# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def imtrans(imagename, outfile='', order=''):
Reorder image axes
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- imagename_ (path) - Name of the input image which must be specified.
- outfile_ (string='') - Name of output CASA image.
- order_ (variant='') - New zero-based axes order.
.. _Description:
This task reorders (transposes) the axes in the input image to the
specified order. The associated pixel values and coordinate system
are transposed.
The *order* parameter describes the mapping of the input axes to
the output axes. It can be one of three types: a non-negative
integer, a string, or a list of strings. If a string or
non-negative integer, it should contain zero-based digits
describing the new order of the input axes. It must contain the
same number of (unique) digits as the number of input axes. For
example, specifying *order="1032"* or *order=1032* for a four axes
image maps input axes 1, 0, 3, 2 to output axes 0, 1, 2, 3. In the
case of order being a nonnegative integer and the zeroth axis in
the input being mapped to zeroth axis in the output, the zeroth
digit is implicitly understood to be 0, so that to transpose an
image where one would use a string *order="0321"*, one could
equivalently specify an int *order=321*. IMPORTANT: When
specifying a non-negative integer and mapping the zeroth axis of
the input to the zeroth axis of the output, do **not** explicitly
specify the leading 0; e.g., specify *order=321* rather than
*order=0321*. Python interprets an integer with a leading 0 as an
octal number.
Because of ambiguity for axes numbers greater than nine, using
string or integer order specifications cannot handle images
containing more than 10 axes. The order parameter can also be
specified as a list of strings which uniquely match, ignoring
case, the first characters of the image axis names
(ia.coordsys().names()). So to reorder an image with right
ascension, declination, and frequency axes, one could specify
*order=["d", "f", "r"]* or equivalently *["decl", "frequ", "right
a"]*. Note that specifying "ra" for the right ascension axis will
result in an error because "ra" does not match the first two
characters of "right ascension". Axes can be simultaneously
inverted in cases where order is a string or an array of strings
by specifying negative signs in front of the axis/axes to be
inverted. So, in a 4-D image, *order="-10-3-2"* maps input axes 1,
0, 3, 2 to output axes 0, 1, 2, 3 and reverses the direction and
values of input axes 1, 3, and 2.
.. _Examples:
# Swap the stokes and spectral axes in an
RA-Dec-Stokes-Frequency image
imagename = "myim.im"
outfile = "outim.im"
order = "0132"
# or
outfile = "myim_2.im"
order = 132
# or
outfile = "myim_3.im"
order = ["r", "d", "f", "s"]
# or
outfile = "myim_4.im"
order = ["rig", "declin", "frequ", "stok"]
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _imagename:
| ``imagename (path)`` - Name of the input image which must be specified.
.. _outfile:
| ``outfile (string='')`` - Name of output CASA image.
.. _order:
| ``order (variant='')`` - New zero-based axes order.