For more information on individual calibrators,
| see CASA Docs (https://casa.nrao.edu/casadocs/)
.. _model:
| ``model (string='')`` - Model image (I only) for setting the model visibilities.
| Subparameter of standard="Perley-Butler 2010",
| "Perley-Butler 2013", and "Perley-Butler 2017"
| Default: '' (do not use a model image)
| The model can be a cube, and its channels do not
| have to exactly match those of vis. It is
| recommended to use model for sources that are
| resolved by the observation, but the
| Butler-JPL-Horizons standard supplies a basic
| model of what several Solar System objects look
| like. Each field must be done separately when
| using a model image.
| Both the amplitude and phase are calculated. At
| the AOC or CV, the models are located in
| casa['dirs']['data'] + '/nrao/VLA/CalModels/',
| e.g. /usr/lib/casapy/data/nrao/VLA/CalModels/3C286_L.im
| lib64
| If model does not start with '/', setjy will look
| for a match in '.', './CalModels', and any
| CalModels directories within the
| casa['dirs']['data'] tree (excluding certain
| branches).
| Note that model should be deconvolved, i.e. a set
| of clean components instead of an image that has
| been convolved with a clean beam.
.. _listmodels:
| ``listmodels (bool=False)`` - List the available models for VLA calibrators or Tb
| models for Solar System objects
| Subparameter of standard="Perley-Butler 2010",
| "Perley-Butler 2013", and "Perley-Butler 2017"
| Default: False
| Options: False|True
| If True, do nothing but list candidates for model
| (for extragalactic calibrators) that are present
| on the system. It looks for *.im* *.mod* in
| . including its sub-directories but skipping any
| directory name start with ".", CalModels, and
| CalModels directories in the casa['dirs']['data']
| tree. It does not check whether they are
| appropriate for the MS! If
| standard='Butler-JPL-Horizons 2012', Tb models
| (frequency-dependend brightness temperature
| models) for Solar System objects used in the
| standard. For standard='Butler-JPL-Horizons
| 2010', the recognized Solar System objects are
| listed.
.. _fluxdensity:
| ``fluxdensity ({int, intVec, doubleVec}=-1)`` - Specified flux density in Jy [I,Q,U,V]
| Subparameter of standard="manual"
| Default: -1 (uses [1,0,0,0] flux density for
| unrecognized sources, and standard flux densities
| for ones recognized by the default standard
| Perley-Butler 2010).
| Only one flux density can be specified at a
| time. The phases are set to zero.
| setjy will try to use the standard if fluxdensity
| is not positive.
| Examples:
| fluxdensity=-1 will use the default standard
| for recognized calibrators (like 3C286, 3C147
| and 3C48) and insert 1.0 for selected fields
| with unrecognized sources.
| field = '1'; fluxdensity=[3.2,0,0,0] will put
| in a flux density of I=3.2 for field='1'
| At present (June 2000), this is the only method
| to insert apolarized flux density model.
| Example: fluxdensity=[2.63,0.21,-0.33,0.02]
| will put in I,Q,U,V flux densities of
| 2.63,0.21,-0.33, and 0.02, respectively, in
| the model column.
.. _spix:
| ``spix ({double, doubleVec}=0.0)`` - Spectral index for I flux density
| Subparameter of standard="manual"
| Default: [] =>0.0 (no effect)
| Options: a float or a list of float values
| S = fluxdensity *
| (freq/reffreq)**(spix[0]+spix[1]*log(freq/reffreq)+..)
| Only used if fluxdensity is being used.
| IMPORTANT: If fluxdensity is positive, and spix
| is nonzero, then reffreq must be set too!
| It is applied in the same way to all
| polarizations, and does not account for Faraday
| rotation or depolarization.
| Example: [-0.7, -0.15] for alpha and a curvature term
.. _reffreq:
| ``reffreq (string='1GHz')`` - Reference frequency for spix
| Subparameter of standard="manual"
| Default: '1GHz' (this is only here to prevent
| division by 0!)
| Given with a unit with an optional frequency
| frame (if the frame is not given, LSRK is
| assumed). There should be no space between the
| value and the unit (e.g. '100.0GHz' or 'TOPO
| 100.0GHz' are correct but with '100.0 GHz' you
| will see a warning message that it will be
| defaulted to LSRK).
| Example: '86.0GHz', 'TOPO 86.0GHz', '4.65e9Hz'
| NOTE: If the flux density is being scaled by
| spectral index, then reffreq must be set to
| whatever reference frequency is correct for the
| given fluxdensity and spix. It cannot be
| determined from vis. On the other hand, if spix
| is 0, then any positive frequency can be used
| (and ignored).
.. _polindex:
| ``polindex (doubleVec='')`` - Coefficients of the frequency-dependent linear
| polarization index (polarization fraction)
| Subparameter of standard="manual"
| Default: []
| Expressed as pol. index = sqrt(Q^2+U^2)/I = c0 +
| c1*((freq-reffreq)/reffreq) +
| c2*((freq-reffreq)/reffreq)^2 + .. When Q and U
| flux densities are given fluxdensity, c0 is
| determined from these flux densities and the
| entry for c0 in polindex is ignored. Or Q and U
| flux densities in fluxdensity can be set to 0.0
| and then polindex[0] and polangle[0] are used to
| determine Q and U at reffreq.
| Example: [0.2, -0.01] (= [c0,c1])
.. _polangle:
| ``polangle (doubleVec='')`` - Coefficients of the frequency-dependent linear
| polarization angle (in radians)
| Subparameter of standard="manual"
| Default: []
| Expressed as pol. angle = 0.5*arctan(U/Q) = d0 +
| d1*((freq-reffreq)/reffreq) +
| d2*((freq-reffreq)/reffreq)^2 + .. When Q and U
| flux densities are given in fluxdensity, d0 is
| determined from these flux densities and the
| entry for d0 in polangle is ignored. Or Q and U
| flux densities in fluxdensity can be set to 0.0
| and then polindex[0] and polangle[0] are used to
| determine Q and U at reffreq. Here polangle
| parameters are assumed to represent the intrinsic
| polarization angle.
| Example: [0.57, 0.2] (=[d0,d1])
.. _rotmeas:
| ``rotmeas (double=0.0)`` - Rotation measure (in rad/m^2)
| Subparameter of standard="manual"
| Default: 0.0
| Note on the use of polindex, polangle and rotmeas
| When the frequnecy-dependent polindex and
| polangle are used, be sure to include all the
| coefficients of both polindex and polangle to
| describe frequency depencency. Otherwise
| frequency-dependent Q and U flux densities are
| not calculated correctly. If rotmeas is given,
| the calculated Q and U flux densities are then
| corrected for the Faraday rotation.
.. _fluxdict:
| ``fluxdict (record='')`` - Output dictionary from fluxscale
| Subparameter of standard="fluxscale"
| Using the flexibly results, the flux density,
| spectral index, and reference frequency are
| extracted and set to fluxdensity, spix, and
| reffreq parameters, respectively. The field and
| spw selections can be used to specify subset of
| the fluxdict to be used to set the model. If they
| are left as default (field="", spw="") all fields
| and/or spws in the fluxdict (but those spws with
| fluxd=-1 will be skipped) are used.
.. _useephemdir:
| ``useephemdir (bool=False)`` - Use directions in the ephemeris table for the solar
| system object?
| Subparameter of standard="Butler-JPL-Horizons
| 2012",
| Default: False
| Options: False|True
.. _interpolation:
| ``interpolation (string='nearest')`` - Method to be used to interpolate in time for the time
| variable sources (3C48,3C138,3C147).
| Subparameter of standard="Perley-Butler 2013",
| and "Perley-Butler 2017"
| Default: 'nearest'
| Options: 'nearest|linear|cubic|spline'
| This parameter is ignored for other non-variable
| sources in the standard.
.. _usescratch:
| ``usescratch (bool=True)`` - Will create if necessary and use the MODEL_DATA
| Default: True
| Options: True|False
| * If True: the model visibility will be evaluated
| and saved on disk in the MODEL_DATA column.
| This will increase your ms in size by a factor
| of 1.5 (w.r.t. the case where you only have
| the DATA and the CORRECTED_DATA column). Use
| True if you need to interact with the
| MODEL_DATA in python, say. Also, use True if
| you need finer than field and spw selections
| using scans/time (and when use with intent
| selection, please see WARNING section in the
| intent parameter description).
| * If False: 'virtual' model is created. The model
| information is saved either in the SOURCE_MODEL
| column in the SOURCE table (if one exists) or
| in the keyword of the main table in the MS, and
| model visibilities are evaluated on the fly
| when calculating calibration or plotting in
| plotms.
| By running usescratch=T, it will remove the
| existing virtual model from previous
| runs. usescratch=F will not remove the existing
| MODEL_DATA but in subsequent process the virtual
| model with matching field and spw combination
| will be used if it exists regardless of the
| presence of the MODEL_DATA column.
| NOTE: for usescratch=False, timerange, scan, and
| observation are ignored (i.e. time-specific
| virtual model is not possible.).
| VERY IMPORTANT: The current implementation of
| time-dependent models (e.g. ephemerides sources)
| within setjy is incompatible with the use of the
| virtual model column. Please use ephemerides source
| models only with usescratch=True
.. _ismms:
| ``ismms (bool=False)`` - to be used internally for MMS