# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def impbcor(imagename, pbimage='""', outfile='', overwrite=False, box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', mask='', mode='divide', cutoff=-1.0, stretch=False):
Construct a primary beam corrected image from an image and a primary beam pattern.
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- imagename_ (path) - Name of the input image
- pbimage_ (variant='""') - Name of the primary beam image which must exist or array of values for the pb response.
- outfile_ (string='') - Output image name. If empty, no image is written.
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> outfile != '' </i></summary>
- overwrite_ (bool=False) - Overwrite the output if it exists?
.. raw:: html
- box_ (string='') - Rectangular region to select in direction plane. Default is to use the entire direction plane.
- region_ (variant='') - Region selection.
- chans_ (string='') - Channels to use.
- stokes_ (string='') - Stokes planes to use.
- mask_ (string='') - Mask to use.
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> mask != '' </i></summary>
- stretch_ (bool=False) - Stretch the mask if necessary and possible?
.. raw:: html
- mode_ (string='divide') - Divide or multiply the image by the primary beam image. Minimal match supported.
- cutoff_ (double=-1.0) - PB cutoff. If mode is "d", all values less than this will be masked. If "m", all values greater will be masked. Less than 0, no cutoff.
.. _Description:
Corrects an image for primary beam attenuation using an image of
the primary beam pattern. The primary beam pattern can be provided
as an image, in which case:
#. it must have the same shape as the input image and its
coordinate system must be the same, or
#. it must be a 2-D image in which case its coordinate system must
consist of a (2-D) direction coordinate which is the same as
the direction coordinate in the input image and its direction
plane must be the same shape as that of the input image.
Alternatively, *pbimage* can be an array of pixel values in which
case the same dimensionality and shape constraints apply.
One can choose between dividing the image by the primary beam
pattern (*mode="divide"*) or multiplying the image by the primary
beam pattern (*mode="multiply"*). One can also choose to specify a
cutoff limit for the primary beam pattern. For *mode="divide"*,
for all pixels below this cutoff in the primary beam pattern, the
output image will be masked. In the case of *mode="multiply"*, all
pixels in the output will be masked corresponding to pixels with
values greater than the cutoff in the primary beam pattern. A
negative value for cutoff means that no cutoff will be applied,
which is the default.
.. _Examples:
To correct an image for the primary beam response out to a radius
where the sensitivity drops to 10% of the maximum value in the
pointing center:
impbcor(imagename="attenuated.im", pbimage="mypb.im",
outfile="pbcorred.im", mode="divide", cutoff=0.1)
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _imagename:
| ``imagename (path)`` - Name of the input (CASA, FITS, MIRIAD) image
.. _pbimage:
| ``pbimage (variant='""')`` - Name of the image (CASA, FITS, MIRIAD) of the primary
| beam pattern or an array of pixel values.
| Default: ''
.. _outfile:
| ``outfile (string='')`` - Name of output CASA image.
| Default: none. Must be specified.
.. _overwrite:
| ``overwrite (bool=False)`` - If output file is specified, controls if an already
| existing file by the same name can be overwritten.
| Default: True
| Options: True|False
| If true, the user is not prompted, the file if it
| exists is automatically overwritten.
.. _box:
| ``box (string='')`` - Rectangular region to select in direction plane.
| Default: '' (use the entire direction plane)
.. _region:
| ``region (variant='')`` - Region selection.
| Default: '' (use the full image)
.. _chans:
| ``chans (string='')`` - Channels to use.
| Default: '' (use all channels)
.. _stokes:
| ``stokes (string='')`` - Stokes planes to use.
| Default: '' (use all Stokes planes)
.. _mask:
| ``mask (string='')`` - Mask to use.
| Default: none
.. _mode:
| ``mode (string='divide')`` - Divide or multiply the image by the primary beam image.
| Default: 'divide'
| Minimal match supported.
.. _cutoff:
| ``cutoff (double=-1.0)`` - Primary beam cutoff.
| Default: -1.0 (no cutoff)
| If mode is "d", all values less than this will be
| masked. If "m", all values greater will be
| masked. Less than 0, no cutoff (default)
.. _stretch:
| ``stretch (bool=False)`` - Stretch the mask if necessary and possible?
| Default: False
| Options: False|True