# stub function definition file for docstring parsing
[docs]def immoments(imagename, moments=[0], axis='spectral', region='', box='', chans='', stokes='', mask='', includepix=-1, excludepix=-1, outfile='', stretch=False):
Compute moments from an image
[`Description`_] [`Examples`_] [`Development`_] [`Details`_]
- imagename_ (path) - Name of the input image
- moments_ (intVec=[0]) - List of moments you would like to compute
- axis_ ({string, int}='spectral') - The momement axis: ra, dec, lat, long, spectral, or stokes
- region_ ({string, stringVec}='') - Region selection. Default is to use the full image.
- box_ (string='') - Rectangular region(s) to select in direction plane. Default is to use the entire direction plane.
- chans_ (string='') - Channels to use. Default is to use all channels.
- stokes_ (string='') - Stokes planes to use. Default is to use all Stokes planes.
- mask_ (variant='') - Mask to use. Default is none.
.. raw:: html
<details><summary><i> mask != '' </i></summary>
- stretch_ (bool=False) - Stretch the mask if necessary and possible?
.. raw:: html
- includepix_ ({int, doubleVec, intVec}=-1) - Range of pixel values to include
- excludepix_ ({int, doubleVec, intVec}=-1) - Range of pixel values to exclude
- outfile_ (string='') - Output image file name (or root for multiple moments)
.. _Description:
The spectral moment distributions at each pixel are
determined. The main control of the calculation is given by the
parameter *moments*:
- moments = -1 - mean value of the spectrum
- moments = 0 - integrated value of the spectrum
- moments = 1 - intensity weighted coordinate; traditionally
used to get "velocity fields"
- moments = 2 - intensity weighted dispersion of the coordinate;
traditionally used to get "velocity dispersion"
- moments = 3 - median value of the spectrum
- moments = 4 - median coordinate
- moments = 5 - standard deviation about the mean of the
- moments = 6 - root mean square of the spectrum
- moments = 7 - absolute mean deviation of the spectrum
- moments = 8 - maximum value of the spectrum
- moments = 9 - coordinate of the maximum value of the spectrum
- moments = 10 - minimum value of the spectrum
- moments = 11 - coordinate of the minimum value of the spectrum
The default value of *outfile* is the input image name appended by
an auto-determined suffix.
If *stretch=True* and if the number of mask dimensions is less
than or equal to the number of image dimensions and some axes in
the mask are degenerate while the corresponding axes in the image
are not, the mask will be stetched in the degenerate axis
dimensions. For example, if the input image has shape [100, 200,
10] and the input mask has shape [100, 200, 1] and *stretch=True*,
the mask will be stretched along the third dimension to shape
[100, 200, 10]. However if the mask is shape [100, 200, 2],
stretching is not possible and an error will result.
If an image has multiple per-channel beams and the moment axis is
equal to the spectral axis, each channel will be convolved with a
beam that has a minimum area necessary to contain each of the
image beams, ie, it is the minimum area common beam to which all
the beams in the image can be convolved.
.. rubric:: Task-specific parameter summary
List of moments to compute. See above for details.
Axis along which to compute the specified moments.
Range of pixel values to include in the computation. A range can
only be given for one of includepix or excludepix.
Range of pixel values to exclude in the computation. A range can
only be given for one of includepix or excludepix.
.. _Examples:
Example for creating the "moment 1" map, a map of the
intensity-weighted mean spectral axis value, which is often used
for finding velocity fields:
immoments(axis='spec', imagename='myimage', moments=[1],
Example for finding the spectral mean, -1 moment, on a specified
region of the image as defined by the *box* and *stokes*
imagename = 'myimage'
moments = [-1]
axis = 'spec'
stokes = 'I'
box = '55,12,97,32'
Example using a box
immoments('clean.image', axis='spec', box="40,40,120,120",
Example using a CRTF elliptical region with specified axis lengths
and a position angle of 30 degrees.
immoments('clean.image', axis='spec',
region="ellipse[[00:00:13.47460, +],
[10arcsec,15arcsec], 30deg]", outfile='mom_withmask.im')
Example using a mask created with a second file to select the data
used to calculate the 0-moment, integrated values. In this case,
the mask is from the calibrated.im file and all values that have a
value greater than 0.5 will be positive in the mask:
immoments('clean.image', axis='spec',
mask='"calibrated.im">0.5', outfile='mom_withmask.im')
.. _Development:
No additional development details
.. _Details:
Parameter Details
Detailed descriptions of each function parameter
.. _imagename:
| ``imagename (path)`` - Name of the input image
.. _moments:
| ``moments (intVec=[0])`` - List of moments you would like to compute
.. _axis:
| ``axis ({string, int}='spectral')`` - The momement axis: ra, dec, lat, long, spectral, or stokes
.. _region:
| ``region ({string, stringVec}='')`` - Region selection. Default is to use the full image.
.. _box:
| ``box (string='')`` - Rectangular region(s) to select in direction plane. Default is to use the entire direction plane.
.. _chans:
| ``chans (string='')`` - Channels to use. Default is to use all channels.
.. _stokes:
| ``stokes (string='')`` - Stokes planes to use. Default is to use all Stokes planes.
.. _mask:
| ``mask (variant='')`` - Mask to use. Default is none.
.. _includepix:
| ``includepix ({int, doubleVec, intVec}=-1)`` - Range of pixel values to include
.. _excludepix:
| ``excludepix ({int, doubleVec, intVec}=-1)`` - Range of pixel values to exclude
.. _outfile:
| ``outfile (string='')`` - Output image file name (or root for multiple moments)
.. _stretch:
| ``stretch (bool=False)`` - Stretch the mask if necessary and possible?